I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 93 It's nice to have such a brother!

Chapter 93 It's nice to have such a brother!
Qin Ke went over to pick up the stack of papers that were going to be used for the in-class test, and smiled at the round-faced girl who was standing not far away and secretly looking at him: "You are Xiao Wen? My little sister often mentions you, can you trouble me?" Can you help distribute the papers?"

Xiao Wen blushed and nodded vigorously, and quickly handed out the papers, even the standing students like Wang Shudi.

"This is the test paper that Teacher Mo is going to use for the quiz. You can take a look first." Qin Ke turned his head and asked Wang Shudi: "Since you boast that you have good grades in mathematics, how long does it take to make such a test paper?"

Wang Shudi glanced at the question and estimated that it would take about 15 minutes, but he said: "Twelve minutes is enough for such a simple question!"

Qin Ke smiled faintly, and suddenly begged Mo Qing who was in the corridor: "Mr. Mo, how long will it take you to do this paper?"

"About 4 minutes."

"Do you mind if your students come out of blue?"

Teacher Mo guessed what he meant, and laughed and scolded: "If you can finish it in three and a half minutes, I will count you as the best!"

"Mr. Mo, I will try my best not to let you down." Qin Ke turned his head and said to Wang Shudi, "I am about four years older than you, I am a sophomore in high school, and you are in your first year of junior high school. I won't take advantage of you, just take a fraction." Well, you have 2 minutes, I have [-] minutes, let's see who can finish on time and get all right, how about it?"

2 minutes?
Qin Ke's words were like a stone thrown into a calm lake, immediately causing a series of ripples!

All the students subconsciously looked at the paper in their hands. There were ten multiple-choice questions, five fill-in-the-blank questions and one big question. They might not be able to finish reading the paper in 2 minutes, right?Didn't you hear what Teacher Mo said just now, even he needs 4 minutes? 2 minutes to finish, how is this possible?

Even Lao Mo's eyes widened. This kid, you're too bragging, right?

"Students with mobile phones, please mark down the time. Sister, open the paper and stand behind me."

Qin Ke picked up the chalk and stood in front of the podium. Qin Xiaoke stood behind him holding the paper with sparkling eyes. Several students who volunteered to be timekeepers had already turned on the timing function of their mobile phones.


The timing numbers on the screen of the mobile phone began to jump rapidly, Qin Ke turned his head calmly, glanced at the paper held by Qin Xiaoke, and the chalk in his hand flew quickly on the blackboard, like an elf with spirituality.

The fine white chalk shavings were lifted up gently, and fell quietly in the eyes of countless surprises, excitement, expectations, doubts, or shocks, and the correct fonts came out smoothly in one go.

"B, A, D, C, A, 17, -3, non-positive..."

The mouths of the students in the audience began to open wide, because Qin Ke's chalk didn't stop at all!

After finishing writing, Qin Ke threw down half of the chalk, and turned his head with a calm smile: "It's done."

A few timekeeper students came back to their senses, pressed the timer in a panic, and then stared at the time displayed on it with wide eyes.

The student timekeeper swallowed his saliva before saying in a trembling voice, "1 minute 3... 37 seconds..."

"My side is 1 minute and 36 seconds..."

quiet!The entire classroom fell into silence, all eyes turned into shock and disbelief, even the cigarette in Lao Mo's hand almost dropped.

1 minute and 36 seconds!

Faster than 2 minutes!

Oh my God!
Even if you copy the answer, you can't copy it so fast!

Because you have to look at the answer repeatedly to copy the answer!

But the high school student named Qin Ke on the podium only glanced at the test paper from beginning to end, and then finished the answer in one breath!

What level is this?It surpassed Teacher Mo's level!No wonder they can get full marks in the Olympiad Provincial Competition!
The eyes of a group of students looking at Qin Ke have turned into admiration.

Qin Xiaoke looked at his elder brother, his eyes were full of shining little stars, haha, as expected, my brother is still my brother, number one in the world!Peerless!
Qin Ke was delighted to hear the emotional value prompts ringing in his ears. This wave was not technically pretentious, and he easily got three or four hundred points of learning experience points.

Wang Shudi suddenly shouted excitedly: "This doesn't count, you...you must have read the answer to the question a long time ago!"

Qin Ke shrugged: "Mr. Mo, do you have an answer for this paper?"

Mo Qingqiu stared at Qin Ke with wide eyes in disbelief for a long time before replying: "No. I originally planned to explain it on the spot after I finished it, and I didn't prepare an answer. I can also testify that Qin Ke didn't read the topic beforehand. "

Mo Qingqiu is the homeroom teacher, so he still has the dignity, not to mention that it is his usual practice not to prepare the answer. The students in the class know it, so the students look at Qin Ke with a little more awe, and look at Wang Shudi. But a little more contempt.

Qin Ke looked at Wang Shudi with a half-smile:

"It's your turn, oh, I'm not afraid of you copying my answers, some of my answers are intentionally wrong. Then I will give a formula, and you can adjust the order according to the formula, and you can see Get the correct answer. Well, here’s the chalk, let’s start doing the questions..."

Wang Shudi subconsciously took the chalk, but looking at the blackboard, he felt his mind was blank. How could he make it all in twelve minutes? 15 minutes is enough!
After all, it was Lao Mo who said: "Okay, Wang Shudi, you go back. There are a few of you, go back."

Wang Shudi's face was pale, and he rolled back to his seat in disgrace, and his cronies also hurried back to their seats.

Qin Ke also motioned for Xiaomei and Xiaowen to return to their seats, then looked around at the junior high school students and said with a smile:

"I originally asked for leave today, mainly to celebrate my younger sister's birthday. It happened that Teacher Mo asked me to give a math class to my juniors, so I came. I did this paper just now, not to pretend, Not to bully you junior high school students. But to tell you..."

Qin Ke's voice echoed in the classroom with the winter chill, firm and sonorous:
"As a student, you should not be proud at any time. You must always remember that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond others. Only in this way can you learn humbly and keep pursuing progress. To tell you the truth, I have always dared to say that I am the 'No. [-] in the world'. Don't let yourself be proud..."

Immediately there was a sound of good-natured laughter from the audience.

"Okay, now I'm going to talk about this paper, oh yes, in fact, my answers are all correct, just to bluff that classmate Wang, I just wanted to test whether he was bragging when he said that he could finish it in twelve minutes. ...everyone saw it."

The laughter from the audience became louder.

Under the countless mocking gazes, Wang Shudi's face turned red and pale, and he could only bury his head under the desk, knowing in his heart that he had completely lost his prestige in this class. Repelling bullying is Amitabha.

After Qin Ke beat the underdog who dared to bully his younger sister, he began to give lectures. Now he has quite a lot of experience in lectures, and he has good eloquence. He throws out all kinds of jokes and jokes casually, which is both interesting and can deepen the memory of knowledge points. The laughter in the audience never stopped.

When the bell rang and Qin Ke announced that the class was over, there was thunderous applause, and the eyes looking at Qin Ke were all admiration.

Lao Mo shook his head and smiled wryly, you boy, I'm afraid that this group of brats will fall asleep after listening to my class.

"get out of class is over now, but I ordered a big cake and it has been delivered. It's an invitation to all the students to celebrate my little sister's birthday. I wonder if everyone can do me a favor?"

The students responded loudly: "We will participate!"

Qin Ke beckoned, and the brother from the cake shop who had been standing in the corridor with a double-layer cake came in immediately.

The classroom suddenly became lively. Except for Wang Shudi who felt too embarrassed and fled with a few friends, the rest of the students did not leave and all participated in the birthday party.

Qin Xiaoke blew out candles, made a wish, and took the top-end fruit notebook that her brother gave her amidst voices of admiration. She was so happy and excited that she couldn't speak.

After distributing the cakes, the students ate and bragged together. The atmosphere was lively, especially the female students, under Qin Ke's intentional or unintentional guidance, their relationship with Qin Xiaoke became much closer.

The joyful little banquet lasted for almost half an hour before it ended. At the end, Qin Ke clapped his hands to signal everyone to be quiet, and then stepped onto the podium and said, "At the end, I would like to ask all my juniors and sisters to do something. My little sister Well, although her academic performance is not good, her personality is lazy, and her temper is not good, to be honest, if she wasn't my sister, I wouldn't bother to talk to her at all..."

"Brother smelly! What are you talking about!" Qin Xiaoke stood up angrily and yelled, and there was another burst of joyful laughter among the students.

Qin Ke made a funny apology to her, and then seriously said to the students: "However, my little sister is a very kind and well-behaved girl, and she sings well and draws well. She will always be my pride , So, please, fellow students, please take care of her in the future, please." After saying that, she bowed deeply.

When did a group of junior high school students see their "big brother" and "teacher" who was a few years older than themselves bow to themselves, they were panicked for a while, not knowing how to deal with it, but they all responded: "Definitely, definitely..."

"Brother..." Qin Xiaoke looked at Qin Ke in a daze, and tears suddenly rolled down again. She rushed over and hugged her brother: "Wow——brother!"

"Hey, hey, you stinky girl, if you cry any more, my clothes will be dirty..."

"Woo - I don't care, I just cry and cry!"

Looking at the noisy brothers and sisters, the students in the first and third classes of the junior high school all laughed, the corners of their eyes were a little wet again, and their eyes were full of envy.

It's great to have such a brother!
 Continue to ask for monthly ticket recommendation tickets.There is an exchange Q group in the introduction.

(End of this chapter)

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