I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 895 The biggest and last revolution in computer computing power is about to begin!

Affected by this news, IBM's stock price fell immediately after the US stock market opened that day, falling by nearly 17% in one breath, because countless investors believed that IBM would not be able to gain a competitive advantage in quantum computers.

IBM was so frightened that after confirming the authenticity of the news about "Lime Superconducting Material No. [-]", it immediately announced that it would stop its highly fault-tolerant research project on quantum communications and instead actively seek information on "Ling Lime Superconducting Material No. [-]". Purchase patent rights and make a statement:
"I would like to thank Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun of Xia Guo and all the researchers at Qingning Technology Quantum Computing Laboratory for eliminating a major difficulty in the development of quantum chips. In the future, IBM will continue to focus on the research and development of quantum chips and I am very happy to reach a patent cooperation agreement with Qing Ning Technology..."

In a word, if you can't beat them, you will give in decisively and join your opponent's side to become an ally.

Even IBM, which has always been strong, was trembling. After being silent for a long time, other research institutions also issued similar statements.

Until this moment, no one in the entire world, except for the members of the Qing Ning Technology Computing Quantum Laboratory, had seen the appearance of the "Qing Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]".

This is evident from the high prestige and huge influence that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had in the international scientific research community at this time.


As for Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun, who were the instigators of the incident, their phones were also flooded with calls, including Uncle Yang, Uncle Chen, the leaders of Qingmu University, as well as domestic experts, academicians, and gods in the field of quantum computing. Everyone is here to determine whether the "Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]" is real, whether the various indicators are really as incredible as mentioned in the patent application, and whether the cost is really so cheap...

In fact, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun got the latest experimental reports written by Harold, Ling Shaotang and others when they were in Yuanzhou. The samples this time were re-run many times based on the experimental optimization requirements they fed back when they were in Eagle Country. The optimal results obtained after the experiment finally reached the original experimental goals in various performance indicators.

After analysis, Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun believe that the "Ling Ning Superconducting No. [-] Material" prepared in this last experiment should be the optimal solution between cost and efficiency in today's era, and it is the best that can be industrially produced. The Majorana fermion carrier allowed Lime Technology to go through the patent application process first.

As for the "Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]" sample from the Qing Ning Technology Quantum Computing Laboratory, they saw and inspected it immediately after returning to the capital. Unexpectedly, just after the celebration banquet, the patent application management department came to the Information on "Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]" has been published.

——This is also the reason why Qing Ning Technology has now opened a green express channel for all patent application processes. It only takes less than five days from application to publicity.

It's just that Qin Ke didn't expect the media to pay such close attention. He discovered it early before the Qingning Technology Quantum Computing Laboratory officially announced the news.

Fortunately, Qin Ke and his wife, who were used to being bombarded with phone calls from all walks of life, quickly turned on the automatic answering mode of Shimmer, logged into the scarf together, and published a new scarf:
"Originally I wanted to make an announcement, but I didn't expect that many friends on the Internet have paid attention to the existence of 'Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]' and expressed curiosity about its existence. Let me explain it here. First of all, I would like to thank you all for your support of our team's research results. In the past two years, our team has been continuously researching the 'Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]' and optimizing and improving the 'Ling Ning Topological Superconducting Vortex State Theoretical Model System' in the past two years."

"It's just because the road to scientific research is easier said than done, and it's extremely difficult to make further progress. We also use mathematical analysis and modeling to continuously invest huge manpower and material resources in research and development - the monthly research and development expenses are about 4000 million to 5000 million. [-] million - it took nearly two years to finally research and prepare this latest 'Lime Superconducting No. [-] Material'."

"Without further ado, let's go straight to the picture. The following is the true appearance of the 'Lime Superconducting Material No. 1' and screenshots of its various experimental indicators under laboratory conditions. There are nine pictures in total, which fit into a nine-square grid. [Picture 2.jpg][Picture [-].jpg]……”

"Currently, the patent related to 'Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]' has reached the publicity stage. If you are interested in patent cooperation or want to apply for a patent for its use, please contact Qing Ning Technology directly. We are not responsible for this business matter. We will intervene and intervene, but we don’t have the ability in this area, and we don’t have so much time and energy.”

"I am very happy to make a certain contribution to the development of quantum computers in the world. These achievements cannot be achieved without the care and guidance of the superior departments, not to mention the hard work and sweat of every member of our team."

"The paper titled "Theoretical Principles of Superconducting Materials Using Composite Graphene Multidimensional Nanoribbons as the Core to Realize High Fault-Tolerant Communication of Millions of Qubits" is basically half-written. It will probably be uploaded to arXiv next week and submitted to " It will be published in Nature Physics or other journals, so stay tuned."

"For the research on topological quantum computing, we have basically achieved the initial goal here. Next, our team has two research and development directions. One is naturally to continue to study the better and cheaper 'Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. 99.9999', and In this process, we continue to improve and optimize the "Ling Ning topological superconducting vortex state theoretical model system", and finally achieve quantum computing with a fidelity and fault tolerance rate of [-]%, tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of qubits."

"The second research and development direction is quantum chip materials. The goal is to develop quantum chip materials that are more economical and stable, support the stimulation of more quanta, and realize more qubit calculations."

"Both of these research and development goals require more time and effort, and are conservatively estimated to be more than five years. If there are no big results, we will not release any news to avoid taking up everyone's precious time."

"By the way, everyone still needs to save more food, water and electricity. Although the 'El Niño Disaster Prevention and Response Command Center' where we are located - oh, by the way, has now been renamed the 'Xiaguo Extreme Climate Disaster Response Command Center' - —We will continue to go all out to do disaster prevention and response work, try our best to reduce the inconvenience caused by extreme weather disasters to everyone's life and work, and reduce social economic losses, but the summer and winter of the next three years will indeed be difficult. , please be mentally prepared."

"Finally, thank you all for your attention and support. I wish you all a happy life, happiness and health!"

"Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, November 20, 11XX"

With the terrifying influence of Qin Ke and his wife, who have exceeded 3 million followers at this time, ten minutes after they posted the scarf, the entire scarf server became laggy, and countless netizens flocked to the scarf after hearing the news. Like, retweet and comment.

[Academician Qin gave out a scarf, so I guessed something big was going to happen. As expected, he was far ahead again this time. Should foreign research institutes panic? [dog head.jpg]]

[I’m already panicking. Didn’t I see that IBM has posted a notice on their website to suspend the research plan on quantum fault tolerance and instead seek patent technology authorization from Qingning Technology Quantum Computing Laboratory?Please allow me to laugh out loud!Hahaha--! 】

[If you burn 5000 million every month, didn’t you burn 12 billion in those two years?So scary!Sure enough, top scientific research is really expensive! 】

[It’s awesome to be able to do something with 12 billion, don’t you see, IBM and Google have spent billions and yet they haven’t come up with such dazzling results!What they are burning is US dollars in research funds! 】

[Academician Qin actually said he was taking up our time?No, no, no, our time is not precious at all, and we don’t like it when others take it up. However, I am very happy to see the news about scarves you two sent. Please be sure to send more news about scarves. You can post any research news. You don’t have to wait every time. Only when something big happens does it scare us. 】

[Support the point above.Let me do the math. You can type at least a hundred words in one minute. Academician Qin, you just need to spare one minute every week to give out scarves. We love to see it!Even if you share the little things in your life, it’s okay!We really like you both, and hope you won’t be disrespectful (Shiba Inu funny expression.jpg)]

[The person asking for a beating upstairs actually dared to say to Academician Qin that he "doesn't know how to commend himself"?But since you have such a life-saving emoji, we’ll give you a big thumbs up! 】

[This is another research result that is incomprehensible, but in any case, you can tell that it is a very awesome, awesome kind of research result, right? 】

[I was completely confused when I saw those pictures, and I didn’t understand the title of the paper at all... Forget it, the world of academic gods is not accessible to us mortals, let’s just take a look and worship by the way, and we won’t say anything. . 】

[Academician Qin’s research is still of such a long range, and now the entire Internet is discussing their predictions about climate direction. With a “swish”, they have come up with quantum topological superconducting materials, which is always surprising! 】

[I won’t say much more, anyway, it’s just one sentence - Academician Qin, Academician Ning, is unparalleled in the world and a national treasure! 】


The Internet is buzzing with activity, and requests for interviews from the media are flying in like flakes. Even CC1 wants to do a special interview column for them.Qin Ke declined all requests from the school for help. Now, neither he nor the "Ling Ning Superconducting Material No. [-]" needed to increase their popularity through media exposure. He just wanted to quietly do his favorite scientific research.

In the garden villa area, at night, Ning Qingyun, Qin Xiaoke, and Academician Tian Jianlan were trying to feed the two babies complementary food, with the confinement nanny guiding them.

The six-month-old baby is already able to turn over on his own, especially his sister Xiaoxiao, who has a strong language talent and likes to use "baby talk" to communicate with others. She opens and closes her mouth and makes babbling sounds that are very cute. When you smile, you will show two small baby teeth.The confinement sister estimates that in a month or two, my sister will call her mom or dad.

And the younger brother Zhengzheng is still a quiet and beautiful man, he doesn't like to talk, he just opens his big bright eyes to observe the expressions of others. Sometimes when others speak, he will nod as if he understands, which is so cute that people's hearts melt.

Anyway, Qin Xiaoke, who was an aunt, loved the two babies very much. After being separated for nearly a month in October, she almost couldn't bear to separate the two babies after seeing them again. As long as she came back from school, Will definitely stay with the two little ones.

Listening to the lively sounds of coaxing children over there, Qin Ke, Edward Witten, and Mr. Qiu sitting in the tea room in the living room couldn't help but look at each other and smile.Professor Tao had no class this morning (it was morning in the United States time) and also held a video conference.

After everyone chatted about Qin Ke's affairs abroad, they returned to the topic.

The so-called main topic is naturally the research topic of several people's cooperation - "Application of string theory to control the 'decay random events' of radioactive elements."

These days, Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun are out of the country or staying in Yuanzhou. The main focus on this topic has become Professor Witten and Professor Tao who are far away in the United States. Qin Ke only spares an hour every day to participate in remote video conferences.

Fortunately, this physics topic has been transformed into a mathematical geometry and probability theory problem by the four people, and then each of them worked separately to solve the detailed problems.

As we all know, as far as current mathematical theory is concerned, probability is random and uncontrollable. That is, it is almost impossible to accurately make a certain random situation appear or not occur, but the occurrence of probability also requires conditions. The corresponding probability will only appear when the conditions are met.

Just like tossing a coin on a level ground, there will only be three probabilities of heads, tails, and uprights after landing. However, if the ground is uneven, there will be a probability of tilting.If the height from the ground is lower and you pay attention to the angle when tossing a coin, the probability of a certain situation will greatly increase, and the probability of a certain situation will decrease greatly.

What Qin Ke and his colleagues want to do with this project is to find "conditions" through the application of string theory, so that the probability of radioactive elements decaying will be greatly reduced, while the probability of no decay will be greatly increased.

As long as the probability of no decay phenomenon is close to infinity, radioactive elements can be considered safe and the radioactive hazards caused by them are almost non-existent.

String theory sounds very simple. It just replaces infinitesimal particles with tiny vibrating string loops to explain the world. However, the more seemingly simple the theory is, the more complicated it actually is. Even the great master of string theory, who proposed M Theorist Edward Witten also failed to give a strict and accurate definition of M theory in mathematical language.

What is certain now is that the core of string theory is multi-dimensional space. The ultimate goal of M theory is to use a law to describe all known forces. To achieve this, we must work on basic mathematics and even the unification of mathematics. Make a breakthrough.

The current mathematical core of this subject is geometry, but sub-disciplines such as algebra, number theory, and probability theory are also very important. The work of several people also has a certain concept of "mathematical unification" in it.

The framework of the entire project was proposed by Qin Ke and was improved by the other three people. There was no clear boundary between each person's division of labor.

In summary, Qin Ke is mainly responsible for geometry, including Euclidean geometry, Roche geometry, Riemannian geometry, algebraic geometry, etc. In addition, there are also sub-disciplines or related topics such as topology, complex functions, Lie groups, differential equations, chaos theory, etc. Subject.

Professor Witten is responsible for the algebraic part, such as group theory, Lie groups, Lie algebras, ring theory, algebraic topology, and some parts of geometry.

Ning Qingyun is mainly responsible for number theory and partial differential equations.

The probability theory part is naturally completed by Professor Tao. Professor Tao also studies catastrophe theory, geometric probability theory, fuzzy mathematics, etc.

Mr. Qiu, an outsider, tried to study the correlation and unity between several major mathematical disciplines from the perspectives of differential geometry, differential equations and general relativity.

It can be said that this topic has extremely high requirements for the depth and breadth of knowledge of mathematicians, and it is indeed difficult to select more suitable candidates to participate.

Due to Mr. Qiu's busy schedule, he only took time to participate in this project and tried it based on his interest. The main force in researching the project was Qin Ke and other four people. The research work of the four people was both independent and interrelated, so progress and inspiration were exchanged every day.

Edward Witten commented: "The more we study, the more difficult it becomes. This subject is not easy to solve. If we really solve this subject, M theory will be greatly improved. No matter the understanding of the origin of the world, It will greatly promote the unification of physics and mathematics."

Mr. Qiu smiled and said: "That's why I think Xiao Qin and Xiao Ning are amazing. Edward, you are only doing research on this topic. They wear many hats, and they can actually do extreme climate analysis and deduction, seawater desalination and purification, and quantum quantum computing at the same time." We have achieved world-renowned achievements in computers and other fields, which is simply incredible. Isn’t this topological quantum superconducting material a hit on the Internet recently?”

Qin Ke raised his hands and surrendered: "Okay, please stop praising us. We mainly have a group of researchers under us to help improve and implement our ideas. Otherwise, we alone would not be able to do it. Just like this subject, without Edward and Lao Tao , Mr. Qiu, if you help me, Qingjun and I might have given up long ago."

Of course he was joking when he said he gave up, but the other three felt relieved to hear it.

While they were chatting, Qin Ke's phone vibrated. It was Xiaoguang who sent a reminder saying that he had received a special email.

The so-called special email naturally refers to the email received in Mr. Q's mailbox.

Qin Ke's heart skipped a beat, but he didn't check the email immediately. After ten o'clock in the evening, he returned to the room and let Shimmer open Mr. Q's encrypted mailbox.

The title of the newly received email clearly reads: "Reporting to Mr. Q, carbon crystal composite nanomaterials have been prepared!"

The sender is Cai Mingzhi, deputy chief engineer of the "Chip Materials Team" under the "Qingbei Integrated Circuit and Chip Joint R&D Innovation Center".

Qin Ke subconsciously looked at the date and time of the email, November 11, 3:20.

What a steady stream of good news this month!

He knows that the development of contemporary computers will undergo earth-shaking changes at this moment. Before mankind enters the new era of quantum computers, the largest and last revolution in computer computing power is about to begin!

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