I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 842 Edward Witten’s visit and scientific research in the new year

Qin Ke was thinking about how to solve this worry, when Qin Xiaoke next to him became angry and shouted: "It's really shameless, Uncle Wei, can you help find out which bad guys want to steal my brother's research results? It's best to put these Catch the wicked!"

The little girl was speaking to Wei Feng.

Wei Feng said solemnly: "I will report to my superiors. Now the superiors also attach great importance to the research of the Yuanzhou Research Center, and will deal the most resolute blows to all spying and sabotage actions. Please rest assured, Academician Qin and Academician Ning."

Chen Ming knew the power of Wei Feng's organization best. After all, he also retired from there. Hearing this, he relaxed and shook hands with Wei Feng: "Okay, we can rest assured with your words. The side will continue to be more vigilant.”

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun looked at each other and smiled, well, it's easy, it seems that they don't need to worry about these trivial matters at all.


Although Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are mainly responsible for guiding the various teams to overcome technical difficulties, they are actually not busy.

Ning Qingjun spends most of her time looking through the recent research materials of several groups, looking for solutions to problems from the perspective of mathematical analysis.In order to avoid inhaling harmful gases or being exposed to magnetic radiation, which would affect the two babies, she rarely went into various experimental places.

Qin Ke spent more time on directing specific research details, and led a group of young researchers to play basketball for about an hour every evening.

The little follower, Qin Xiaoke, didn't return to Qingping Town ahead of time, but stayed beside Ning Qingyun, continuing her various "prenatal education" on her two little nephews and nieces, and taking care of Ning Qingyun by the way.

Now that Ning Qingyun is five or six months pregnant, and her condition is relatively stable, Qin Ke asked the three medical staff who usually take care of Ning Qingyun to stay in the capital without accompanying them. These days, it is mainly Qin Xiao who takes care of and accompany Ning Qingjun. shell.

Qin Xiaoke has learned a lot of knowledge from the medical staff, but he is also competent, and the so-called care is mainly to chat with and cheer up, and to help call someone when something happens, if there is any accident, he must be sent to the hospital as soon as possible .

In addition, Qin Xiaoke will also help draw design renderings in the research center, especially the design blueprint of the Qinghai Lake Salt Water Purification Plant is drawn by her based on the engineering drawings and the dictation of the engineers, and the effect is first-class. Very well received by everyone.

During the period, Qin Ke and others also took the time to accept interviews with the media for about an hour, mainly answering questions related to the "Yang-Mills Equation" paper.

Then, on the night of February 2th, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had a year-end dinner with all the staff of Lime Technology and Lime Education Foundation, and distributed year-end bonuses.

The generous year-end bonus, coupled with the fact that the two bosses traveled thousands of miles to Jizhou to successfully rescue Huo Baoyan, made the morale of the employees of Lime Technology and Lime Education Foundation high, and their cohesion and loyalty reached unprecedented heights...

In the rising and falling of winter, the calendar kept flipping, and soon it came to February 2, and there were only two days left before New Year's Eve.

Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Qin Xiaoke finished their work at the research center and were about to return to Qingping Town for the Spring Festival.However, before leaving, the group went to the airport first, because Edward Witten and his wife will arrive in Yuanzhou on today's international flight, and Qin Ke, as the "landlord", will naturally go to pick them up.

Because of the "urging" by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, the work assistant Fang Yongtang had already gone on vacation two days ago after the dinner party. This time it was Wei Feng who drove Qin Ke and the three to the airport.

Wei Feng reported the follow-up of the research center's snooping incident by the way: "Academician Qin, Academician Ning, the day before yesterday we launched an operation code-named 'Guardian' in Beijing and Yuanzhou at the same time, arrested nearly 70 people, basically Relevant personnel in the country are under control. Although we are temporarily unable to move abroad, this operation has cut off all their tentacles reaching out to Lime Technology. Please rest assured that the instructions have been issued from above. In the future, we will continue to strengthen our defense forces to ensure that Lime Technology and related laboratory research results will not be threatened by any threat."

Qin Xiaoke applauded first, and Qin Ke secretly yelled, "It's so fast!"

He had to sigh that it was good to have a country standing behind him, and how much trouble he saved. This time, he didn't even worry about it, let alone spend a dime, and solved all kinds of open and hidden arrows from unfair competition.

It seems that I don't have to worry about these miscellaneous things in the future.


To pick up Professor Witten, it was impossible for Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to wear disguised hoods, so they just put on hats, sunglasses, and scarves, which were not conspicuous in the crowded airport.

The flight was delayed for 15 minutes. Qin Ke and his team waited for about half an hour before seeing Professor Witten and his wife dragging their suitcases at the airport exit.

The tall Edward Witten was quite eye-catching, so Qin Ke didn't exchange pleasantries with him. After shaking hands and hugging him, he took him and his wife to the parking lot and went straight back to Qingping Town.

In the car, Qin Ke joked, "Edward, I see you have brought two big suitcases, but you decided to live in Xia Guolong?"

Professor Witten shrugged his shoulders, pretending to be helpless and said: "I like Xia Guo, and I am willing to stay in Xia Guo to have pleasant academic exchanges with you, but my wife's opinion is the most important."

Mrs. Witten and Qin Ke also know each other, and she also attended the wedding last year. Hearing this, she smiled and said to Qin Ke: "Edward told me that's not what he said in private. He said that in today's world, you can talk to him about mathematics and physics. We can have a good chat, it's just you two, he's getting old, he only has this little academic interest, ask me to stay in Xiaguo for about nine months in the next two years, the three months with the best weather Continue to accompany me to travel around the world, okay. He has talked about this, can I object? "

Everyone in the car laughed.

Qin Ke reached out and shook hands with Professor Witten again: "Welcome, Edward, I will return to the capital after the Spring Festival, and if you don't dislike it, you can continue to live with me. I live on the campus of Qingmu University , Mr. Qiu lives next door to me, we often hold tea parties, you are welcome to join."

Professor Witten said frankly: "Okay, I really like living on a university campus. A simple and pure life is the easiest to generate academic inspiration."

Qin Ke smiled again and said to Mrs. Witten: "Mrs. Witten, I heard that you have taught two excellent sons. After my wife and I have two babies born, I will have to ask you for parenting lessons."

"It's a great honor that our education method in the United States may be different from your Xia country." Mrs. Witten has the talkativeness of an old lady in the United States. She is very fond of the pure and beautiful Ning Qingyun and the young and cute Qin Xiaoke. Good impression.

Here, Qin Ke chatted with Witten, while she chatted with Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke.

Fortunately, Qin Xiaoke has been following Ning Qingyun to improve his English in the past two weeks, but he can barely cope with it. Ning Qingyun's English level is top-notch, and there is no communication barrier.

Qin Ke and Witten also chatted in full swing. Qin Ke invited Witten to be the special consultant of the "Lime Mathematics Research Laboratory" where he and Ning Qingyun worked. Only Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who had never been "expanded", readily agreed, and also agreed to hold lectures at Qingmu University's School of Mathematics and School of Physics in their spare time.

The latter is a great joy for Kiyoki University.

Although Qingmu University now has Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, two Philippine and Nobel Prize winners, Edward Witten's academic status and influence in the world are by no means inferior to Qin Ke's, and his personal connections are even farther away. Better than the two of Qin Ke.

With this level of connections, Professor Witten can invite more top scholars to Qingmu University for academic visits and academic exchanges, and even recommend some students to top universities in the United States, even if he just helps out a little. Studying abroad is also a breeze.

This is extremely beneficial for enhancing the international status and influence of Qingmu University.

So when Principal Gu Bojun was overjoyed when he heard the news, he did not expect that Qin Ke not only "tricked" a big academic like Edward Witten to stay in Xiaguo for a long time, but also sent such a big gift to Qingmu University!

Gu Bojun produced the letter of appointment almost as quickly as possible, and formally hired Edward Witten as a special consultant of the "Lime Mathematics Research Laboratory" and a visiting professor of Kiyoki University. It is equivalent to turning the verbal agreement between Qin Ke and Professor Witten into a firm fact.

Qin Ke received the letter of appointment on New Year's Eve and forwarded it to Professor Witten, jokingly said: "Edward, you have a high status in our principal's heart. He was afraid that the cooked duck would fly, so he finalized the matter overnight. .”

Professor Wei Teng has been exchanging his experience of his book "Superstring Theory" with Qin Ke for the past two days. The two hit it off, especially Qin Ke's profound knowledge and superhuman physical intuition. Professor Witten enjoyed the chat so much that he wished he could stay in Xia Guo forever. At this time, after listening to Qin Ke's Xia Guo proverb about "cooked ducks fly", he laughed, picked up a pen and signed his name. I readily accepted this extra money position.

After signing, he took Qin Ke to chat about the theory of "M-Physical Multidimensional Space": "Many people believe that theoretical physics will eventually be integrated into the melting pot of geometric topology, that is, theoretical physics is the new geometry, the new Geometry will unify the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, and I agree with this point of view. After studying the latest papers of both of you, I have been studying the discrete geometric quantization and topology of the gauge field in a continuous unified field..."

The old man was so excited when he talked about theoretical physics and new geometry, that Mrs. Witten next to him couldn't help but humorously said: "Ning, I don't know if you feel the same, anyway, I think what Witten and Qin said these days combined, It’s more than anything he’s ever said to me in his life.”

Ning Qingyun couldn't help pursing her lips and chuckling, but she remembered a similar situation before, that is, when Professor Tao Zhexuan from the University of California met Qin Ke, he basically only cared about having a lively chat with Qin Ke, and talked about other Everyone was thrown aside.

She is even more proud in her heart - she can make physics and mathematics geniuses like Edward Witten and Tao Zhexuan chat with each other with a sense of confidant. It is estimated that there is no second person in the world other than her husband. personal.


After Edward Witten and his wife came to Qingping Town, Qin Ke's father Qin Yanghui, mother Shen Qiuyi and grandfather Shen Tieshan got the news early and arranged the room in advance, which is not particularly surprising.

Qin Yanghui and Shen Qiuyi rushed to learn more than a dozen commonly used English words to greet them, but it was Grandpa Shen Tieshan who mainly received the guests.

Shen Tieshan is very proud that he has foreign friends and internationally renowned physicists who come to his home for the New Year. In order to show the hospitality of Xia people, he even took out a bottle of 30-year-old Moutai from his collection and served it on the New Year's Eve dinner table Opened and had a drink with the Witten couple.

For a small town in the mountains like Qingping Town, the arrival of Edward Witten and his wife caused a huge commotion. The leaders of the town came to pay a special visit, and even the big shots in the city came here. It's just that Witten is not keen on these interactions, simply shaking hands and taking a photo is considered for Qin Ke's face.

It’s funny to say that if only Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were in the town, the visit of big figures from all walks of life would probably break the threshold. But now Professor Witten and his wife live in Qin Ke’s place, in order not to affect the "internationally renowned scholars" "Yuanzhou City even issued instructions stipulating the number and frequency of visits to Qin Ke's family every day.

Even the big boss from the province came to Qin Ke's house, only sat there for about 5 minutes, and left after enthusiastically presenting plaques, pennants and condolences. ", making Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's Spring Festival the most relaxed and least worrying about human relations in the past three years.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also took the Witten couple to experience the Spring Festival culture of Xia Guo in their spare time, such as posting Spring Festival couplets, eating New Year's Eve dinner, keeping the New Year's Eve, paying New Year's greetings, opening firecrackers, New Year's greetings, dragon and lion dances, worshiping gods and ancestors, Temple fairs, etc., also presented gifts prepared in advance-two sets of red Tang suits.

The antique Tang suit made the Witten couple very happy. After putting it on, they took a group photo and posted it on Twitter, attracting likes and curious inquiries from countless friends.

Not long after, the news that the Witten couple celebrated the Spring Festival at Qin Ke’s house spread among friends. Faltins, Deligne, Wiles, Fefferman, Tao Zhexuan, etc. all made video calls one after another. , "New Year's greetings" to the Witten couple and the Qin Ke couple...

The hustle and bustle of the Spring Festival also delayed Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's plan to visit their grandfather Ning Jingguang and grandma Chu Mimei on the second day of junior high until the fifth day of junior high.

After the fifth day of the new year, the Witten couple accepted the invitation of Yuanzhou University and Huahai University of Technology to visit the city. Qin Ke took Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke, accompanied and escorted by Wei Feng and Wei Jing, to the city. A nursing home in the outer suburbs, visiting Ning Qingyun's grandparents.

Ning Jingguang and Chu Mimei's health has improved greatly compared to previous years, but they are still unable to take the plane.This is the first time that Ning Qingyun has been with his grandparents for a long time after confirming his pregnancy. The two old people are very concerned about Ning Qingyun, and privately they have read every photo sent by Qin Ke in that family group repeatedly.

During the period, Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu also called back, and happened to chat with Qin Kening and Qingyun for 5 minutes.

Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu still haven't come back for this year's Spring Festival. When their two children got married last year, they had taken more than ten days of long leave. So, today's Spring Festival is even more impossible to take a vacation.

For the direct relatives of the Ning family, Ning Qingyun and the two babies she was carrying became the most central and most concerned topics. During the 5-minute call, Ji Xiuyu didn't even ask about their academic and scientific research. , although she already knew that the duo's latest paper had solved yet another millennium puzzle.

After bidding farewell to grandparents on the tenth day of the lunar new year, I routinely set aside a day or two to attend class reunions, and then Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, Qin Xiaoke and the Witten couples met and flew back to the capital together to start the new year's scientific research.

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