I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 890: Creating a sense of romance and ritual for your wife is a lifelong process!

I have to say that Professor David Goldberg's eloquence is quite good, especially the last sentence, which suddenly made everyone present realize that, yes, although Xia Kingdom needs advanced equipment from Europe, Qin Ke It is not necessary to cooperate with the European Meteorological Center. Now the American Meteorological Center on the other side of the Atlantic is being scolded by the public and has publicly expressed its willingness to invite Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to cooperate.

Although it is unknown how sincere this cooperation is and what level of cooperation it will take, it does give Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun more room for choice.

People don’t have to rely on the European Meteorological Center, but the European Meteorological Center does not rely on them.

Thinking of this, everyone felt a sense of urgency, and the balance in their hearts tilted even more violently. Even those who were not willing to enter into in-depth cooperation with Xia Guo before were now thinking of finalizing the in-depth cooperation matters quickly to avoid being betrayed by the United States. The weather center took the lead.

If the American Meteorological Center and Qin Ke reach an agreement on in-depth cooperation, the European Meteorological Center will be even more passive. Then the disaster response will be at a loss and it will be sprayed to pieces by the European people's spit and nails before it wants to invite Qin Ke and two people for talks. In-depth cooperation will be difficult. Even if the two young academicians agree in the end, the price paid by the European Meteorological Center will be completely different. They may even have to agree to the condition that all meteorological data be open.

Realizing that the atmosphere in the conference room was rising, Mr. Anz Sampson, a representative of the opposition, hurriedly took the stage to give a speech, but he was unable to stop himself. Many participants were whispering to each other worriedly and did not pay attention to what he said.

The final voting results were no surprise.

Mr. Figueiredo, Director of the European Meteorological Center, took the voting results and officially announced: "The voting results for this issue have come out. 179 votes were in favor and 28 were against. The yes votes exceeded 2/3. The voting results are valid. Now I declare that Europe The Meteorological Center will conduct all-round and in-depth cooperation with Academician Xia Guoqin Ke, Academician Ning Qingjun and their research teams!"

The warm applause finally turned into an unstoppable historical torrent, pushing the global scientific research cooperation to fight extreme and abnormal climate disasters into a new chapter.


Qin Ke did not know the final decision of the European Meteorological Center, but he knew that the European Meteorological Center had fewer and fewer options.

This speech, academic report and even press conference at the Sapienza University of Rome were all planned by him long ago. The only variable was the request of the Italian National Academy of Sciences, but this variable was also a good thing. It increased his interest in the Italian University. He has gained recognition and closeness among the Li people. Now the whole of Europe is paying attention to his every move, and the whole world is nervous because of his "predictions".

Under such a "historical trend" as the European Meteorological Center, there is no way out except begging him for further and comprehensive cooperation.

In fact, there is no retreat in this world.

If the root causes of global climate variability cannot be found and eliminated to avoid further deterioration of the climate, even if Qin Ke can solve the human food crisis, fresh water crisis, and energy crisis, and delay the collapse of human society, in the end the planet will still be Unable to escape the fate of desolation and dilapidation, human beings have to leave their homes and look for a new home where they can survive in the distant and ethereal universe.

While Qin Ke was thinking about the "distant" future, he held Ning Qingyun's little hand and strolled through the Roman Street in Florence.

This time, the two of them wore human skin masks and traveled in disguise. Wei Feng and others naturally did not follow them, but were protected by some hands that had never shown their faces at a close distance.

This is also the first time this year that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can freely step on a foreign land. The two little mobos fell asleep in a big hotel in Turin, and were taken care of by their two-month-old sister-in-law. Qin Ke simply took Ning Qingyun out for a "date".

In the evening, people are still coming and going on the streets of Italy. There is no longer the scorching heat of last month. The temperature in Turin at this moment is around 27 degrees Celsius, and the evening breeze is blowing, making people feel very comfortable.

The sound of music lovers playing guitars and melodious voices with vicissitudes of life can be heard on the streets, and the aroma of Italian coffee floats in the open cafe.

Next to it is the Po River, a hundred-meter-wide river that flows down from the east side of the city and has become extremely gentle here.

The water level, which originally dropped to a historically low level, has regained some vitality due to the continuous rains in the past few days. At least now, looking at the river, the blue river surface is like a flawless, sparkling gem in the sunset. , people can truly experience a poetic romance.

Qin Keqing hugged Ning Qingyun's slender waist, and Ning Qingyun hugged his arm. The two of them walked so intimately on the street, blending in among the countless Italian couples who came here to squeeze the road, and they were not conspicuous.

Probably no one expected that academician Xia Guo and his wife, who are currently "famous" in Dali, would be enjoying the romance of the sunset with them on the street.

"It's been a long time since we were alone together like this. It feels so good." Ning Qingyun put her little face into Qin Ke's arms, feeling her husband's generous and solid mind, and couldn't help but speak in a soft voice. The end of the cat's coquettish sound.

The two of them have indeed not gone out for a date in nearly a month. The weather is too hot and it is not suitable to go out for one reason. They cannot leave the two small oil bottles for a long time for another reason. In addition, teaching and research work have become busy after school started. , the two of them would at most push their two babies for a walk in the garden villa area after dinner.

The more romantic thing to do is to go to the balcony to look at the stars and chat.

Qin Ke smiled and said: "It's my fault. Although there is such a beautiful girl beside me, I didn't seize every opportunity to go out on a date alone."

As he spoke, his eyes turned and fell on a wandering guitarist a dozen steps away. He signaled Ning Qingyun to let go of him and wait there. Then he ran to the flower shop next to him and bought a bouquet of flowers, then ran over and faced When the guitar player gesticulated and spoke in broken Italian, the bearded guitarist showed a knowing smile and nodded vigorously.

Qin Ke held flowers in his hands and returned to Ning Qingyun's side. Behind him was the setting sun, and his whole person seemed to be glowing. Although he looked much more mediocre after wearing a human skin mask, his eyes were still as bright as stars.

Ning Qingyun's heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, as if she had returned to the youthful time when she was with Qin Ke.

Qin Ke knelt down on one knee, holding flowers in one hand and handing over a ring he found from nowhere with the other. He smiled and said sincerely: "My dear, will you marry me? I will always love you and pamper you like this, and treat you as my beloved." The most precious treasure in life.”

The guitarist was next to him, playing a soft melody and singing what should be a native Italian love ballad.

The Italian people passing by could not understand what Qin Ke said in Chinese, but the gestures and expressions of marriage proposals are common all over the world. They soon understood. Some sang along loudly in response, and some clapped vigorously and cheered. The atmosphere is warm and romantic.

It is different from the crowds and excitement in China when you see someone proposing. In Europe, especially in Dali, a country with a strong artistic and romantic culture, people like to pay special attention to such a sense of ceremony. The excitement at this time is also in line with the Chinese people. The kind of blind cheering is different, it is more of a blessing and blessing.

Ning Qingyun was stunned. Didn't she marry this bad guy a long time ago?Why did you propose again?But she immediately realized that the two of them were wearing human skin masks, and this guy probably just wanted to stage a marriage proposal in a foreign country.

In the beautiful sunset, next to the sparkling river, not far away are ancient European buildings, in your ears you can hear Italian folk songs with unique musical scales and emotional styles, and you are surrounded by enthusiastic and noisy foreign people. Of course, , the most important thing is the mischievous smiling villain in front of him, whose eyes and words convey warm and sweet feelings that make people feel heart-warming.

It was different from the gorgeous and dreamy proposal at Qingmu University on Christmas Eve the year before last, but it could still satisfy a girl’s entire definition of romance.

Who said that after marriage, girls become naughty and do not care about sweet words, surprises and romance?

At least at this moment, Ning Qingyun's eyes suddenly burst into tears.

She bit her red lips and nodded vigorously.

Qin Ke put the ring on her slender and beautiful middle finger - the wedding ring that Ning Qingyun originally wore on her finger had been taken off before going out to avoid anyone recognizing it based on the highly distinguishable ring. Ning Qingyun after disguise.

Warm applause and screams of applause suddenly erupted from all around.

In such a passionate atmosphere, Qin Ke picked up Ning Qingyun and spun her around a few times before putting her down and kissing her delicate pink lips hard.Ning Qingyun remembered that she was wearing a human skin mask and would not be recognized anyway. In addition to the situation, she took the risk and hugged Qin Ke tightly with her backhand, responding enthusiastically.

The setting sun, the evening breeze, the music, the riverside, and the kissing couples made the cheers around them even more enthusiastic. There were also whistles in between. Many Italian couples also hugged and kissed, and more and more people came. Joining in, it seems to be a hot love ceremony.

Afterwards, Qin Ke took out 100 euros to thank the homeless guitarist. The bearded guitarist just gave him a thumbs up, did not accept the money, and left happily while playing the guitar.

Qin Ke remembered that someone once said that foreign tramps might have more money than many rich people in China, so he smiled and took back the banknotes.

Ning Qingyun held flowers in her hands, her right hand clasped with Qin Ke's fingers, enjoying the warmth and security brought to her by her husband beside her, and continued to wander the romantic streets of Italy.

Her soft and pleasant voice came to Qin Ke's ears along the gentle evening breeze: "Qin Xiaoke, where did you find the ring? Why did it happen to be on you?"

The evening breeze blew a few of her naughty hairs that had fallen down onto Qin Ke's face, tickling her.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun rubbed each other cheek to cheek, taking the opportunity to spread their hair as a sign of intimacy: "I accidentally saw it in the gift shop of the hotel yesterday and thought it was very beautiful and suitable for you, so... I bought it and plan to use it as your Christmas gift. There are no diamonds on it, so it is not suitable for a proposal."

For Qin Ke, creating a sense of romance and ritual for his wife is a lifelong matter. Sweet words and positive praise are essential lubricants in life. Thinking of gifts for Ning Qingyun at any time is an almost instinctive reaction.

Only then did Ning Qingyun notice that the new ring she wore did not have diamonds, and the shape of a kitten licking its tail was more delicate and cute. It was somewhat similar to the ring Qin Ke gave her on her 19th birthday.

"Did you ever leave my side in the hotel? Oh, was it when I left early to feed the two babies?"

Qin Ke smiled and said, "My wife is smart."

Ning Qingyun winked playfully: "It's obviously rare to have a new identity. I should be more reserved when it comes to marriage proposals. But your method is too clever, so I agreed in a daze... Ah, I still escaped after changing my identity. But it’s my fate to be deceived by you.”

Qin Ke pretended to be dissatisfied: "How can you say you're lying? I mean it sincerely, okay? Huh, I'm angry. I can't coax you without a kiss."

"Childish devil." Ning Qingyun was so amused that she burst into laughter, then stood up on tiptoes and kissed him lightly on the lips: "No matter how many times, I am willing to be coaxed by you."

Probably because he was wearing a human skin mask, Ning Qingyun spoke and acted much bolder than usual.

Qin Ke hugged her hard and kissed her tightly on the lips.

Ning Qingyun at this moment is far less beautiful than when she showed her true appearance, but she still feels to Qin Ke that she is the most perfect girl who makes his heart beat the most.

The two of them held hands and didn't deliberately visit any scenic spots. They didn't even walk into the Fiat Automobile Museum when they passed by. They just enjoyed this beautiful and exclusive time for the two of them until the city was full of lights and the night was deep. It was almost time to give up. It was time to feed the two babies, so they waved and got into the car that had been quietly following behind them, and returned to the hotel.

On the way back to the hotel, Qin Ke unexpectedly received a call from China.

The caller ID was Harold, the director of Lime Technology’s Quantum Computing Laboratory.

At this time, it is already 21:22 pm in Italy and Dali, and it should be 3:22 am in Xiaguo time. I am calling at this time...

Qin Ke's heart suddenly beat faster. He realized something and immediately answered the phone.

Sure enough, Harold's excited voice came from the other end of the phone speaking quickly in German: "Academician Qin, we succeeded! Last time, according to your suggestion, we tried to add one ten thousandth of the rhodium element and adjusted The results of the stacked structure of graphene nanoribbons are very surprising, we finally succeeded! The experimental results are basically in line with the 'Lime Superconducting Material No. [-]' standards formulated by you and Academician Ning!"

Through their mobile phones, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun could hear the excited cheers of Ling Shaotang, Gan Peixuan and other experimenters in the quantum computing laboratory in the capital of Xia State.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

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