I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 923 The No. 1 irreplaceable great mathematician in the world!

Chapter 923 The most irreplaceable great mathematician in the world!

Qin Ke uploaded the paper around 10:30 in the morning in Xia China time, which corresponds to around 22:30 in the middle of the night in the United States. At this time, most people are already resting.However, the news that Qin Ke uploaded these two papers spread as quickly as possible throughout the academic and scientific research circles in the United States, and caused a huge sensation.

Most people were not too shocked when they saw the name "New Geometry", but Hodge guessed it was different. It was such a famous name.

[My God, Academician Xia Qinke and his wife even conquered the Hodge Conjecture!They solved four of the Millennium Conjectures!Looking at this momentum, it is estimated that within ten years, the seven millennium conjectures will become history? 】

[The Hodge conjecture has been proved. There should be answers to many unresolved properties and structure problems inherent in algebraic manifolds, right?Go, go, go and have a look. 】

[I had heard that they were studying this Hodge conjecture before, but I didn’t expect that the results would come out so soon!Modern algebraic manifolds are entering a new era! 】

[Not just algebraic manifolds, string theory, geometric analysis, and calculus in physics will all enter a new era! 】

[Hey, I discovered that Academician Qin Ke did not prove Hodge’s conjecture through the current mainstream Mori space and hierarchical advance and retreat principles, but used “new geometry”, which is the “new geometry” mentioned in the first paper. study"! 】

Countless people rushed to tell each other, and a large amount of discussion spread from various research institutions to major universities and families.

Not just the United States, as the arXiv website immediately announced Qin Ke’s words together with the paper and pinned them to the top of the site, the whole world was shocked!
They were not shocked. Even though Qin Ke had solved the three millennium problems of Riemann Hypothesis, NS Equation, and Yang-Mills Problem before, it had only been less than a year since he had completely conquered the Yang-Mills Problem. Another millennium puzzle solved?

After Qin Ke's "public speech" spread, countless people's attention finally shifted from proving Hodge's conjecture to the seemingly inconspicuous "new geometry".

Anyone who has read Qin Ke's "public speech" will take a breath and be shocked.

This "new geometry" actually achieves the complete unification of the three major disciplines of algebraic geometry, topology, and mathematical analysis within the same theoretical framework?And it also integrates more than a dozen sub-disciplines such as number theory, probability theory, and group theory, laying the foundation for a unified framework of mathematics in the future?

This is incredible!Even a brilliant "king of algebra" like Grothendieck could not achieve this great goal!

But no matter how unbelievable it is, as long as you think of what Qin Ke said in an interview after the Wolf Prize in Mathematics and Physics Awards in May, you will believe it. In addition, Qin Ke’s fame at this time The status and credibility have been improved a few points. In the end, there are fewer doubters and more believers, and countless people stay up all night reading it.

Countless people read the two papers eagerly, especially those college students majoring in mathematics, who regarded them as "martial arts secrets".

This is new geometry!A more advanced and powerful new subject developed from algebraic geometry, it is the cornerstone of the future unified framework theory of mathematics. Whoever masters the knowledge of this new subject is equivalent to keeping up with the future development trend of mathematics!

For a time, the entire academic and scientific research community around the world was in a commotion. Not only mathematicians paid attention to these two papers, but also physicists, especially those who studied particle physics and string theory, were facing I thought hard about the more than [-]-page paper "New Geometry - New Expanded Exploration and Thinking Based on Algebraic Geometry".

Unfortunately, for most people, these two papers are like "books from heaven", even if the first "promotion paper" of new geometry has been repeatedly optimized by nine mathematics masters such as Qin Ke and Edward, and it has been optimized as much as possible. The difficulty is lowered, but there is still a high reading threshold. At least a senior mathematics professor who has studied algebraic geometry for more than ten or 20 years can understand it. As for ordinary undergraduates and even graduate students, they can only understand the first four words at most. One percent, and in the end you can only look at the paper and sigh.

This is not to mention the second paper "Using New Geometry to Prove the Hodge Conjecture" which cannot be reduced in difficulty.This process of proving Hodge's conjecture can only be truly understood after studying the "new geometry". Otherwise, even top mathematics masters will have to spend a year or two to complete the verification.

Of course, in addition to these two papers, what Qin Ke revealed in his "public remarks" also aroused widespread discussion, because the recognition and goodwill towards the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton was unique.

As we all know, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun have never accepted letters of appointment from any foreign research institutions. Even if they have comprehensive and in-depth cooperation with the European Meteorological Center, they only signed the "Comprehensive and In-depth Scientific Research Cooperation" on behalf of the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Xia Guoqingmu University. It's just an agreement, there is no acceptance of the letter of appointment or actual joining.

But this time, these two outstanding young scientists expressed their willingness to accept the appointment letter from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton and become its "tenured professors"!Even if the two of them mainly stay in Xia Kingdom and only conduct scientific research cooperation remotely, this can only be regarded as a formal joining at best, but it is special enough!
Countless people regard Qin Ke's statement as a kind response to the previous statement of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. This has made countless research institutions and universities in the United States almost break their thighs with regret. If they had known at that time, they should have firmly followed Princeton's example. The Institute for Advanced Study spoke out in support of Qin Ke like that!

By signing these two top Xia Guo scientists, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton has significantly increased its reputation and strength. Maybe many outstanding young researchers will compete with these two iconic scientists. Join the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for more exposure opportunities!

——The debate over these two young academicians in the American academic and scientific research community is now one-sided.

For such mathematicians who are very likely to win the greatest holy grail in mathematics and realize the ultimate goal of unifying mathematics, almost all people with some discernment will tend to win over and make friends, rather than foolishly using "strong words" to rob. Logic blindly confronts and makes enemies!
For a time, the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton received a lot of envious and jealous looks, and the newly appointed director of the National Meteorological Center, Corey Felix, was in tragedy.

When he heard the news, his brain was buzzing and he was stunned.

His previous attitude was just to reduce the pressure of public opinion on the American Meteorological Center and please the high-level figures. Who would have thought that Qin Ke would throw out "new geometry" and "prove Hodge's conjecture" in such an exaggerated and gorgeous way? He used such a big weapon to prove his undoubted strength and gave him a loud slap in the face?

In the face of such a powerful force that was unprecedented and probably unprecedented, his excessive remarks suddenly turned into a stupid voice that did not know the general situation and was trying to block the car.

The final development of the situation also confirmed Corey Felix's worst guess. When a new official took office, he was not yet in the position of director, and he soon resigned amidst continuous opposition and accusations. The successor publicly announced a new policy - the US Meteorological Center will communicate with Academician Qin Ke of Xia State as soon as possible to strive to achieve friendly and in-depth cooperation.

What is the general trend?This is the general trend!

Compared with the uproar abroad, the domestic response is much simpler.

Although the paper has not been reviewed and officially published, most media openly published a series of eye-catching headlines out of trust in Qin Ke’s good academic reputation and unmistakable academic strength:
"There is no strongest, only stronger!"The team of Academician Qin Ke of my country has once again achieved unparalleled great results in mathematics! 》

"my country's Academician Qin Ke's team created a great new discipline "New Geometry"! 》

"Academician Qin Ke's team is only one step away from the ultimate goal of unifying mathematics! 》

"The Hodge Conjecture has been proven!"Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun have solved the Millennium Mathematics Conjecture for the fourth time! 》

"my country's Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun were rated as "the number one and irreplaceable great mathematicians in the world" by foreign media! 》《The first great miracle result of the luxurious mathematics team is born! 》

Even Qingmu University couldn't help but hastily issued an announcement stating that the research team led by our school's chief scientist, Academician Qin Ke and his wife, had achieved a new breakthrough in mathematics. Although it did not directly say that it had proved the Hodge conjecture, there were hints between the lines. His pride cannot be concealed.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who had just attracted attention because of the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony in early May, as well as Edward Witten and Tao Zhexuan in the team, have naturally become the focus of public discussion across the country.

Also, foreign mathematicians such as Faltings, Deligne, Lindenstrausch, Wiles, etc., who are relatively not well-known among ordinary people in China, have also greatly improved their reputation.

However, to the disappointment of most media, after Qin Ke published the paper and attracted huge attention, he still asked the school to refuse all interviews as usual.Even big-name media such as "Xiaguo Academic Journal" and "Xiaguo Youth Daily" wanted to conduct a brief interview of about 5 minutes, but they were declined by Qingmu University. The reason was: "Two academicians are leading a team to study string theory and radioactivity. The issue of detoxification of elements is a major issue related to nuclear sewage and cannot be affected by the outside world."

This reason spread quickly and spread all over the world, and became more and more exaggerated. Some foreign media even openly claimed that "the team of Academician Qin Ke of Xia State has mastered the secret of harmlessness of radioactive elements." , which also brought great diplomatic pressure to Japan. Faced with huge public pressure at home and abroad, Japan's TEPCO finally issued the latest announcement, stating that it would suspend the discharge of nuclear sewage and wait for good news.

What good news are you waiting for?Of course it’s good news from across the ocean.

Even if they know, even if there is good news, they still have to pay a considerable price to obtain the relevant technology patents.However, as long as the costs paid are acceptable, they are not willing to bear too much international pressure and the resulting damage to the reputation of fisheries and aquatic products and continue to discharge nuclear sewage...


Qin Ke was already aware of the attention his speech and the two papers would attract, and he did not take it to heart.When his fame reaches the level of a national treasure, he has indeed become something external.

Now he attaches more importance and concern to solving the problem of nuclear sewage as soon as possible.

Since the beginning of June, extreme climate disasters of high temperature and drought have arrived as expected. Fortunately, thanks to the continuous heavy rains in April this year, most areas of the Xia Kingdom have relied on reservoirs to store a large amount of fresh water resources, plus the original rivers and lakes , as long as you use it sparingly, you can survive this difficult summer.

The northwest region, which has always been the most water-scarce, has begun to produce cheap and high-quality freshwater because more than a dozen freshwater plants using the patented "Ling Lemon Technology New Energy and Water Desalination and Purification Integrated Technology Solution" have been built next to various saltwater lakes. The fresh water can basically guarantee the normal water supply in the northwest region.

The relatively reliable and stable supply of fresh water means that the promotion and planting of perfect desert sweet potatoes are no longer limited by fresh water resources, and can speed up the "encirclement war" in desert areas.As more and more green leaves of sweet potatoes appear in the desert edge areas, the scope and scale of sandstorms are reduced to a certain extent, which reduces the pain of sandstorms in northern areas while suffering from high temperatures and droughts.

These are all important reasons why this summer's high temperature and drought disasters are more severe than last year, but the losses caused are controllable.However, considering that there may not be heavy rainfall like April this year next year, in order to ensure the water supply for domestic, agricultural and industrial use in the north in the summer, the problem of nuclear sewage must be solved this year and large-scale seawater desalination plants should be built in coastal areas as soon as possible. , to supplement the shortage of fresh water resources.

To solve the problem of nuclear sewage, we must improve M theory and study the issue of harmlessness of radioactive elements.

But before that, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had more important things to do.After putting on sunglasses and hats to disguise themselves, they went to the international airport to see off some good friends.

Yes, four old friends Faltings, Deligne, Lindenstrausch and Wiles are returning to China.

After all, they are all busy people with their own careers and jobs. For example, Faltings is also the editor-in-chief of the "Annals of Mathematics" and cannot leave his position for a long time.Linden Strausch is also a professor of mathematics at Hebrew University. He has been in Xia Kingdom for nearly a month this time, which is considered a long time.

Now that "New Geometry" has been completed and released, the next research focus of Qin Ke's team is not the unification of mathematics, but the more physical M theory and radioactive elements. After discussion, the four of them felt that their role in staying was It was not big, so we decided to go back to our country respectively.

Wiles hugged Qin Ke according to the farewell etiquette of the Eagle Kingdom: "I wish you success in your subsequent research and early results. If radioactive elements can be truly rendered harmless, it will be of great benefit to mankind."

Next was Deligne. The old man chuckled and said: "Qin Ke, this month is the most meaningful time for me. I see the teacher's theory being so deepened and perfected, and displayed in the unification of mathematics." There is a brighter future than the Langlands Program, especially since I am also involved in this great work. I have no regrets in this life. Next, I plan to truly retire and follow Edward’s example and take my wife around the world. change."

Qin Ke hugged back hard: "Welcome to our final stop in Xia Kingdom, Pierre, I will always leave a room for you in my villa. An excellent mathematician like you will retire now, but you are a major figure in the world of mathematics." loss."

The third one is Faltings. This serious, picky, and arrogant old mathematician has a gentle smile in front of Qin Ke:
"You and Ning joining forces are the most beautiful scenery in the world of mathematics. I hope that even if you solve the ultimate problem of unifying mathematics in the future, you will not stop mathematics."

"Don't worry, mathematics never ends, and studying mathematics is my greatest interest."

Faltings rarely laughed loudly at Qin Ke's hearty answer.

Finally, it was Lindenstrauss: "Qin Ke, welcome you and Xiao Ning to the United States. Although some people are unpleasant to you, I believe that the welcome you receive in the United States will definitely exceed your expectations. "

"I will definitely go. Qingjun and I are going to receive the appointment letter from the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton."

Edward, Lao Tao, Ning Qingyun, Mr. Qiu, etc. also said goodbye to their old friends one by one.

This farewell did not alarm the media or Qingmu University. It seemed a bit simple. However, the deep friendship forged due to common interests will remain in everyone's hearts forever and will not fade due to the distance between us.


After seeing off his old friend, Qin Ke smiled at his friends and said, "Let's go, it's time to go back and attack our real project target!"

"GOGOGO!" Lao Tao responded first, and then several loud high-fives rang out in the airport parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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