I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 850 The mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind!

Qin Ke's heart skipped a beat.

Although it had long been expected that someone might come back to control the computer during the period, Qin Ke was still a little nervous when he was about to transfer the more than 1100 billion US dollars.

At this time, the forgery of the triple electronic signature necessary for the transfer procedures has been almost 100% completed. If the other party finds out, it will be really cheap for the other party.

"Shimmer, how many people came back?"

This mysterious hacker group did not install any surveillance cameras in the studio, making it impossible for Qin Ke to monitor the real-time situation, but Shimmer can judge the number of people from whether the computer is operated by someone.

"Two people came back, and two computers have been restored to use."

Qin Ke knew that the other party was also a top-level hacker, and it was very likely that he would discover the abnormality of the intrusion within a short period of time, and then take some quickest means such as physically disconnecting the network to interrupt the connection here.

Time was running out, Qin Ke made a decisive decision, and immediately ordered with his lips: "Shimmer, have those dozens of accounts been successfully controlled?"

"Yes, I just tested everything and can log in."

"Immediately change the password to the default password we usually specify, and at the same time remove the power control restrictions of one of the servers, push the voltage of the UPS (uninterruptible power supply) to the peak, and burn all the hard disk and motherboard of this server!"

It would take a minute or two for any hacker team to implement these operations, but it only takes a second or two for Shimmer, which has the world's top 2 supercomputing power.

"Master Qin Ke, all the above orders have been successfully executed!"

Qin Ke estimated that this would at least cause confusion for the two people who returned to the studio for a few minutes, so he continued to order with his lips: "Shimmer, immediately complete the work of triple electronic signature, and execute the transfer once 100% is completed. Operation, use the third unused computer to transfer more than 1100 billion to these dozens of Swiss bank accounts! When the transfer is completed, all computers and servers in the target studio will solve the power management restrictions and use the limit The voltage burned all their hard drives, storage devices, and motherboards! Oh no, one server remains."

"Received, executing now. It will take about 3 minutes for all commands to be executed!"

3 minutes!Qin Ke lowered his head and looked at his watch. For the first time, he felt that time had passed so long. At the same time, he once again felt the need to upgrade the Qing Ning data center and fill the remaining cabinet space with the highest performance servers. If the strength is doubled again, these three minutes can be compressed into one and a half minutes...

Anyway, with more than 1100 billion U.S. dollars, it is enough to build a controllable nuclear fusion reactor, let alone buy dozens of supercomputers, let alone spend 3 billion yuan to upgrade the Lime data center .

Come on, Shimmer...

At such a critical moment when all the computing power is being fully utilized, Qin Ke can no longer intervene and can only wait for the execution results of Shimmer with a little anxiety.

I hope the other party didn't react so quickly, or even if they realized something was wrong, they wouldn't have the courage to cut off the mains power and UPS of the entire studio.

More than 1100 billion U.S. dollars were involved, even though Qin Ke repeatedly told himself that it was just a series of numbers, but thinking of getting such a large sum of money and hitting this organization called "Toledo" hard, Qin Ke The heart contracts and beats uncontrollably.


Just when Qin Ke was so nervous that his palms were sweating a little, somewhere in distant Canada, Ubli and Gilmer of the Extreme Triangle Team jumped up from their seats in shock.

The three of them went outside to drink beer and play games to relax because they were upset. After all, the damn Lime operating system was too laborious to hack, especially the encryption algorithm. They tried for nearly a month and couldn’t crack it, let alone Finding any loopholes can seize the administrator privileges of Lime OS.

The most troublesome thing is that the company called Qing Ning Technology, together with all its affiliated laboratories and research centers, all electronic equipment uses Xia Guo’s national brand, and all of them, including firewalls and routers, use self-developed systems. It is not a conventional international operating system, but is completely taken over by an intelligent management system similar to AI. No matter how you try to intrude, it is completely intercepted, making top hackers like them feel helpless.

Later, the three had to decide to start with a social engineering attack (an act of deceiving others to collect information and invade computer systems), and requested support from the organization, hoping that the organization would pay heavily to bribe insiders of Qing Ning Technology as internal agents, but the organization has always been It failed. All the relevant personnel of the operation were controlled more than half a month ago, and the success fell short.

The organization had no choice but to change its combat methods, intending to attract attention by threatening the safety of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun so that it could rearrange its manpower to carry out social engineering attacks on Qing Ning Technology.

These actions have not yet achieved results. Although the three of Ubly, Gilmer, and Emmanuel are a little unhappy, it is only the discomfort of being hurt as super hackers. Compared with these discomforts, they are more willing to focus on cracking The triple electronic signature key of the rumored account, after all, once they succeed, they will obtain a huge wealth exceeding 99.99% of human beings, and even if the three of them share it equally and fly far away, they will be able to live a happy life.

However, cracking the triple electronic signature is not an easy task, and it cannot be discovered by the organization. They have been doing it intermittently for nearly half a year. Tonight, feeling really tired, they gathered in the living room to drink beer and play games to relax.

Later, Ubly and Gilmer got a little tired of playing, so they habitually wanted to go back to the studio to continue cracking work, but they hadn't sat down for half a minute, just typed a few times on the keyboard, and heard an obvious explosion in the computer room behind them. There was a beep, and the strange sound made both of them jump from their seats.

"What's wrong?" Ubli looked back, but found nothing unusual for a moment.

Naturally, Gilmer couldn't answer: "Let's take a look in the advanced computer room. It seems that there is a strange noise coming from inside."

After all, not everyone has seen the scene where the hard disk and motherboard of the server were burned by high-voltage current. Ubli and Gilmer went into the computer room and walked around a few times, and saw an unpleasant smell of burning coming from the heat dissipation hole of a server. It was judged that some parts of the server should have been burned.

Emmanuel also rushed over from the living room upon hearing the sound: "What's going on? A server is broken?"

Gilmer said angrily: "Yeah, it's unlucky. I didn't expect that a component of the server was burned out. Fortunately, it's just one server. At most, it only reduces the computing power a little."

The server is a machine, and it is impossible for a machine to avoid failures [-]%, so Gilmer didn't pay much attention, but he just thought it would be troublesome to change the equipment again.Ubli directly unplugged the power cord of the broken server: "Forget it, let's leave it like this for now. If we don't repair it, we won't replace it with a new one. It doesn't matter if one server is missing."

At present, they are secretly "rebelling" against the organization, and until they succeed, they will try their best to avoid contact with outsiders, or let outsiders enter their studio.

Emmanuel, on the other hand, frowned and said: "Our power supply here is provided by UPS to provide stable power supply. Logically speaking, no matter what happens, the server will not have its parts burned down? Has someone invaded here?"

The Extreme Triangle Team had also invaded other people's computer rooms and burned the components of other people's servers in a similar way by amplifying the instantaneous voltage of the power supply, so the careful Emmanuel was confused.

"Invading here? How is it possible? Emmanuel, you are just too suspicious." Gilmer sneered at his companion's caution: "Our defenses here are among the best in the world. Who can invade here? And even if we invade here, Why only burn the components of one server? If you really want to target us, you should burn all the server components here."

Ubli also agreed with his companion's judgment, and said to himself: "That is, even if the organization wants to attack us, they don't want to break through here through network intrusion, let alone other people."

But Emmanuel was always a little uneasy: "Let's all check to see if there is anything unusual."

"Really, it's unnecessary." Gilmer muttered, but in the end he returned to his seat under Emmanuel's stubborn insistence.

The three of them tapped the keyboard quickly to check the connection status of their respective computers and the servers and whether there were any suspicious commands.

Time passed bit by bit amidst the clicking sounds of the keyboard, and Ubli suddenly said "Hey": "There seems to be something wrong. There are traces of remote connection to my computer!"

"What?" Emmanuelle and Gilmore were startled at the same time. They stood up and approached Ubli's computer to take a closer look. However, they saw that Ubli's computer screen suddenly went black, and the cooling fan of the random CPU was spinning like crazy. When they got up, the harsh noise made the expressions of the three of them change greatly. Emmanuelle reached out and unplugged the power cord of Ubli's computer without even thinking about it, because he judged that this was a sign of overload of the power input voltage!
But as soon as his hand touched the power cord, the computer made a dull "porphyry" sound, and then a pungent burnt smell came out from the heat sink, and the entire computer became completely silent!

Apparently the CUP, hard drive, motherboard and other components were all burned!

"Quickly, unplug the power supply of our own computer!" Emmanuel screamed and turned around to rush towards his computer. Gilmer also ran back to his seat in a panic, but in the end it was still a second too slow. The computer made the same "porphyry" sound and the unpleasant smell of burning at the same time.

"What's going on!" Gilmer punched the table with a livid face, but the continuous explosions in the computer room behind him once again made the three people's expressions grim. They turned around in shock, only to see the computer room. All the server indicators inside were turned off. Not only the servers, but also the SSD storage also stopped operating.

Ubli opened the glass door of the computer room like crazy, and a strong smell of burning came from the computer room. It was obvious that all the servers and storage devices inside were burned out!

The three of them were shocked and angry. They had done similar intrusions and sabotage against other people's computer rooms and computers in the past. At that time, they only felt full of a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Now, the same retribution fell on them, and they discovered that How uncomfortable and frustrating this feeling is!

"Damn it, don't let us find out who you are, or we'll let you experience hell!" Umbly screamed angrily.Gilmer also yelled at them. How could they not feel sorry for their hard work over the years being ruined, especially the triple electronic signature deciphering work that was finally completed, and it was all cleared!

The hope of owning great wealth has been turned into smoke before their eyes. Even if they want to start all over again, it will take a lot of time, and it is not sure whether the organization will change the key of the triple electronic signature during this period!

How could such an unbearable loss not make Ubley and Gilmer angry and frustrated?
Emmanuel, who was suspicious, stood there as if he had lost his soul. After a while, he murmured: "This man, why did he destroy our computers, servers and storage? What did he do before this? "

Umbly and Gilmer looked at each other when they heard the words, the anger on their faces turned into fear and bewilderment at some point.


Contrary to Emmanuel, Oubli, and Gilmer, who had dark clouds hanging over their hearts, Qin Ke, who had played "the mantis stalks the cicada and the oriole behind", was in a better mood because a glimmer of light had come. The prompt message:

"Reporting to Master Qin Ke, all operations have been completed. According to your latest instructions, one of the servers has been kept running silently, but the running status indicator light has been forcibly turned off. It should not be discovered among all the failed servers. And their current work computers are all destroyed beyond repair, and they have no way of checking to find that there is still a server alive."

Qin Ke was overjoyed, and let Shimmer use the last remaining server to open the balance interface of dozens of Swiss bank accounts.

The ID names of the owners of these bank accounts are different. I don’t know how the three hackers got them. They must have made various preparations for these accounts to be untraceable by the “Toledo” organization and to recover the funds. .

Qin Ke was also a little dazzled when he saw that each account had assets of about 20 billion US dollars on average.

Add up to more than 1100 billion US dollars!
With such a large sum of money, it is no exaggeration to say that the wealth of a country is as great as that of a country. After all, the combined assets of many small countries are not worth so much money.

What makes him most comfortable is not only getting a huge sum of money, but also because he can hit that hateful "Toledo" hard!
If he guessed correctly, he may have fought against the "Toledo" organization many times before. The previous attack by the "Black Skull" on the Lime operating system, and the ID named "Speaking Outright Expendables Old Man" "Liu"'s bib blogger's attack on Academician Duan Yonggong's "J-92 Breakwater" plan, and even a long time ago, behind the scenes of various international public opinion attacks on him and Ning Qingyun, I am afraid that there is the shadow of "Toledo" .

The most perfect thing is that there are three scapegoats. No one can connect the transfer of more than 1100 billion US dollars to Qin Ke!
The only thing that gave Qin Ke a little headache was that it might not be safe to keep the money in these dozens of Swiss bank accounts, because I don’t know if the three people have other ways to change the password of the account, and they have to transfer all the money before they realize it. turn away!

However, it is impossible to transfer all the more than 1100 billion US dollars back to China in terms of the current domestic foreign exchange control system. Unless you contact Uncle Yang, there is probably a way to do it.

Or simply use it abroad?But if it is used abroad, it can only be transferred to his and Ning Qingyun's foreign accounts. Isn't that a fire?

What should I do?Qin Ke was lost in thought.

And there is not much time left for him to deal with, he must transfer the money through this server before the three hackers react, and burn the last server to erase all traces!
Ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets at the end of the month!

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