Chapter 140 Little Wronged Cat
A limp little kitten with drooping ears and an aggrieved expression.

The humming monster rubbed against the girl's neck, acting like a spoiled child.

"Miss Luo, I didn't expect you and Big Brother Lin to be the strongest!" Luo Sen ran over like a dog's leg, looking at Luo Yunjin and the wronged cat lying on her neck with admiration.

"We were able to escape smoothly this time, thanks to you and Lin Xi." Hongyan Xuan was also grateful, and she was very glad to accept these two people to join the team.

"What should they do?" Zhong Lingmei looked at Mo Hui, who had lost his power, and his bodyguard.

"Take away all the supplies, they have no powers anymore, let them destroy themselves." Mo Lian found the remote control that controls the explosives in City E from Mo Hui, and pressed the pause button.

Mo Lian didn't even look at Mo Hui, who was like a dead fish. He turned around and moved the supplies and weapons on the black vehicle to two vehicles, driving one for himself and Duan Ya.

"I won't leave with you guys. I still have to wait for my teammates." Rosen stopped where he was, a little lonely. He had already lost two teammates.

The explosion in City E was prevented from spreading, and the other teammates were supposed to be fine.

Xuan Hongyan didn't force it, and gave him a separate cart of supplies.

Then he took everyone from Team Rose to board the car.

The seedlings of the small orange tree are very sticky.

But the little milk cat will always gouge out the little orange tree with a knife when the girl is not paying attention.

The eyes that want to cut a tree cannot be hidden!
The little orange tree shivered and squeezed into the backpack.

These vehicles are much more advanced than their previous off-road vehicles. The interior space is very spacious, and there are even small coffee tables and small refrigerators.

The refrigerator is full of all kinds of snacks.

"City E can't go back. If you have nowhere to go, maybe you can go to City H? There is a newly established base in City H, and my home is also there." Luo Yunjin suggested.

Although City E is far away from City H, if they speed up the drive, they can arrive within five days.

"City H?" Xuan Hongyan pondered, "Actually, we were planning to go to the nearby Beimin Base, and everyone was homeless. If City H is good as you said, we can move there together."

"Very good. The base in City H was built by my brother. It's just like the cities before the end of the world. The entire base has full power supply and a theme park. It's very suitable for retirement."

"What do you think?" Xuan Hongyan, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, asked the other teammates.

"My brother is still missing." Xiao Jujue hesitated.

"I can go." Zhong Lingmei agreed decisively.

Duan Ya and the others had no objections either.

"Your brother is safe if he is not in City E. Don't worry, we will search as we go. They are all out looking for supplies, so they must be in a nearby city." Zhong Lingmei patted the back of Xiao Jujue's hand reassuringly.

"we can only do this."

So, they all decided to go to City H.

Although Luo Yunjin was very happy, she hadn't completed her two main missions in City E, especially mission one. Logically speaking, the shopping mall in City E no longer existed, and many teams had dispersed.

"Why hasn't the main mission of City E been completed yet?" Luo Yunjin asked the system.

[Dear~ I found out that your team is currently ranked No.3 among all the teams of supernatural beings in E City~]

Luo Yunjin originally thought that at most there would be a Jinglei team in the front, so why is it ranked third.

"Sister Hongyan, besides the Jinglei team, are there any other powerful teams in City E?"

Xuan Hongyan directly took out a manual for supernatural beings from her bag, "If my estimate is correct, our current overall strength should be ranked No. 3, the No. [-] team is the Jinglei team, and the second is the Bingyan team. "

Luo Yunjin took the manual.

It recorded the list of all the supernatural beings registered in the shopping malls in E City, and even Gu Xixi, who lives in the city center and owns a milk tea shop, also introduced it.

The No.1 Jinglei team has 21 members, four seventh-level supernatural powers, the captain Chu Yan, and a seventh-level high-level thunder system supernatural power.

No.2 Bingyan team, 18 members, four seventh-level supernatural powers, captain Lu Xuexue, seventh-level intermediate water system supernatural powers.

Team No.3 Rose, with 15 members, two seventh-level supernatural powers, captain Xuan Hongyan, and sixth-level high-level ice system supernatural powers.


The No.8 Barbaric Bull team has 22 members, a seventh-level supernatural power user, captain Niu Dahan, and a sixth-level high-level power supernatural power user.


A total of 23 teams of supernatural beings have been recorded, and all members have supernatural power attributes and levels.

Since she and Lin Xi were new to the shopping mall at that time, their records only had their names, without detailed introduction.

Gu Xixi is a gourmet-enhanced supernatural being, and there are few records in the manual. She is very mysterious. The milk tea shop can be moved at will. Besides her as the store manager, there is also a waiter who only appears at night.

Speaking of which, I didn't see Gu Xixi escaping either.

The handbook of supernatural beings also records the largest bases and safe areas at present.

"There is an RV in front." Duan Ya turned the steering wheel and turned on the horn.

The car parked slowly on the side of the road.

There were two women in the car. They were all messy, as if they had just escaped from somewhere.

Seeing Duan Ya, who was fairly clean, get off the car, the two walked over enthusiastically.

"Brother, are you a supernatural person?" One of the young women had tears in her eyes. She pushed back the hair that blocked her forehead, revealing her delicate and delicate face completely.

"Please, take our mother and daughter, we can give you our caravan." The older woman with disheveled hair pulled her daughter and pushed her directly towards Duan Ya.

Duan Ya moved decisively.

"Sorry, we were just passing by. Did you escape from City E?" Xuan Hongyan also got out of the car at this time, and greeted the two politely. Through observation, she saw a lot of scars on their bodies, and they must have not eaten for a long time flooded.

"No, girl, we escaped from a den of thieves, they... they may be about to catch up, are you all supernatural beings?" After seeing Hongyan Xuan, the woman pulled her daughter back, Eyes rolled.

Zhong Lingmei rolled down the car window, "If you are being bullied, just follow us and drive by yourself."

The woman was slightly taken aback.

Behind the car window, you can see three young girls. They are all clean and beautiful. They don't look like they are struggling to survive in the last days, as if they are traveling.

Such a clean and young woman must be a high-level power user.

The girl next to the woman looked at them enviously.

"Okay, we'll drive behind you." The woman pulled her daughter back into the car.

"Mom, why did you pull me just now? That man looks good." Li Juan pouted disapprovingly while sitting in the co-pilot.

"Didn't you see, they have two cars, and there are four young girls sitting in one of them. And the man just now obviously listened to the woman sitting in the co-pilot, they must all be high-level supernatural beings, why? I will fall in love with you." Gao Xiumei frowned.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing

  Taking advantage of Luo Yunjin's inattention, the little milk cat stared fiercely at the little orange tree who was trying to hug her leg.

  The small orange tree shivered, and the leaves shrugged and fell.

(End of this chapter)

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