The mad critic is fluffy and wants to be rua!

Chapter 118 Little Boyfriend and Cute Girl

Chapter 118 Little Boyfriend and Cute Girl
The big bun is very tight, but it's too choking.

Luo Yunjin was full after eating half of it.

Lin Xi is not picky eater, so she ate the remaining half of her.

The fruit after the meal is iced watermelon.

After Luo Yunjin ate a small piece of watermelon, he received a task from the system.

[Ding dong, the E city mission is starting.Main task 1, join the Rose team, and become the team with the first combat effectiveness in E city, reward 100 gold coins.Main task 2, advance to the fifth level within three months, and reward the original manga modification authority. 】

Does the permission to modify comics mean that she can modify the plot at will, and even become the protagonist in the book?
Luo Yunjin expressed his doubts.

[Modification permissions cannot disintegrate the character design of the original book, you need to wait for you to complete the task before you can experience it~]

Luo Yunjin put the half-eaten watermelon on the table.

Then I saw a big hand take it away with its paws, and after a few bites, it was thrown into the trash can.

Luo Yunjin raised his head in doubt:? ? ?

Lin Xi wiped the corner of his mouth, pretending not to see it.

Next, when she went outside to check in, the young man followed closely behind her, and wanted to reach out to hold hands several times, but the girl either stuffed her pocket or grabbed her hair.

Xuan Hongyan at the side felt that she had been fed a mouthful of dog food.

But she was also very curious about why Lin Xi, a sixth-order mutant cat, was so obedient.

The sixth-level lightning-type abilities are also high-level abilities in the entire mall building, and they can completely own a residence independently.

Team Rose has become the talking point of many superpower teams because of the addition of a new lightning-type supernatural user.

In order to accomplish the task, Luo Yunjin agreed to Xuan Hongyan's invitation and temporarily joined Team Rose. Her name was also recorded in the team's ability manual.

Lin Xi is also included as a mutant cat.

"Sister Hongyan? Do you really want to accept a second-level supernatural person?" The little brother who was in charge of logging in the information of the supernatural person was very surprised.

You must know that Team Rose is one of the teams that everyone here wants to join. The benefits are good, and their actions are not subject to control, and they only go out collectively once a month.

Now it is very confusing to accept an ordinary second-level planting system supernatural power user.

Although the planting system is also a rare ability, the second level is too low, and there are also third-level and fourth-level planting system abilities in the mall.

"Just write it down, don't gossip with me." Xuan Hongyan glanced at her younger brother, "She is not an ordinary planting-type power user."

Just when Xuan Hongyan was about to lead the new team members back to celebrate and have a big meal, she was stopped by a group of strong men carrying machetes.

"Hey, you guys have a new boy and a cute girl." Niu Dahan put the rusty machete on the ground,
Niu Dahan stared at Luo Yunjin bitterly, the greed in his eyes was clear.

Without saying a word, Lin Xi directly bounced two thunderballs into his eyes.

The thunder ball exploded, and Niu Dahan's eyes also exploded.

Xuan Hongyan didn't expect Lin Xi to make a sudden move. This Niu Dahan is the captain of the Barbarian team, so his eyes were crippled?

The rest of the Barbarian team members were all carrying machetes, and they were about to rush up and start fighting in the next second.

Xuan Hongyan's face turned cold, "If you want to blame, you can only blame your team leader for being bold and unscrupulous. He ruined a pair of eyes, and he is considered cheap. There are not many supernatural beings ruined by your team? It deserves it!"

She froze the machetes in their hands with solid ice.

Lin Xi held the girl's little hand, and looked coldly at the crowd who were watching, "Whoever dares to look blind, I will make him really blind!" He touched the lightning flash in his hand.

Niu Dahan, who was covering his eyes and screaming in pain, immediately rolled to the ground, blood dripping from his eye sockets.

With the flickering of Lin Xi's fingertips, white brain tissue began to flow out of Niu Dahan's eye sockets.

Lin Xi pressed the girl's head with one hand, and turned her face to his chest, avoiding seeing this disgusting scene.

Everyone present shivered involuntarily.

The lightning ability is indeed the number one ability in the combat system, and a sixth-level junior can instantly kill a sixth-level advanced ability.

Facing the strong, everyone lowered their proud heads.

Lin Xi got the girl's little hand as he wished, and followed Xuan Hongyan back to their residence.

As soon as they entered the room, the members of Team Rose, who had just pretended to be cold, exploded.

"I'll go, you're so handsome, the Bulls are completely taken aback!" Duan Ya said excitedly, looking at Lin Xi with admiration in his eyes.

"That's right, as a member of Team Rose, you have to be tough when things happen!" Xuan Hongyan also smiled unexpectedly, "Now that you have joined, our team's combat effectiveness may be comparable to Team Thunder."

Mo Lian took off the red knit hat, nodded in praise, "I guess those supernatural beings who are threatened by you will avoid us when they see us."

Luo Yunjin raised her face from Lin Xi's arms, "What did you do to that stupid guy just now?"

"It's okay, just a few warnings." Lin Xi said lightly, reaching out and scratching the girl's nose, "I'll take you out to advance later, you've been stuck in the second-level elementary school for a while."

"That's right, I also beat a lot of zombies, and I feel a little less."

"I'll catch a hundred zombies and wipe your necks."

"Yeah, I don't pick them, you can catch them as you like. You don't need to pick some ugly zombies like before. I think the zombies here are all quite high-level, the body corruption is not serious, and most of them have beautiful features." Luo Yunjin muttered softly.

Everyone who listened to the entire conversation: ? ? ?
Do you still need to choose to catch zombies?
It wasn't until they went out together in the afternoon and saw Luo Yunjin's weird way of catching and killing zombies that the group of people had a new understanding of being proud of being favored.

The girl delicately held a long knife that didn't match her figure.

The man smiled and grabbed a bunch of tightly bound zombies.

Luo Yunjin chopped off the head of a fourth-tier fire zombie with a picky knife, and precisely picked out the crystal nucleus inside with the tip of the knife.

Her movements are agile and powerful.

The weirdest thing is that she can pick out the crystal nucleus with a single stroke of precision every time.

How much to come, how much to cut.

Xuan Hongyan also discovered the girl's strange strength, and stood aside in amazement.

I wanted to watch.

Half a skull fell on her shoulder.

Luo Yunjin chops up zombies, and always keeps himself clean. Those necrotic dry brains and all kinds of dried up eyes and ears fly around, precisely falling on everyone who wants to watch.

Every time Lin Xi took advantage of the emptiness to send zombies.

But everyone in the Rose team who tried to watch was more or less smashed.

Luo Yunjin cut more than 50 zombies tirelessly and finally advanced.

[Congratulations to the player who has successfully advanced to the second-tier intermediate level. The upper limit of spiritual power (power) has been raised to 100. The crop "small healing fruit" is activated. Each planting needs to consume 20 points of power, which can instantly restore all knife wounds, contusions, and falls. hit damage. 】

Small Healing Fruit is one of the most commonly planted fruits in the early stage of the game, and it is a must for low-level players to heal.

 Dididi, everyone try to support genuine reading~
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  PS: Severe calvin period, difficult ing

  Lin Xiaobailian Xi pressed the girl's head, forcing her face against his chest.

  Luo Mengmei Yunjin is struggling.

  The little boy smiled viciously: "Smell, it smells like a man!"
(End of this chapter)

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