I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 677 The light of science blooming from them is comparable to gods!

Chapter 677 The light of science blooming from them is comparable to gods!

Someone couldn't help raising their hands and asked, "Professor Qin, is it really possible to do it in such a short time?"

Qin Ke said with a smile: "At present, I am most familiar with the cultivation of sweet potatoes, so as long as the characteristics of sweet potatoes can be realized, it should be fine. Of course, please be merciful and don't write some impossible characteristics, such as making sweet potatoes talk, or making sweet potatoes speak. It walks on its own, flies into the sky, etc., and don’t let it dance in 100-degree boiling water, or it won’t burn or cook in a fire. This is science, not science fiction, let alone magic.”

Everyone couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere became more active.

However, Uncle Yang Chengke, who was sitting in the first row, and the seniors who cared about Qin Ke, including Vice President Gu Bojun, Academician Jiang Weixian, Academician Tian Jianlan, Academician Guo Weiyang, etc., were sweating in their hearts. Qin Ke, Qin Ke, it is necessary to play like this Is it big?Once you can't do it, you will lose face in front of the people of the whole country, and it will seriously shake the prestige of computational seed science!

A researcher in the Lime Plant Cultivation Laboratory quietly asked Wei Xueming: "Director Wei, can this really be done? Is it too exaggerated? Since it is said that it will be completed in a short time on site, it is impossible to spend two or three hours , the result will be available in an hour at the latest, right?"

Wei Xueming was also stunned, but in front of his subordinates, he naturally defended the authority of the big boss: "President Qin said he can do it, so he will definitely do it. When have you ever seen him do something he was not sure about?"

The atmosphere of discussion on the Internet was even more intense. Some people thought it was worth looking forward to, while others thought it was just bragging. The dense barrage of debates completely flooded the live broadcast room.

Amid countless attention and whispers, Qin Ke's designated game was quickly implemented. Five minutes later, a large pile of paper balls had been placed on the small podium on the stage, and the master of ceremonies came to the stage to draw.

The whole process is followed by cameras, and there is no possibility of falsification.

Soon, there was a small note in Qin Ke's hand. Qin Ke opened it in public and read: "Realize the sweet potato leaves into a shape similar to a heart. ——Professor Dai Xiangping of North China College of Agriculture and Forestry."

When they heard the contents of the note, there was a lot of commotion and laughter in the venue immediately.

Professor Dai Xiangping from North China College of Agriculture and Forestry took the microphone from the staff and said seriously: "Professor Qin, I am very lucky that my note was drawn. I didn't mean to embarrass you by turning the sweet potato leaves into a heart shape. I did I have seen and studied this kind of sweet potato 20 years ago. It is an extremely rare mutant strain found in the southwest of my country. This is the only one. After I heard about it, I flew to buy it for research, but whether it is No matter how grafting or breeding, it cannot be passed on to the next generation."

"So when it withered, the sweet potato with heart-shaped leaves disappeared, and no one has discovered it for 20 years." Speaking of this, Professor Dai's tone was a little more regretful:

"Of course, I still have relevant information in my laboratory. In order to prove my words, I can send people the photos at that time later. I just heard from Professor Ning's theoretical explanation that computational seed science can increase genetic The probability of mutation, I just remembered this, I wonder if you can do it?"

Qin Ke pressed down with his hand, and the venue became quiet again.

Qin Ke then smiled and said: "The leaves are like a heart-shaped plant. The first thing I thought of was pothos. Since there are such plants in nature, it is naturally possible for the leaves of sweet potatoes to become heart-shaped due to genetic mutations. Yes. I will give it a try. Time... Let me see, um, please give me half an hour."

Everyone was dumbfounded, half an hour? !
Although it is only changing the shape of the leaf, which is a change of a single attribute, is it possible to do it in half an hour?

Normally speaking, it may not be possible to research it in 40 to [-] years, right?
Absolutely impossible, this is simply impossible to do!

Many biology professors shouted in their hearts, even if they overestimated the computational seed science and Qin Ke's level, they would never accept such a thing that completely subverted their professional knowledge!
Qin Ke turned a deaf ear to the voices of surprise and doubt around him, and while drawing patterns on the tablet with a pen, he talked eloquently:

"The first step in computational seed science is to study genetics. Fortunately, in order to study desert sweet potatoes, Qingyun and I have basically mastered the genetic code library of sweet potatoes, which can save countless time. You see, the shape of sweet potato leaves Genes are mainly determined by the two DNAs numbered N.988 and Y.991, and there are more than 70 key base combinations in them."

"Next, I will mathematically symbolize the different base combinations, find out the gene expression, and refine the requirements of the heart-shaped leaves into a system of partial differential equations, and then substitute them into the main framework of mathematical modeling of computational seed science ..."

Qin Ke held the stylus in his hand and explained while writing. Soon the big screen was filled with calculation formulas, and everyone was dazzled. Except for the experts and professors present, most of the audience on the Internet and in front of the TV could not understand. But no one was willing to blink, for fear of missing the most exciting moment.

"...Look, at this point, we can completely transform the demand into the solution of partial differential equations. Next is the solution process of the pure mathematics part. I will speed up the progress and won't explain it."

Qin Kesheng started writing, writing faster and faster, and the extremely complicated calculation formulas came out coherently, and it took only 3 minutes to complete the solution process.

The audience was quiet, and no one dared to speak, because even the professors of biology and computer science didn't know what Qin Ke was writing, and even the professors of mathematics were secretly shocked.It would take them at least a few hours to find an exact solution to such a complicated system of partial differential equations. The speed of Qin Ke in front of them is simply against the sky!

"Okay, as you can see, there are five solutions to partial differential equations under different circumstances. The first solution is the probability of a sudden change. The original probability is one in ten million. That is to say, under normal circumstances, a large The probability of naturally producing sweet potatoes with heart-shaped leaves is one in [-], and the following solutions are used to explain how to enhance the probability of genetic mutation. How to use these solutions? Let me demonstrate..."

"Here we are almost in the final step. Substituting the above results into the gene expression of the leaf shape, and then converting it, we can reverse the specific base combination, ordering and structure. Look, this sketch is The final combination structure diagram... I drew it too ugly, please wait for me for a while, I will directly program a program to draw it more beautifully..."

"Well, this is the 3D base combination structure diagram. At this point, the subsequent cultivation plan will be simpler. Here I have the program used to deduce the desert sweet potato cultivation plan. Substitute the parameters of this base combination into Go in...wait a minute, the derivation will take a while...well, come out. This is the final cultivation plan."

The rapid typing on the keyboard stopped abruptly, and finally a detailed cultivation plan appeared on the big screen.

"As long as you follow this breeding plan, there is a probability of more than 95% that you can grow sweet potatoes with heart-shaped leaves."

The plan on the big screen required a total of nine generations of cross-breeding, and it also recorded when certain special fertilizer elements were applied to increase the probability of mutation...

The details are mind-boggling.

All the biology professors present looked at me and trembled.

As the so-called layman watches the excitement, and the insider watches the way, the layman can still "not understand the situation", but the experts who can see the way are completely shocked and speechless.

Qin Ke's entire demonstration process is full of details, logical and self-consistent, without flaws!
He... really just used paper and pen, as well as computer programs, to accomplish something that required tens of thousands of experiments!
Most of the experts in the venue were too excited to sit still and stood up one after another.

But Qin Ke was still not satisfied, and he said again: "It's not intuitive for everyone to just look at the plan, let me directly use the computer to simulate the entire cultivation process."

This kind of simulation is just a trivial matter for LV4's low light. Everyone soon saw a simulated animation appearing on the big screen. Generations of sweet potato leaves have been cross-bred and genetically mutated, and finally become heart-shaped leaves.

Everyone seemed to be watching a miracle, subconsciously held their breath, and the venue was so quiet that even a needle could be heard falling.

Professor Gong Chengji was also stunned. When the simulation animation ended, he looked at Qin Ke with a kind of devoutness like a believer, as if looking at a god.

At this moment, Qin Ke is a god in his heart!
A god who ushered in a whole new era of biology!
I don't know who stood up suddenly excitedly, and shouted tremblingly: "It only took 23 minutes...he did it! He really did it! It's incredible!"

The almost stagnant air in the venue resumed its flow as if awakened, and then the entire venue exploded, all the live broadcast rooms exploded, and all the audience in front of the TV exploded!
Countless people shouted and shouted excitedly, and the applause almost lifted the ceiling!
At this moment, no one is paying attention to the "perfect desert sweet potato", because no matter how unique its characteristics, no matter how far-reaching its significance, no matter how useful it is, it is only the result obtained by using computational seed science. What really created this miracle is the " Computational seed science" great subject!

The old era is about to collapse, and a new era has come. Once computational seed science comes out, all the original seed cultivation research methods will become garbage and be swept into the dustbin of history.

The birth of computational seed science is of significance to biology, especially seed science, just like the steam engine is to the industrial age, and the computer is to the information age. Human plant breeding will take a big step forward!It can even be said that there has been a qualitative leap!
Director Xiang Shouqian from the Biology Department of Kiyoki University sighed to Vice President Gu Bojun next to him: "President Gu, today we have witnessed history and the birth of a new era."

A professor of biology at Yan University nearby heard this, shook his head and said, "Not only that." He looked at the two young people on the stage, and said firmly in a trembling voice, "We also witnessed two young people on the stage of biology. The great scientist of the altar is born!"

Yes, in the eyes of countless biology professors, the light of science blooming from Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun at this moment is comparable to gods!

(End of this chapter)

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