I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 682 Academic hooligans, and Qin Ke's counterattack!

Chapter 682 Academic hooligans, and Qin Ke's counterattack!

The manuscript that Faltings looked at was naturally a paper that a mathematician submitted to the "Annual of Mathematics" and was well written, passed the preliminary review and review, and reached his stage.

The title of the thesis is "Display of Research Results on NS Equations by Applying Infinite Flow Algorithm and Local Gaussian Algorithm for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations".

This is indeed a high-level paper. It starts from the three angles of mass conservation, momentum theorem and energy conservation in fluid dynamics, uses Euler's method to analyze the unified expression form, and then introduces the mass and momentum fluxes to get The continuity equation and the momentum equation were derived, and finally new progress was made with the nonlinear partial differential equation infinite flow algorithm and the local Gaussian algorithm.

Although there is a long way to go to prove the existence and smoothness of the general solution of the NS equation, the result has undoubtedly surpassed the paper entitled "Infinite Flow with Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations" presented by Ning Qingjun at the International Conference of Mathematicians last year. The report "Research on NS Equations by Algorithms" further advances Ning Qingjun's original achievement of "can solve about a quarter of the NS equations under normal circumstances" to "solve about one-third of the NS equations under normal circumstances". Equation solving problem".

Even if this paper is a secondary innovation based on the original algorithm published by Ning Qingyun before, which belongs to the achievement of "standing on the shoulders of giants", the result is only advanced from "one-quarter" to "one-third". ", but it has made great strides forward, which still cannot be ignored.

What made Faltins frown was the author's arrogant attitude towards Ning Qingjun, the original author of "Infinite Flow Algorithm", in the article.

"Here, I would like to thank Professor Ning Qingjun who proposed the 'Infinite Flow Algorithm', oh, that is the youngest female Fields Medal winner from Xia Guo. Although this 'Infinite Flow Algorithm' is not very perfect, there are still great limitations—this is also the limitation of Oriental women’s thinking—but it is undeniable that her research results did give me new inspiration for solving NS equations. In this paper, I aim at those in Professor Ning’s original algorithm The imperfections have been optimized one by one, and its application range has been expanded in combination with the local Gaussian method, hoping to have reference significance for Professor Ning's next research work..."

No one's theory is perfect, especially Ning Qingyun's new algorithm from 0 to 25%, the difficulty is much more difficult than increasing from 25% to 33%!Its value cannot be negated by some imperfections in it!
But look at the face of the author of this paper. It is obvious that the result was achieved by citing the results of other people's published papers and making secondary innovations, but he still has a condescending attitude. How can Faltings not feel uncomfortable?
"Obadiah Sean from the Paris Normal University?" Faltins snorted coldly, and he had also heard the name of this academic hooligan.

Obadiah Sean is a professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris. He is only 35 years old this year. He was known as a mathematical genius before, but there are many negative comments. The most important ones are pride and arrogance, especially for mathematicians from non-western developed countries. He has always been contemptuous, and was issued by EMS (European Mathematical Society) because he published an article mocking Ramanujan, the God of Mathematics in India, who was "ignorant of learning and skill". A warning letter and a penalty letter, prohibiting him from participating in any mathematics award selection within two years.

But Obadiah Sean is not ashamed but proud. During the period, he continued to publish papers and comments to "touch porcelain" those celebrities in mathematics from non-developed countries, including Vietnamese who also work and live in China. Philippine award boss Wu Baozhu.

It has to be said that Obadiah Sean's maverick behavior of "grabbing the crowd" is still effective, and he is indeed of a high level, which makes him supported and praised by many Westernists, and has become a certain The "orthodox mathematics and defender of the Göttingen School" touted by others has gained a great reputation and benefits are pouring in. Even a Philippine award boss like Wu Baozhu can't do anything about this academic hooligan.

Faltings threw the manuscript on the table, picked up a pen, and wrote the conclusion of "improper speech, academic misconduct, not published", and called the editor-in-chief and asked him to send an email to reject the manuscript.

In fact, Faltings also knows that the "Annals of Mathematics" will reject manuscripts, which does not mean that other mathematics journals will also reject manuscripts. Perhaps the two top journals, "New Advances in Mathematics" and "Acta Mathematics", consider maintaining the same relationship with Qin Ke and Ning. Qingyun's good relationship also rejected the manuscript, but the "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" where some Westernists have a lot of say is likely to accept this manuscript. After all, the academic level of the paper itself is quite good, and the Not to mention the mathematics journals in Europe.

Faltins did this because of his upright and arrogant personality, which made him dislike such an academic hooligan who relies on "touching porcelain" mathematics celebrities to gain fame.

Another thing that puts Faltings in a bad mood is that the Annals of Mathematics has received fifteen papers related to the "NS Equation", including this paper by Obadiah Shawn , and almost all of these papers are secondary innovations based on the "Infinite Flow Algorithm" published by Ning Qingjun before, and some papers are not lacking in highlights.

Thinking that many outstanding mathematicians are challenging the general solution of the NS equation along the path opened up by Ning Qingjun, while Ning Qingjun and Qin Ke are silent, Faltings can't help pacing back and forth in the office .

"By the way, what have Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun been up to lately? Since they won the Fields Medal, they haven't published any papers on mathematics. Instead, they've focused on physics. Could it be that they really gave up on further studies in mathematics? Didn't they still Did you say you want to solve the millennium problem of NS equations?"

Faltings has a deep love and hatred for these two genius mathematicians.

He has seen countless amazing mathematical geniuses in his life, but this is the first time he has encountered a mathematician as spiritual as Ning Qingyun and as talented as Qin Ke, even if he is known as a "genius among geniuses." "Professor Tao Zhexuan is obviously inferior to Qin Ke.

In Faltings' mind, Qin Ke's talent in mathematics is comparable to or even surpassed by his most respected teacher, Pope Grothendieck of Algebraic Geometry!
Faltings sincerely hopes that these two young mathematicians can continue to create more brilliance in mathematics, such as overcoming the millennium problem "the existence and smoothness of solutions to NS equations", bringing more breakthroughs to the international mathematics community. What a brilliant new idea, a new mathematical method.

——Different from Obadiah Sean, an academic hooligan who only innovates on the basis of others, the mathematical achievements of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are almost pioneering, no matter how many kinds of lime number theory processing methods , or Ning Qingjun's "Infinite Flow Algorithm", or Qin Ke's scientific and breakthrough combination of Riemann's entire mathematical thinking into a brand new system when proving the last set of expressions of Riemann's conjecture. It is a remarkable achievement in the history of mathematics, and it has a huge influence and promotion effect on the development of the entire mathematics world!

But now, more than half a year has passed, and these two mathematicians he is most optimistic about and looking forward to most have not published half a paper related to mathematics, and even the news has nothing to do with mathematics!

——Yes, the papers published by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun in the top physics journals such as PRL are related to the NS equation, but it is the in-depth use of the special solution of the NS equation to solve physical problems, and the mathematical solution to the general solution of the NS equation It doesn't fit at all!

In fact, I haven’t published any mathematical papers for more than half a year, which may be very common for other mathematicians. After all, no one’s academic achievements are blown by strong winds. It is considered high-yield to publish one high-level paper every year.

But Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are different!

We must know that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had high-quality papers on mathematics at the beginning, but there were so many that even the "Annual of Mathematics" had to find a way to schedule publication, so as not to publish too densely and become "Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun" Special Issue on Mathematics”!
Under the strong contrast, how can this not make Faltings feel sorry and hate iron for being weak?

Once Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun really withdraw from the mathematics world, it will be huge for the international mathematics community and for mathematicians like Faltins who really love mathematics and want to see more of the beautiful scenery of the mathematics world. Loss!

For this reason, Faltins also deliberately used his personal relationship to persuade the American Mathematical Society (AMS), and then sent invitation emails to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, inviting them to participate in the World Academic Exchange Conference in the field of number theory in August. Take the opportunity to bring the two genius mathematicians back on the right track of mathematics, and at the same time let them show their performance in the mathematics world again, and deter academic hooligans like Obadiah Sean.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ke refused on the grounds that he had other important matters!
"You two!" Faltings sighed helplessly, and finally sent Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun another invitation email, and in the email to Qin Ke, Obadiah was also attached. The passage from Sean's paper.

The old man's intention is very clear, which is the aggressive method.

Others are stepping on your wife's head, shouldn't it be time for you to take action?

Of course, Qin Ke didn't know that the old Mr. Faltings was hating iron and steel because of his "not doing business properly". He didn't have his mobile phone with him, so he couldn't know the content of the email.

So he slept peacefully and soundly, and the next morning, he met Ning Qingyun and had breakfast with Ning Zongxun and his wife.

The separation was imminent, and Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu were making steamed buns for the two children one by one, but they didn't swallow a few mouthfuls. It was because of Qin Ke's gags and jokes that Ning Zongxun and his wife didn't know it. I ate two buns in between.

No matter how much you procrastinate for time, breakfast will always be finished, and the time for Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Uncle Yang to leave this mysterious research institute is coming soon.

Ning Zongxun and his wife accompanied the three of them to the entrance of the underground parking garage and stopped.

Seeing the separation was imminent, how could Ning Qingyun, who had just gotten acquainted with her mother, not feel sad?
She bit her pink lips tightly, resisting the crystal tears rolling in her eyes, but still said firmly: "Mom and Dad, you don't have to worry about me, Qin Ke and I will take good care of ourselves. But you, Take care, Dad, your hair is all white..."

At the end, her voice was choked up, but she was afraid of making her mother cry, so she tried her best not to cry.

Ji Xiuyu and Ning Zongxun looked at their daughter with tears in their eyes.

Ji Xiuyu picked up her daughter's little hand, and put her precious and important place in Qin Ke's hand, her eyes were red and said: "Xiao Ke, I will entrust Jun'er to you."

Qin Ke also put away his usual laughing and joking, and said seriously: "Mom, don't worry, I guarantee that what you will look like when you hand over Yun'er to me today, and what you will look like next time you see her."

This "Mom" made Ji Xiuyu have mixed feelings, both joy and sadness.

My daughter has really grown up, is going to get married, has a husband, and might be a mother soon...

Ji Xiuyu put away her complicated emotions and said with relief: "Okay, I believe in you. You have to take good care of yourself. Your father and I have no son, so you are our son." She turned to look at Yang Chengke, deeply Bow: "Leader Yang, Zongxun and I, please take care of these two children!"

The corners of Lao Yang's eyes were also a little wet. He also has a daughter, so he understands the feelings of Ning Zongxun and his wife very well.

He solemnly said: "Academician Ji, Academician Ning, I still say that, with me around, no one can bully them!"

After Ning Zongxun thanked Yang Chengke, he gently pushed Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, and said hoarsely, "Okay, let's go, safe journey."

"Well, goodbye, Mom and Dad." Ning Qingyun held Qin Ke's hand tightly and walked quickly to the car parked in the middle of the parking garage.

The girl didn't dare to look back, because her face was full of tears at the moment, and even more so because she was afraid that when she turned around and saw her parents who were also crying, she would break free from Qin Ke's hand, turn around and rush back to her mother , capriciously asked to stay...

She guessed right, at this time Ji Xiuyu had thrown herself into her husband's arms, weeping heavily, she just gritted her teeth tightly and did not make a sound, even Ning Zongxun's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.

Suddenly, I heard a rush of footsteps from behind, and then I heard the assistant Xiao Wang shout: "Stand at attention, everyone is there, salute——!"

Ning Zongxun and his wife turned around, and they were surprised to see Xiao Wang and dozens of young scientific researchers quickly lined up in a neat formation, facing the couple, as well as Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Yang Chengke who were going away. Solemn salute!

This is a tribute to Ning Zongxun and his wife who sacrificed their family for the scientific research of the motherland, for the future of the motherland and mankind, and to Ning Qingyun who cannot enjoy the love of his parents!

This is a salute to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who have developed the perfect desert sweet potato and made great contributions to resolving the world's survival crisis that not many people know about!

This is also a salute to Yang Chengke, who is devoting himself to the development of scientific research in the motherland!

Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Yang Chengke also turned their heads when they heard the sound.

Looking at this solemn scene and the figure of her parents hugging each other at the end, Ning Qingyun couldn't help crying like rain.

Qin Ke, on the other hand, hugged the girl's slender waist tightly, and stood at attention solemnly and firmly in return.

Yang Chengke also had tears in his eyes, and he returned the salute solemnly. At this moment, he was once again full of confidence in the future of the scientific research community of his motherland.

With such a group of great and lovely researchers, what kind of technical difficulties cannot be overcome?Are there any difficulties that cannot be overcome?
Lao Yang once again strengthened his determination to reform the funding of scientific research projects.


Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it has been a while since Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun returned to the capital, and Ning Qingyun has also recovered from the sorrow of parting.

As Qin Ke said, although there was a separation, didn't there also be a one-night reunion?And since there is an exception for the first time, there will naturally be a second time, and there will be opportunities to meet my parents in the future.

After figuring it out, the strong girl quickly regained her composure and returned to normal scientific research and academics.

She and Qin Ke studied NS equations, compiled tutorials on computational seed science, continued to cooperate with Deguo's Coppert on the topic of topological quantum communication, followed the project progress of the Lime Student Fund, and went on a date together when they were free Enjoy life, live full and happy.

The pace of time entered the beginning of August, and a major event happened in Xiaguo's scientific research circle. New regulations were promulgated, and the application process for scientific research projects was adjusted on a large scale. Only after deliberation can the project be approved.

All projects that have no clear meaning, no clear effect, and no clear necessity will not be approved, and those that have been approved will be greatly reduced in funding or even directly withdrawn.Those scientific research projects that have made substantial achievements in a down-to-earth manner, or have been verified to be beneficial to people's livelihood, or have a good reputation and wide recognition, have received key financial support.

All of a sudden, there was a turmoil in the scientific research circle of the Xia Kingdom. Those experts who used the funds for a project name, and those professors who reported materials that were several times more than the actual results, panicked and protested everywhere.

Without scientific research projects, where do they get the qualifications for master and doctoral tutors?Without scientific research projects, how can they reimburse various expenses?Without scientific research projects, how can they maintain their image as a giant in the industry?
And those scientists who really do scientific research and want to make achievements are applauding and shouting wisely.

Just when the scientific research community was arguing, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun publicly spoke out on their scarves, clearly supporting the new regulations on scientific research funding reform.

The influence of the two of them among the young people was huge, and they quickly turned the direction of the wind, making the voices of support surging and suppressing those unwilling voices.

Naturally, there are still a lot of improvements to be made in the new regulations. Reforms have never been accomplished overnight, and this is also the focus of the opposition’s attacks. However, the atmosphere in the scientific research community has indeed begun to change. More and more scientific researchers have begun to do scientific research seriously, pay attention to people’s livelihood, Strive to solve high-precision problems...

But Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun chose to stand up, and immediately became the targets of those losers, and they were under tremendous pressure.And their hundreds of millions of fans did not give an inch, confronting those losers.

Someone with good intentions posted a vote. More than 97% of the votes supported Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, 2% were neutral, and less than 1% were against.

On the cusp of such a storm, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun participated in the World Conference of Xia Mathematicians and won the [-]th "ICCM Mathematics Award" awarded by the conference.

So far, all the important mathematics awards in China, except the "Hua Luogeng Mathematics Award", which is only awarded to mathematicians over 50 years old, have been won over and over again, and the limelight in the domestic mathematics field is unmatched.

At the conference, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun gave a 10-minute speech at the invitation of Mr. Qiu. The theme was "Innovation can look up to the stars, but research can only be down-to-earth".

In front of a group of Xia-born mathematicians who are generally over 30 years old and some are in their 70s or [-]s, the two young people showed their courageous, pioneering and innovative spirit, as well as their serious and down-to-earth academic attitude. won warm applause.

Afterwards, Mr. Qiu publicly announced the appointment of two people as the vice presidents of Qingmu University's "Qiuzhen Academy", which caused a sensation in the audience.

However, "Qiuzhen Academy" is Mr. Qiu's experimental field for mathematics education reform. He has full authority to appoint and remove personnel, and everyone can only watch with envy the birth of two 21-year-old vice presidents.

Many people also know that there are many voices against Qin and Ke on the Internet at this time. Mr. Qiu is expressing his greatest support for the two young people with practical actions!
After the meeting, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun returned to the campus, and the ups and downs of the outside world were once again kept out of the ivory tower.

In fact, Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun closed the app after distributing the scarves. They didn't have the habit of reading comments, so the cries and howls of the losers and the opposition had no effect on them.

They issued scarves only to approve from the heart and support Uncle Yang's decision with practical actions.

Although they have been staying in the laboratory of their teacher Jiang Weixian, the professors Duan Yonggong, Hu Qingfeng, and He Liangfu they have come into contact with before are all very good, excellent and honest scientific researchers. In the Internet age, they can still get news about many negative events.

They like scientific research from the bottom of their hearts, and they also hope that the scientific research community in the motherland will get better and better, and more and more achievements will be made, and technology can really improve people's lives.And Uncle Yang's reform is to use this goal, so they will naturally support it vigorously.With their academic status, they are not afraid of offending the handful of scientific research scum.

The wind and waves on the scarf had no effect on Qin Ke, but another incident had an impact on Qin Ke's mood.

That is the mail of old Mr. Faltings.

Qin Ke only replied one word to the old man's email.

"it is good"

An extremely simple word, but it reveals a strong flavor.

Qin Ke was indeed offended.

If it was just a normal academic exchange, he would not be angry even if someone opposed his and Ning Qingyun's theories. Qin Ke absolutely couldn't bear to step on her to rub her heat.

In addition to asking Ning Qingyun to prepare and submit a paper on the latest achievements of the two on the general solution of NS equations in mathematics, he also planned to fight back against the perpetrators.

"Obadiah Sean...? Shimmer, help me find all of this guy's papers!"

Qin Ke smiled coldly.

Want to "touch porcelain" celebrities and step on others to take the lead?Then you must be mentally prepared to pay for ruin!

Let Qin Ke do what Wu Baozhu can't do!

As far as provoking mistakes in the thesis and defeating those fallacies and heresies with an upright attitude, Qin Ke has never been afraid of anyone!
(End of this chapter)

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