I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 76 Mathematical analysis is fully proficient!

Chapter 76 Mathematical analysis is fully proficient!
The corner of Director Fang's mouth twitched, but he couldn't agree with his conscience, and said instead:

"This Li Xiangxue is the only son of the famous musician Li Shikun. More than half a year ago, Li Shikun returned to his hometown of Zhuhe City to serve as the dean of the Sun Sea Conservatory of Music Zhuhe Campus. Li Xiangxue also transferred from Chenghai City to Zhuhe No. [-] Middle School. "

Li Shikun!
Qin Ke was surprised. Even an ordinary student like him who didn't pay much attention to the classical music field had heard of the name "Li Shikun". It was said that he was a highly respected figure in the music field, and his attainments in classical music and piano were world-class. .

Unexpectedly, Li Xiangxue, who is crazy about mathematics, is actually the son of this music boss!

Director Fang smiled wryly and said, "This kid doesn't like music. He only likes science subjects such as mathematics, physics and chemistry. He is even fascinated by them, but he is a little impatient and twisted. He must start from the first question when he solves the problems. I am willing to skip it, and I will never do the following questions if I don’t solve it..."

Qin Ke: "..."

Sure enough, the same rice feeds all kinds of people, and there are all kinds of weirdos.

"Sometimes when he encountered a difficult problem and couldn't solve it, he would not eat, drink or sleep. His father was in a hurry at first, and he looked for people to help solve the problem. Just give him 5 yuan in pocket money every week, let him buy books by himself or find someone to solve problems..."

Qin Ke patted his chest generously: "It's okay, if Director Fang is familiar with him, you can send another message. If you have any questions about mathematics, you can send them to me at any time. Don't mention the money. It’s enough to settle the settlement on time, and I believe in Li’s character.”

Director Fang: "..."

I have a saying in my heart that I don't know if I should say MMP or not?

For Qin Ke, Li Xiangxue's visit was just a pleasant little event, and it was just an extra part-time job with a good price-performance ratio. He was more concerned about getting the experience points of the god of learning this time.

Fortunately, the friendly side has been actively assisting.

At the class meeting in the morning, head teacher Wei Wenping walked in blissfully, along with math teacher Zheng Jianzhou.

Old Zheng's usual serious face actually showed a smile for the first time, and his energetic expression made him seem a few years younger, even the three hairs on the top of his shiny head stood up in high spirits.

At the class meeting, besides announcing Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's dazzling achievements that had been known to everyone, the two teachers also brought another news.

The Provincial Olympic Committee has officially announced the list of players representing Huahai Province in the national competition in the morning. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, two students with excellent academic performance, are naturally selected and will become the national competition players in February next year!

"Next, please congratulate Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun with warm applause, and wish them great success in the national competition in February next year!"

Thunderous applause and cheers sounded again.

"Brother Ke, the school committee, you're amazing!"

"Two first and second in a row, if we win the first and second in the national competition, we will be able to refresh the history of our Yingyuan, right? Brother Ke, come on, whether we can brag in the future depends on you !"

The voices came and went, one wave was higher than the other, and the atmosphere was so enthusiastic that it was not the same as when Qin Ke won the first place in the preliminary competition.

In addition to the more dazzling results this time, it is also because Qin Ke has fully integrated into the class and is extremely supported and welcomed by the students.

The bustling second and third classes of high school felt like a festival at the moment, Wei Wenping didn't stop it, but looked at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun with emotion, her eyes were exceptionally soft.

She was once again proud and fortunate for her courage to arrange Ning Qingyun and Qin Ke to sit at the same table. Without the close stimulation of Ning Qingyun, a super academic, how could Qin Ke be inspired to fight and show his mathematical skills? The genius side?
——Yes, now Wei Wenping has accepted what the math teacher Zheng Jianzhou said. If he wasn’t a math genius, and if he didn’t choose to sleep and hand in blank papers because he felt that the usual class was boring and challenging, how could Qin Ke be able to do it in just two or three weeks? Rapid rise to dominate the Olympiad preliminaries and rematch?

And Ning Qingyun was also inspired by healthy competition, and his results also made new breakthroughs. From No.19 in last year's rematch, he jumped to No.2 in this year's rematch!
These two students will probably be the most proud and proud students in my career as a high school teacher!
When Wei Wenping was thinking about it, several teachers passing by in the same building heard the commotion and came over to take a look. After seeing that it was "Senior Class Two and Three", they could only shake their heads enviously and leave, secretly I envy Wei Wenping and Lao Zheng's luck.

The two students with the best mathematics in the whole school are actually concentrated in the second and third classes of senior high school!
Thanks to these two students winning No. 1 and No. 2 in the Olympiad city and provincial competitions consecutively, Wei Wenping and Lao Zheng's "Excellent Teacher of the Year" is a certainty. Man is mad with envy.

For Qin Ke, he didn't care to pay attention to the series of pleasant shock and admiration emotional values ​​generated by these excited students and emotional teachers.

Because with Wei Wenping and Lao Zheng's official announcement that he had qualified for the national competition, the system finally determined that Qin Ke's mission had been accomplished.

"Ding dong! Congratulations, you have obtained the qualification to enter the National Mathematical Olympiad final with your good score of No.1 in the Provincial Mathematical Olympiad semi-finals. You have completed the task of 'March to the National Mathematical Olympiad Final', and the rewards are being distributed..."

"Ding! The subject of 'Mathematics' has been expanded from the field of 'high school' to the field of 'university', unlocking various subdivisions of university mathematics majors!"

"Ding! You have won the 'Comprehensive Mastery of Mathematical Analysis of Basic Knowledge of Undergraduate Mathematics' award!"

"Ding! You have automatically obtained "Mathematical Analysis Course", "Mathematical Analysis", "New Lectures on Mathematical Analysis", "Calculus Course", "Introduction to Advanced Mathematics", "Introduction to Calculus and Mathematical Analysis", "Introduction to Calculus", "Mathematics "Principles of Analysis", "Lecture Notes on Mathematical Analysis", "Jimidovich Mathematical Analysis Exercises" and other hundreds of Chinese and foreign calculus textbooks (Chinese version)!"

"Ding! When you digest and absorb this knowledge, your calculus level will reach the highest level that undergraduate mathematics majors can achieve!"

Countless calculus knowledge poured into Qin Ke's brain, which made Qin Ke's brain buzz for a long time before he fully accepted this huge amount of knowledge.

Slowly digesting the extra knowledge in his mind, Qin Ke couldn't hide his excitement. It turns out that the knowledge of calculus is so broad and profound, so interesting, so interesting!

The biggest advantage of these system knowledge rewards input is that it greatly saves Qin Ke's time in reading and studying.

For Qin Ke, he is equivalent to a culinary master who likes to cook. He got a bunch of mouth-watering exquisite ingredients without purchasing, and a few cooking notes to share!

As long as he slowly digests and absorbs these experience notes, he can turn these exquisite ingredients into the world's top delicious food at any time!
Learning and mastering a huge amount of knowledge is more addictive than playing games. This makes Qin Ke, who already loves mathematics the most, feel that his interest in mathematics has deepened!

However, the amount of knowledge is too large and profound, which is not comparable to high school mathematics or Olympiad. Qin Ke estimates that he will have to spend a month of free time to fully digest and master it. The highest level that undergraduate mathematics majors can achieve."

What surprised Qin Ke even more was yet to come.

"Ding! Congratulations, you have won No.1 in the provincial semi-finals of the High School Olympiad, and the system rated the 'score' as 'S', the 'scores make me improve' function is in effect, and your learning experience +30000!"

A full 30000 learning experience points, cool!

The function of "Scores make me improve" is really delicious, and it is much faster than the functions of "Pretending to make me improve" and "Sleeping makes me improve" to earn experience points!

With the distribution of rewards from the system's "Grade Improves Me" function, Qin Ke's progress bar for math grades has been pulled up a lot.

"Mathematics: High School Mathematics Olympiad (National Final) level, the next level: High School Mathematics Olympiad (International IMO) level, the required academic experience value is 65892/100000."

Although there is still a long way to go to the next level, Qin Ke is not in a hurry.

Then there is the whole school meeting in the afternoon, "pretending to make me improve" is estimated to be able to increase the emotional value of a big wave, and if you can work hard to get a good score in the top [-] or even the top [-] in the final exam, " Grades make me improve" and a large wave of rewarding learning experience points will be issued!
I may not be able to raise the mathematics subject to the international IMO level before the national competition.

Even if it's too late, it doesn't matter, if you win a gold medal in the national competition, you will be upgraded to the IMO level is a certainty!

Qin Ke was in such a happy mood that even the students in the class felt amiable.

After all, the cheers and exclamations of the students are still continuously contributing experience points to him, pushing the math upgrade progress bar on the system interface to move forward slowly.

It's a pity that the emotional value of the students is getting lower and lower. Obviously, everyone has begun to accept his identity as a mathematics god and become numb.

Sure enough, I can't keep catching my classmates to pluck wool, I have to stock them for a while before plucking them.

Qin Ke thought a little regretfully, but when he thought of the school meeting in the afternoon, his mood brightened again.

There is also a large group of cute classmates who can squeeze out emotional value wool waiting for him!
 Thanks to "Tatting Island" and "Book Friends 20201211130412663" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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