I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 630 Never admit defeat, never bow your head!

Chapter 630 Never admit defeat, never bow your head!
Yan Weizhou knew that his secretary was not a frizzy person, seeing his flustered expression, he couldn't help but his heart skipped a beat, feeling an ominous omen.

But next to him were two big bosses, Yang Chengke and Chen Jingxue. Yan Weizhou managed to keep his composure, took the secretary to a secluded corner, and asked, "Don't worry, speak slowly, what happened?"

The secretary replied while wiping his sweat: "The website of our Xiaguo Intelligent Terminal Operating System Industry Promotion Association was hacked, and several servers were hacked and invaded, and some data was stolen. At present, the computer room has to conduct physical inspections directly. Cut off the network to avoid further expansion of losses..."

As he spoke, he also handed over a printed screenshot of the website, only to see that the original website page had been replaced with a crude graffiti drawing of a tall man in sunglasses smoking a cigarette and stepping on a A man who kneels and surrenders.

There is also a line of bloody English below: "You have lost! Weak chicken! (You have lost! Weak chicken!)"

Signed is a black skull logo.

Yan Weizhou only felt his brain buzzing, and at the same time, a wave of anger and aggrieved rushed straight into his heart!
What a slap in the face!What a sarcasm!
Yang Chengke and Chen Jingxue, who followed beside him, frowned and asked, "Is this the 'Black Skull' attack?"

Black Skull is a well-known hacker organization in the world. Its members come from all over the world. It is extremely mysterious and makes countries extremely afraid. It is not only a collection of hacker elites, but also the kind that can attack and invade any website after charging commissions. Dangerous organization!

At present, many "ransomware" in the world (after being recruited, all server and computer data will be locked, and unless Bitcoin is paid as required, otherwise it cannot be unlocked and opened), it is from the hands of this "black skull".

"It's troublesome, it seems that 'Black Skull' has also been involved in this incident." Yan Weizhou was both shocked and aggrieved.

The website server of the Xiaguo Intelligent Terminal Operating System Industry Promotion Association uses the "Lime Operating System Server Edition (Longteng V3.5)", which is also based on the "Lime Operating System Server Edition" written by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun. (V1.0 version)" for secondary development.

The security audit mechanism of the server (Longteng V3.5 version) is very similar to that of the desktop version V3.5, and the code and structure also have a lot of overlap, but the server version strengthens the security defense capability by restricting ports and services, and the security mechanism is more robust. Strictness, it can lead the world by about ten years, even if it is as strong as "Black Skull", it is impossible to break it in the past ten years.

However, with the leak of the source code of the security audit mechanism of the desktop version, the defense capability of the server version has also been greatly weakened. Now the website of the Federation has been hacked by the "black skull", which is the most obvious example!Fortunately, the security review mechanism of the mobile version is quite different from that of the desktop version and the server version, but it is relatively safe.

The most troublesome thing for Yan Weizhou is that the Xiaguo Intelligent Terminal Operating System Industry Promotion Association, as a national domestic operating system alliance, is itself a banner. The website has been hacked and the server has been hacked to steal data. If such news spreads Going out will greatly affect the prestige and image of the federation!
Yang Chengke and Chen Jingxue next to him obviously thought of this, their faces were gloomy and their brows were furrowed.

Yan Weizhou took a deep breath before he managed to suppress the aggrieved fire, and asked the secretary, "Have you found any information that was stolen?"

"Part of the customer information, and about one-third of the files in the D area were stolen and copied, and some were locked twice by ransomware."

Yan Weizhou breathed a sigh of relief. The situation has not yet reached the worst point. All the important data in the server have been encrypted, and the key has reached 256 bits. It can be cracked within ten days and a half months.

The customer information and the files in the D area belong to the important information category.

As for being locked by ransomware for the second time, it is not a big problem. All important data are backed up by a separate tape library and can be restored at any time.

But Yan Weizhou quickly remembered something again, his face turned pale in an instant, and he asked in a trembling voice: "Where is the website of 'Longteng Zaitian Software Technology Co., Ltd.'? Is there something wrong?"

The website server of Longteng Zaitian Software Technology Co., Ltd. is also installed with "Lime Operating System Server Edition (Longteng V3.5 version)". Although there may be gaps in security software and security service customization, the website of the Federation is now compromised , the website of Longteng Zaitian Software Technology Co., Ltd. will also be in danger.

As soon as Yan Weizhou thought of the scene where such a picture appeared on Longteng Zaitian's website and was reposted by countless netizens, causing a public outcry, he would feel chills all over his body.

Once such a situation occurs, it will definitely deal a fatal blow to the prestige of the domestic operating system!
May I ask how Tiantian boasts that the server operating system developed by Longteng Zaitian is safe, stable and easy to use, but even your own website has been blasted and hacked, so how can customers trust you?
The momentum of the rise of the domestic operating system will also suffer the worst blow in history!
It may even be suppressed by foreign operating system giants again!

What's even more frightening is that if the servers installed with the "Lime Operating System Server Edition (Longteng V3.5)" in domestic political and business circles are also hacked and conquered... that would be an unprecedented catastrophe in Xia Kingdom!

Before the secretary could answer, Yan Weizhou's cell phone rang again.

"President, the website of 'Longteng Zaitian Software Technology Co., Ltd.' is experiencing a DDOS attack on a large scale, and the server cluster shows signs of being invaded. Now our security technology department is doing its best to defend according to the emergency plan, but it is estimated that it can only last I stayed for about three hours, now I would like to ask if you temporarily shut down the website and concentrate on defending against network intrusions?"

It is impossible to cut off the network. Longteng Zaitian's computer room is the warehouse of "small program modules" that Lime OS provides external services, uploads and downloads. Modules can only be updated through P2P technology and shared by other users, which will be significantly slower, and some unpopular small modules may even fail to update.

The most important thing is that once the network is cut off, the news of the Lime OS (Longteng version) being attacked will spread like wildfire, and will soon spread throughout the entire network!
Yan Weizhou gritted his teeth and said: "Close the website first, leaving only the notice that needs to be updated and maintained. Concentrate on protecting the server cluster in the computer room, and defend against attacks at all costs!"

After hanging up the phone, Yan Weizhou's back was soaked with sweat.

He has experienced many storms, and this is the first time he is so nervous and helpless, because if the security mechanism of the desktop version or the server version cannot be updated and repaired in time to prevent the possibility of being conquered and invaded, then The resulting consequences and losses will not be borne by anyone!

Not only is his future ruined, but even Yang Chengke has to take the blame and resign, and Chen Jingxue will also be implicated!

Yang Chengke had already heard about the situation, and he suddenly said to Yan Weizhou's secretary: "Put the picture of the hacked website on the big screen in the conference room."

The secretary was taken aback, but he also knew that Yang Chengke was still the president's immediate boss, so he hurriedly looked at Yan Weizhou, and when he saw Yan Weizhou nodding, he quickly went to work.

Yan Weizhou asked in a low voice: "Leader, what are you..."

Yang Chengke's expression has returned to calm, but the lines on his face are as firm and stern as a rock standing still in the waves.

"I'm going to say a few words myself."

Yang Chengke walked up to the rostrum in the conference room, signaled for a pause in the technical explanation, then picked up the microphone, pointed at the picture that had just been hung up, and said in a deep voice: "Just received the news that the website of the Intelligent Terminal Operating System Industry Promotion Association has been blocked. Everyone should know what it means to be black."

A group of experts were surprised and surprised to see the big screen suddenly switch to an insulting picture, but they were in an uproar when they heard Yang Chengke's words.

Yang Chengke looked around at everyone, and said word by word: "The server version and desktop version of the Lime operating system currently occupy nearly [-]% of the market share in our country, and it also supports the backbone of our country's independent, safe and controllable information. But now, someone wants to discount Our spines, let us kneel down again and act according to their faces! This attack and invasion is a warning to us! It is a provocation, contempt and humiliation to us!"

"I want to ask everyone, are you willing to be provoked, despised, and humiliated like this?"

Most of the security experts, professors, and engineers in the audience are over 30 years old, and the youngest network security engineer is also over 25 years old. It is not a passionate age, but at this moment, everyone's heart suddenly became hot.

A feeling of family and country that is closely related to the country and shares weal and woe was inspired by Yang Chengke's short words!

What's more, with the rise and popularity of the Lime OS, almost all the security experts present ate around it. Even manufacturers that originally developed other domestic Linux operating systems have transformed into providing operation and maintenance services for the Lime OS. Or the existence of software outsourcing services.

Once the prestige of the Lime operating system version 3.5 launched by Longteng Zaitian Company is discredited, their career prospects and wages will also be severely damaged.

For public and private, for the country and for oneself, everyone has no way out.

"Never admit defeat, never bow your head!" An engineer shouted out, which immediately aroused the echo of the audience!
Yang Chengke keenly felt the change in the atmosphere at the scene, and he slapped the table hard: "Very well, for the next 48 hours, Lao Chen and I will sit here and work together with you to resist this premeditated network intrusion. You all go all out to win this crucial cybersecurity battle!"

He motioned for the technical explanation to continue, then stepped aside.

Yang Chengke's remarks had a remarkable effect. The attitudes of the experts, professors and engineers who were a little unhurried and even had time to check their phones were completely different. Everyone listened carefully to the explanation on the stage and digested it as quickly as possible. Delete the relevant content, think about the method of repairing and perfecting...

Yang Chengke didn't bother the tense atmosphere in the meeting room anymore. He exchanged glances with Lao Chen, and the two came to a separate small meeting room.

Chen Jingxue said with a smile: "Old Yang, you still say that you are a technical cadre all day long. What you said just now is much higher than your technical level."

Yang Chengke sighed: "Don't be kidding, if you weren't here, would those information security professors from universities all over the country come quickly?"

"This is no longer a matter for your scientific research community. In the face of the severe situation related to the future of the country, it is impossible for the academic and educational circles to stay out of it."

Chen Jingxue smoked a cigarette and handed it to Yang Chengke, then lit a cigarette himself, and said in a low voice, "Do you want to contact them?"

Yang Chengke's face no longer showed the determination he had when he was on stage. He took the cigarette and lit it in Chen Jingxue's lighter.

Originally, the two of them hadn't smoked since they started practicing the Dongfang Peiyuan method, but today they were under too much pressure, so they could only smoke one to calm down.

"I didn't want to bother them. If I remember correctly, today is not only the most important Western Valentine's Day for young couples, but also Ning Qingyun's birthday. Qin Ke took her to Japan. Academic visits and exchanges are just an excuse, the real purpose I went to celebrate Ning Qingyun's birthday. Alas, I don't want to disturb them on such a special day unless it is absolutely necessary."

Chen Jingxue also sighed softly: "Yeah, but this time the enemy is too powerful. If they can join them, at least the chances of winning will be better. I'm just worried that the two of them are in Japan, and it's not safe to contact them. It is inconvenient to intervene in this matter as 'Mr. Q', and if he suddenly ends the visit and returns to China early, it will make people suspicious."

Transnational networks and phone calls are vulnerable to focus attention and eavesdropping, especially Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are famous scholars who are quite eye-catching, so it is absolutely impossible to contact them with ordinary mobile phones to talk about this incident.

Yang Chengke exhaled, and said slowly: "I have other safe ways to contact them, I will contact them first, and see if they have anything to say."


In Japan, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were sitting in Chen Ming and Chen Lan's car, heading to the reserved restaurant, planning to hold the final birthday celebration, including candlelight dinner, cake, concert, etc.

Chen Lan, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly took out a very inconspicuous mobile phone with an old-looking model, answered the call, then turned around in surprise, and handed the mobile phone to Qin Ke: "Someone wants to contact you. Don't worry, this It is a satellite encrypted phone, and it is very safe to make a private line call directly through our country's communication satellites."

Someone find me through Chen Lan?Qin Ke answered the phone unexpectedly, and soon recognized Uncle Yang Chengke's voice.

"Hello, Uncle Yang, I'm Qin Ke. Yes, I'm currently in Japan. Don't bother me, you say..."

The anti-eavesdropping effect of this mobile phone is very good. Even Ning Qingyun, who was sitting next to Qin Ke, didn't hear the voice or the content of the speech on the other end of the microphone. There was a rare murderous air in the room.

"Well, I will tell Qingyun about this matter. Don't worry, we will do our best. As for the security of the network connection, you don't have to worry about it. I have a way to solve it. Okay, I will send you an encrypted email later. The method is to send a communication software to Chairman Yan Weizhou’s mailbox, and ask him to find someone to find a safe laptop, install this software, and then communicate safely through that software. Well, that’s it, you and Uncle Chen take care Body, we will visit you when we return to China."

Seeing that Qin Ke returned the phone to Chen Lan, Ning Qingyun couldn't help asking curiously, "What's wrong?"

Qin Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and said softly: "It's nothing serious, but our itinerary may change in the future, and we have urgent matters to deal with." Mr. Q's identity is top secret, even in front of trustees such as Chen Ming and Chen Lan. mentioned.

As he spoke, he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Yun'er... I'm afraid we don't have time to go to the restaurant, and we don't have time to eat dinner slowly. I'll trouble Brother Ming and Sister Lan to find someone for the meals and cakes that I ordered before." Send it to your hotel room."

Neither Chen Ming nor Chen Lan were talkative people, so they continued to remain silent after answering.

Ning Qingyun said softly: "Okay, no problem, I have had a very happy day today."

She had been in contact with Qin Xiaoke a lot recently, and she was somewhat infected by the little girl's tone, so she actually added the word "super" at this time.

Seeing that Qin Ke didn't continue to elaborate on what happened, Ning Qingyun didn't ask further.

She was very familiar with Qin Ke, even though Qin Ke acted nonchalantly, Ning Qingyun could still feel the burning anger and fighting spirit.

Maybe something happened that annoyed Qin Xiaoke?

The girl thought about it, and squeezed Qin Ke's big hand tightly, indicating that she would advance and retreat with him no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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