I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 576 The Steele Award, and the last set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture that saw the

Chapter 576 The Steele Award, and the last set of expressions of the Riemann conjecture that saw the light!

It is a little regrettable to talk about undergraduate life, because of the schedule, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun did not participate in this year's UPC (International Undergraduate Physics Competition), so when I read the news in the newspaper at the international airport, I saw Xia When China participated in the UPC and achieved pretty good results, the two were still a little emotional.

Speaking of the competition that the two of them participated in when they were undergraduates, it seemed that only Qiu Sai was the only one. The school’s School of Computer Science had invited them to participate in the ICPC (International Collegiate Programming Contest), but it happened to coincide with the selection time of the Mathematical Breakthrough Award and the academic The time of the report meeting conflicted, and the two declined.

The undergraduate courses that the two have spent have been as consistent as possible with ordinary college students, but after all, there are too many differences. With the strength of the two who have surpassed the undergraduate level, it is no longer a challenge to participate in these undergraduate-level competitions. Participating in the Qiu competition was also like playing, and won the gold medal of the all-round award easily.

The only challenge is probably the computer ICPC competition, but if you miss it, you miss it.

They have not participated in international physics competitions, which means that the two of them did not have much worth writing about in physics subjects in their undergraduate studies. At most, they have published three papers on fluid mechanics in core domestic journals, and they have not reached the international level. .

As for the subject of cooperation with Professor Hu Qingfeng and He Liangfu, although they performed outstandingly, it was the subject of the two professors themselves. It is too inferior.

So now, no matter whether they are domestic or international scholars, the first impression of the two is "the best young mathematician in the Xia Kingdom", and they often only remember that they are actually studying physics when they are reminded.

Qin Ke closed the newspaper and said with a smile: "It seems that when we are in graduate school, we have to spend more energy on physics, otherwise our main business will be a bit neglected. It happens that the Navier-Stokes equation we want to study is physics and mathematics. It fits well together.”

"Yeah." Ning Qingyun nodded slightly: "But this 'Navier-Stokes equation' is indeed the most complicated formula in the history of mathematics. It is too difficult. If you look at it from the perspective of interdisciplinary understanding , the difficulty is even higher than the Riemann conjecture."

Ning Qingjun has been studying the Navier-Stokes equation with Qin Ke for a period of time. Recently, he has repeatedly read an article called "Memoirs of the Berlin Academy" published by Euler in 1757. General Principles of Fluid Motion".

This is the first time in the history of mathematics to simulate fluid flow with partial differential equations, known as "the most important basic equation in the field of inviscid fluid mechanics".

Although at that time Euler assumed that the fluid was incompressible and had no viscosity in order to obtain some solutions, which also made Euler's version of the partial differential equation for fluid flow not of much practical value today, but from an academic point of view This is still a reference worthy of repeated study, and it plays a non-negligible role in using mathematics to simulate and solve fluid mechanics problems.

Claude-Louis Navier, an engineer and physicist in China, got inspiration from Euler's theory, and added the consideration of intermolecular interaction force to Euler's basic equation, that is, increasing A viscous constant was obtained, and a set of partial differential equations for viscous fluid flow was derived.

Twenty years later, Sir George Gabriel Stokes, an Irish mathematician and physicist, started from the continuum hypothesis model, and on the basis of Navier's partial differential equations, deduced two viscosity The constant fluid dynamics equation finally forms the Navier-Stokes equation, which is called the NS equation for short.

Now that Ning Qingjun is studying Euler's literature, which is called "the pioneering work of fluid mechanics", he is going to study the Navier-Stokes equation from the source, and he is taking the most authentic path.

It is precisely because of this article that Ning Qingyun once again deeply realized that the relationship between mathematics and physics is so inseparable that almost all physical phenomena and even physical theorems can be expressed in mathematics.

At this time, when Qin Ke talked about the Navier-Stokes equation, Ning Qingyun couldn't help sighing: "It's unbelievable to think that this formula was derived nearly 200 years ago. "

Qin Ke's understanding of the NS equation has surpassed most people. He encouraged:
"The difficulty of the NS equation is to express fluid velocity, pressure, density, viscosity and other variables with the rate of change relationship between differentials, making it difficult to determine under what circumstances it has a solution and how smooth these solutions are. But Although it is difficult, once it is completely cracked, its significance should be above the Riemann conjecture. Especially in fluid mechanics, the development of computational fluid dynamics will achieve a qualitative leap, such as the aerodynamic design of aircraft, without Expensive wind tunnels are often used. Just like our usual mathematical modeling, historical data combined with NS equations can be used to deduce more accurate results. In the end, only one or two wind tunnel measurements are required at most, which can save Countless amounts of money and time."

Speaking of this, Qin Ke said with a smile: "In short, let's work hard. I heard that our teacher Jiang has been studying NS equations. We followed him to learn, and we are considered to be following the right person."

"Hmm!" Ning Qingyun's eyes were full of fighting spirit. Mathematics and physics are both her favorite fields, especially the NS equation has such great application value.

But she added: "We work together, but I still hope you can solve the Riemann Hypothesis first."

"Riemann's conjecture..." Qin Ke suddenly stretched his waist, and a confident light flashed in his eyes: "Soon."

"Soon?" Ning Qingyun stood up suddenly, her eyes full of surprise: "You... Are you sure you can deduce the fifth set of expressions?"

"I have a clue." Qin Ke nodded.

Since his mathematics level has been promoted to the "grandmaster level", he has possessed the mathematical thinking ability and intuition comparable to that of the Filipino award masters. The whole person seems to have been promoted to a new level, especially the mathematical intuition is amazing. He can often "intentionally or unconsciously" " and found the right direction.

Of course, he was also a bit tricky. Holding the "Full Explanation of the Riemann Hypothesis" in his hand, although he restrained himself from reading the detailed derivation process of the fifth group of expressions, he had read it several times before, even if he couldn't fully understand it at the time. , I finally have an impression, knowing how to deduce is probably the right direction.

This impression, combined with mathematical intuition, made it much easier for Qin Ke to derive the fifth set of expressions for Riemann's conjecture.

A few days ago when he and Ning Qingyun were on vacation at the seaside, the relaxed spirit and continuous research further promoted the outbreak of inspiration. Now Qin Ke has vaguely grasped the core idea of ​​the derivation, what is lacking is the constant trial, Find the only correct key to the final destination.

"You...can you complete the derivation process before October?" Ning Qingyun now has almost blind trust in Qin Ke. If Qin Ke said that he was sure, he must be sure, but he didn't know when it would be done. That's all.

"If it's fast, it might be a few days, if it's slow, it might take a few months." Qin Ke said to himself: "This is a question of probability. Let's see if I can get lucky and find the correct answer first with my intuition."

At this time, the accompanying Chen Ming and Chen Lan had come to remind them to board the plane. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun didn't want to go into details, so they followed the special passage and boarded the plane.

A day later, the two flew to Boston.This year's Steele Prize award ceremony of the American Mathematical Society AMS was held in the auditorium of the famous university here, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

As the most important mathematics award of AMS every year, the awarding process of the Steele Award is comparable to that of the Cole Award. It is an award ceremony plus an academic report.

The difference is that the reports of the three winners of each Steele Award will be arranged on the fifth day, which is the last day of the academic report meeting, as the finale.

The scale of the Steele Award Ceremony and Academic Report is naturally not as large as IMU's International Congress of Mathematicians, but it is also very lively. Members of the American Mathematical Society are eligible to participate, and there are also famous mathematicians from all over the world, as well as Even if the number of teachers and students of the host school is limited, the total number of participants still exceeds 2000.

It was the first time for Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to come to Boston, so they arrived two days earlier, of course, because they wanted to find time to visit this famous historic city in the United States.

The city of Boston has a vital influence on the modern history of the United States. It was the "Boston Tea Party" that happened here that finally triggered the famous War of Independence.

Boston is also a famous academic city, with two world-renowned universities - Harvard University and MIT.

It also has a well-known aquarium called the New England Aquarium, which is one of the few super-large aquariums in the world.

Of course, there are also Chinatown, the unique style of the Boston Library, etc., which are all worth visiting.

However, considering safety factors, combined with Chen Ming's recommendation, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun finally chose Harvard University, the aquarium, the library and Copley Square as their travel route.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology does not need to make a special tour, and there are a few days when it is time to take part in the conference.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's short but happy two-day travel time passed in the blink of an eye.The two came to Boston on the third day and ushered in the Steele Awards ceremony.

This year's Steele Award for Lifetime Achievement was awarded to 71-year-old Professor Yefhen Markus, an emeritus professor at the School of Mathematics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has made amazing achievements in algebra and geometric topology. As a result of his research, "Geometric Topology" published 30 years ago is still regarded as a classic textbook by countless universities.He has won the Oswald Veblen Geometry Award, the Mathematics Teaching Influence Award, the Elie Cartan Award, the US National Medal of Science, the Balzan Mathematics Award, and the Craford Award. It is said that he has a great chance this year He won the Abel Prize, the top prize in mathematics.

Such a mathematician is well-deserved to win the Steele Award for Lifetime Achievement, and no one has any objections, so when the old man came to the stage to accept the award, the audience applauded loudly.

Qin Ke received the "Steel Award for Groundbreaking Research Contribution", and Ning Qingyun received the "Steel Mathematics Review Award". Although the weight is slightly lighter than the Lifetime Achievement Award, it is still the top AMS award. One of the mathematics awards.

For these two young mathematicians from the Xia Kingdom who have risen like rockets and become famous all over the world in recent years, the audience in the audience looked a little subtle, especially the proud sons of MIT, who looked younger than themselves on the stage Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were both amazed and admired, but there were also some people who always wore colored glasses and felt uncomfortable.

No matter what, when Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun received the medals and certificates, the applause from the audience still resounded throughout the audience.

The medals of the Steele Awards are exquisitely carved, and the certificates are also beautifully printed.

This is the same level of mathematics awards that the two have won after the Mathematics Breakthrough Award, the Cole Number Theory Award, the Craford Award, and the Ramanujan Award (unique to Qin Ke).Qin Ke handed over the medal and certificate to Ning Qingyun for safekeeping.

Ning Qingyun liked this job very much, and even tidied up a corner in the study at home to place Qin Ke and his award certificate.

Whenever she saw two certificates and two medals close together, the girl felt a sense of joy and fulfillment going hand in hand.

After the awards ceremony was over, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun returned to the hotel after attending the dinner party and interviewing the media as usual, feeling a little tired.

Especially Ning Qingjun, who was physically weak, drank a little red wine at night, her little face flushed with alcohol, so Qin Ke asked her to rest early.

Ning Qingyun hurriedly took a shower, and went to bed obediently. Of course, before going to bed, her face was blushing shyly, but the way she pouted for a kiss was very cute. Qin Ke kissed hard, okay? It was easy to restrain the impulse in her heart and let her rest at ease.

The long-distance travel and two days of intensive travel and sightseeing really made Ning Qingyun exhausted. The girl only lay down for less than 3 minutes before falling into a sweet dreamland.

Qin Ke's spirit is still good. After practicing the Oriental Secret Code and Wing Chun by himself, he feels more energetic and refreshed.

Open the window, and there are stars outside the window. The night in a foreign country is not much different from the night in a domestic metropolis, and it is just as lively.

Qin Ke was used to this. He picked up his mobile phone and looked at it. The foreign media had already posted the news of the two winning on the Internet, and the Internet was full of heated discussions.And many relatives and friends who stayed up late learned the news from the Internet, and sent another congratulatory text message.

Qin Ke asked Shimmer to reply on his behalf, while he continued to study the Riemann conjecture.

Although he no longer forced himself to win this year's Fields Medal, Qin Ke still wanted to overcome the Riemann Hypothesis as soon as possible.

This is the drive and fighting spirit of a mathematician who loves mathematics and wants to use his own hands to uncover the last mystery of a century-old problem.

The night was getting darker, and the pointer had already pointed to one o'clock in the morning. Qin Ke's desk was already piled up with an inch-high draft paper. Through constant trial and error and bumping into obstacles, he had gradually reduced his offensive surface. The thinking is getting clearer and clearer.

It’s just not enough. The huge number theory knowledge he has mastered is still not enough to perfectly solve the derivation problem of the fifth group of expressions of Riemann’s conjecture.

In fact, Qin Ke has chosen to absorb the master-level mathematical knowledge related to number theory first these days, but because the amount of knowledge is too large, it cannot be fully digested only once, at least one more time is needed, and today is exactly 20 days away from the last time .

Looking at the time, Qin Ke turned off the desk lamp, and lay back on the bed. The bed was filled with Ning Qingyun's elegant and pleasant lime-like body fragrance, which made people intoxicated.

Qin Ke's somewhat exhausted spirit was greatly relieved again.

He looked at the soft and lovely sleeping face of the girl he loved, and said softly: "Don't worry, I will definitely be your pride forever." After that, he said silently: "Absorb the number theory part of the master-level mathematics knowledge!"

The second part of the master-level number theory knowledge stored in the warehouse area of ​​the knowledge base in his mind poured into his mind like a tide, and was constantly integrated into his already perfect number theory knowledge system.

In his mind, knowledge turned into a sea of ​​stars, bright and beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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