The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 136 Let's just put it on the side of 1 (5 more)

Chapter 136 Let's Set It Aside (Fifth Watch)

A zombie slowly climbed up the wall, shook its head, and tried to spit, and sprayed it on Rosen who was closest to it.

Mo Lian quickly took a picture of the zombie.

It let out a wheezing sound.

"Have you noticed that these zombies are becoming more and more agile!" Xiao Jujue noticed that every time a wave of zombies was photographed, the speed of the next wave of zombies climbing up became faster.

"That's right, it's three seconds faster." Luo Yunjin held the phone in his hand and used a stopwatch to time the time. "Even they need to be tapped twice to be photographed!"

Lin Xi is cranking the charger.

Obviously, these zombies have learned to be smart. They have mastered climbing skills and learned to save energy.

"" A zombie climbed up before everyone could react, and sprayed green saliva at Rosen.

Rosen hid in time and didn't touch it. He was thankful for his healthy posture.

In the next second, there was a burst of behind him.

Two more zombies climbed up and spat at him.

He failed to hide both times, and he was successfully sullied.

"Ahh! It's so dirty! Why do they only spray me!" Rosen found that the crawling zombies were all targeting him, spitting happily.

"Maybe it's because you look better?" Xuan Hongyan kicked the zombies off the roof.

She began to condense a barrier of solid ice, covering the entire roof.

The snow and frost condensed on the thin but solid ice screen, and the faint light penetrated through the transparent white ice, as if magnified many times.

Although many zombies climbed to the edge of the roof, they all slipped down because they touched the smooth ice screen.

Only zombies with rich palm prints on their fingers can climb to the top of the ice screen, trying to break through the solid ice.

"The ice screen can last for an hour, we have to think about the countermeasures to go out." Xuan Hongyan continued to control the power output, her face was a little pale, the crystal nuclei in her hand were rapidly turning gray, and the energy was exhausted.

"I don't think you need to be so tired. We are in charge of one direction, and we should be able to kick all the zombies down without wasting our abilities." Duan Ya suggested.

"Perhaps all of our supernatural beings can raise a supernatural barrier on the roof. We have a rich variety of supernatural beings here, and there are many types of superpowers. They will definitely last longer, but it will waste superpowers and consume a lot of crystal nuclei." Rosen looked at the ice screen above his head and suggested.

"No, we don't have many crystal nuclei, and continuous output requires more time to recover." Mo Lian frowned.

Luo Yunjin squatted aside, rubbed Lin Xi's fingers, and beeped softly, "We'll just set it aside and let others think about it. You don't have to think about anything to be a happy salted fish. Follow the protagonist, and you will be able to fight until the end."

Lin Xi nodded in agreement.

Although her voice was very small, everyone around her heard it.

Xuan Hongyan has black lines all over her hair.

Luo Yunjin directly put a clean cotton padded jacket on the ground, and then sat on the padded jacket with Lin Xi, resting their chins on their hands, looking like they were watching a show.

"Go ahead, I support all decisions!" Luo Yunjin smiled brightly, "I'm just a little trash, maybe Lin Xi and I can be mascots to make those zombies beautiful?"

A row of black periods above Mo Lian's head.

"Can you make the zombies beautiful?" Rosen was extremely curious. He walked over, pinched his chin with one hand, and looked at the two people who had been peaceful for a long time.

Their clothes are clean.

Look at yourself again, enmm, very dirty, like a beggar.

One is tall and the other is short, both of them are very delicate, and they are still holding hands.

Look at yourself, enmm, a single dog, he shouldn't be considered ugly, he is also a handsome young man.

One of the two of them has a sixth-level primary lightning ability, and the other has a second-level advanced planting ability.

Look at yourself again, enmm, he is a seventh-level high-level fire-type power user!

The ability can outperform them, and Rosen suddenly feels confident again!
He quietly walked up to the two of them, bowed his head in a friendly manner, "Can I join you? I also want to show off, I'm a little trash, I just want to eat, drink and have fun."

Luo Yunjin turned her head and smiled, "No."

Lin Xi turned his head and sneered, "Get lost."

"Hmph, how ruthless!" Rosen complained lazily, walked up to Mo Lian, hooked his shoulders, "We have so many supernatural beings here, isn't it easy to deal with these zombies?"

Mo Lian took off his arm without saying a word, "Can you stand a little further away? There is zombie saliva on your body."

Rosen stood aside awkwardly, feeling alone and helpless.

"How about this, we each take turns for half an hour to raise the barrier, so that everyone can rest for a while." Xuan Hongyan said her proposal pertinently.

The zombies that climbed to the top of the ice screen were all frozen into ice cubes by her. As more and more zombies were frozen on the top, the ice screen needed to be cleaned every once in a while, and it would be very tiring for one person.

"It's almost dawn now, a few of our high-level power users should be enough." Mo Lian agreed with Xuan Hongyan's strategy.

He has a mental ability, and is one level higher than Xuan Hongyan, and the mental barrier can also defend against the invasion of zombies, which may be more effective.

As a result, all supernatural beings below the seventh level can be destroyed.

They all imitated Luo Yunjin, found cotton padded clothes to cushion them, and then sat in a row, resting their chins on their hands, watching ing.

Rosen looked around a row of people, almost forming a circle, and always felt that something was wrong.

"Ah? Why are we high-level power users so tired? We have to protect them, raise barriers, fight zombies, and support our families. Fifth- and sixth-level power users also have fighting power. Why can they be idle? ?” Rosen soul asked.

Xuan Hongyan glanced at him extremely coldly, "Because you are the strong, shouldn't the strong protect the weak? There are also members of your team, everyone is a team, and everyone has something they are good at."

"Yes, yes, Sister Hongyan is right." Xiao Jue applauded.

"That's right, do you think it's appropriate for a planting-type ability user, vision-enhancing type ability user, strength-type ability user, and healing-type ability user to raise the barrier?" Mo Lian said coldly.

"Yes, yes, Brother Mo Lian is right." Duan Ya applauded.

"You are a seventh-level advanced ability user, the strongest ability user here." Luo Yunjin said lightly, "You are a big boss!"

"Yes, yes, Xiao Yunjin is right." Zhong Lingmei applauded.

Rosen was dizzy, and still felt something was weird.

However, he was still a little flustered when he was praised by people who said "strong man" and "big guy".

"Yes, I am strong!" Rosen felt a sense of pride from the inside out.

He suddenly became full of energy.

In less than 10 minutes, Xuan Hongyan was asked to rest, and she nicknamed it, "I am a strong man, you are a girl, go to rest, I will come!"

The flame screen lights up.

Luo Yunjin held his chin: Strong is pretty strong, but a little too enthusiastic.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
  If you want to share the plot with me or are interested in the text, you can add a skirt: [-]
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing
  There is a lottery draw at the end of this chapter~

  Meow meow meow!
  Nothing behind this chapter!

(End of this chapter)

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