I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 620 Papers Inviting Reviewers to Top Mathematicians and Physicists Simultaneously

Chapter 620 Papers Inviting Reviewers to Top Mathematicians and Physicists Simultaneously
Just when Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun set foot on the prairie, in the United States, the editorial department of "Physical Review Letters" (PRL), the editor-in-chief Horst Sullivan, was reviewing manuscripts as usual.

As the top journal of physics, PRL receives countless manuscripts every week. Although most people are self-aware and do not dare to contribute to PRL because of their low level, there are also many people who hold the mentality of trying their luck or think too highly of themselves. Therefore, it is not easy to pick out excellent manuscripts from hundreds of paper submissions every day, and I will be disgusted by those "junk" manuscripts from time to time.

Sullivan frowned unhappily, threw a paper directly into the recycling bin, and cursed in his heart: "Fake oil! What kind of rubbish, even MIT's undergraduate thesis level, how dare you give us PRL Contribute? This recommender has to be blacklisted!"

The so-called recommender is an academic expert who recommends papers to the editorial department of a journal, at least at the associate professor level.

The original intention of this recommender system is to discover excellent papers written by unknown physics newcomers and current students. Professors are also happy to recommend excellent papers they have seen, but as time goes by, this "recommendation" gradually The taste has changed.

Many poorly written papers will be recommended by professors with weak academic principles in order to increase the acceptance rate.

Some of these professors want to earn some extra money, some are out of affection, and some are for their own students. Almost all of them turn a blind eye and write about a hundred words of recommendation.

As the saying goes, "a mouse droppings ruins a pot of porridge", these black sheep made the recommender system start to collapse.Today, more and more editors have begun to ignore the comments of recommenders. They don’t even bother to read the author’s name. They just read the title, abstract, and text.

Sullivan saw several papers that were rubbish one after another, so he simply got up to make a cup of coffee. While complaining to his colleagues, he slowly brewed coffee with a hand coffee grinder, added two spoonfuls of sugar, and then returned to work.

"Keep going, I hope to see excellent papers." Sullivan took a sip of coffee and continued to open the mailbox: "Huh? "Research on Large-Scale Circulation Shape and Kinetic Energy Change Characteristics Using NS Equation"? This paper looks a bit mean."

Sullivan became interested. Judging from the title alone, it was a new direction that no one had written before.

The new direction means that there may be excellent papers, and of course there is no shortage of headlines that catch the attention of the public.But no matter what, it's better than those paper submissions that don't want to open when they see the title.

Sullivan, as usual, skipped information such as authors and correspondents, and started reading directly from the abstract.

The coffee turns in the taste buds, and the words flash in the eyes.

But after watching it for a while, Sullivan's eyes widened: "What the hell... Are you sure this is a manuscript for a physics journal?"

The topic is about NS equations, yes, but the first two pages are full of complicated math!
You must know that there is a page limit for PRL submissions, which generally cannot exceed six pages. This paper is only five pages, and the previous mathematical calculations alone take up two pages...

Of course, this is not the key, the key is that Sullivan can't understand these mathematical calculations!

As a doctor of physics who has been working for nearly ten years, Sullivan's level in physics is still very good, but he has a specialization in his specialization. Naturally, he is not as good as ordinary master's students in mathematics. The first two pages of this paper The mathematical calculations used extremely complex knowledge points of partial differential equations, which really exceeded Sullivan's mathematical level.

Sullivan wanted to reject the manuscript directly, but these mathematical formulas seemed unclear and harsh. He hesitated for a moment, skipped the difficult and difficult derivation process, directly read the final derivation conclusion, and then continued to read the subsequent text part.

After the third page, the painting style will be normal. The exquisite physical experiment plan, detailed and clear experimental charts and data, and impeccable text descriptions, what surprised Sullivan the most is that the conclusions drawn from the experiments are different from those derived from the previous mathematics. The conclusions are exactly the same!
In other words, the following experimental part is a verification of the previous mathematical derivation part!

This is quite different from the usual title formats such as "Introduction", "Proposed Theoretical Conjecture", "Experimental Verification of Theoretical Analysis Results", "Experimental Numerical Analysis", "Conclusion and Discussion/Prospect".

The main reason is that in the previous "theoretical guessing part", others almost use words to describe it, but this paper is good, almost all use mathematical formulas...

However, leaving aside the unverifiable part of mathematical formulas, the conclusions derived from the formulas, as well as the subsequent experimental schemes, experimental values, and experimental summaries are indeed very good papers. The proposed experimental schemes are very innovative and completely It is developed around a certain special solution of the NS equation, which is highly targeted, logically rigorous, and has no mistakes or omissions.

"The main difficulty lies in the previous mathematical derivation... It is too far-fetched to derive such a correct or even precise result through mathematics, and it also completely matches the experimental conclusion..."

Sullivan frowned, a little uncertain.

"Forget it, let's see who wrote the paper and see if there are any recommenders." Sullivan turned to the beginning of the paper again.

Hey, there is no recommender, and the corresponding author is the same as the first author.There are two people in one work.

"The contributor is from Xia Kingdom? The author's name should read 'Qin Ke' or 'Ning Qingyun'?"

Although the number of Xia Guo's submissions to PRL has increased in recent years, Sullivan is still not used to the pinyin pronunciation of Xia Guo's author. After reading it a few times, he realized that these two names are a bit familiar. Where did he hear them...

Just as Sullivan took a sip of coffee, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he almost spit out the coffee.

He sat up straight all of a sudden, put the coffee in his hand aside, and opened the web to search.

Seeing the news of the Fields Medal award ceremony, as well as the photos and names of the two young and outstanding Xia Guo mathematicians, Sullivan's mouth twitched, and he quickly looked at the communication unit of the paper.

Kiyoki University, yes!
Sullivan didn't know if there was another "Qin Ke" with the same name and surname in Qingmu University, but it couldn't be someone else who appeared side by side with "Ning Qingyun" at the same time.

"Physical papers submitted by two Fields Medal winners..." The corner of Sullivan's mouth twitched again. Fortunately, the Fields Medal news did mention that this year broke the minimum age for the Fields Medal. The record Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are not only specially-appointed professors in the Department of Mathematics, but also graduate students in the Department of Physics...

It is not too strange to think of submitting papers to physics journals in this way.

"Fields Medal winner..." Sullivan immediately felt comfortable when he looked at the first part of the extremely complicated mathematical derivation process.

It’s normal for me to not understand the mathematical derivation written by the bosses of the Philippine Awards!

After all, it is a paper by a top mathematician. Sullivan thought about it and decided to pass the preliminary review carefully and hand it over to more professional review experts to judge whether there is any problem with the paper.

As for the reason for passing the first trial...

"The latter two-thirds of this thesis contain innovative experimental schemes, rigorous experimental procedures, detailed and clear data, experimental conclusions and prospects that have never been proposed by anyone in the industry, and are of high academic value. As for the first three points One of the mathematical derivation part, due to my limited mathematical level, it is impossible to judge whether there are errors or omissions in the mathematical derivation of the two Fields Medal winners."

The editor-in-chief, Pius Poulsen, soon received the review paper from Sullivan. He was surprised for a while before he opened the paper and read it carefully.

Half an hour later, he rubbed the temple on his forehead: "No wonder Sullivan said he couldn't read it."

He himself can half understand or not, but the experiment and conclusion part of the second half is indeed very well written, surpassing most of the submissions.

It's just that he is not sure whether the mathematical derivation process in the previous part is accurate. Looking at the physics world, there are not many experts who are qualified and able to review this part of the content.

Poulsen looked through the list of review experts who have a good cooperative relationship with the journal over and over again, trying to pick out an expert who is good at both fluid mechanics and NS equations, and has a high enough level of mathematics as a reviewer... But The right candidate was never found.

However, the Philippine award boss, and the joint submission of two Philippine award bosses, must not be casual in reviewing manuscripts, which is related to the academic reputation of PRL.


Poulsen simply reported the matter to the editor-in-chief, and the editor-in-chief frowned, and finally called the six editor-in-chiefs of the editorial department to discuss the matter.

An editor-in-chief suggested: "Why don't you try to contact Professor Tao Zhexuan from UCLA? He has also done excellent research on NS equations."

Professor Tao has a wide range of interests in mathematics, and has done in-depth research on the NS equation. He published a paper entitled "Finite time blowup for an averaged three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equation", discussing the Navier-Stokes equation The formalization of the supercritical state barrier of the equation's global regularity problem also draws a conclusion: even if the initial value of the averaged NS equation is smooth, it will "explode" due to the kinetic energy tending to infinity in a finite time.

It can be said that Professor Tao is a suitable reviewer in terms of NS equations and mathematics level.

Poulsen breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I also agree to choose Professor Tao as the reviewer for the mathematics part at the beginning. As for the subsequent physics part, I suggest that Professor Sreenivasan from New York University can be chosen."

Professor Sreenivasan is an iconic figure in the small-scale research of modern turbulence, and one of the pioneers who used multifractal theory to establish turbulent statistical models. He has won the "Otto Laporte Award" and " Fluid Mechanics Award".There are only a few fluid mechanics experts in the world who can win these two awards at the same time.

Professor Tao and Professor Sreenivasan's double-evaluation expert lineup is indeed worthy of the joint submission of the Shuangfei Award winners.

The editor-in-chief said: "Okay, let's make a decision like this."

The reviewers settled down, and the editor-in-chief couldn't help but sigh: "This is probably the first paper in the history of our PRL to issue review invitations to top mathematicians and physicists at the same time."


When PRL contacted the reviewers, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were already heading to Chagan Sumu Village in an off-road vehicle.

The wheels rolled over the unmelted snow on the road and came to the entrance of the village.

This poor and backward mountain village has changed a lot from a year ago.

The originally narrow, bumpy and muddy hill road has been replaced by a flat and wide two-lane cement road. A beautiful elementary school stands at the head of the village. The high red flag is flying over the playground, which is particularly conspicuous and covered by snow. The small mountain village here has added a bit of vigor and vitality.

Hearing that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were coming to the village, the whole village and the village chiefs and elders of the two nearby mountain villages waited at the entrance of the village early in spite of the howling wind. and two officers are also waiting.

As soon as he saw the two people getting out of the car, Butuge, the village head who was over [-] years old, rushed forward, shook Qin Ke's hand vigorously, and said excitedly: "Mr. Qin, Miss Ning, welcome back to Chagansu Kimura!"

The rest of the men, women and children also cast grateful glances.

Over the past year, the living standards of the three villages, including Chagan Sumu Village, have indeed improved significantly.

With the aid of the Lime Education Foundation, a beautiful primary school has been built, and the children of the nearby Santiao villages can sit in the spacious and bright classrooms directly, neither needing to go to school in the small dilapidated houses before, nor having to go over the mountains Ling went to the town primary school twenty or thirty miles away!
Moreover, the three nearby mountain villages have built concrete roads leading to the town, which not only facilitates the children's schooling, but also facilitates the villagers' travel and the sale of crop products.

The "Lime Easy-Growing Type I Tomatoes", which was promoted in three villages last year, revitalizes the barren land on the mountain. The repaired cement road can also quickly transport fresh tomatoes out for sale, increasing the income of every household in the villagers. Nearly ten thousand yuan!

You must know that the whole family, old and young, worked hard to farm the land for a year, but they couldn't make so much money!This is just the income of tomatoes.

In September, the three mountain villages received a new type of "Winter Warm I Type Winter Wheat" from the Lime Student Foundation, which enabled the re-use of the farmland that had to be abandoned in the winter. It is estimated that this year's harvest season, It can add thousands or even tens of thousands of yuan in income.

If it is paired with the new spring wheat, the life of the villagers will be greatly improved.

From struggling to make ends meet to seeing the coming of good times, this year's Spring Festival, every household can put on new clothes and buy enough meat for the New Year. The gratitude and touch of everyone to the Lime Student Aid Foundation, which provides free assistance to the village, can be imagined Got it.

In addition to Huo Baoyan, who was in frequent contact with the secretary-general, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who were in charge of the source of funds for the Qingning Student Aid Foundation, and developed new types of tomatoes, winter wheat, and spring wheat, were also admired and loved by the villagers.

In the next two days, under the warm reception of Santiao Village, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had an in-depth understanding of the situation and difficulties after the completion of the primary school, as well as the changes in the income structure after the promotion of new seeds, and they felt very fulfilled.

With my own efforts, I have changed the fate of many people who were originally suffering and poverty, and made more and more people live a happier life. This is indeed a joyful thing.

The two inspected the village for two days, and under the leadership of Huo Baoyan, they inspected the assistance situation of the other five villages, and the results were very satisfactory.

Without hesitation, Qin Ke approved the generous year-end bonus for the officers of the Student Aid Foundation.

It is precisely because of the hard work of Huo Baoyan and the others that the Qingning Student Aid Foundation operates in such an efficient and clean state, without the need for Qin and Ke to spend much energy in it, which naturally requires sufficient material rewards.

After the trip to the prairie was over, Qin and Ke flew back to Yuanzhou, preparing to reunite with their families and celebrate the Spring Festival together.

(End of this chapter)

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