I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 679 The Imminent Freshwater Crisis!

Chapter 679 The Imminent Freshwater Crisis!
"Based on the deduction of these meteorological data, we can see that when the planting area of ​​the 'perfect desert sweet potato' exceeds 30% in the edge of the desert, it can effectively slow down the expansion of desertification, because the oasis climate has initially formed and the air humidity has increased. , the rainfall will also increase slightly..."

Guan Weizhao cooperated with the PPT chart and talked for nearly 10 minutes:

"In the end, our conclusion is that as long as the 'perfect desert sweet potato' is planted in 65% of the desert fringe areas within five years, the process of desertification can basically be curbed completely."

"Once the planting rate exceeds 80%, it will be an inevitable result of greening and sand retreating, and sandstorms will be greatly restricted. The probability of super-large sandstorms sweeping several provinces will be reduced to 0%, and the downward trend of rainfall will also be contained. It is estimated that the rainfall in desert areas will only drop by about 1% compared with this year in five years, but the temperature will still increase by about 2 degrees Celsius. After all, the increase in temperature is caused by the global environment. Only my country grows the "perfect desert sweet potato" ', unable to change the climate trend of global warming."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in unison, and their expressions cheered up.

Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu looked at each other and smiled, and with such a result, the couple can be considered to have a relationship with each other.

Someone joked: "Director Ning, academician Ji, your love and son-in-law are amazing. We have a headache and worry so much that we can't eat and sleep well. They solved it in a flash. Sure enough, the tiger father has no dog daughter, which is amazing." !"

Everyone responded:

"That's right, I also heard that they created a 'computing seed science' and became the founder of the school. Unfortunately, I have no time these two days, and I haven't had time to learn more about it. I heard Assistant Wang mention that the industry is very interested in this 'computing science'. "Seed Science" is highly respected, and it is said that even this "perfect desert sweet potato" was researched through "Computational Seed Science".

"This is really amazing. The younger generation is awesome! I really envy you two, having such an excellent daughter and son-in-law."

"Say, are Professor Ning and Professor Qin going to visit relatives these two days, today or tomorrow? Director Ning, can you introduce us to such a young talent?"

Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu were also in a good mood. Just like what their colleagues said, the invention of their daughter and Ning Qingyun was too timely and critical, and it solved the problem they were worried about all at once.

And through this "perfect desert sweet potato", they also felt for the first time that their daughter and future son-in-law had indeed grown into outstanding scientists. Cool.

Having a child is like this, the child is the continuation of one's own life, as long as the child can achieve results and be praised by others, the parents will always be more proud and proud than their own achievements.

Ning Zongxun looked at the clock hanging on the wall, and couldn't help showing a smile on his tired face: "The two of them will come over tonight, so it's probably around this time, and Xiao Wang has already gone to wait for the pick-up. This time it's a special benefit from the superiors, so don't be jealous."

"Great, are they coming soon? Then you and Academician Ji don't hold meetings here anymore, leave the next report to us, you two hurry up and reunite with your relatives."

"That's right, Director Ning, all of us have gone home to visit relatives at least three times in the past nine years, but the two of you haven't been home much in the past eight or nine years. Director Ning, Academician Ji, you two have at least Have you not seen your daughter for eight years?"

Speaking of this, the admiration and respect in everyone's eyes cannot be concealed.

The excellent quality of "leading by example, putting others before oneself" is vividly displayed in Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu's husband and wife.

In order to ensure the progress of the research and the requirement of confidentiality, the number of places to visit relatives on vacation each year is limited, at most only one quarter of the people can go home to visit relatives on a short vacation.

However, Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu gave up their places to their subordinates every time, and did not use the privileges of the directors at all. They were also at the forefront of scientific research when doing research on weekdays, and lived and ate with ordinary researchers. They take the lead in complying with any regulations, and they are more strict with themselves than others. How can such a leader be unpopular?

To be honest, if Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu were not leaders of outstanding academicians with first-class character and knowledge, working in such an underground research institute for more than ten years, it is estimated that most people would be mentally affected even if they were not crazy. No, I would rather violate discipline than try my best to leave.

It can be said that the researchers in this institute can maintain overall stability, the turnover rate is extremely low, and the team's cohesion and combat effectiveness are better than most scientific research teams. Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu should remember the greatest credit.

So at this time, I heard that the superior made an exception and arranged for Ning Qingjun and Qin Ke to come over to meet the two academicians. No one was jealous or unbalanced. Instead, they were full of blessings and were happy for the two academicians.

Ji Xiuyu smiled and said: "Okay, then we will leave first because of everyone's affection, and I will trouble you with the report. At that time, Xiaoguan will cooperate and provide the deduction results of the mathematical model. This year's Spring Festival, we will strive for more Try to let half of the people go home for the New Year!"

Her expression also relaxed. According to the latest deduction results of the mathematics application group, the probability of the "first sign" of "world collapse" has been greatly reduced, and the research institute does not need to be too anxious. It can arrange for researchers to visit relatives in batches. She Maybe he and his husband Ning Zongxun can also go home during the Spring Festival this year and enjoy a week or so of reunion with their daughter.

Ji Xiuyu was about to get up, but Ning Zongxun suddenly asked: "Xiaoguan, do you have anything else to say?"

It was Ning Zongxun who noticed that Guan Weizhao, the leader of the mathematics application group, hesitated to speak several times.

Guan Weizhao scratched his head, and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm really sorry, Director Ning, Academician Ji, I still have something to report."

Everyone clamored: "I said Xiaoguan, you should also have a snack. If it's not important, you can report it tomorrow. Now Director Ning and the others are still in a hurry to see their daughter, and the family is reunited."

"That's right, you nerd can't read the atmosphere all day long. If the leaders of this research institute are academician Ning and academician Ji, you would have worn small shoes countless times in the institute outside."

Guan Weizhao was so blushed by the words that he couldn't continue talking.

Ning Zongxun waved his hand, and the surroundings immediately became quiet.Ning Zongxun said softly: "Xiaoguan, you can continue to finish talking first, we will not miss it for a while."

He is well aware of Guan Weizhao's advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are high level of mathematics, strong logical thinking, practical and rigorous work, and the level of mathematical modeling is second to none in the research institute. At the age of 12, he passed the college entrance examination and entered the junior class of Xia Ke University. At the age of 21, he received a Ph.D. After graduation, he was once a well-known mathematics genius.

It's just that his shortcomings are also obvious. His personality is a bit dull, he doesn't understand the world, he doesn't know how to read people's faces, and he often offends people without knowing it. For example, when he first came to the institute, he once said "You can't solve such a simple problem? Didn't you graduate from primary school?" It can be said to be a typical example of high IQ and low EQ.

Over the years, under the patient teaching and care of Ning Zongxun and his wife, Guan Weizhao has become a lot more normal in dealing with people in the world. He is barely qualified for the duties of the team leader, but his emotional intelligence is still slightly lower than ordinary people.

For such a flawed mathematical genius, Ning Zongxun is naturally more careful and patient than ordinary people.

Seeing Director Ning's gentle expression, Guan Weizhao finally spoke:

"Director Ning, did you mention the planting area of ​​'Perfect Desert Sweet Potatoes' in the report just now? I have conducted another simulation calculation of water consumption. Although planting this variety of sweet potatoes saves water resources, the original desert Marginal areas are areas that lack water and little rain. Once the planting area exceeds 50%, the water resources in the above-mentioned areas will be obviously tight, which will affect the normal living water for humans and animals. Even if Professor Ning's 'precision drip irrigation' technology is adopted, once the planting area With a planting rate of more than 65%, the freshwater problem will remain a serious problem that cannot be ignored."

He opened a new statistical chart: "Moreover, in the next five years, the rainfall of the whole world will decrease, and the freshwater crisis will become a major problem that countries cannot ignore. Not to mention other countries, only our country wants to To increase the planting rate of the 'perfect desert sweet potato' to over 65%, it is necessary to solve the serious shortage of fresh water resources. Whether it is the south-to-north water diversion or increasing the dredging of rivers, the country must pay more attention to it and put it on the agenda as soon as possible."

Guan Weizhao opened the map again, pointed to a certain area and said, "Of course, I have another suggestion, which is to strengthen the research and development of saltwater lake desalination and seawater desalination technology. The total area of ​​the lake is more than 4300 square kilometers, the average water depth is 21 meters, and the maximum depth is 32 meters. It contains a huge amount of water, but because it is a saltwater lake, it can neither be used for drinking nor for irrigation. Using this Qinghai Lake will basically solve the problem of lack of fresh water resources in desert areas.”

Speaking of this, he was a little embarrassed and said: "How about you two, let Professor Qin and Professor Ning try hard in this direction next? They can even research 'desert sweet potato' to solve the problem of salt water and sea water. It shouldn’t be a problem to dilute the technology, right?”

Someone laughed and scolded: "Xiaoguan, you really think that Professor Qin and Professor Ning are omnipotent inventors, can you specialize in their professional skills? They are mathematicians and physicists, and now at most biologists are added, you still don't know what to do?" Can't they be chemists again?"

However, some people retorted: "No, I think what Xiao Guan said makes sense. No matter sea water desalination or salt water desalination, they just separate the salt and water from the mixture state, and no new substances are formed in the process. The changes are physical changes, they are physicists, maybe they can really research new technologies that can be promoted on a large scale at low cost."

A mature and prudent person said: "Okay, okay, let's talk about this later, let's not delay the reunion of Director Ning, Academician Ji and his daughter. Xiaoguan, you can tell us about the problem of lack of fresh water and related data. And report it, we will write it in the report."

"Yes, yes, Director Ning, you are leaving soon, leave the rest to us, and the report will be handed over to your desks tomorrow."

Ning Zongxun and Ji Xiuyu also really missed their daughter, and after a few simple instructions, they left the big conference room and trotted away in the direction of the small conference room for receiving guests.

But both of them subconsciously flashed Guan Weizhao's suggestion just now, maybe they can really let those two children try?

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets, recommended tickets and full reservations!
(End of this chapter)

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