I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 586 opens a new chapter in the world of physics!

Chapter 586 opens a new chapter in the world-famous physics world!

Qin Ke signaled Ning Qingyun to speak.

Ning Qingyun said warmly: "We will continue to study and improve computational seed science, but we are also using computational seed science to conduct a research on a new type of desert sweet potato."

"A new type of desert sweet potato?" This time it was the turn of Uncle Yang Chengke and Uncle Chen Jingxue to look at each other.

"To put it simply, it is a new variety of sweet potato that can be grown on the edge of the desert and in areas with severe desertification. It is resistant to barrenness, drought, high temperature, and sun exposure. In addition to producing sweet potatoes, it can also solidify the soil, improve soil quality, and form an oasis climate. , effectively curb the spread and expansion of desertification, and even encircle the desert in turn, and slowly transform it into ordinary land.”

Ning Qingjun participated in the whole process of this "New Desert Sweet Potato" subject and knew it very well, and now he talked eloquently: "It can also establish a linkage mechanism with animal husbandry, the leaves can be used to feed livestock, and the biological fertilizer of livestock can feed back According to our mathematical model, it only takes about three years for the desert areas where weeds can barely grow to return to normal soil that can grow common grains such as wheat and corn.”

Yang Chengke got up abruptly, and said pleasantly, "Can you really develop such a new type of desert sweet potato?"

No wonder Yang Chengke was so excited. Not only could the desert be unable to grow crops, but it would also bring sandstorms, which would be harmful but not beneficial. However, the desert area accounted for 27% of the total land area of ​​Xia Kingdom. This is an exaggerated figure. How much can we increase our production by growing food?How many countries have solved the food shortage problem?Not to mention how huge the desert area of ​​the world is.

Over the years, Yang Chengke has been promoting the development of science and technology in the direction of "reversal of desertification" in the scientific research community, but overall there are not many innovative technologies.

The main measures are still concentrated on conventional methods such as banning deforestation, controlling grazing, planting trees to prevent sand, and returning farmland to grassland. The "five belts in one" scheme is composed of the belt, the belt for irrigation and afforestation, the belt for grass barrier plants, the belt for frontal sand blocking and the belt for sealing sand and cultivating grass.

Although these solutions and technologies are effective, the initial investment is also huge. To realize the benefits, it will take ten or eight years for the soil to slowly recover its fertility before planting drought-resistant medicinal materials such as wolfberry, cistanche, and licorice. Crops are still a long way from planting the most important food crops.

If, as Ning Qingyun said, the new type of desert sweet potato could be planted directly on the edge of the desert, how much time and money would it save?At least the cost of afforestation alone can be saved, and sweet potatoes are still a food crop with good economic benefits. The leaves can feed livestock, reduce the damage of animal husbandry to the green plants on the surface, and eventually restore it to ordinary cultivated land. get more.

Seeing that Uncle Yang, who was always easy to hide his emotions and anger, was so excited, Qin Ke who was next to him knew that this desert sweet potato was of great significance to Uncle Yang, so he explained aloud: "The new type of desert sweet potato we are researching is still in production. For the fifth generation of hybrid breeding, according to the current mathematical model, at least three to four generations of mixed hybrid breeding are required, and our computational seed science needs to be continuously improved in order to deduce the most reasonable breeding plan. It actually has the effect that Qingyun just said."

When Yang Chengke heard that it was really interesting, he hurriedly asked again: "How sure are you that you can research this new type of desert sweet potato? How long will it take?"

Qin Ke has already successfully cultivated this new type of desert sweet potato in the virtual scientific research and experiment center, and he has enough confidence in his heart, but he can't say enough in reality, so he replied: "Probably [-] to [-]% sure. If it is soon, the experimental species should be cultivated early next year, and it is really necessary to apply for a patent after verification and put it on the market, and I am afraid that it will be in the middle or even the end of next year."

Eighty to ninety percent sure!Yang Chengke's face showed joy. If someone else said such a thing, he might be irritated, but Yang Chengke was too clear about Qin Ke's character. He was [-]-[-]% sure of what he said, and at least he was more than [-]-[-]% sure!

Thinking of the miracles Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun had created in seed science, as well as the [-] or [-] new types of seeds that had been introduced to the market and aroused strong repercussions and popularity, Yang Chengke's heart became hot.

Once this new type of desert sweet potato is really successfully researched and introduced to the market, it will be of great significance to Xia Guo and even the world to solve the problems of food shortage and desertification!Not even inferior to the birth of hybrid rice!

"Qin Ke, Xiao Ning, do you need any support for this desert sweet potato research? Whether it's funds or talents, just ask, uncle will promise to help you solve it!"

In Uncle Yang's capacity, such words carry a lot of weight.

Qin Ke shook his head and said: "Currently our lime technology is sufficient to support the operation of the laboratory, and the current team can perfectly execute the experimental plan formulated by me and Qingyun, there is no need to add additional manpower, otherwise the efficiency may be reduced Uncle Yang, we really need your help. If this new type of desert sweet potato is really developed by then, we are willing to donate all our patented technologies to the country for free, and we will ask you to help us with a donation. process."

Ning Qingjun next to him also nodded in approval.


Hearing these two words, Yang Chengke's heart was burning and his nose was sore.

If the new type of desert sweet potato is really successfully developed, it will be a dazzling scientific research achievement that can shake the whole world!Just relying on patented technology, the cumulative market in the world can be at least several billion!At least!If it is operated properly, it is not impossible to earn tens of billions of dollars!
Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are willing to give up such a huge benefit and donate it to the country for free!
Thinking of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun giving up the chance to become billionaires a few years ago and donating the Lime operating system, Yang Chengke, who had been in the officialdom for a long time, couldn't help feeling an unspeakable strong emotion in his heart.

There is only one thought in his mind, whoever dares to bully these two children in the future, no matter what price he pays, he will protect them to the end!

Yang Chengke put his hand on Qin Ke's shoulder, tried his best to calm down, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "Okay, leave this matter to me, I believe you, and will wait for your research results with peace of mind. But I also want to explain, even if It is a donation, and the country will never forget your contributions, just like you donated the Lime operating system, you will always be great contributors to the country and the people!"

The corners of Chen Jingxue’s eyes were also hot. He deliberately joked: “Old Yang, when Qin Ke and Xiao Ning’s new desert sweet potatoes are researched, it will be my turn to envy you. Think about it three years ago, when you read out When the phrase 'our country already has a domestically-made operating system with completely independent intellectual property rights', the applause from the audience... It is estimated that next year's year-end summary conference will be held again, and you will be able to once again be majestic."

Yang Chengke didn't speak any more, but patted Qin Ke's shoulder vigorously again.

Qin Ke rubbed his nose and said with a smile: "Hasn't this been researched yet? Uncle Yang and Uncle Chen said that it seems that the two of us are 100% successful in research."

In fact, both of them have discussed and reached an agreement on the issue of donation. The significance of desert sweet potatoes to this world is too great, and the interests involved are too great, which cannot be afforded by individuals or any company. As long as the two have the inventor’s Fame is enough, as for interests, there is no need to fight, the country naturally has arrangements, just like the Lime operating system back then.

Even if they don't, it doesn't matter, after all, the two of them will never be short of money in this life. If you want to make money, you don't need too many ways. In the future, there will be more scientific research inventions that can make a lot of money. The great invention of life has found its way into the eyes of money.

Chen Jingxue personally took the teapot, filled the two with top-quality Yuqian Longjing, and said with a smile: "Now that I hear what you are going to do, your Uncle Yang and I's first reaction is not whether you can do it, but to think about it." I know how long it will take for you to succeed. By the way, I heard that you are also conducting joint research with physicists in Germany? Is it about quantum computing?"

Both Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun reported this cross-border cooperation project to the school for the record, so it is not surprising that Uncle Chen, who has always paid close attention to them, knew about it.

"Yes, regarding topological quantum computing, these days we have two or three hours of video calls with our partners in Germany every night."

Yang Chengke sighed: "Such a good opportunity should be seized. Quantum computing is still very weak in China, both in terms of theory and application."

Although Xia Guo is often said to be at the forefront of the world in terms of quantum computing and has reached the international advanced level, everyone in the know knows that even the theory is copied from others, and it is only the details and some experimental plans that are introduced, and still lacks its own theory. system and core competitiveness.

While talking, Yang Chengke laughed to himself: "Forget it, I'd better stop burdening you and Xiao Ning. Although you two are able to do more work, it's too hard for mathematics, biology, and physics. , Just do what you can, young people, you should leave more time to enjoy the life that young people should have."

These words were kind, and it could be seen that Uncle Yang sincerely regarded the two of them as his relatives and nephews.

Chen Jingxue also nodded in agreement: "Yes, you can let go of everything else, but I still want to say, Qin Ke, the most important thing for you at the moment is to prepare for the jury of the IMU. Only when the proof of Riemann's conjecture is recognized by the world can you It can be regarded as having truly stood at the top of mathematics, and there is a [-]% certainty of winning the Fields Medal."

Qin Ke nodded solemnly: "Understood, Uncle Yang, Uncle Chen, we will definitely not let you down."

After chatting for more than half an hour, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Qin Ke pulled Ning Qingyun up and said goodbye. Chen Jingxue and Yang Chengke sent them out of the door, and said earnestly: "Qin Ke, and Xiao Ning, you can study and do scientific research at ease. Don’t worry about anything else, all the contributions you make will be watched by others. What belongs to you, no one can take it away, and whoever dares to reach out, you, Uncle Yang, and I will cut off his paws!” said In the last sentence, Chen Jingxue was very domineering.

Qin Ke also heard CEO Zhou Shutao vaguely mention that the corn, rape, rice and wheat seed patents newly launched by Lime Technology in the past six months are almost all exclusive authorizations, which annoyed some seed groups that failed to grab patent authorizations, so They are doing some small tricks in the dark, intending to take advantage of these patented technologies by means of improper means and personal connections.

But these seed groups or companies soon received serious warnings, and many heavyweight media also began to report positively on Lime Technology, so that these rich and powerful seed groups no longer dared to have the slightest thought of twisting their minds, and also made Lime Technology To be able to develop and grow safely and smoothly by adhering to one's own ideas.

Now that I think about it, I am afraid that Uncle Chen and Uncle Yang are helping each other quietly.

Qin Ke was grateful in his heart, and thanked the two uncles again.

After returning to school, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun still lived in the original dormitory, and they still kept in close contact with the students in the basic science class who were promoted to the junior year, and the students in the basic science class had to choose a second major when they reached the junior year direction, entered the "joint training" program, participated in the scientific research project of the tutor, and no longer concentrated on classes like the sophomore.

This made everyone have no real feeling about the "graduation" of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun. It was more like they were still in the same class, but they were just assigned to practice under different tutors.

They still refer to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun as "squad leader" and "student committee"—after the elementary school class reached the junior year, they still did not re-elect the squad leader and the school committee, but the deputy monitor Hua Manting and the group secretary. Ying is responsible for the specific work.

In the words of the students in the basic science class, their basic science class will always only recognize Brother Ke as the monitor and Ning Qingyun as the school committee member.

At night, the boys in the class still gathered in the 501 dormitory, making jokes with Qin Ke.Qin Ke's unique personality charm makes his reputation as a top mathematician not an obstacle to distance from his classmates, but an accelerator for interpersonal relationships.

Whenever students have questions about mathematics, life, and major choice, they like to ask Qin Ke for advice.

The friends of 501 are no exception.

In the end, under Qin Ke's suggestion and the willingness to choose independently, the little fat boy Jiang Zhenjie chose the direction of "energy and power engineering" to develop in the direction of high-energy fuel and dynamics; Hua Manting chose "microelectronics" which is similar to his girlfriend Gan Peixuan's major In the direction of science and optical measurement, he may be engaged in chip-related research in the future; Li Xiangxue, who is still somewhat withdrawn and obsessive-compulsive, finally chose the direction of "fluid mechanics" similar to Qin Ke, and plans to follow Qin Ke to do research in the future.

However, Xiao Lizi naturally couldn't learn from Academician Jiang Weixian, so Qin Ke recommended his good friend and little brother to Professor Hu Qingfeng, who has a lot of fluid mechanics topics. Of course, Hu Qingfeng was willing to give Qin Ke this face, and Li Xiangxue himself Physics is very good, and the foundation of mathematics is also very solid. Except for a little obsessive-compulsive disorder and not talking, there are no shortcomings.

After everyone determined their major, Qin Ke organized another dinner party for the students of the basic science class.

At the dinner table, he raised his beer glass high, and said in a loud voice: "Don't talk nonsense, I wish the students in our basic science class can learn something, learn something, and have a bright future in the future!"

The whole class shouted loudly: "Successful in learning, good in learning, follow the example of the monitor and the school committee, cheers!"

Countless beer glasses collided amid cheers, and even Ning Qingyun drank a full glass of beer.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's postgraduate life really kicked off at this start-of-term dinner.

The next morning was September 9rd. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun held hands and stepped on the bright morning light. They came to the laboratory building of the old academician Jiang Weixian and formally joined the old academician's fluid mechanics laboratory. It also opened a new chapter for them to become famous all over the world in the physics world!
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(End of this chapter)

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