Chapter 660
After Qin Ke's dissertation defense ended, there was a 5-minute intermission, and it was Ning Qingyun's turn to defend his doctoral dissertation.

With her hair tied into a single ponytail, a girl with a beautiful and cool air stood on the stage and started a thesis report on the theme of "Application of NS Equation in Soil Infiltration Fluid Mechanics" with a pleasant voice.

Compared with Qin Ke, who looks more mature, Ning Qingyun still maintains a girlish appearance, making her look like a girl who is still in high school or just entered the university campus, but such a young girl At this time, he was standing in front of more than a hundred authoritative experts in the physics field, making a very professional and profound thesis defense report.

This had to make the old professors present deeply lament once again that "the waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves ahead, and the new generation is better than the old ones".

The key words of Ning Qingjun's report are fluid mechanics, NS equation and osmotic mechanics.

Liquid seepage mechanics has a strong connection with soil mechanics, and Ning Qingjun had contacted and understood it in Duan Yonggong's "J-92 Breakwater" large-scale experiment.

But this time Ning Qingjun's research direction is not earthworks, but agronomy-related precision drip irrigation technology for sandy soil.

This is a very subdivided field, and it is also very unpopular. It is so unpopular that among the more than 100 senior professors present, none of them is engaged in research in this field.

But all the methods are consistent, and Ning Qingyun's report is very detailed, so everyone can basically understand it. This is mainly to use fluid mechanics and NS equations to derive and design precise drip irrigation technology.

Ning Qingyun's theoretical level of fluid mechanics, understanding of NS equations, superb mathematical computing ability, in-depth understanding of sandy soil and seepage mechanics, and the detailed and reasonable simulation experiment plan constructed by Ning Qingjun in the paper have all impressed everyone. Tsk tsk amazed.

As expected of the winner of the Fields Medal, the mathematics is the same as Qin Ke's report, basically not many people can understand it all.

The situation is similar when it comes to sandy soils and liquid infiltration mechanics, and few people can ask in-depth questions on this aspect.

Fluid mechanics is relatively better. At least a dozen academicians and professors can understand all of them, and the rest can probably understand more than half of them.

This made the question-and-answer session more lively than Qin Keshi's. The academician judges and a group of professors finally found some sense of presence, and asked Ning Qingyun various questions, such as the basis for the original experimental plan, penetration mechanics and The relationship between fluid mechanics.

Xu Boyuan, one of the judges, a professor of physics at Yanda University and an academician of the Academy of Sciences, said curiously: "Student Ning Qingjun, you have designed a more reasonable experimental plan in your paper, verified the theory and mechanical model you proposed, and showed that the drip irrigation technology The water-saving effect can exceed 72%, so is your technology a laboratory technology, or does it have the conditions for promotion and industrialization?"

"Hello, Academician Xu." Ning Qingjun replied politely: "Basically, the conditions for industrialization are already met, but just like Qin Ke's previous papers, for different desertified soils and plants, precise drip irrigation technology needs Only by optimizing the mechanical model I designed can the water-saving efficiency mentioned in the paper be achieved, otherwise, on average, only about 50% of the water-saving efficiency will be achieved.”

"50% is pretty good." Academician Xu Boyuan praised sincerely, and then kindly reminded: "Student Ning, although your technology is not as widely used as Qin Ke's, it still has great potential. Patent, remember to apply in time.”

"Thank you, Academician Xu. I have indeed applied for a patent for this technology, but it should not be commercially authorized."

Academician Xu Boyuan said unexpectedly: "Why?"

Ning Qingyun just smiled and did not answer the question that had nothing to do with the thesis.

This technology patent is only applicable to barren sandy soil, not normal soil, so the commercial value is not high. Ning Qingyun plans to donate it to the country together with the patented technology of the perfect desert sweet potato.

In the girl's heart, there is no need to say these things and show off everywhere.

The question-and-answer session was still going on, and professors asked questions one after another, and Ning Qingyun answered them easily.

In the end, Academician Wen Xuanping asked a question that everyone cares about, but has no professional technical content:

"Student Ning Qingyun, I'm quite surprised. Why did you choose this subdivision direction as the topic of your doctoral thesis? Although your doctoral thesis is very exciting and your professional level is beyond doubt, this direction is indeed too biased. It’s like the direction young people like to study.”

"Academician Wen, you mean that the direction of this project is more 'Xia Liba people' than 'Yangchun Baixue'?"

Academician Wen Xuanping smiled and nodded.

Ning Qingjun thought about it seriously before answering: "Theoretical physics does have many high-tech and new directions, such as quantum computing, superconducting materials, etc., and fluid mechanics also has a branch of aerodynamics to study aircraft and even spacecraft, Space station design and other high-end topics. My doctoral thesis chose this direction of precise drip irrigation of soil. The reason is actually not complicated. First, I have limited time. I only have one month to prepare the whole thesis. I naturally choose the one I am familiar with now. one direction."

"Secondly, I think that the subject of 'soil' also has its role and practical significance. Soil is related to the national economy and people's livelihood, and food is the lifeblood of the country. In many desertified areas where water is scarce, water is a precious resource. Precision drip irrigation technology It can obviously improve the planting efficiency of local crops, increase farmers' income, and improve their lives."

At the beginning, when they heard the first reason, everyone was a little amused. This girl is really honest, but when they heard the second reason, everyone was all moved.

Anyone who is engaged in physics, who doesn't want to engage in high-end and atmospheric research?In the past, the "two bombs and one star" that was enough to make the older generation of physicists talk about their lives need not be mentioned. Quantum communication, new energy, high-tech materials, chip technology, aerospace, interstellar navigation, deep-sea exploration in the past 30 to [-] years... Which one is not a research direction that can save face and make money if you say it out?

Moreover, these directions are also in line with the country's science and technology development strategy. It is much easier to apply for funding or obtain honors. Therefore, most experts and professors present focus on these directions. No one has really considered basic agriculture related to the national economy and people's livelihood.

A young and beautiful girl like Ning Qingjun thought about it, not only chose this direction as the topic of her doctoral thesis defense, but also put forward a feasible precision drip irrigation technology solution through serious research to help solve the problem of water shortage areas. Crop planting benefits, help farmers to go to a well-off life.

This is the ambition and feelings that scientists should have!
No wonder last month, "Renren Daily" unabashedly praised Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun for "showing the responsibility, courage, and spirit of scientific research workers"!
Looking at Ning Qingyun's serious and calm expression on the stage, the school leaders, academicians, experts and professors present all felt a little complicated, feeling ashamed, moved, and even more appreciative.

Academician Wen Xuanping said with emotion: "Student Ning Qingyun, I heard that you and Qin Ke have studied the topic of hybridization of new seeds before, so you are more familiar with the direction of agronomy?"

Ning Qingyun hesitated for a moment, then looked at Qin Ke.

Qin Ke nodded slightly, indicating that he could speak.

Ning Qingyun continued: "Indeed, this subject is actually directly related to a desert plant breeding subject that Qin Ke and I are conducting, and they are highly complementary."

Desert plant breeding topic?

Everyone was amazed, and at the same time understood why Ning Qingjun would study the drip irrigation technology for desertified soil.

Although Academician Wen Xuanping was also very curious about the topic of plant breeding, it had nothing to do with this defense, and seeing that Ning Qingyun didn't mean to elaborate, he stopped asking. After asking the opinions of the judges, he said: "Then let's score together."

All the judges raised their scoring cards.

Without any suspense, Ning Qingyun also passed the doctoral dissertation defense with full marks.

The next step is the regular process. The graduation certificates, doctorate certificates, and doctoral uniforms of the two have already been prepared. After changing clothes, awarding certificates, taking photos with the leaders of Qingmu University and the teacher Jiang Weixian, and then meeting with the judges The eight academicians took a group photo, took a group photo with the guests, and received congratulations...

The last student careers of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun came to an end under the records of countless flash lights and high-definition cameras.

The Ph.D. in physics of the two was also officially announced.

When the two changed back into their original clothes and returned to the lecture theater, it was still full of people, and almost no one left early.

As soon as Qin Ke walked in, they immediately found themselves like prey being targeted.

Academician Wen Xuanping rushed forward with a stride, and said with a smile: "Xiao Qin, Xiao Ning, you have also officially graduated, and you haven't decided where to work yet? Why don't you come to our Xia Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Physics is just short of two A full professor with a postgraduate degree. I even brought the letter of appointment." As he spoke, he handed over the letter of appointment.

Many experts and professors present were secretly envious. The vice president of the Academy of Sciences personally invited and sent a letter of appointment. Such a rare treatment!

But President Huang of Qingmu University was not happy, and came to stop him: "Dean Wen, you are wrong, Professor Qin and Professor Ning are graduates of our school, and our school has already offered the best conditions to invite them The two stayed to teach..."

Principal Zhao from Yan University next door squeezed over and interrupted: "Old Huang, your attitude of protecting food is not right. How can you force Professor Qin and Ning Qingyun to stay at Qingmu University? What if they have a more desirable workplace? ?”

President Zhao showed the most cordial smile to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, boasting: "In terms of physics teaching and research level, our School of Physics at Yanda University has always been much better than Qingmu University, not only has the first-class teaching conditions and scientific research in China Conditions, and first-class students! We can also build a fluid mechanics laboratory for Professor Qin and Professor Ning..."

Principal Huang of Qingmu snorted coldly: "After you build it, the day lily will be cold, but our school has a ready-made national fluid mechanics laboratory..."

Principal Zhao confronted him tit for tat: "Heh, there is old academician Jiang sitting in the fluid mechanics laboratory of your school, but we can build a new laboratory building completely according to the wishes of Professor Qin and Professor Ning! In terms of remuneration, our side is more The satisfaction of the two professors can be guaranteed. The house with an area of ​​more than [-] square meters within the third ring road can be transferred directly, and a driver is provided to pick up and go to and from the school every day. If the two professors want to live on campus, Yanda can also provide permanent free single-family villas on campus... ..."

"Professor Qin, Professor Ning, why don't you two consider coming to Chenghai Jiaotong University?" Principal Wei of Chenghai Jiaotong University unceremoniously cut off Principal Zhao's words:

"I won't mention the material conditions. Compared with Yanda University, it is only stronger than weaker! I guarantee that you will not have to worry about such small things as food, clothing, housing and transportation for the rest of your life! In terms of teaching, we are not as stingy as the Institute of Physics and Yanda University. We only give master's degree tutor qualifications. Here we will directly give the qualifications of full professors and doctoral supervisors. From September this year, you two can directly announce the doctoral student enrollment plan for next year! In terms of scientific research, we are currently building a [-]-story teaching building, which has been capped, and you can directly It will be changed to the experimental building of the two of you, and it will be put into production by the end of this year, and the scientific researchers of the school can be chosen by you..."

Principal Zhao of Yanda University lashed out: "Hey, Principal Wei, you are a bit of a bad man, how can the teaching building be changed to the laboratory building..."

Principal Wei of Chenghai Jiaotong University stared: "What are the rules? For our school, the biggest rule is to recruit talents outside the rules!"

The leaders of the other universities saw that even the principals of Qingmu, Yanda University, and Chenghai Jiaotong University went into battle shirtless to rob people. They couldn't sit still, and they all rolled up their sleeves to join the competition of persuasion. The conditions promised were generous. The eyeballs of the rest of the professors in the auditorium were about to pop out.

Even if you hire an academician, you don't get such an exaggerated treatment, right?

All the colleges and universities competed for red eyes, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun finally found a chance to speak: "Everyone, we have something to say."

The school leaders of the various universities finally stopped talking slowly, and their eyes fell on Qin and Ke.

Qin Ke pulled Ning Qingyun, bowed slightly to the principals, and said seriously:
"First of all, I would like to thank all the elders for their love and appreciation for me and Qingyun. We also hope to teach in famous universities such as Yanda University, Chenghai Jiaotong University, Xia Ke University, and Nanjing University. But first of all, we are Teacher Jiang's students. Teacher Jiang is getting older. Therefore, after discussing with Qingyun, I have decided to stay in the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Qingmu University, slowly take over the burden of Teacher Jiang, and continue to contribute to the cause of fluid mechanics in the motherland."

Everyone was surprised, it turned out that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had decided to take over the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory of Qingmu University!

If Qin Ke had released this news a day ago, everyone might have complained, but now that they have seen the physical level of Qin Ke and Qin Ke, no one would doubt it.

Everyone can only lament the courage of Qingmu University and Jiang Weixian.

Kiyoki University's Fluid Mechanics Laboratory is a well-known national key laboratory in China. It is second to none in the country in terms of fluid mechanics. Kiyoki University actually agreed to let two fresh graduates take over directly. There are two to 300 people at this level. It is no wonder that the State Key Laboratory has given the best conditions.

At the same time, everyone can understand Qin Ke's choice. After all, Jiang Weixian's fluid mechanics laboratory is ready-made. It requires equipment and technicians. It is much less worrying and labor-saving than starting from scratch. The burden is on.

Principal Zhao of Yanda University did not give up and said: "What about teaching? Can the two professors come to our school as a doctoral supervisor? Both the School of Physics and the School of Mathematics welcome you two to join. As long as you are willing to join, all conditions are fine. talk!"

(End of this chapter)

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