Chapter 669
Xiao Li, a staff member from the Organizing Committee of the World Xia Mathematicians Conference, was extremely polite, even with a hint of expectation and pleading.

In fact, it is not surprising that the "ICCM Mathematics Award" has been awarded nine times so far. Although it has attracted great attention among Xia-descendant mathematicians around the world and has considerable reputation, it is also known as the "Fields Medal for Xia-descendant mathematicians". But its international authority and reputation are only based on Mr. Qiu's lofty reputation.

Compared with the Ramanujan Prize, the Breakthrough Prize in Mathematics, and the Cole Prize, the "ICCM Mathematics Prize" is inferior in terms of historical background and actual status. At most, it can only be regarded as a dispensable "little prize".

Even the Ramanujan Award had to beg Ning Qingyun to go to India to receive the award, and a mere "ICCM Mathematics Award" had to beg Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to "spend time" to participate in the meeting and win an award by the way.

"Is it August 8th? One day or several days?"

"The opening ceremony and award ceremony will be on August 8, and there will be three days of academic exchanges in the next one. We also hope that you and Professor Ning can continue to attend, but everything depends on your and Professor Ning's schedule, and we dare not force it. "

Qin Ke made a mouth shape, and the dim light in the phone immediately opened the schedule.

From August 8th to August 5th, there is an itinerary to be determined. It was an invitation sent by Mr. Faltins on behalf of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), inviting Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to participate in a world academic exchange in the field of number theory meeting.

It's just that Qin Ke hadn't received the meeting date with Ning Zongxun and his wife from Uncle Yang at that time, so he didn't dare to agree easily.

A few days ago, Uncle Yang confirmed that the date of the meeting would be July 7th. Qin Ke was so busy that he forgot to reply to Faltings for a while. At this time, he had to face two choices. National Congress, or to participate in the World Conference on Number Theory organized by the American Mathematical Society?

From the perspective of influence and establishment of authority, it is undoubtedly more useful to participate in the AMS conference.

However, Qin Ke took into account Mr. Qiu's concern for him, encouraged Xia's students to learn mathematics better, expanded his influence in the circle of Xia's mathematicians, and then better reversed the current Xia's mathematics circle in the future. Despite all kinds of unhealthy tendencies, he still decided to participate in the World Conference of Xia Mathematicians.

As for winning awards, Qin Ke really didn't pay much attention to them. Apart from the Wolf Prize, the Abel Prize, and the Chern Prize in the mathematics world, there are really no prizes that Qin Ke can pay attention to.

"Okay, Professor Ning and I will be there, including the next three days of academic exchanges."

"Thank you very much! We will personally send someone to deliver the official invitation letter to Qingmu University. If possible... Could you please give an acceptance speech at the opening ceremony? It doesn't need to be very long, about 3 minutes will do." Work Xiao Li, the staff member, begged in a very respectful and polite manner.

"Yes." Qin Ke readily agreed.

"Thank you again for your support to our conference! We will contact you later to confirm the itinerary. All air tickets and travel expenses will be properly arranged on our side. Please rest assured that you and Professor Ning will not disturb you. I look forward to seeing you and Ning The arrival of the professor."

Listening to the polite and humble tone of Xiao Li, the staff member on the other phone, Qin Ke couldn't help but burst out laughing, and realized again that he seemed to have become a bigwig in the mathematics world comparable to Mr. Qiu.

At the end of the call, Qin Ke said with his lips to the phone: "Shimmer, help me reply to Mr. Faltings' email, saying that I have other important things to attend the World Conference on Number Theory in August, so please be polite." point."

Shimmer immediately replied: "Got it, Master Qin Ke."

Now LV4's Shimmer is a relatively qualified assistant, and can handle personal tasks such as helping to reply to emails and ordinary WeChat messages, which relieves Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun of a lot of burden.

Of course, Shimmer still cannot replace Fang Yongtang, the work assistant, in assisting Qin Ke in management and understanding of Lime Technology and Lime Student Foundation.

"Brother, brother, look!" At this time, Qin Xiaoke had already got out of the dressing room, and pushed Ning Qingyun to Qin Ke like offering a treasure.

The surroundings seemed to brighten up, and Ning Qingyun, who had put on a new dress, had a blushing little face, which was reflected in Qin Ke's pupils vividly.

It was a lovely pure white skirt, and the thin white belt around the waist was tied into a beautiful bowknot. The most eye-catching thing was naturally the dazzlingly white legs with incomparably beautiful curves under the skirt.

Moreover, Ning Qingyun took off her hat and put on a pair of ponytails. Coupled with her blushing, pure and beautiful face, it can even make people burst into blood.

Even though he has seen Ning Qingyun's most beautiful side, Qin Ke's heart is still burning when he sees his cute girlfriend.Sure enough, having a girlfriend who looks good in any clothes is pleasing to the eye.

If she hadn't been wearing big sunglasses to hide her flourishing beauty, the staff and customers of the entire clothing store would have come to watch at this time.

"What... how?" Ning Qingyun asked in a low voice with a blushing face, embarrassed by Qin Ke's scorching gaze.

Qin Ke smiled and said: "It's very good, I'll buy this set, but I can't wear it outside, or my love rivals will increase by several hundred million."

"Slick." Ning Qingyun rolled Qin Ke's eyes, bit her red lips lightly and said hesitantly, "But I feel that my mother may not like me wearing this style of skirt."

"Huh? I just plan to let you wear this set at home for me to see. You see, parents can choose new clothes. Xiao Ke, I leave it to you. Today I will help sister Ning choose ten sets of clothes, brother I'll give you two more sets, let's do it."

"Yeah, long live brother—! Sister Ning, let's go!"

"I... I don't need to buy so many new clothes..."

Qin Ke added with a smile: "Tomorrow we will live in a resort villa with a private swimming pool, and you two can buy swimsuits along the way."

"Wow, that's great, brother, your arrangement is amazing! I haven't gone swimming for several years! Sister Ning, sister Ning, let's choose two matching swimsuits, shall we?"

Looking at Qin Xiaoke, who is as close as a sister to Ning Qingyun, Qin Ke couldn't help but twitch his lips. A good sister-in-law relationship can reduce countless family troubles, and to a certain extent, it can make up for Ning Qingyun's lack of family affection without brothers and sisters.

For example, at this time Ning Qingyun was a little helpless and a little embarrassed, but also had a happy and doting smile, which was the best portrayal.


In the next two days, Qin Ke took his girlfriend and younger sister to travel around the mountains and rivers, enjoying a rare vacation. On the other side, his Uncle Yang Chengke was sitting in the office, looking at the documents in his hand with a headache.

This is the most important instruction issued yesterday.

The content of the instruction was very simple, so he called together experts in desert control as soon as possible to find the most economical, most affordable and most effective way to prevent and control desertification.

As for the reason, it was not explained in the instructions above, but Lao Yang also knew what was going on. After all, the "Report on the need to carry out desert control as soon as possible to prevent future large-scale sandstorms and the danger of accelerated desert expansion" submitted by Ning Zongxun ", it was submitted after he and the leaders of several departments reviewed it at the same time.

In the report that reached the highest level of confidentiality, academician Ning Zongxun said that after two recent deductions by the institute, combined with the research results of more than ten years, it has been basically determined that in the next five years, the size of deserts in various places in the country The frequency of sandstorm outbreaks will increase year by year, and the climate in various places will also change. The rainfall will decrease year by year, and the decrease may reach 27% in five years. Drought will become the norm in most parts of the country. Deserts and surrounding areas The maximum temperature in summer will increase by about 8 degrees Celsius.

The decrease in rainfall and the increase in temperature will bring about serious consequences, which will accelerate the speed of desert expansion. If no good anti-desertification method is thought of, within five years, the domestic desert area will expand by about 20% , the prairie, which has been over-cultivated and over-grazed, will also usher in serious green retreat and sand ingress, and the probability of super-large sandstorms sweeping several northern provinces in the next five years is as high as 17%!

At the end of the report, academician Ning Zongxun and his wife proposed in the most serious and solemn manner that desertification prevention and control must be elevated to a strategic level that is related to survival, and all new technologies should be adopted as much as possible and sufficient funds should be allocated to prevent desertification. expansion, otherwise the deterioration of the situation after five years will be irreversible.

The higher-ups obviously also attached great importance to it. After the report was submitted, they heard that they had a direct conversation with Ning Zongxun and his wife at the research institute, and then quickly issued this urgent instruction to Yang Chengke.

Yang Chengke has a terrible headache. He understands the difficulties of the country, and now he has to spend money everywhere, education, medical care, infrastructure... which one is not a gold swallowing beast?Financial constraints, no matter how crowded or tilted, the cost of desertification prevention and control is limited, and the top can only pin their hopes on "scientific and technological progress", hoping to find some economical and affordable solutions for desertification prevention and control.

But what novel desertification prevention and control schemes can there be in China?

Yes, over the past ten years, many effective desertification prevention and control schemes have indeed been proposed, including building shelterbelts to prevent sand, pressing sand through mechanical sand barriers, protecting vegetation in sandy areas to block sand, developing sand industry for sand control, etc. The most famous is the use of The "five belts in one" scheme composed of sand-fixing firebreak belt, irrigation afforestation belt, grass barrier plant belt, front sand-blocking belt and sand sealing and grass cultivation belt has been formulated, and some areas have barely explored the so-called "desert control" and "sand control" Poor" integration plan.

In terms of new technologies, there are also moisture-conducting precision desert seedling tools, Haloxylon rhinestone planting, PLA sand fixation, HDPE new sand-blocking net sand barrier, simulated shrub sand control, and sand-soil transformation technology.

However, most of these technologies and solutions are very expensive and do not have the significance of promotion. They can only achieve results in a small area. Once the investment funds are reduced, they will soon return to their original shape.

For example, the current sand control effect is good, and afforestation has been implemented all the time, with Populus euphratica forest being the most representative.

Populus euphratica is known as a "desert hero", and writers call it "a thousand years of life without death, a thousand years of death without falling, and a thousand years of collapse without immortality". Spreading can also improve the soil to a certain extent, but even Populus euphratica forest, which is the most cost-effective afforestation, is not cheap.

First of all, if Populus euphratica wants to play a real role, it must be at least ten years old. The planting cost of each poplar tree is about 70 yuan, and 42 trees are planted per mu, and the planting cost per mu is about 2900 yuan. The three-year survival rate of poplars is only 30%, and only about 10% will remain after ten years. That is, it costs 70 yuan to plant 10 trees, and in the end only 1 trees can play the role of sand prevention and control. It takes a lot of money to maintain every year to ensure the final [-]% survival rate. If it is left to fend for itself, the survival rate will even be lower than [-]%!

Secondly, there is no economic benefit in planting Populus euphratica forest. If the money is invested, it will have no other use except to prevent and control desertification. It can neither bear fruit nor be cut down for timber.

For these "gold-swallowing beasts" that can only enter but cannot enter, it is absolutely impossible to implement sand control and prevention in all deserts across the country, let alone achieve remarkable results within five years.

However, according to academician Ning Zongxun and his wife, desertification prevention and control is indeed an extremely urgent and extremely important task, and we must find a way if there is no way.

 Thank you for "I want to be a lazy idle fish", "Believe in the Lord", "You will be convicted only when you wake up from your dream", "Ok Tuoshe Ancient Emperor", "The King of Fighting Po", "Qiaodu", "Book Friends 2022100118424727 ", "Amon Blasphemer", "Unassuming Big Fat Cat" and more!
(End of this chapter)

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