I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 983 Gathering the best scientists in the world!

"What? The source of our current 'extreme climate disaster' is the sun, and in four or five years, there will be a 'doomsday level' catastrophe caused by a 'super giant solar storm'? Are you kidding me? Edmund , today is not April Fool’s Day, the Mayan prophecy has long been proven to be a joke.”

"This time it's not a joke or a joke. The person who made this prediction was Academician Qin Ke of Xia State. It was deduced based on the original big data analysis model."

"Academician Qin from Xia Kingdom? Edmund, where did you hear the news?"

"Academician Qin sent an early warning report to the mailbox of our meteorological center. Director Custer and Professor Fritz are currently discussing the matter urgently. It is expected that we will be notified for a meeting soon."

"...If it's Academician Qin's report, I'm afraid it's true. My God, I still have ten years of unpaid mortgage!"

"Shouldn't you be glad that you don't even have to pay back the mortgage after we're done together? I'm even worse off. I haven't had a girlfriend so far. I won't be single at the end of the world, right?"

"Besides talking about this, do you know if Academician Qin's report contains any information on how to deal with such a catastrophe?"

"I didn't see the report, so I don't know the situation. I just passed by Professor Fritz's office and heard him nagging a few words with a frown on his face, so I learned about this. Just wait a little longer, such an important matter will definitely happen. An all-staff meeting was held to discuss countermeasures.”

"That's right...I hope Academician Qin can come up with countermeasures."

"Yes, he is the most authoritative expert in this field... If he can't do anything, then we will really be doomed."

As the content of Qin Ke's report spread rapidly, similar conversations, either shocking, self-deprecating or anxious, took place in almost every national meteorological center, causing a great commotion.

Soon after, various national meteorological centers quickly convened all scientific researchers for a closed-door meeting to discuss countermeasures. In fact, the topic of the discussion was only one-"How to cooperate with Academician Qin to jointly prevent this world-class crisis."

High-level officials in various countries are also extremely nervous, especially those in coastal countries. The consequences mentioned in this report are too terrible. Geomagnetic storms will cause large-scale power supply facility failures, electronic equipment failures, satellite damage and subsequent consequences around the world. Not to mention the occurrence of more serious extreme climate disasters, just "the global sea level is expected to rise by 11 meters" will cause irreparable heavy losses.

For example, the entire land of the Netherlands will be submerged, and most of the island of Great Britain will be submerged in the sea. Los Angeles, New York, and Philadelphia in the United States will also face disaster. Almost all the most prosperous and economically developed coastal cities in mankind will suffer. , it can even be said that the entire map of the world will be redrawn.

No country can afford such an outcome.

As a result, Qin Ke had to spare a lot of time to make various reports. First he had a detailed discussion with Uncle Yang Chengke, and then Uncle Yang took him to meet with several elders and chatted all afternoon.

The next day, Qin Ke conducted a detailed and in-depth explanation of the situation through a video conference with scientists from dozens of countries. It was said to be an explanation, but in fact it was mainly explanation and demonstration.

Although Qin Ke's reputation is now unmatched by anyone, after all, it involves the future of the entire human race. No one dares to take it lightly, and no country will easily accept it just because of one of his reports.

In the end, this demonstration meeting lasted for nearly a week, and each country gathered its top scientists to participate in such a large discussion. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were responsible for establishing and optimizing the "Global Extreme Climate Causation Analysis Model" , Tao Zhexuan took turns to answer questions from representatives of scientists from various countries.

Although Qin Ke and the others explained it in detail and the demonstration process was flawless, scientist representatives from many countries still have doubts and have been unable to make a decision.

In the end, Qin Ke didn't have the patience to talk nonsense with these scientists. He didn't have so much time and energy to devote here.

He asked Shimmer to play the simulation animation again during the video conference, and then said: "In the previous week, I have finished the explanation part. At present, our team has not yet determined the specific outbreak time of the 'super giant solar storm'." The method will be finalized, but it will definitely take four to five years. To be on the safe side, we must complete the construction and testing of the 'planetary shield' within four years, and do everything well before the 'super giant solar storm' strikes. Preparations for response.”

He looked directly at the camera and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, the big crisis is approaching us step by step. We don't have time to waste our words and energy here arguing about the possibility of other plans. This 'Planet Shield' plan, the United States and major European countries have stated that they will fully participate and provide all available resources. Therefore, we will officially launch this plan starting tomorrow and enter the analysis and design stage."

"You can have reservations about this, or you can adopt other methods that you think are better and more feasible, but because the 'Planet Shield' requires the construction of large facilities within the borders of each participating country, if you do not join, we will not be able to As construction begins within the territory, the 'planetary shield' will not be able to cover and protect you, so please understand."

"Finally, if you do not reply to join our plan by 23:59 tonight, it will be deemed to have given up the right to join the 'Planet Shield' plan, and you will no longer be allowed to join in the future. Please report this matter to your country, thank you. ."

Qin Ke immediately hung up the video conference.

Now most of the countries in Europe, including Eagle, Germany, Italy, Sweden, and Norway, as well as the United States, Australia, and Goose, have agreed to join this "Planet Shield" plan after emergency consultations. Whether the remaining countries participate or not has no impact on the overall situation. At most, it will fail to achieve the three major goals. However, Qin Ke still has great confidence in withstanding the attack of the "super giant solar storm".

Qin Ke's tough and decisive attitude made the hesitant scientist representatives panic. If a "super giant solar storm" does occur in the future, the sky above their own country will not be protected, which will directly lead to the occurrence of geomagnetic storms. The consequences...the more they thought about it, the more frightened they became. They didn't dare to hesitate anymore and quickly reported back to the country.

That night, almost all participating countries sent formal confirmation letters, agreeing to participate in the "Planet Shield" plan, and reached a consensus that whatever resources and technical talents Academician Qin wants, they will fully support and cooperate. .

Of course, this is only a preliminary answer. The actual implementation, such as how to cooperate, how to ensure results, etc., involves too many countries and interests. This can only be done by representatives from each country for consultation. As a scientist, Qin Ke Regardless of this, he is only thinking about how to formulate the technical solutions for the "Planet Shield" plan.

A "planetary shield" technical solution that can cover the entire planet and dynamically adjust power is complex enough when you think about it.

It is necessary not only to ensure that when the "super giant solar storm" strikes, it can block all "attacks" and avoid damage to the planet's "outer magnetic field", but also to find ways to use this "super giant solar storm" to achieve control. The planet’s orbit, rotation tilt angle, and adjustment of the north and south magnetic fields. The entire defense process does not take a few seconds, but will last at least four or five days. During this period, the revolution and rotation of the planet continue...

So many restrictions are enough to make people despair. We also have to consider how to implement the "planetary shield", where to build the base station, and how to solve the most critical energy problem.

For example, how much energy is needed? Can it be satisfied by the energy provided by nuclear fission power plants alone? How many nuclear power plants do we need to build? Are we going to resort to the ultimate killer move, "controllable nuclear fusion"?

The plan and demonstration of the "planetary shield" alone will probably take half a year. With only three and a half years left, can we ensure the implementation of the plan?

This is not just a technical issue, but also involves engineering, management, overall planning, human resources management...

In addition, in these four years, the "prediction and response to extreme climate disasters" cannot stop. After all, in the next four years, the "Little Ice Age" will continue, with high temperatures and droughts in summer and severe cold and snowstorms in winter. Extreme disaster problems will still occur, and natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis will also occur frequently.

In other words, Qin Ke must fight on both sides in the next four years.

On the one hand, we need to continue to defend and respond to the increasingly severe "extreme climate disasters" and "natural disasters"; on the other hand, we must develop a "planetary protective shield" to resolve the "super giant solar storm" zone more than four years from now. The "first sign" of the coming catastrophe.

Thinking about this huge workload, anyone else would probably collapse and give up.

But Qin Ke didn't.

He had already analyzed these two major problems very calmly and had ways to deal with them.

Qin Ke is already well-prepared for the first major task, the next "prediction and response to extreme climate disasters."

At present, the talents of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory have basically been trained, and they have done a pretty good job in prediction. With the root cause of the extreme climate disaster problem found, the "Extreme Climate Disaster Prediction Model" has also completed corresponding optimization. In the next four years, we only need to carry out small optimization and upgrades based on the actual data every year. Qin Ke does not need to invest much energy.

With the "Extreme Climate Disaster Prediction Large Model", the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory is able to undertake the prediction and response to extreme climate disasters worldwide. Of course, Qin Ke does not have the time or energy to follow up on the prediction of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, etc. He can only leave it to the scientific research teams previously established by meteorological centers in various countries to continue to follow up and improve the effect of predictions. .

At least with the "big killer" of the NS equation and its general solution, the continuous improvement and improvement of prediction work will be much easier than before.

As for the second major project of researching and building a "planetary shield", Qin Ke didn't even think about shouldering all the management pressure by himself.

Lao Tao and Ning Qingyun will definitely continue to be his deputies. Qin Ke also plans to establish a hierarchical management system and assign technical research tasks according to the technical expertise of the scientific research teams sent by various countries. He will only take over the leaders of each team, and the internal tasks within the team will be assigned. The team leader is responsible for management, and he only focuses on the final research progress and results of each team.

As for the leaders of each team - Thomson and Chen Licheng will take over the "Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team", and the other teams will be recommended by each country. However, once Qin Ke finds that he is incompetent, he has the right to directly remove the team leader and ask for rearrangement. .

In short, we have one goal: to maximize efficiency and ensure that the "planetary shield" is built within four years and has the expected effect.

The first step is to gather a large number of the best scientists to come to Xia Country who can help formulate the technical plan for the "planetary shield".

Yes, the main office location of the core team is in Xia Kingdom. This was Qin Ke's request from the beginning, and all countries acquiesced.

Considering that it is estimated that more than 10,000 outstanding scientists from all over the world will fly to the capital of Xia Kingdom within ten days, Xia Kingdom also acted quickly and specially set aside a series of hotels in the suburbs of the capital to accommodate these outstanding scientists. After all, the country where these scientists are located pays for their work and work. Xia Guo is extremely happy to do such a good thing to promote local economic and cultural development.

Qin Ke didn't care about or interfere with these trivial matters. He had been busy looking through the resumes of scientists from various countries and selecting suitable candidates as candidates for his "core research team".

Fortunately, he has made a large number of friends in the international mathematics community and the international physics community in recent years, and most of these friends are highly respected and well-connected. After hearing Qin Ke’s needs, they all recommended a series of projects based on their understanding of the situation. list.

Some of the candidates on these lists are very famous, and some are even Nobel Prize winners, while some are scientific research weirdos who are not well-known internationally but have studied very deeply in certain niche fields.

Thanks to these lists, Qin Ke found many excellent candidates.

Edward Witten was also helping to look through the list. He and his wife Chiara came to Xia Capital again a few days ago and stayed at Qin Ke's house, which was adjacent to Lao Tao's room. In the words of the old man, in the face of such a major event that is related to the survival of all mankind, my old bones may be able to help a little, so let's use some of my spare energy.

For Qin Ke, Edward Witten played more than just "waste heat". He had a long history in international physics and was well-known and well-connected. Even some eccentric Frankensteins gave him some face, and some geeks It was only after he came forward and called many times that the other party agreed to invite him to come to Xia Kingdom.

Edward Witten put down the roster in his hand and sighed: "Qin Ke, when I saw you assemble that 'Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team' before, I already thought it was a rare and generous move. I didn't expect it to happen now." We also need to gather the best scientists in the world to discuss major issues. This will probably be the largest event in the history of the international scientific community."

Old Tao interrupted and laughed: "Edward, a big scientific research project like this to 'save the world' was originally the biggest event in human history. Fortunately, you didn't miss it, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life." (End of Chapter)

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