I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 637 Do you want to be an academician?

Chapter 637 Do you want to be an academician?

Academician Guo Weiyang, the deputy director, immediately showed a friendly smile when he saw the two. He put down his teacup and joked: "Xiao Qin, Xiao Ning, you two have done a good job. I thought you were just doing papers for Lao Jiang's final exam. It was actually published directly on PRL, hahaha, Old Jiang, are you surprised or not?"

Jiang Weixian turned a deaf ear to his old friend's teasing, and said to the two of them, "Everyone, get ready. I will defend my master's degree thesis on Friday, and I will use this thesis published on RPL."

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were psychologically prepared, and immediately responded, "Yes."

Academician Guo Weiyang next to him shook his head and sighed again: "Old Jiang, it's not easy to be your disciple. If it were someone else, such a dissertation would be enough to graduate with a Ph.D. and be evaluated as an associate professor, so you would be awarded a master's degree."

"Don't hold them all day." Jiang Weixian said lightly: "Learning is endless. They are indeed very strong in theory, but they still lack experience in experiments. If you want to be a real physicist, It is inseparable from experimentation and practice. Even if they do not need to conduct experiments in person in the future, if they do not know all the details, they will not be able to design a reasonable experimental plan. Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, this year I will spare as much time as possible to personally bring With you doing experiments, going around and doing more practice, you will work much harder than last year, is there any problem?"

Qin Ke and the two were grateful in their hearts. How could they not understand the painstaking efforts of the old academician to cultivate them?He said seriously at the moment: "Everything is according to your order, we have no problem."

Academician Guo Weiyang, who was originally joking, first poured a cup of black tea for Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, then stood up and patted Qin Ke on the shoulder with a smile: "Lao Jiang is right to be strict with you. What others want to cultivate is physics talents. What he wants to train is a real physicist, a future academician of physics. Well, I won’t bother you master and apprentice chatting, I’m leaving first.”

He waved his hand and walked away gracefully.

Jiang Wei first signaled Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to drink tea first, and after they both drank black tea and relaxed their expressions, he whispered: "You have done a good job recently, the operating system is related to the cornerstone of the country's future technological development , must be held firmly in one’s own hands.”

Seeing Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's surprised expressions, Jiang Weixian showed a smile on his mouth: "You two are my disciples, and the higher-ups will naturally tell me some things, and they still want to ask me to ask, you two are willing Take the direction of informatics, or continue to take the direction of physics. If it is the former, you can directly obtain a Ph.D.

Qin Ke replied without hesitation: "Mr. Jiang, I hope to continue studying physics with you."

Ning Qingyun also nodded firmly and said, "Me too."

Jiang Wei first looked at the two seriously, and reconfirmed: "I am your physics teacher, so I naturally hope that you will continue to study physics. I always believe that your talents in physics will never be inferior to mathematics and informatics. But it also depends on your interests and aspirations. When you were still high school students, you developed the first purely domestic operating system, and your attainments and interests in informatics are obviously great. Now the country also needs this aspect I don’t want you to choose a direction that is not your favorite because of me.”

Qin Ke picked up the teapot, filled the old academician Jiang Weixian with tea, and said with a smile: "We are indeed interested in informatics, but we are more interested in physics. We choose physics instead of informatics in college. Have we made our choice? As for the so-called national needs, in fact, there is no shortage of talents in the field of information science. The Lime operating system incident this time was caused by the leak of the source code. This is a man-made disaster, or It is caused by management loopholes, and has nothing to do with the technology itself. The security audit mechanism of Lime OS V3.5 was originally very good, but its weakness is that it relies too much on the secrecy of the source code."

He also poured tea for Ning Qingyun next to him, and continued: "In the direction of informatics, we are only interested in chips now, but chips are also inseparable from physical electronics and physical materials. We know that you are interested in physical materials. The direction is also at the top level, and it is our blessing to learn from you."

Jiang Weixian felt comfortable hearing this, and he couldn't help showing a smile again on his usually serious face: "No wonder some people say that even if you get into an official career, you will have a bright future. Since you have decided to continue studying physics with me, I naturally I will teach you everything. By the way, there is one more important matter, and I will also ask you two for your wishes."

"You say."

"About this year's selection of academicians." Jiang Weixian gently put down his teacup, his face regained his seriousness: "Based on your achievements in mathematics and your recent achievements, as long as you are willing to participate in the selection of academicians, you will be elected as academicians of mathematics." It is basically a certainty. It is a good thing to be elected as an academician, especially you two have just turned 21. If you are elected this year, you will be the youngest academicians in the history of Xia Kingdom. It is estimated that no one will be able to surpassed both of you."

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun didn't speak, but listened carefully to the teacher's analysis. They knew that the teacher wished them well from the bottom of their hearts. These words were more pertinent and useful than what others said.

Sure enough, Jiang Weixian continued unabashedly: "Being an academician is not only the highest status and honor for a scholar and a scientific researcher, but also has many privileges, not to mention salary subsidies. On the one hand, they can all enjoy favorable treatment, and after becoming an academician, they will basically have a great say in academics. Often a single sentence can determine the direction of many things, and even decide whether to implement or cancel some major projects. Funding for academic projects is also adequately guaranteed, basically there is no need to worry about funding for scientific research.”

Jiang Wei paused for the two disciples to digest what he had just said before continuing: "But with rights comes obligations. The obligations of an academician include continuing to delve into knowledge, promoting the development of scientific research, and cultivating talents for the country. There are a lot of unavoidable things.”

"Such as participating in the activities and meetings of the Academy of Sciences; for example, when the country needs you to provide professional decision-making advice, you need to provide detailed and reasonable suggestions at the first time; for example, undertake research work on important topics arranged by some countries, regardless of your interest Whether you are interested in this work, you can’t refuse it, and you must make results; such as representing the country to attend important international academic conferences, accompanying leaders to participate in conferences abroad, and providing consulting and answering services at any time, etc., and when necessary, cooperate with the reception Visiting VIPs from the international academic community."

Jiang Weixian's words made Qin Ke's and Ning Qingyun's scalps tingle.

In fact, they also know that Jiang Weixian is usually very busy. In addition to various research topics, he often travels to attend various meetings-although it is strange that Mr. Jiang seldom goes abroad, but he has to attend almost all major domestic meetings-in addition To take care of doctoral students, train talents, etc., is almost too busy to take time off, and I have never seen Mr. Jiang have a weekend vacation.

As Jiang Weixian's disciples, they also stayed in this laboratory for half a year. It can be seen that the number of times they saw Jiang Weixian was less than [-] times.

Now Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are graduate students of Qingmu University, under the protection of the school, under the care of Uncle Yang Chengke and Uncle Chen Jingxue, they still have the right to be "willful", as long as they don't want to participate in academic activities, invitations, interviews Wait, basically you can reject most of them, you also have the freedom to choose scientific research topics, and you can easily go out on weekends to date and live a sweet world for two.

But once you become an academician, can you still maintain such freedom of study, life, and scientific research?

As Teacher Jiang said, if you have rights, you must have obligations.

The rights of academicians... To be honest, with Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's current wealth, would they be short of money to see a doctor, buy a house or a car?Will there be a lack of research funding?What salary will you care about?Even on some important matters, Uncle Yang and Uncle Chen would call from time to time to ask for their opinions, and they also gained influence on major decisions invisibly.

Qin Ke stroked his forehead and said, "Mr. Jiang, stop talking. If you keep talking, I don't want to be an academician in my life."

Qin Ke did not have too much attachment and pursuit of the status of academician. He has won the Philippine award, and academician is just icing on the cake.

Jiang Weixian couldn't help laughing: "Nonsense, you and Xiao Ning will definitely become academicians in the future. If you two are not academicians, it will cause public resentment, and it will also cause other people to feel uncomfortable when they are elected, which will affect the authority of the two academies. Sex. I said this just to let you think clearly, whether you plan to participate in the selection of academicians this year, or participate in the year after next."

"Qingyun, what do you think?" Qin Ke had already made up his mind, but he still wanted to know Ning Qingyun's wishes, although he could guess about Xiaobaicai's thoughts.

Ning Qingjun didn't speak much all the time. Except when facing Qin Ke and a few good friends such as Li Lin and other girls, she rarely took the initiative to speak. It's because she's used to listening, rather than rushing to express her wishes and thoughts—especially when Qin Ke is by her side, because Qin Ke's decisions are almost in line with her wishes, so she doesn't have to speak.

At this time, when Qin Ke asked about herself, she thought for a while before answering: "I want to talk about it in the next year. In the past two years, I still want to study quietly and do some research on topics I like, and I don't want to get involved Those chores."

Very Ning Qingyun's answer.

She was originally a quiet girl who didn't like to socialize, let alone attend some fake conferences.

Although her status has risen rapidly, she is still that pure academic girl who never feels that she is a big shot, nor does she feel superior to others because of her achievements and wants to show off everywhere.

For example, seeing her home become a "former residence" and a "cultural relic", what she feels is not joy and honor, but trouble.

She still prefers to stay in the ivory tower with Qin Ke as it is now, studying together, doing scientific research together, and living a sweet and free life together, regardless of the ups and downs outside.

After hearing Ning Qingyun's answer, Qin Ke smiled, stretched out his hand to hold the little hand of the girl with a single ponytail, and said to Jiang Weixian: "Mr. Jiang, I have the same mentality as Qingyun. To be honest, if I were to be as busy as you I don't even have a vacation, I can't stand it, it doesn't matter if this academician is improper."

"Okay, let's wait two years later. If you are determined to continue on the path of physics, the next one or two years is really the critical period when you need to calm down and focus on your studies." Jiang Weixian smiled as he said : "To be honest, if you become academicians this year, it's not appropriate to stay in my laboratory anymore."

He stood up and said, "You two will be academicians in the future. As for whether you will be a mathematics academician or a physics academician in two years, it depends on your efforts. As your physics tutor, I hope that you can become a physics academician and take over in the future." This is the laboratory of me and Lao Guo. Of course, if you are willing to think of building another laboratory outside, I am also happy to see it, after all, as a teacher, there is no one who does not want his students to be outstanding."

Today is the first time that the old academician Jiang Weixian has talked with Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun for so long and in depth.

Qin Ke and the two can also deeply feel the ardent expectations and encouragement of the old academician.

So Qin Ke held Ning Qingyun and said solemnly: "We will definitely not let you down."


Back in the laboratory, the lives of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are back on track.

From Monday to Friday, I usually study the NS equation in the morning, and in the afternoon, under the personal guidance of Jiang Weixian, I participate in the experimental operation of the "turbulence group" to learn and master the working principle and operation points of each experimental instrument, as well as in the experiment. role played in.

In the formulation of each experimental plan, both of them will participate in it and play an increasingly important role.

When Jiang Weixian had to go on a business trip or leave the laboratory, academician Guo Weiyang would guide the two of them.

Thanks to the undisguised teaching of the two old academicians and the practical training that can be carried out at any time, the experimental level of the two has risen sharply. became a doctoral student.

In addition to staying in the laboratory, the two also go to Qiuzhen Academy to give lectures twice a week, and go to Yanda University to give academic lectures on mathematics twice a month.

Qin Ke's professional level of teaching enables him to be able to handle with ease no matter whether he is giving lectures or holding academic lectures. Ning Qingyun is much inferior in this respect, but she also has her own advantages, that is, patient explanation and serious lesson preparation. Students will gain a lot from listening to her courses and lectures attentively.

It is said that thanks to the courses and lectures of the two, the mathematics level of both Qiuzhen Academy and Yanda students has improved to a certain extent, which has made them a wave of fans. The mathematics students of the two schools, Seeing that both of them have already called "Professor Qin" and "Professor Ning" respectfully, no one disrespects or despises them because of their youth. People are like-minded couples, those young and restless college students are not ashamed to confess or do some unwise actions, but choose to bless silently.

The time was full and busy and came to March 31 in a blink of an eye. The spring was warm and the flowers were blooming, and the campus was covered with green grass and flowers.

And this time point is also the deadline for the academicians of the two academies to submit supplementary candidate information, because the names of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun did not appear among the candidates, which caused a series of waves.

(End of this chapter)

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