I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 934: July is a hot month, the hottest new direction in the international mathematics communi

Chapter 934: July is in full swing, the hottest new direction in the international mathematics community!

The ones who drove to take Qin Ke and his party home from the hospital were naturally Wei Feng and Wei Jing.Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Qin Xiaoke were in one car, while Tao Zhexuan, Qin Yanghui, and Shen Qiuyi, who came specially to pick Qin Ke out of the hospital, were in another car.

After getting in the car, Qin Ke accidentally found a familiar face sitting in the driver's seat, Wei Feng and his colleague Zheng Haiqiao.

Zheng Haiqiao can be regarded as the "old man" who follows Qin Ke. He once accompanied Qin Ke to Princeton University, but he has been responsible for external operations since then. Unlike Wei Feng and Wei Jing, who are always with Qin Kening and Qingyun.

"Brother Zheng is here too?" Qin Ke was a little surprised, so he said hello anyway. Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke also greeted Zheng Haiqiao politely.

Zheng Haiqiao, who had a buzzcut and was in his early 30s, was quite energetic. He said respectfully to Qin Ke and others: "Academician Qin, Academician Ning, and Miss Qin, hello."

Qin Ke chatted with him for a while and then noticed that Wei Feng's left leg seemed to be injured and his walking was a bit unnatural, so he asked with concern: "Brother Feng, why are you injured?"

Wei Jing next to her looked like she was laughing. Wei Feng glared at her and said angrily: "I accidentally kicked a pillar when I was walking. Academician Qin, don't worry, it won't affect your actions. But to make sure nothing goes wrong, I asked Haiqiao to come over. Please assist me."

Qin Ke knew from the look on his face that it wasn't such a stupid reason, but Wei Feng didn't elaborate, so Qin Ke didn't ask any more questions. He just smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "Why don't you rest for a few days? Anyway, Brother Zheng is there." Same here."

Wei Feng immediately shook his head: "No, no, it's just a little bruise, it's not a problem."

His injury was indeed not caused by kicking a pillar, but an injury he sustained while arresting a certain suspect.

It was the second day after Qin Ke fell into coma. A suspect from abroad approached Qin Ke's hospital with weapons. Wei Feng was feeling depressed and irritable. After receiving the news from the intelligence team, he immediately decided to lead the team himself. I went to catch someone, but because of my mood, I struck out too hard. When I knocked down the suspect, I kicked my foot on the iron pole behind me. The instep of my foot suddenly became swollen. The injury has not completely healed yet.

The most depressing thing is that after investigation, it was found that the suspect had nothing to do with Qin Ke, but just happened to be nearby because he committed another crime.

In other words, Wei Feng's injury was purely in vain.

For this reason, he was severely criticized by his superiors, saying that his friendship with Qin Ke had become too deep and that his emotions would affect his actions, and he was no longer suitable to protect Qin Ke. He was to be transferred, and Wei Feng was Admitting a mistake was both a self-examination and a written guarantee. It took a lot of effort to get the superior to give up the idea.

The reason is just as he said. Academician Qin is now receiving too much attention, and Wei Feng is always worried when other colleagues who are unfamiliar with the situation are suddenly replaced to take over the protection work.

Over the years of getting along with him, he has long regarded Qin Ke as a good friend and the best hope for the country's scientific research progress. Whether it is personal friendship or out of enthusiasm for the country and dedication to his duties, he is unwilling to leave his protection at this time. Qin Ke's post.

However, it was only a matter of time before he left. Wei Feng is almost 33 years old this year. Generally, after the special service personnel reach the age of 35, their physical fitness will begin to decline from their peak state, and they must leave their front-line positions. Therefore, at this time, he has begun to let Zheng Haiqiao slowly Take over.

Zheng Haiqiao looks older and looks similar to him in age, but in fact he is only 29 years old and has excellent skills.

Seeing Wei Feng's firm attitude, Qin Ke didn't try to persuade him anymore, but just said with relief, "Okay, I won't be leaving school these days, so you can rest more in the car."

"Thank you, Academician Qin, for your concern."

Zheng Haiqiao drove more steadily than Wei Feng. In about half an hour, Qin Ke and his party arrived at the garden villa safely.

"Dad!" As soon as everyone walked into the house, Ning Yongxi and Qin Junyao, who were one and two months old, staggered over and hugged Qin Ke's calf.

"Xiaoxiao and Zhengzheng are so good!" Qin Ke hugged his two beloved children and kissed each other, feeling filled with warmth in his heart.

Sure enough, it’s better to be at home!

Edward Witten, who stayed at home, smiled and came over to hug Qin Ke: "Welcome back to recovery, my friend."

Qin Ke exchanged a few greetings with Edward Witten and his wife and Mr. Qiu who came after hearing the news. Mr. Qiu then smiled and said: "By the way, Qin Ke, do you know that Professor Robert Langlands and Peter ·Professor Schultz’s latest news?”

"I don't know. What did they say?" Qin Ke really didn't pay attention, because too many people were looking for him, and he found it troublesome, so his mobile phone directly turned on the automatic answering mode, and Xiaoguang handled all his calls and messages. He himself accompanied Mr. Figueiredo, the director of the European Meteorological Center, and Professor Goldberg, the chief scientist, and really did not pay attention to the foreign news.

"Of course it is related to you. 'New Geometry' is now the most popular research direction in the international mathematics community!"


As Mr. Qiu said, Mr. Langlands's public speech has a profound influence.

More and more mathematicians are focusing on "new geometry". Many great mathematicians have studied the "Langlands Program" for decades, such as Philippine Prize winners Wu Baozhu, Schulz, and Vladimir Top mathematicians such as Drinfeld and Laurent Laforgue have expressed great interest in "new geometry".

You must know that these are all mathematicians who won the Fields Medal for their research on the "Langlands Program"!
Among them, Peter Schulz is a professor of mathematics at the University of Bonn in Germany and director of the Max Planck Institute of Mathematics. He is a famous German mathematical genius. He is only 36 years old this year, but his international reputation is no less than that of Tao Zhexuan. He has made outstanding achievements in arithmetic geometry and algebraic geometry. He was once hailed as "the successor of Grothendieck" and "the undisputed No. 1 in the current direction of arithmetic geometry."Of course, with the emergence of Qin Ke, his genius has dimmed a lot, but his godhead is still relatively stable.

In recent years, he has turned to the study of Hodge's conjecture, intending to use this as a breakthrough to establish a basic connection between the three disciplines of algebraic geometry, analysis and topology, and then solve the "standard conjecture" proposed by Grothendieck , but the result is a bit sad, because in June Zink had proved the Hodge conjecture through new geometry, making most of Peter Schultz's research results in the past five years useless, and also making Grot Tendijk's "standard conjecture" has gone from an unattainable pinnacle of mathematics to an existence within reach.

This made Peter Schulz feel extremely uncomfortable, especially after carefully studying the "new geometry". He had to admit that this "new geometry" surpassed Grothendieck's "algebraic geometry" in all aspects. ”, which also surpassed what he had studied throughout his life—“converting arithmetic algebraic geometry to p-adictic fields by introducing quasi-complete spaces, and applying it to Galois representation, and developing new cohomology theory.” Even though he had these achievements It was once called "one of the most promising framework systems for algebraic geometry in the next few decades."

It's just that as a genius mathematician, he refused to admit defeat and was paranoid, which made him somewhat irrational and wanted to continue to follow his own ideas to crack the "standard conjecture", even if it took another 30 or [-] years of detours.

However, as Mr. Langlands praised Zinke's "new geometry" and admitted his own shortcomings, Peter Schulz finally regained his composure and finally had to lower his head and publicly stated that he would study the "new geometry" in depth. " and try to solve the "standard conjecture" with "new geometry".

Even the most hard-line person Peter Schulz expressed his intention to "change his banner." Suddenly, "new geometry" became the hottest new direction in the international mathematics community, and countless mathematicians decisively threw themselves into the embrace of "new geometry" , calls for Qin Ke’s team to conduct public lectures on “new geometry” and prepare related tutorials are also increasing day by day.

But in the face of these calls, Qin Ke just replied through a scarf:

"Thank you Mr. Langlands and all colleagues in the mathematics community for their recognition and support of the 'new geometry'. However, the 'new geometry' is not the end. It can only be called a part of the unified basic theoretical framework of future mathematics. There is still a long way to go before the true 'unification of mathematics' can be achieved. Our team will not invest time and energy in promoting such 'intermediate results' for the time being. Those who are interested can read a few more papers, especially that one. "Using New Geometry to Prove Hodge's Conjecture" and the mathematical derivation process I used to derive and prove conclusions such as parallel space-time and timelines are all examples of the application of new geometry."

Regarding Qin Ke's response, the mathematics community also had mixed reactions. Some agreed with it while others regretted it. For example, many mathematics professors in Xia State believed that the goal of "unification of mathematics" was too far away, and that Academician Qin should first consolidate " "Results of the War", take advantage of the current booming situation of "new geometry" to establish books and theories, and enhance the voice and status of the "mathematical unification" of Xia's mathematics community. It is best to form a new school and promote Xia's mathematics. Great strides in career development.

But Qin Ke ignored these opinions and views. Firstly, he was too busy to pay attention to the "proposals" of these domestic conservatives who were obviously a waste of time. Secondly, he really believed that "new geometry" was not the end, even if it was necessary. It is not too late to promote your own theory until the "Unified Basic Theoretical Framework of Mathematics" is developed.

So after giving out this scarf, Qin Ke once again faded out of the world's sight, staying in the ivory tower of Qingmu University "without leaving home", blocking out the noise and noise from the outside world.

Except for the students and professors of Qingmu University who could see him and Ning Qingjun on campus from time to time, there was almost no way for the outside world to see them, and reporters from the media all declined interviews.

Of course, "staying at home" is an exaggeration. In fact, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun will leave the school from time to time to date and enjoy their world, but they often go to Wei Feng and Wei Jing's nanny car quietly. Wearing human skin hoods, putting on clothes that they would not normally wear, and wearing hats before going out, even if others were face to face with them, they would not know that the intimate couple in front of them was the famous Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun.

Occasionally, Qin Ke would take his wife to live in the two people's den in "Xingguang Mingyuan" for a whole day, living in a purely two-person world with only two of them.

It was originally used as a warm love nest for the two of them, but not long after moving to the garden villa, Ning Qingyun became pregnant, and then two babies were born, so that the two of them had no chance to return to the "Starlight Ming Yuan" Live in a duplex.

Now that the two children are over one year old, it is no problem to leave their parents for a few days when someone takes care of them. Qin Ke naturally wants to live a real two-person world with Ning Qingyun, at least in the duplex small house of "Xingguang Mingyun" In the nest, there are many beautiful cosplay clothes that he bought for Ning Qingyun before. It is impossible for Ning Qingyun to wear these clothes in the garden villa, but here at "Xingguang Mingyun", Ning Qingyun is not so shy and willing Match his little quirks.

During the summer vacation, the only teaching tasks left were to guide a small number of graduate students who had not returned to their hometown. Therefore, in addition to taking time to enjoy the two-person world with Ning Qingyun, Qin Ke devoted most of his energy to disaster prevention and scientific research.

Now is the scorching sun in July, and the extreme climate disasters of high temperature and drought have completely shrouded the northern hemisphere. Although Xia Kingdom can still endure it because of its advance preparation and proper response, it can only survive. , water shortages still occur in some areas because early response work has not been implemented well.

The long-term backwardness of Xia's modern meteorological disaster prevention system cannot be completely reversed and changed in just one or two years.

Fortunately, Qin Ke had taken advantage of the opportunity last time when the Director of the European Meteorological Center, Mr. Figueiredo, and the Chief Scientist, Professor Goldberg, came to Xia to visit him, and once again discussed in depth the details of the comprehensive cooperation between the two parties in meteorology, and the final results of the discussion were Qin Ke is very satisfied.

The European Meteorological Center will provide more and stronger technical and equipment support to help China establish an advanced meteorological monitoring and forecasting service system and a meteorological disaster prevention and response system that focus on precision monitoring, accurate forecasting, and emergency prevention as soon as possible, so as to achieve the goal of realizing summer weather. The country’s meteorological scientific research strength and meteorological disaster prevention and reduction capabilities have significantly improved.

This goal can be said in just one or two sentences, but it is extremely difficult to achieve. Money, equipment, and talent training must all keep up. For example, the density of the meteorological observation station network needs to be increased from the current average of 5 kilometers by 5 kilometers to 2.5 kilometers

Another example is that the grid system for meteorological disaster prevention and management must be extended from the current city, district, to towns and even villages, and a complete meteorological disaster mobilization and emergency response mechanism for the whole society to be established to improve the public's awareness of disaster prevention and response requires the development of meteorological disaster prevention and control systems. A lot of energy has been invested in satellites, daily education, and meteorological talents.

If you include the coastal marine meteorological disaster monitoring and risk warning system, the urban transportation safety supplies and other linkage systems, there will be even more affairs and countless money burned.

Fortunately, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, as the technical general advisers of the "Xiaguo Extreme Climate Disaster Response Command Center", hold the most important funding approval authority. They have enough funds to use, and they can use them in large quantities at the most favorable price. The price of European advanced meteorological equipment can continuously promote the upgrading of domestic equipment. It can also promote the exchange of meteorological talents and meteorological experience between Xia and Europe, so that Xia’s meteorological technology and meteorological disaster prevention and reduction capabilities can be stabilized. promote.

As for the specific implementation, Director Shen Yunzhang will naturally follow up. Qin Ke and his wife will withdraw from these heavy tasks and focus on their own research topics. Together with Edward Witten and Tao Zhexuan, they will work hard to achieve the goal. To overcome the problem of "harmless radioactive elements".


As the noisy cicadas and the scorching summer wind continue to circulate, the calendar is busy turning page by page, and in the blink of an eye it is the end of July.

The entire land was listless under the scorching sun, and the trees were drooping with branches and leaves, but in the garden villa, a burst of excited cheers was ringing out.

(End of this chapter)

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