I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 844 The name deviation is actually progress!This is an epoch-making discovery!

Chapter 844 The name deviation is actually progress!This is an epoch-making discovery!
CERN (English full name is European Organization for Nuclear Research, abbreviated as CERN) is an international research institution located in Geneva, Switzerland. composition and interaction.

As the largest particle physics research institution in the world, CERN employs more than 80 full-time employees, and there are about 6500 scientists and engineers from 500 countries representing more than [-] university institutions. They have been stationed and participated in CERN for a long time. Various particle experiments.

CERN has the world's largest particle physics experimental facilities, the most widely known of which are the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in Switzerland and the Super Proton Synchrotron (SPS) on the border of the United States.

The funds required by CERN are shared by all member states in proportion to GDP. The annual research funds are about 10 billion US dollars. The funds seem to be a lot, but the experiments are too expensive. Large-scale experiments can only be carried out once every three to five years on average.

Therefore, the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider in the past have attracted wide attention. This time, because of the relationship between Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's papers, it has attracted the attention of people all over the world.

CERN today announced the results of the latest experiment of the Large Hadron Collider, which is to send out the voice of CERN to the whole world. Naturally, it is impossible to just send a spokesperson to deal with the media as before, but to hold it in a very formal way. held a press conference.

Not only representatives from the 22 member states of the council attended the press conference, but almost all of the more than 100 members of the Science Policy Committee sat in the front row. In addition, there were more than [-] representatives of scientists — CERN alone The number of people is close to four hundred.

Seeing through the glass door that the representatives of CERN were officially seated, the reporters were as anxious as ants on a hot pot. When the staff opened the glass door and invited the media friends to enter, all the reporters rushed in. Squeeze, I don't know how many glasses have been squeezed out and how many leather shoes have been stepped on.
Fortunately, the staff of CERN tried their best to maintain order, and finally there was no major disturbance.

Yuan Zhaoying was coerced by the crowd and involuntarily "swarmed" into the reception hall of the University of Nottingham. While he hurriedly asked the accompanying photographer to follow him, he stretched his neck hard to look at the CERN representatives who were already seated. I wanted to get some clues from their expressions, but I saw that many scientists had serious expressions and were whispering to each other. Some people seemed to be arguing in low voices. The atmosphere was quite tense.

As a reporter's professional intuition, Yuan Zhaoying was keenly aware that there might be amazing results announced in this press conference.

After almost 10 minutes, reporters from various countries took their seats one after another, and the chaotic scene in the hall ended.The reporters are quite disciplined. Next is CERN's speaking time, and then the interview period. So the reporters are trying to suppress their anxiety and sit in their seats, but the pens in their hands are already recording quickly. The expressions and demeanor of various important figures.

Like Professor Trovich.

Professor Trovic is a well-known particle physicist at CERN. He likes to pretend to be an authority on particle physicists on the Internet and make various remarks. The "CERN insider" who attacked was this bald old American professor.

Journalists from various countries who were familiar with the inside story, including Yuan Zhaoying, a reporter from the "Xiaguo Science Pioneer", naturally looked for Professor Trovic immediately.

Professor Trovic's hair almost fell out, and his bald appearance was easy to recognize. Soon Yuan Zhaoying found the target person.Seeing that Professor Trovic had a gloomy face, pursed his lips and said nothing, and did not communicate with colleagues around him, Yuan Zhaoying was very curious.

Was it because the pressure from the media made the old man feel unhappy, or was there something unexpected in the results of the experiment?
Yuan Zhaoying became even more curious, and specially asked the accompanying photographer partner to take a few more photos of Professor Trovic.

At 14:30 in the afternoon, CERN's experimental results conference finally started on time.

The speaker was Sir James Lederman, the chief scientist of the Science Policy Council and a particle physicist from Eagle Country.

Sir Lederman is a fellow of the Royal Society of Eagle Country, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1988, and one of the most prestigious physicists in CERN.

The old man was dressed meticulously and wore a black bow tie. He cleared his throat and started the usual experiment review. He started with the experiments of the Large Hadron Collider in the past ten years:
"Since we successfully detected the Higgs boson in 2012, announcing that we have completed the last piece of the puzzle of the standard particle physics model, we have been committed to using the Large Hadron Collider experiment to analyze the particles including quarks, hadrons, W and Z boson, Higgs boson, etc., to conduct more precise measurements and studies to further understand the properties and interactions of these particles, and at the same time continue to explore dark matter and study new physical models..."

I have to say that the old man is still very good. Although it is just a regular opening statement and boasting about CERN, he is able to express the complex particle theory in an easy-to-understand language, and it is not lacking in interest. Even journalists who are laymen , can learn about the research history of many particle physics and the significance of this Large Hadron Collider experiment through this "previous summary" of less than 10 minutes.

"The Large Hadron Collider experiment we conducted this time was planned three years ago. In the past year, almost 4000 people have been invested in preparations, and as many as 129 upgrades have been made to the LHC. The upgraded LHC has improved 30% of the energy of the particle beam can be detected more deeply and more precisely in the properties of elementary particles..."

Sir Lederman's remarks are equivalent to refuting the rumors on the Internet - saying that this experiment is to falsify Qin Kening Qingyun's thesis hypothesis.

"Next, I will announce the results of this experiment."

Seeing that the old man finally turned the topic to the most critical point, the reporters in the audience suddenly became a little commotion, but soon became quiet again. Everyone pricked up their ears and looked at the old white man on the stage.

Under the tense gaze of countless people, Sir Lederman signaled the staff to open a series of charts.

The first big picture that appeared on the big screen was countless dense green dots. Each dot represented a detected impact signal, distributed according to different particle energy segments (unit GeV): "First, let's explain it. From the massive proton-proton collision data, we can see that in the charged strange charm meson (quark composition is 1 charm quark and 1 antistrange quark) in the bottom meson decay and in the final state of the charged meson, a double It is a charged particle with decay properties similar to those of ordinary mesons. This is the first time that a double-charged four-quark hadron has been discovered experimentally, and it is also a hadron partner that discovered two new quark components at the same time..."

Sir Lederman explained one chart after another. The scientists in the audience looked serious, but the reporters gradually became a little dizzy. Although Sir Lederman tried his best to simplify the description of the experimental results, he mainly talked about It is also the latest discovery of this experiment. The reporters are still getting more and more dizzy the more they listen, and they can only say "Wow, it's amazing" and "It sounds incredible" and other unclear exclamations.

Finally, Sir Lederman talked about the eighth chart. When switching to this chart, Sir Lederman was obviously silent for a few seconds, and the expression on his face was different from before, and he was more dignified.

Many reporters have noticed this abnormality, and their spirits are immediately revived.

"This is the result of the measurement of the mass of the W boson. To measure the most accurate value of the mass of the W boson is an important goal of our LHC experiment, and the result really shocked us."

More than 99% of the reporters who came to the meeting this time came for this result. Everyone's nerves were tense, and Xia Guo's reporter Yuan Zhaoying was so nervous that his heart beat faster and his palms were sweating.

He is not a scientist and is not too concerned about what this experiment will bring to the world of particle physics. He just wants to know whether it will have a positive or negative impact on the two young academicians that his country is most proud of.

And the measurement result of the W boson mass is the key to determining whether it has a positive impact or a negative impact!

Sir Lederman looked around the audience and said solemnly: "Everyone, look at this chart. The precise values ​​of the W boson masses measured in this experiment are distributed on it."

This picture is full of dense red dots, but most of the red dots are concentrated in the upper half area, and there is only one relatively larger red dot in the bottom area.

Except for relevant personnel from CERN, almost none of them could understand the meaning of this chart, and could not help but look anxiously at Sir Lederman.

Sir Lederman said slowly: "This is the value recorded by the ATLAS and CMS detectors each time. Each red dot represents a specific value. You can see that more than 99.99% of the values ​​are concentrated at 80436.8± In the area of ​​9.1 MeV/c2, there are only 0.001% values ​​distributed here!"

His fingers land heavily on the bottom area.His fingers were very hard, as if he wanted to pierce the projection screen, and his voice became agitated.

"This value is - 80466 MeV/c^2! I believe that many people present know this value. Yes, this value is the Nobel Prize winner in Physics of Xia Guo, Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingyun, who shared it last time In the paper "The Proof of the Mass Gap Problem of the Yang-Mills Equation and the Mathematical Interpretation of the Standard Model of Particle Physics", through the mass relationship they discovered, the mass of the Higgs boson, the mass of the Z boson, The mass of the top quark and the lifetime of the muon are used to calculate the mass of the W boson!"

With a crash, all the reporters stood up, and someone couldn't help but ask loudly: "Sir Sir Lederman, what does this 0.001% numerical ratio mean? Is there an error in the calculation of the paper?"

Sir Lederman didn't blame some reporters for asking questions in advance, he waved his hand, motioned for everyone to sit down, and then said in a forceful voice: "No, I want to explain again here, although the value of 80466 MeV/c^2 appears The ratio only accounts for 0.001% of all measurements, but it’s very special!”

"As you can see, there are no other small points in this area, which means that only this value has been measured! And although it only accounts for 0.001%, it means that there were almost 15 The detector recorded this value, but among other values ​​concentrated in the 80436.8±9.1 MeV/c2 area, only 80435.3MeV/c2 was recorded 1.1 times, and the rest of the values ​​were recorded less than 1 times!”

"In short, the value of 80466 MeV/c^2 is the most recorded value, and it is so abruptly outside the main measurement value area that we really cannot judge the experimental error and noise signal. After After nearly three hours of intense discussion by our entire research team, we have come to a conclusion that this value is more likely to be the exact mass of the W boson, and the reason why it differs greatly from other values ​​can only indicate that What undiscovered 'substance', 'new particle' or 'physical mechanism' in nature has an impact on the quality of the W boson."

"We can basically confirm that this is the first major deviation in the standard model of particle physics! It is called a deviation, but it is actually an improvement! This is an epoch-making discovery! This means that we have touched the door of new physics!"

"Currently, many of our scientists tend to agree with the views put forward by Academicians Qin and Ning, that is, it may be the rumored dark matter that we failed to measure that caused this error. We need to conduct a new revision of the Standard Model of Particle Physics. Correction! In future experiments, we will focus on research and measurement of data in this area, and strive to solve this mystery as soon as possible! Open the door to new physics!"

"Here, we also pay our highest respect to Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingyun who have calculated the mass of W boson so accurately by virtue of their advanced mathematical theory! They have created great miracle!"

"We are happy to invite them to join our particle physics research team, to provide us with better theoretical assumptions, and to prepare for the next Large Hadron Collider experiment and Large Electron Positron Collider experiment together. !"

There was a brief silence in the audience, and almost all the reporters stood up in disbelief. Then countless flash lights and warm applause completely drowned Sir Lederman!

Xia Guo reporter Yuan Zhaoying, who had been using paper and pen to quickly record Sir Lederman's words, was stunned for a while before he realized what he said, and he was immediately overjoyed!
This is equivalent to CERN verifying the calculation results of Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingyun through experiments, and publicly acknowledging its correctness!
Shocking!ecstasy!pride!pride!Countless emotions surged up. Yuan Zhaoying clapped her hands wildly and shouted excitedly along with other reporters!

His eyes accidentally fell on Professor Trovic once again, the old man who always liked to talk and talk, now his head was drooping, like a frost-beaten eggplant, more like a... a dog with a broken spine .

After the excitement, Yuan Zhaoying remembered that the news must be sent back to the country as soon as possible so that people across the country can share this great news!
The nib of the pen was swiping quickly, and Yuan Zhaoying wrote down a news headline that would soon cause a sensation in the whole country and even the world——

"CERN announced the experimental results of the Large Hadron Collider, verifying and affirming the calculation results of Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingyun! "

(End of this chapter)

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