I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 918: Fight for a precious friendship

Chapter 918: Fight for a precious friendship
When talking about modern geometry, we must focus on two great German mathematics masters. One is Riemann and the other is his teacher Gauss. Both of them can be called the "gods of mathematics." The master of mathematics is undoubtedly the founder of modern geometry.

Gauss was the first to conduct in-depth research on the theory of surfaces and projections, which became an important theoretical basis for differential geometry.

Riemann carried it forward, pioneered and innovated based on his teacher's research, and finally wrote a paper entitled "On the Assumptions as the Basis of Geometry".This paper was published in 1854, announcing the official founding of "Riemannian geometry" and creating a new broad field of geometry. From then on, Euclidean geometry (Euclidean geometry), Lochevos geometry (Lobachevs Fundamental geometry) and Riemannian geometry are three pillars.

The latter two have had a profound impact on modern physics, astronomy, and changes in the theory of human space and time in the universe.Riemannian geometry, in particular, shines in the fields of physics and differential manifolds because it can be used to describe surfaces with positive Gaussian curvature. It also became the mathematical basis for Einstein's general theory of relativity. Einstein mainly Use it to describe the relationship between space-time curvature and gravity.

Riemannian geometry is also of great significance to mathematics. It was Riemann who proposed the combination of geometry, analysis, and mathematical physics to form modern geometry.

Riemannian geometry is mentioned here mainly because the abstract concept of "Riemann surface" proposed by Riemann can describe all naturally existing smooth two-dimensional surfaces as Riemann surfaces, and in "string theory" in particle physics The "string" swept out by the vibration is a two-dimensional surface.This two-dimensional surface has been proven to have a structure given by a holomorphic function, that is, conformal geometry - which has also become the basis for the extension of the more important "conformal field theory" theory in modern string theory.

Especially with the development of modern particle physics theory, microscopic particle experiments require more and more energy, which can no longer be demonstrated through current experimental conditions. We can only turn to mathematics, especially geometry, in order to prove it theoretically. its establishment.

The geometrization of particle physics theory is a general trend, and most of the mathematical foundations of string theory are focused on geometry.For example, if we want to solve the problem of discrete geometric quantization and topology of gauge fields in a continuous unified field, we must further expand and improve the current geometry.

It is also for this reason that Qin Ke took the lead in the research group "Application of String Theory to Control the 'Decay Random Events' of Radioactive Elements", focused on the geometric direction, and established a "new geometry" based on algebraic geometry.

——If you want to apply string theory to control the "random events of decay" of radioactive elements, high-energy experiments alone cannot provide sufficient data support, and you can only rely on the innovation and development of geometry.

Edward Witten deeply agrees with this. He believes that theoretical physics will eventually be integrated into the furnace of geometric topology and become one. The future of theoretical physics is new geometry. Geometry will unify relativity and quantum mechanics in the future. To this end, he has been fully cooperating. Qin Ke perfected this "new geometry".

In these nine months, not only Qin Ke has made great progress, Professor Witten has also made great progress in algebraic group theory, Lie groups, Lie algebras, algebraic topology, ring theory, and the integration of Riemannian geometry. achieved great results.

Similarly, Lao Tao has made great achievements in the integration of probability theory, geometric probability theory, fuzzy mathematics, and catastrophe theory, and Ning Qingyun has also made great achievements in the integration of number theory and partial differential equations.

It was precisely with the joint efforts and watering of these partners that Qin Ke's "new geometry" finally successfully took root and sprouted from algebraic geometry, thrived, and the system became more and more complete.

In Qin Ke's conception, "new geometry" will serve as the core, connecting subjects such as algebra, number theory, probability theory, mathematical analysis, topology, etc., and ultimately form a preliminary theoretical framework for the unification of mathematics, so as the first step , it is crucial to form a “new geometry” with a relatively complete system and self-consistent logic.

It's just that the system of "new geometry" is too huge. How to simplify the complex and connect the various knowledge points with the most original "line" is full of difficulties and there are too many problems that need to be solved. Even if you are as strong as Qin Ke, you can't. It feels a bit strenuous.

Fortunately, now with the assistance of top mathematics masters such as Faltings and Deligne, Qin Ke has seen the dawn of success in the birth of "new geometry".

Faltings, Deligne and others were also completely obsessed with the pure pursuit and exploration of mathematics. They originally planned to stay for only one week, but found that there was not enough time and decided to stay for one more week.

But when Faltins and Deligne called the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton to apply for an extension of their vacation, they heard unexpected news: "What? Do you suggest that we go back to the United States as soon as possible?"

On the other side of the phone, Mr. Peter Goddard, the current dean of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, said somewhat helplessly: "It's just my personal suggestion. Now many people in the American academic community have heard that you assisted Academician Qin Ke in Xia Guo to improve He has publicly protested about his grand unified theory of mathematics."

"Protest?" Faltings felt incredible: "The research carried out by Academician Qin, whether it is the unification of mathematics or the detoxification of radioactive elements, once the results are achieved, will greatly benefit mankind and promote the progress of human civilization. , both Pierre and I feel honored and proud to be able to contribute to it! Who will protest and who dares to protest?"

Mr. Peter Goddard lowered his voice and said:

"Gelder, you also know that due to the failure to respond to heavy rain disasters, the director of the National Meteorological Center, Sisma Paulson, and more than a dozen researchers resigned some time ago, and the new director is Corey Felix. This person has never been very friendly to Eastern countries. This time he made a public speech and believed that Academician Qin Ke of Xia State clearly has an extreme climate disaster prediction model that can benefit the whole world, but he is unwilling to share it with the American Meteorological Center out of moral considerations. , causing the American people to suffer huge losses..."

"Isn't this nonsense?" Faltings rebuked unceremoniously:
"The American Meteorological Center has not cooperated with Xia Guo, so why should they share the results of their hard work with you for free? Isn't this gangster logic? And I remember that the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory here in Xia Guo did not refuse technical assistance, right? ?The only reply is that the forecast model has not been optimized for the local conditions in the United States and cannot guarantee the accuracy of the forecast. It is because the weather center in the United States is unwilling to open up data permissions or provide reciprocal technical exchange conditions. Instead, it chooses In order to conduct arrogant independent research, it finally led to the country’s failure to respond to heavy rain disasters!”

Mr. Peter Goddard sighed: "Although I and many people have the same idea as you, the current situation is indeed a bit troublesome. This time, the losses suffered by the Xia Kingdom and Europe are far less than those of our country. With the new arrival of Lee Felix, the reputation of the National Meteorological Center has been disgraced and is still being reviled in various ways. He always has to find some excuse to divert the grievances of the domestic people. Nearly [-] million people are still displaced. The resignation of Erson and others cannot quell this anger and resentment, so the bandit logic he threw out has some effect."

Speaking of this, Mr. Peter Goddard said with helplessness: "In the American academic and scientific research community, there are many people who are jealous and hostile to Academician Qin Ke and his wife. Some scientific research organizations even clamored that if Qin Ke If academicians here do not publish their meteorological disaster prediction model, the United States should refuse all scientific research cooperation with Xia Guo..."

Hearing this, even the good-tempered Deligne couldn't help but frown and cursed: "It's just a nonsense that confuses right and wrong!"

"Yeah, we all know it's nonsense, but the people who have suffered losses and lost their homes can't find an outlet to vent their emotions. Many people have been incited by Corey Felix. In addition, there are people in the United States Dozens of small media outlets are adding fuel to the flames of spreading rumors and causing trouble, and in short the situation has become a bit complicated."

When Mr. Peter Goddard said this, he rubbed his forehead with a headache.The prediction of climate disasters and meteorological disasters has always been the focus of scientific research in various countries, but it is also one of the difficulties. Take typhoons as an example. Typhoons occur dozens of times every year, but even if meteorological satellites become more and more advanced, the The number of meteorological satellites is increasing, and the data collected is becoming more and more detailed, but it is still impossible to achieve a more accurate prediction of the trajectory of typhoons, and even the main factors that affect the trajectory of typhoons cannot be identified.

Even frequent meteorological disasters such as typhoons cannot be accurately predicted, let alone those extreme climate disasters with lower occurrence probability, less data, and larger impact range.

Countries can only respond passively to climate disasters. As for prediction technology, it is basically believed that there will be no major breakthrough within a hundred years.

However, in April last year, academician Xia Guoqinke's prediction suddenly broke through this thick technological fog, allowing the light of science and technology to illuminate the field of meteorological disaster prediction. It can almost be described as accurate, "successful prediction" that the industry believes "The Impossible El Niño Phenomenon" suddenly made the young academician Xia Guo, his wife, and the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Qingmu University behind them soar to the sky.

When the successful prediction of "high temperature and drought disaster in the Northern Hemisphere" put it on the altar, the European Meteorological Center shamelessly backed Xia Guo, collaborating with Academician Qin Ke, Academician Ning Qingjun, and the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Qingmu University. Establish a comprehensive and in-depth partnership.

Such in-depth cooperation reaped great benefits during the long-term heavy rain disaster in April this year. Because of the more accurate predictions from the forecast model, the losses suffered by European countries were not large, at least compared to the losses in the United States. Not worth mentioning at all.

How can this not make the US Meteorological Center, which has been criticized by the public, anxious and angry?

However, the U.S. Meteorological Center is unwilling to compromise on technology transfer, technology sharing, and data sharing. It only wants to give a little benefit and wants to obtain Xia's best extreme climate prediction model and related technologies that are leading in the world. ,is it possible?

Totally impossible!
So Corey Felix shamelessly resorted to this trick of moving the disaster eastward, which not only put pressure on the Xia Kingdom, but also diverted the attention of the people in the country who were affected by the disaster.This trick does have some effect, at least now the US weather center is under much less pressure.

However, Academician Qin Ke is still quite famous in the American mathematics community, especially among young students. Now many people have come out to accuse and criticize the American Meteorological Center and Corey Felix. I heard that even some scientists at the American Meteorological Center strongly opposed it. Cory Felix does this.

Nowadays, there are wars of words everywhere in the academic and scientific research circles in the United States. There are voices supporting Qin Ke and opposing Qin Ke. In short, it is a complete mess and chaos.

The Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton has always advocated that it concentrate on doing the purest and most cutting-edge research and never wants to get involved in any turmoil.Qin Ke is now at the forefront of the storm. As the dean, Mr. Peter Goddard naturally hopes that Faltings, Deligne and other senior mathematicians in the School of Mathematics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton will step aside in time and not stand in the storm. The biggest thing.

"Gelder, Pierre, I am also very happy to see you interacting with outstanding mathematicians like Academician Qin Ke, but it is really not a good time recently. Why not come back first, and wait for a few months before you go to Xiamen?" Country..." Old Mr. Peter Goddard advised earnestly.

"No, just because something like this happened, I can't go back." Faltings suppressed his anger and interrupted:

"Instead, I want to apply to extend my vacation for one month. I am just a mathematician and do not want to get involved in the messy disputes in meteorology, but this time it is clearly Corey Felix's malicious rumor and unreasonable trouble!"

His gray eyebrows twitched and he said firmly: "I can't represent the mathematics community in the United States, but I can express my position on my own behalf. Academician Qin Ke is a great mathematician that I respect and recognize. He uses his superb mathematical ability to deal with meteorological disasters." Making predictions is a great move for the benefit of mankind, but this does not mean that he is obliged to disclose it for free! The law of equivalent exchange is a basic principle in mathematics! I will announce my decision and attitude through social platforms. Peter, don’t worry, I The above content will be published only in my own name, and I will make it clear that I do not represent the Institute for Advanced Study and the Annals of Mathematics."

Deligne also nodded and said: "Peter, I have the same attitude. My vacation will be extended by one month. We will continue to stay in Xia Kingdom and contribute to a great research that is destined to illuminate the mathematics world for hundreds of years." .”

Old Mr. Peter Goddard heard the determination in the two people's voices, so he could only sigh and agreed: "I have approved your vacation. By the way, I wish you good luck, my old friend."

Although he is the dean of the institute, he cannot take any strong measures against world-famous and respected mathematics masters like Faltings and Deligne.

"Thank you, Peter." Deligne said: "I also wish you good luck. By the way, I think the American Meteorological Center is doing the stupidest thing. It is ruining its own future. It is not an exaggeration to say , Academician Qin Ke, represents the future, both in the mathematics world and in the scientific research world."

After ending the call, Mr. Peter Goddard, who was far away at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, the United States, was stunned for a long time.

Faltings knew that Qin Ke was very optimistic about him, but he didn't expect that even Deligne valued Qin Ke so much.

He put down the microphone and murmured Deligne's last words: "Academician Qin Ke, does this represent...the future?"

He paced back and forth in the room, thinking back on the series of miracles and dazzling achievements Qin Ke had created.

After 5 minutes, he finally made up his mind and called his secretary in: "Go and notify several committee members. There will be a meeting in the conference room in half an hour. There are important things to discuss and vote on."

He wanted to try to change the Institute for Advanced Study's tradition of never getting involved in current affairs in order to gain a precious friendship.

(End of this chapter)

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