I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 624 A Busy Spring Chapter, and a Teleconference on "Topological Quantum Computing"

Chapter 624 Busy Spring Festival, and the teleconference of "Topological Quantum Computing"
Although Qin Ke predicted that this year's Spring Festival will be busy and there will be a lot of entertainment, he still underestimated the Fields Award and the great significance behind it.

Not to mention anything else, when he and Ning Qingyun just got the Philippine Award and returned to China in the past two months, the overwhelming publicity reports from all over the country showed that these two Fields Medals have a great impact on the academic and scientific research circles of Xia Kingdom and even The extraordinary significance of the entire Xia Kingdom.

What's more, this time he and Ning Qingyun are still celebrating the New Year together. It is a rare opportunity for big figures from all walks of life to meet two Philippine Award winners with world-class influence and fame.

So from the first day of junior high school, big shots from the province, city, and town, principals, academicians, and senior professors from major colleges and universities in the province almost came hand in hand, as well as well-known figures in the business and cultural circles. It broke the threshold of Qin Ke's house.

On the contrary, the local neighbors and relatives did not dare to come to the door easily when they saw the important people who came to pay New Year's greetings in an endless stream.

Fortunately, Qin Ke had a plan in advance. On the morning of the first day of the new year, when Secretary Fang Zhouping accompanied several prominent figures from the province to visit the New Year, Qin Ke politely asked Secretary Fang to stay and help greet the guests, and declined unnecessary entertainment.

After obtaining the nod of agreement from the big boss around him, Secretary Fang readily stayed.

He is very clear that there are not many people in the entire Huahai Province who can let the big boss personally lead a team to pay New Year's greetings in the early morning of the new year, and this extremely young mathematician in front of him is one of them.

The big boss is looking forward to Qin and Ke's return to Yuanzhou to set up an academic research institution such as a mathematics research institute to improve the academic atmosphere and status of the entire Huahai Province. It's just because Qin and Ke are still studying as a graduate student with Academician Jiang , It is impossible to interrupt the studies and come back, so the big boss didn't say anything, but just came over every year to express his condolences and keep in touch with each other.

So Secretary Fang has long wanted to make friends with Qin Ke.

Moreover, this young talent has achieved world-renowned academic achievements at the age of 20, and his future prospects are even more limitless. If you don't step up your investment at this time, when will you invest?
But it's interesting to say that, although Fang Zhouping dated Qin Ke for utilitarian purposes at the beginning, he soon discovered that Qin Ke's personality is also very likable, he is flexible in his ways of dealing with people, and his words are also pleasing to the eye. Feeling comfortable in his heart, Secretary Fang gradually wanted to become friends with Qin Ke from the bottom of his heart.

Under Secretary Fang's deliberate befriending, Qin Ke is another person who makes friends. In less than three days, the two called each other brothers. Although there is a nearly 20-year age gap between the two, Secretary Fang still insists on not letting Qin Ke call him He was called "Uncle Fang" or "Secretary Fang", and changed his name to "Big Brother Fang".

Secretary Fang's "staying behind" finally freed Qin Ke from the busy social activities during the Spring Festival holiday.

Secretary Fang is a well-known figure in Huahai Province, with a wide range of people and a special status, who dare not give him some face?Moreover, he is good at dancing, who is worthy of Qin Ke's socializing, who just wants to discuss business cooperation under the banner of New Year's greetings, and who is here to fish in troubled waters to get close, he can see through it at a glance, and he can deal with it freely.

Thanks to this, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun not only deal with important guests, but also have free time to continue to study the international cooperation project of "Topological Quantum Computing" with Professor Copet in Germany.

Since March last year, this cooperation project has been carried out for more than ten months, but there are still too many gaps in the theoretical level of "topological quantum computing", and because of the defection of a team member, a new one has to be replaced. Therefore, it can only be said that the progress is good, and there is still a long way to go before the actual results.

On the night of the third day of the new year, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were both in the room, participating in the remote video conference of the Kopet team.

In the video conference, Professor Coppet said seriously to everyone: "At present, we have successfully observed the near-quantized conductance platform characteristics of Majorana fermions, and have made good progress. What we need to do next is to expand The Majorana fermion carrier platform has found the most suitable superconducting material. Our goal is to select the most suitable superconducting material in the laboratory environment to realize large-area, highly ordered and tunable Majorana Lana fermion sublattice array. And this goal, I hope to be completed before June!"

Professor Koppet is really in a hurry. Although he has studied quantum theory all his life, he has won the Max Planck Medal, the Leibniz Prize, the Heinemann Prize, etc., and has also published in "Nature" and "Science". He has published many papers and can be regarded as a giant in the industry, but because he has not had any great academic achievements that can affect the entire quantum world, he has never been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Who has been a professor of physics for a lifetime, who doesn't regard this Nobel Prize as a lifetime pursuit and goal?

Professor Koppett is 64 years old this year, and his health has never been good. After undergoing heart surgery the year before last, he obviously felt that his energy is declining. It is almost the limit to survive on the front line of scientific research for another two years.

In other words, if you fail to win the Nobel Prize in Physics within the next two years, you will probably never have another chance.

But how fierce is the competition for the Nobel Prize in Physics now, at least in the field of quantum science alone, Koppett knows that physicists such as Alan Aspe and John Krause have "verified the violation of Bell's inequality" in the "entangled photon experiment" "Remarkable results have been achieved.

In particular, Professor John Krause of the University of California successfully verified the photon entanglement experiment that violated Bell's inequality, resolving the crisis of quantum mechanics being replaced.

Compared with them, Professor Coppett has not even been able to solve the problem of topological quantum computing. How can he compete for the Nobel Prize?
At the beginning of last year, Professor Copette was cheated by a mathematician from the United States, and he was almost desperate for the Nobel Prize. But fortunately, he welcomed Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, two young mathematicians He has extremely high attainments in topology, quantum science, functional analysis, and mathematical modeling, especially in mathematics, which made Professor Coppett rekindle his hope.

At this time, Professor Coppett explained to the team members the goals of this year's project and the difficulties faced by the big screen.

"The difficulty in realizing a large-area, highly ordered and tunable Majorana fermion lattice array is to find and develop suitable superconducting materials, so that the Majorana fermion array can be precisely controlled by an external magnetic field. It is the key to whether the error correction mechanism of topological quantum computing is controllable..."

Both Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun listened carefully. For more than half a year, they had unlimited access to all the materials of Coppett's research team, which enabled them to have a deep understanding of superconducting materials, topological quantum computing, and quantum theory. , the level in this aspect is no worse than that of other members of the team except Professor Coppert.

Both of them could fully understand what Professor Coppert said.

Professor Copette talked for almost half an hour before stopping to take a sip of coffee, turned his head to look at the camera, and said to Qin Ke with hope: "Next, I will invite Professor Qin and Professor Ning to explain The deduction results of the analytical data of subsuperconducting materials."

The synthesis and refinement of the superconducting material itself is a big project. If it is purely tested through repeated experiments, the time, energy and money spent will be astronomical. However, through the functional analysis and processing of various material data , establish a mathematical model and conduct deduction, the efficiency will undoubtedly be much greater.

Even just determining a range of directions with a high success rate can save countless resources.

In the past year, the strength shown by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun in mathematical modeling is enough to convince Kopet and everyone in his team, and accept them as core members of the team from the bottom of their hearts.

Opening all research materials to the two, and taking them to visit key laboratories with certain confidentiality requirements last time, is a typical example of trust and acceptance of the two.

At this time, Qin Ke nodded to Ning Qingyun, and Ning Qingyun switched the screen of the laptop and projected the displayed content to the large screen in the conference room in Deguo.

Qin Ke had dealt with twenty or thirty waves of guests today, and his voice was a little hoarse and uncomfortable, so Ning Qingyun took the initiative to explain.

The girl gently opened her lips, and said to the mathematical analysis results on the screen:

"After analyzing the experimental data last month, we determined that Majorana fermions can exist stably in a magnetic field below 6T and at a temperature below 4K. However, in the selection of superconducting materials, superconducting semiconductor nanowires, magnetic atoms The experimental data of seven different superconducting materials such as chains, topological insulators, and superconducting heterojunctions all show that they fail to meet our requirements..."

After Ning Qingyun explained the analysis results one by one, he opened an extremely complicated interface full of mathematical calculations.

"But fortunately, after Qin Ke and I refined all the experimental data in the past six months, analyzed and modeled, and deduced, we found a more feasible direction for new superconducting materials, that is, to iron-based superconducting materials. Lithium, cesium, arsenic, calcium, potassium, etc. are added to the superconducting material to form an iron-based superconductor with a double-layer self-doping structure."

"If we can synthesize iron-based superconductors with properties such as single component, high-temperature superconductivity, and intrinsic topology from these added elements, then we may find the most ideal Majorana fermion carrier!"

"This is just our hypothetical direction, and experiments are still needed to provide more experimental data so that we can continue to optimize and improve the mathematical model."

"Concerning the next theoretical research and experimental plan, our suggestion is, first, try to use the natural stress in the crystal as an inducement source to study which elements can be added to make the superconductor produce biaxial charge density wave stripes, And it can be transmitted regularly along the lattice direction."

"Secondly, when monitoring through the ultra-low temperature and strong magnetic field scanning probe microscope system, we should pay attention to the modulation effect of CDW with a wavelength of λ2 on the energy gap of superconductors. On the charge density wave stripes in the weaker direction of the sequence, and form a relatively ordered vortex array, that is the correct direction, repeated experiments are required until a completely ordered vortex array appears..."

After 10 minutes, after Ning Qingyun finished explaining, Professor Coppert took the lead in applauding, and the applause rang out from the audience, and it was given to two young mathematicians far away in Xiaguo!

Even if you know that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are the winners of the Philippine Award, even if you are used to their supernatural performance in the past half a year of cooperation, but now you see that the two of them rely on mathematical analysis and mathematical modeling to come up with such useful results. The conclusion still made everyone applaud vigorously involuntarily, in admiration in their hearts.

Without Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, they would have to conduct at least a thousand experiments to reach similar conclusions if they wanted to come to the same conclusion.

However, thousands of experiments consume immeasurable funds, money, and time. Even a physics expert like Professor Coppert is not confident that he can achieve it within two years.

"Professor Qin, Professor Ning, it is a great fortune for our team that you can become a member of our team! Oh, by the way, it seems that your country of Xia is in the 'Spring Festival' now?" Professor Coppett clapped his hands, and the meeting room All the German researchers stood up and shouted in unison with a smile: "Professor Qin, Professor Ning, 'Happy Chinese New Year'!"

The last four words "Happy Chinese New Year" were shouted in Chinese. Although the pronunciation is a bit weird and not standard, you can still probably hear it.

This was beyond Qin Ke's expectation, and it also made them feel the sincere friendship of their partners in the country.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun looked at each other, and replied in German in unison: "Thank you, and I wish you a happy Chinese New Year too!"

The familiar German made all the German partners happy.

This topic exchange meeting finally ended with relaxed and hopeful laughter.

Qin Xiaoke poked his head in from the half-closed door: "Brother, Sister Ning, are you finished with the meeting?"

"It's over, and there will be nothing to do with us for more than a month." Qin Ke stretched his waist. The experiment took a lot of time, even if they had narrowed the direction to a smaller range, Professor Kopet And a group of researchers still need a month or two to get enough effective new experimental data and send it to them for analysis.

During this period, if they are interested, they participate in the video conference to observe the discussion of the research group. If they are busy, they can skip the meeting and work on other topics in their own hands.

"Yeah, brother, sister Ning, is it true that no one has come to visit you two since the fourth day?"

Qin Ke had already greeted Fang Zhouping and asked him to speak out. After the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, no guests who came to pay New Year's greetings would be received, and all the important people who should be seen in these four days had been met, and the rest were really impatient to socialize.

"Yeah, after the fourth day of junior high school, it's considered free."

"Then do you want to go to the city to play next, and take me with you?"

The guests were mainly grandpa Shen Tieshan and Fang Zhouping, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were the only ones who were important, and Qin Xiaoke, a small house girl, didn't like to deal with strangers, so she could only hide in her room and practice drawing, which was really embarrassing she is gone.

Ning Qingyun has always loved Xiao Ke the most, so he said, "Xiao Ke, your brother and I are going to the class reunion on the fifth and sixth day of the new year, do you want to come together?"

Qin Xiaoke hugged Ning Qingyun excitedly: "I'll go! I'm getting bored at home! By the way, we also have a reunion in our class. Brother, sister Ning, will you go with me too? Everyone We all want to meet you."

Qin Ke asked about the date, and it just so happened that it was planned to visit the homes of Shi Cunyuan and Lin Haibo to pay New Year's greetings, but seeing the little girl's look of anticipation, he said, "Okay, Qingyun and I will show our faces at that time, but at most Sit for half an hour, we have other things to do."


While Qin Ke and the others were planning the rest of the Spring Festival holiday, at New York University in the United States, Professor Sreenivasan's experimental verification of the paper "Research on the Characteristics of Large-Scale Circulation Shape Changes Using the NS Equation" It has also come to an end, and the final result is about to be ushered in.

 Thanks to "Cao Er", "Zeng Xinyou", and "Yan ILY Yang" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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