I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 615 Unexpected award list!

Chapter 615 Unexpected award list!
Of course, those who are eligible to participate in this level of conference are all people with online IQ. Even a small group of narrow-minded people who are jealous of talents and talents will not be stupid to openly express this envy and jealousy at a conference attended by nearly ten thousand people. show up.

At most, they would whisper eccentric, accusatory whispers at private gatherings with a few friends, or make some small moves secretly—not to mention that the other party is Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun. When the thunder of the Ertz Award and the national jubilation is in full swing, they will not openly go against the wind.

However, it is inevitable to slander a few words in the dark in my heart.

For example: "The meeting is about to start, and some people haven't entered yet, tsk tsk, so young people nowadays don't have time awareness at all."

"It's just playing big cards."

"Heh, if you get an award from a foreigner, you really think you are a great mathematician? It's better to be late and lose face in public."

Especially when some big shots in the first and second rows also noticed the vacant seats of Qin Ke and frowned, they felt even more delighted.

In addition to these narrow-minded people, there are also many people who hope that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can win the first prize of the National Natural Science Award. This can not only reflect the country's emphasis on talents, but also reflect the value of basic subjects such as mathematics. Promoting the development of the mathematics career can also break some default seniority ranking rules-the first prize of the National Natural Science Award in the early 20s has been born, and the 40-[-]-year-old age group who never had the opportunity before will also have new Hope.

Academician Wen Yuanping, vice president of the Xia Ke Academy, was worried: "It's strange, why haven't Xiao Qin and Xiao Ning arrived yet? They should be people who know how to measure. It's fine if you don't arrive early for such an important conference. It will open soon. It's time, haven't you seen anyone yet?"

He is well aware of the importance of this meeting, and the live broadcast will start soon. If Qin and Ke enter the venue after the live broadcast, it will be a "late" that shocked the audience, and it will have a negative impact on the image of the two. Huge damage, if you don't see anyone when you go to the stage to win the award, it will be even more disaster, and the future of the two will even be cast a shadow over it.

Sitting next to him is Professor Duan Yonggong, the head of the Institute of Fluid-Structure Interaction Mechanics—oh, he was selected as an academician last year, so he should be called Academician Duan Yonggong at this time—Academician Duan Yonggong took out his mobile phone to make a call, then shook his head and said: " No, I didn't answer the calls to the two of them. Seeing that Lao Jiang and the others are also in a hurry, they are afraid that something unexpected will happen to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun."

Wen Yuanping frowned: "Don't expect any accidents..."

Sitting on the other side, Professor Xu Qingyan, director of Qingbei Integrated Circuit and Chip Joint R&D Innovation Center, looked nervously at the entrance from time to time.

The scholars and elders who cared about Qin and Ke were full of worries and whispered to each other. Of course, many people didn't notice this and just chatted with their acquaintances.

Amidst the whispers and countless gazes, the two figures finally trotted into the venue, and almost bumped into Jiang Weixian who hurried out.

Jiang Weixian breathed a sigh of relief: "You are finally here. You..." Seeing the two people in front of him, Academician Jiang was startled.

It was Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun who came.

Originally, Qin Ke's naturally curly hair had to be combed and then trimmed with a styling spray to make it look neat. Now, because he ran against the wind, his hairstyle looked even more messy, and the black dress and white shirt he was wearing had a lot of stains on them. There are mud marks and wrinkles everywhere.

Ning Qingyun's appearance was a little better, the single ponytail was only a little messy, but the white down jacket was also stained with mud, and the girl's forehead was covered with beads of sweat from running all the time, and she was panting.

Seeing the slightly embarrassed appearance of the two, countless people cast strange glances. In such a solemn and serious conference, the top of the scientific research and academic world, you are dressed like this to participate in the conference?Didn't you see the TV's camera right there?I will be on stage to accept the award later!
For a while, some people were worried, some were secretly happy, some were surprised, and some were gloating.

Fortunately, the lens of the camera was not facing this side at this time.

On such an occasion, Yang Chengke, as an important organizer of the meeting, had no choice but to come over, so he immediately winked at his secretary Lu Xinping.

Lu Dabi quickly took the two of them to the lounge next to them to tidy up their appearance.

Ning Qingyun is better, just take off the long white down jacket outside, the dress inside is not dirty, and the calfskin shoes can also be wiped clean, but Qin Ke's dress is more troublesome if it is dirty.

Fortunately, Secretary Lu was very skillful in handling affairs and asked a colleague of similar stature to exchange clothes with Qin Ke.

Soon, 2 minutes before the official start of the meeting, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who were dressed up in a new look, returned to their seats, with outstanding appearance and calm expression, which disappointed the small group of narrow-minded and jealous people. A large number of people who cared about Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, such as Academician Wen Xuanping and Academician Duan Yonggong, were all relieved.

However, most people have a question in their minds, why did these two young people come here stepping on the spot, and made them feel a little embarrassed?
After sitting down, Qin Ke apologized to several senior teachers in a low voice: "Sorry, we are late."

Jiang Weixian had already taken his seat, and nodded towards the two of them: "It's good to catch up."

The old academician Wang Heng smiled and said: "Saving a life is more important than anything else, even if it is late, it is worth it. I am very pleased with your choice."

Judging from the appearance of the two just now, they knew that they were in an emergency when they rescued people, so Academician Guo Weiyang, Academician Tian Jianlan, Mr. Qiu and others who knew the situation all gave the same approval.

Soon, the award ceremony of the National Science and Technology Awards opened on time, and the live broadcast also started.

This time, the live broadcast was also carried out in the form of live TV broadcast and live broadcast on the Internet. Due to the promotion and promotion in advance, many universities and research institutes organized and arranged for all members to watch it, which made the online attention extremely high, and even ordinary people had countless People watch the biggest event in the scientific research field in front of computer screens, TV screens, and mobile phone screens.

With the regular performance of the national anthem and the opening speech, the attention of the audience slowly shifted to the conference itself, and they guessed the final list of winners.

The audience attending the conference included professors, scholars, researchers, scientific research and technical personnel, as well as technical backbones of first-line manufacturers, which can be said to be a gathering of elites.Everyone wants to show their face in such a conference and take an award back.

And the chance of winning is less than one-twentieth, so even for the second prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award, there are countless people staring at it, fighting fiercely behind the scenes.

You must know that this is a national-level award that can be written on your resume. Even if you give a speech outside, adding it to the speaker's profile will give you face, not to mention being able to appear in front of a national audience to receive the award!

Although the list of winners had been drawn up at this time, except for a very small number of big names present who knew the details in advance, the vast majority of people, including Jiang Weixian and other old academicians, could only guess the selection results in their hearts.

In the anxious and expectant eyes of countless people, the conference came to the stage of announcing the list of winners.

The highest science and technology award was announced first, and countless eyes fell on the front row. This award, which is similar to the lifetime achievement award, is often awarded to old academicians in physics, chemistry, materials, medicine, biology, and engineering. In other words, it is biased towards the field of applied research.

In terms of mathematics in basic subjects, there is one person who has won this honor, and that is Mr. Wu, the great master of topology.

However, Mr. Wu has another identity besides his identity as a great master of topology, that is, the pioneer and the most authoritative figure in the field of mathematical mechanization in China. ), image compression in information transmission and other high-tech fields have made great contributions.Strictly speaking, Mr. Wu is a master in the direction of applied mathematics, and his research direction also belongs to the field of applied research.

In the field of pure numbers, that is, mathematicians in the field of theoretical mathematics, including the leading master of pure number theory among domestic academicians of mathematics, the teacher of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, old academician Wang Heng, have not won this top domestic award .

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the old man who presided over the meeting announced the winners of the two highest science and technology awards this year.

"The No.1 winner is Academician Jiang Weixian of Qingmu University! He has made dazzling achievements in physical materials, fluid mechanics, and climatology! His research results are widely used in many cutting-edge technologies such as aerospace, power engines, and disaster warnings." field……"

The audience was still thinking about Jiang Weixian's academic achievements, and the audience was a little agitated, but quickly quieted down.

After all, Academician Jiang Weixian’s academic status is there, and his achievements are fruitful enough. Everyone has already been mentally prepared for him to win this award, but it was originally estimated that he would win the award after he was 80 years old. Unexpectedly, it was a full nine years earlier. .

The reason for the turmoil was that Jiang Weixian was the teacher of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, and now these two young people are still studying as graduate students with Academician Jiang.

The scene was quiet, but heated discussions have already begun on the Internet.

【666, Old Academician Jiang deserves this highest technology award! 】

[I heard that Qin Shen and Ning are his students? 】

[Yes, they are graduate students in physics, and now they are studying for a master's degree in physics with Academician Jiang! 】

【This kind of boss is qualified to be the teacher of Qin Shen and Ning. 】

[That is, whenever fluid mechanics is mentioned in China now, the first thing that comes to mind is Academician Jiang Weixian, the Taishan Beidou. 】

Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun in the venue clapped their hands quietly, with smiles on their faces, they were happy and proud of their teachers.

On the contrary, old academician Jiang Weixian looked calmer—in fact, he was also a little surprised and worried, because he once said that he was willing to give up his candidacy for the highest science and technology award in exchange for two disciples getting the first prize of the natural science award.

Now that he still won the highest technology award, does it mean that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun compensated him for failing to win the first prize?

Before Jiang Weixian could figure it out, the second winner was also announced.

"The No.2 winner is the former director of the Institute of Mathematics of the Xia Ke Academy, a lifetime honorary professor, and an old academician of Wang Heng! He has made outstanding achievements in theoretical mathematics, especially in analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, and number theory methods! He is One of the founders of Xia Guo's number theory circle, he is the founder of analytic number theory recursion method, orthogonal function series number theory projection method, and function theory three-step approximation method. His "Wang's Three Theorems" are still listed in the triangle Among the most important theorems of the theory of single-leaf functions in number theory..."

The audience became a sensation again.

As a representative of theoretical mathematics, the old academician Wang Heng also won the highest science and technology award!

After more than 20 years, a mathematician once again ranks among the winners of the highest technology award!

And this time it is not a mathematician in the direction of applied mathematics, but a mathematician in the direction of theoretical mathematics!

Does this mean that the country re-emphasizes basic theories?
Of course, what shocked everyone the most was that old Academician Wang Heng was also the teacher of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun!

My God, Qin Kening Qingyun's teachers in physics and mathematics became the winner of this year's highest science and technology award at the same time!
The identity of Wang Heng, an old academician, was soon spread on the Internet.

[That's awesome, this old academician, no wonder he can teach mathematics masters like Qin Shen and Ning! 】

[I heard that student Ning was deeply influenced by Wang Heng's Wang School theory in terms of number theory. 】

[An old mathematics academician who has taught two Fields Medal winners is fully qualified to win this highest technology award! 】

[That is, this is an old mathematician of the same generation as Mr. Hua Luogeng. 】

[The direction of pure numbers is finally about to rise!It is the first time that a mathematician with a direction of pure numbers has won this honor!Warm congratulations! 】

At the scene, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were also very pleasantly surprised, and whispered congratulations to Jiang Weixian and old academician Wang Heng who were sitting next to them.

Jiang Weixian and the old academician Wang Heng did not show much joy after being surprised. To win such an award is of course the country's recognition of their academic achievements, but...they are just worried that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun may not be able to obtain the natural sciences. The first prize of the Grand Prix - the greatest honor given to the two old men is probably used by the higher-ups to appease them and Qin Ke.

The two old academicians felt even more uncomfortable when they saw the sincere and happy smiles on Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's faces at this time.

Especially the old academician Wang Heng, he felt that he was going to come to the end of his life, so what's the use of this honor?It's better to give myself two disciples, so that they can walk more steadily and smoothly in the academic world in the future, but now... Sigh!

The venue gradually quieted down, because more and more audience members also thought of such a possibility, and cast strange glances at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun. Sitting in such a conspicuous position in the front row was also a form of compensation for Ning Qingyun.

Even on the Internet, many netizens began to discuss it.

【Hey, the two teachers of Qin Shen and Ning won the grand prize, so will Qin Shen and Ning lose the first prize of the natural science award? 】

[It's possible...it's hard to say. 】

[What, of course they will also win the top awards. They have already won the Fields Medal. If they don’t give the first prize of the Natural Science Award, how can they be worthy of their status as the boss of the Philippine Award? 】

[Not necessarily, if the two of them also won the first prize of the Natural Science Award, wouldn't it mean that the biggest honor of this year's National Science and Technology Award was taken away by their mentor and apprentice?Others are afraid that there will be constant noise. 】

[What’s the fuss? I dare to rant back to anyone who dares to yell. If I have the ability, I can get back a Fields Medal, or a Nobel Prize of the same level. 】

[I'm afraid that some people are not good at doing academic research, and they are best at doing small tricks. 】

Regardless of the mentality of the audience on the Internet and at the scene, after the host finished reading the academic achievements of the old academician Wang Heng, the whole audience burst into applause.

The applause gradually subsided, and after the list of the highest technology awards was announced, it soon came to the announcement of the list of winners of the Natural Science Awards.

The first to be announced is the list of the most anticipated first prize, which is also the most concerned and anticipated by 99% of the audience present!

 Thank you for your recommended monthly tickets!There will be another chapter tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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