I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 574 The Bustling Seed Industry, and Academician Jiang's Final Exam

Chapter 574 The Bustling Seed Industry, and Academician Jiang's Final Exam
At a time when Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's Goldbach's conjecture special report meeting caused a frenzy in the country, Sang Yijiang, the chairman and general manager of Danong Seed Industry Co., Ltd., was busy with his feet on the ground.

Danong Seed Industry is an old-fashioned seed industry company that once ranked among the top three in the country. However, due to the failure of diversification, it was almost in a desperate situation, and even had to shrink the core business of seeds. Fortunately, Sang Yijiang dared to seize the opportunity after taking office. Last year At that time, he made a decisive move, and with the authorization fee of 2000 million plus the actual sales of seeds X price X8% sharing fee, he obtained the five-year exclusive authorization of six tomato breeding patent technologies of Lime Technology in China.

At that time, he was completely desperate, and even agreed to Lime Technology's "the price of seeds will not exceed the average price of tomato seeds in the current market" clause-once this clause is signed, it is very likely that large farmers will The seed industry cannot obtain satisfactory gross profit margins.

But to everyone's surprise, Lime Technology's patented technology for cultivating five new types of tomatoes and patented technology for low-cost, rapid and large-scale seed production are indeed remarkable. In addition, Lime Technology has also sent commissioners to provide on-site guidance, making Da Nong Seed Industry in the field In just three months, the production of the first batch of seeds was completed at a very low cost and launched to the market.

At the beginning, the market response was lukewarm, but after Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun won the Mathematical Breakthrough Award, the media hyped everywhere, and Da Nong Seed also increased its publicity. These five new types of tomatoes caused a lot of attention. The attention of young people has become more and more popular, especially the varieties suitable for balcony planting, the mountain varieties with strong adaptability, and the water-culture varieties that can be raised in large-scale water in greenhouses. All of them are in short supply for a long time, and the orders are full. .

The huge sales volume made up for the shortfall in gross profit margin, and it also allowed Da Nong Seed Industry to quickly turn losses into profits. It was indeed a fat year. At the end of the year, not only all the wages owed by all employees were paid up, but a bonus was also issued, which made everyone The morale of the people in the agricultural and seed industry has greatly increased, which has also made Sang Yijiang firm in his determination to grab more other new seed patented technologies in Lime Technology no matter what.

So when Lime Technology released the news that [-] patented technologies in the four major categories of rice, wheat, rape, and corn had passed the pre-approval, Da Nong Seed Industry immediately contacted Zhou Shutao, CEO of Lime Technology.

After learning that these patented technologies were indeed researched by the team led by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, Sang Yijiang wanted to swallow all seventeen patented technologies without hesitation, but he couldn't do it.Although the current capital flow in the company is much better than before, most of it is still focused on the production of the best-selling five-type tomato seeds, and the funds that can be spared to purchase new patented technologies are really limited.

After repeated comparison and communication, Sang Yijiang finally chose eight patented technologies related to rape and wheat and the corresponding low-cost rapid seed production technology. share fee.

There is no way, since the huge market potential brought by the previous tomato patented technology has attracted the attention of the seed industry, the major seed industry companies have simply raised prices regardless of cost in order to grab these new patents, making the authorization of these [-] patented technologies Fees go up.

Fortunately, Lime Technology is relatively calm. Under Qin Ke's instructions, Lime Technology pays more attention to the technology, service, and integrity of its partners, rather than just looking at the bidding price. In Qin Ke's words-"These patented technologies are for To better improve seed technology and increase farmers' income is of a public welfare nature and cannot be evaluated purely by commercial rules."

As a result, Da Nong Seed Industry Co., Ltd., which had a happy cooperation with Lime Technology and had excellent seed quality, stood out in the fierce competition and defeated Xiaguo Seed Industry Co., Ltd., which was willing to pay a licensing fee of [-] million yuan. In the end, with a licensing fee of about [-] million yuan, Obtained the exclusive authorization of eight patented technologies related to rapeseed and wheat.

Of course, these details will not be made public, which has aroused heated discussions and doubts in the seed industry. This is a total of [-] million. Why did Lime Technology give up the high-priced Xiaguo Seed Industry and choose the low-priced Da Nong Seed Industry? ?
Xin Youbin, the deputy general manager of Xiaguo Seed Industry Co., Ltd. who was not elected, was even more angry and felt unfair. In addition, he was extremely dissatisfied with the "overlord clause" that Lime Technology required to interfere with the price of seeds. He found the secretary and asked the secretary to find the propaganda department Submitted a letter of questioning, questioning the use of unfair competition methods by the rival Da Nong Seed Industry, accusing Lime Technology CEO Zhou Shutao of secretly dealing with Da Nong Seed Industry, suspected of accepting property and so on...

However, at this moment, several large media suddenly released a special report on Lime Technology.

These special reports introduced in detail that from the establishment of Lime Technology, after deducting all costs and expenses, 50% of the remaining net profit was donated to the student fund, and almost all of the remaining 50% of the net profit was established. Laboratories, research and development funds and other aspects have formed a positive cycle, and it is a scientific research enterprise with a strong sense of social responsibility.

The transfer standard of patented technology also follows the will of the patent owner, puts quality and sincerity first, and does not pursue commercial value. It affects the quality of seeds and harms the interests of farmers' friends.

As soon as these reports came out, they immediately attracted the attention of the seed industry and even all walks of life.

In particular, it was reported that the patentees of these patents were Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, and there were voices of praise and support everywhere on the Internet, praising Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun as the real concessions to the people.

Xin Youbin, deputy general manager of Xiaguo Seed Industry Co., Ltd., broke out in a cold sweat when he heard the news. He knew that these large media would not easily publish such a heavy article.

He thought of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun behind Qingning Technology, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are by no means ordinary students or scientific research geniuses...

The more he thought about it, the more frightened he became, he quickly stopped the secretary's petty actions, and honestly admitted the result of the failure of this competition.

Xin Youbin did not guess wrong. These large-scale media published such reports, and they were indeed inextricably linked to the contact with Qingmu University and even the instructions of Uncle Chen Jingxue.

Naturally, this was a publicity campaign to further boost the reputation of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun and increase their chances of winning the Fields Medal.It just respected the wishes of the two, did not directly report the "Lime Student Foundation", and did not point out the relationship between Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, "Lime Student Foundation" and "Lime Technology", but put The focus of the report is on Lime Technology and the patent holders.

Once these reports came out, they did have a good publicity effect. The positive descriptions of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun became more popular, and the seed industry also had a deeper feeling for Lime Technology's "Overlord Clause" that requires interference with the price of seeds. This company has feelings and really wants to help farmers increase their production and income and help solve the food problem.

As a result, Lime Science and Technology became famous and received wide acclaim, and the reputation of Da Nong Seed Industry was also positive. After all, the quality of their seeds was affirmed by Lime Technology.

As the general manager of Da Nong Seed Industry, Sang Yijiang felt even more pressure when he was excited. On the one hand, he had to find ways to meet the cash flow for operations and production of new rapeseed and wheat seeds with fixed asset mortgages. On the one hand, we have also increased personnel training and recruitment of technical personnel to ensure the quality of seeds and avoid affecting the subsequent cooperation with Green Palm Technology.

For this reason, Sang Yijiang was very busy, but fortunately, everything was on the right track. The Lime Plant Cultivation Laboratory also provided the first batch of "Special Cold-resistant Type I" winter wheat that was successfully produced for free, with a total of nearly one ton. The condition is that after the packaging of these seeds is completed, all of them must be donated to impoverished mountain villages in the prairie, and priority will be given to impoverished mountain villages that cooperate with the Lime Student Fund.

Sang Yijiang readily agrees that this has very important positive significance for Da Nong Seed Industry to open up the prairie market.Because the climate in the prairie is too cold in winter, the popularization of winter wheat is very small. Once the "special cold-resistant type I" winter wheat can be successfully planted this year and has a good harvest, it is estimated that it will quickly capture the wheat market of the entire prairie next year.

This is also a great thing for farmers. If it is paired with "Harvest and Easy Planting Type II" spring wheat, it can also realize the seamless connection of winter wheat and spring wheat, which will have a great effect of increasing income and production. It is not a problem for ordinary farmers to double their income. , if you work harder and be more careful when planting, it is not impossible to multiply by 1.5 times or even more.

And there are four new types of rapeseed, not to mention the "water-cultured type I" rapeseed that can be grown in water on a large scale. It will definitely be the favorite of greenhouse vegetable farmers. "Balcony Type I" rapeseed is probably also very popular in cities. Its biggest feature is that it can regenerate continuously. Even if all the leaves are removed at one time, as long as the root system is not pulled out, keep watering and dripping nutrient solution, it will soon regenerate. Vegetable leaves grow.

Now what urban white-collar workers and old people want to do most is to "grow vegetables". This "balcony type I" rape is simply the best choice. In addition to the previously launched "balcony type I" tomatoes, it is nutritious and healthy, and it can be grown on the balcony Fortunately, a small flower stand can meet the usual vegetables needed by ordinary single nobles who stay at home.

Sang Yijiang can imagine the hot sale of these new varieties of rapeseed after they are launched in the market. For this reason, he is so busy that he has no time to go home, but he enjoys it.

And the other two seed companies that have obtained the authorization of the patented technology of corn and rice seed cultivation also secretly called luck, while strengthening the quality control of seeds, and did not dare to have half the moisture in the implementation of price terms...

Throughout July, the seed industry was in such a state of turmoil. Some of the new types of seeds produced quickly, such as four new types of rapeseed seeds from Da Nong Seed Industry, four new types of corn seeds from Tianlin Seed Industry, and Yanhua The first batch of drought-resistant rice experimental seeds in the seed industry have been launched to the market one after another.

On the day of listing, the dealers' panic buying calls almost exploded the sales hotlines of the three seed companies. Some "calm" dealers did not dare to make big bets, but only tried to buy a small amount.On the one hand, they have doubts about these new varieties, and on the other hand, they also express doubts about whether these seeds, which have a guide price and cannot be raised at will, can make a lot of money.

And the facts have proved that they seem to be very wise, because the sales did not seem so optimistic when they first started selling.

However, they soon regretted it. The sales first started to explode on the "balcony type I" rapeseed. Urban white-collar workers and even housewives showed extraordinary enthusiasm for growing vegetables on the balcony, and their small stocks were quickly sold out. And when they wanted to buy more, they found that the supply of goods was fully booked, and the fastest production schedule was three months later.

Subsequently, farmers also began to pay attention to and continue to purchase rapeseed, corn, and upland rice seeds, which made the sales of these seeds climb steadily and become more and more popular.

Seeing the dealers who were desperately eating the goods before smiling, those who purchased less can only regret their intestines, while trying hard to wave the money and try their best to get more goods sooner...

But since then, in their hearts, the idea of ​​"As long as the seeds developed by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can be purchased without brains" has been planted, and it has become more and more deeply rooted.


Similar to the hot and lively seed industry market, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also experienced more than three days of busy work after the Goldbach Conjecture special report, and finally had a half-day rest.

The two of them took half a day off, went to see a new love movie, ate a delicious French meal, and drove to the suburbs for a big circle to enjoy the breeze, and most of their fatigue was relieved.

Early the next morning, it was July [-]th, the graduation exam time agreed with Mr. Jiang Weixian.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun had practiced the Oriental Secret Code together, and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast hand in hand, and then they came to the door of the office of the old academician Jiang Weixian in good spirits.

Both of them were extremely grateful to Academician Jiang.

It can be said that in the past two years, they have basically followed the guidelines of the old academician, absorbed the basic knowledge of arts and sciences with a broad mind, and dozens of carefully selected elective courses have greatly enriched their relationship. The amount of knowledge also improved their spiritual world and outlook on life and values, enabling them to spend a fulfilling and unforgettable two years of undergraduate life.

Today, the time for laying the foundation has come to an end. As long as they pass the test of Mr. Jiang Weixian, the two of them will officially enter the ranks of graduate students, start to go to the front line of scientific research, and become real scientific researchers.

This will also be a key node for the two to embark on their favorite physics application direction and on the road to technological invention.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun clapped their hands lightly, looked at each other encouragingly, and knocked on the door together.

"Come in." The old academician Jiang Weixian had obviously been waiting for them for a long time. Seeing these two proud disciples, the old man showed a satisfied smile: "Sit down. Your performance in the past two years has given me quite a big surprise. .”

Academician Jiang is indeed very satisfied with the last two closed disciples, not to mention mathematics. These two disciples have basically reached the forefront of the world, and physics cannot be separated from mathematics. From the perspective of basic theory and mathematical tools Speaking of him, these two disciples have solid foundations and good foundations, even surpassing his youth.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's performance in physics also made him very satisfied. Professor Hu Qingfeng performed very well in several subjects, especially in Duan Yonggong's "J92-Breakwater" super large-scale actual measurement project. It even played a role in turning the tide, making Duan Yonggong full of praise when he mentioned it to him in private, thinking that "in terms of the level and potential of combining mathematics and physics, no one in the world can match these two children."

If he hadn't been concerned about the face of himself as an old senior, Duan Yonggong, who had just been awarded an academician, might have come to snatch him in person.

Qin Ke replied with a smile: "It's all cultivated by Mr. Jiang. Professor Hu told us that if you hadn't intervened through it, Qingyun and I, two fresh undergraduate students, would not have participated in so many scientific research projects." Chance?"

Hearing Qin Ke's sincere voice, Jiang Weixian smiled: "I'm just making a start, and it's because of your efforts that you keep getting new opportunities."

Seeing Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun sitting down at this time, Jiang Wei first took out two test papers, put them in front of them, and said with a smile: "This is the test question for your undergraduate graduation. When do you finish it? Come to me for undergraduate study Graduation certificate and degree certificate. They have already been prepared, and they are in my hand."

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun looked at the test paper curiously.

To be honest, they were both a little nervous about the final test of Academician Jiang, but also very interested.

 Ask for monthly ticket recommendation and full booking!

(End of this chapter)

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