I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 572 Prove Goldbach's conjecture in front of the whole world!

Chapter 572 Prove Goldbach's conjecture in front of the whole world!

This much-anticipated "Goldbach Conjecture Special Report" will start on time at 7:10 pm on July 02.

After a brief speech of about 2 minutes by President Huang of Kiyoki University, the master of ceremonies said loudly: "Next, Dr. Qin Ke and Dr. Ning Qingyun from the Department of Mathematics of Kiyoki University are invited to come on stage to give you a presentation on Goldbach's conjecture. Proven special report!"

Ning Qingjun and Qin Ke, who had already been waiting beside the stage, were still a little unaccustomed to the addition of "doctor" after their names, but they soon smiled at each other and walked up to the podium hand in hand.

This academic report will not only be broadcast live on the TV channel, but also many domestic video platforms have been authorized to repost the live broadcast, and a large number of scholars and experts acted as commentators, starting a live commentary.

At this time, most of the schools were on summer vacation, and the students were all doing nothing at home. In addition, it was Saturday again, and many office workers were also at home, so they watched this live broadcast of national concern.

Especially those parents with children made an exception to allow their children to sit in front of the TV, and pointed to the young boys and girls who had just stepped on the stage and said something like "You have to learn from these two brothers and sisters, and you will be a great singer in the future." admonishing words such as "a great scholar".

But compared to the audience in front of the TV, the most lively one is the official live broadcast room of the academic section of Station B, which invited several well-known mathematics professors in China, and these mathematics professors are all specialized in the field of number theory, which is regarded as the most popular in the industry. Some of the more authoritative figures included Academician Tian Jianlan, Ning Qingyun's teacher.

Academician Tian will attend the live broadcast room, which is naturally arranged by the school. He cheers for the two students outside the venue, and can also spread some knowledge about number theory as much as possible, and expand the influence of mathematics among the public.

Based on the above reasons, the number of viewers watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room of station B has quickly exceeded 3000 million, and the number is still increasing rapidly, making it the most popular academic live broadcast room on the domestic Internet.

And there are more people watching this live broadcast around the world, according to statistics, it has exceeded [-] million.

It can be said that the symposium on "Proving Goldbach's Conjecture in front of the world" held by Qingmu University played a huge role in expanding the international influence of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, and won the prize for the two. The Ertz Award provided a strong boost, and the "Scene of the Qingmu University Goldbach Conjecture Special Academic Report (Speaker: Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, Qingmu University)" written in Chinese and English on the stage was very popular. The banner made Qingmu University famous far and wide, and the Department of Mathematics jumped to the top ranks in the country in one fell swoop, and the limelight has completely suppressed the School of Mathematics of Yanda University.

This made the leaders of Yan University, academicians and professors of the Department of Mathematics who were invited to sit in the front row envious, but they could only sigh, helpless.The vice-principal of Yan University, who participated in the "battle" between Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun more than three years ago, was even more regretful.

Because Yan University's attitude at that time was not as enthusiastic and low-profile as Qingmu's, and it was not like Gu Bojun who personally led the team to wait at the airport all night, and agreed to all Qin Ke's requests at once, which led Qin Ke to bring Ning Qingyun and Qingmu University signed the contract and went to Qingmu University.

The school leaders of Yandali also murmured in private whether the conditions given by Qingmu University to these two young students were too generous, but who knew that the two young girls who won the IMO championship and runner-up would be able to meet in just two or three years? Soaring into the sky, conquering world-class difficult mathematical conjectures one after another, and at this time, even the very meaningful Goldbach's conjecture was defeated?
At this time, the big figures of Yanda University, apart from lamenting Gu Bojun's wise and decisive back then, could only swallow the bitterness in their stomachs.

Seeing Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun walking on the stage, the teaching staff and students of Qingmu University burst into applause like a tide, and the rest of the audience followed suit.

Amid the deafening applause, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun came to the stage, clapped lightly to encourage each other, and then stood on the two podiums respectively.

This academic report will be given by Qin Ke in English and Ning Qingyun in Chinese simultaneously, so two small podiums are arranged about half a meter apart.

It wasn't until the two young mathematicians stood still for a while that the applause slowly diminished. At this time, the camera zoomed in and focused on the boys and girls on the stage.

Originally, for the best shooting effect, professional makeup artists should apply makeup to the two of them, but Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are not used to wearing heavy makeup. , So this time I also decided to decline, but Ning Qingyun combed Qin Ke's hair carefully, sprayed some setting spray, then arranged his clothes, and kept his appearance upright.

And Ning Qingyun herself was the same, except for some lip balm, she showed up without makeup, but the girl's outstanding appearance and beautiful long dress still made her dazzling like a star.

In particular, her jet-black hair was not tied into a single ponytail that is usually dashing and slightly proud, but under Qin Ke's strong suggestion, it was tied into a quiet, delicate and lovely double ponytail, tied with a pure white bow Ning Qingyun's headband, which complements the big bow under the collar of the dress, the faint blush on her small face, and the clear eyes that look forward to the flow, all make Ning Qingyun, who is already beautiful and charming, add a student's unique purity and shyness. The young boys who got off the auditorium and watched the scene through the live broadcast stared at each other with their hearts shaking.

The scene was relatively quiet due to the order of the venue, but the netizens on the live broadcast website were very lively.

【My husband is so handsome, my wife is so beautiful! 】

[Student Ning is as picturesque as a picture!Thanks to the live broadcast of the 4K high-definition camera, I have captured every frame as a wallpaper! 】

[Wow, classmate Ning is so beautiful and cute, isn't it!Especially the double ponytails, the elegant long skirt, and the big bow, which completely hit my cuteness, and the slightly lowered eyes when I was shy...AWSL!I'm going to get blood all over my face! 】

[I came here for Ning's beauty, so I didn't play games and waited to watch this live broadcast. Now I feel it's worth it! 】

【nice!So beautiful!And what surprised me the most was that Qin Shen and Ning didn't seem to be wearing makeup? 】

[Yes, as a professional makeup artist, I took a screenshot and zoomed in on the picture just now. Qin Shen didn't have any makeup at all, and Student Ning only applied lip balm, and the rest didn't even use mascara!My God, are her eyelashes so long and curled naturally?Plain makeup is so beautiful, what if you put on makeup? 】

【What a plain face!Great praise!I don't know why, in my heart, Ning's pure appearance is like a hibiscus in clear water, which is naturally carved. If she puts on makeup, it may become more charming, but it may also destroy this most pure and moving feeling.I support student Ning not to wear makeup!Su Yan has exploded the whole Internet!
[I'm Ning Qingyun's classmate. Qingyun is also like this. She never wears makeup, but she is still a well-deserved school belle of our school! 】

[A beautiful and smart scientific research girl, I love it!It is countless times stronger than those traffic stars who can only pout their mouths to show cuteness and pose for pictures! 】

[Hey, don't just pay attention to Ning, God Qin is so handsome, okay?I feel like I'm going nympho!He is handsome and smart, and his smile is particularly sunny. I heard that he is also very strong in sports. Hey, he is a perfect male god! 】

While all the boys and girls on the Internet were discussing the looks of the two young mathematicians on stage, Qin Ke had already started today's report in English into the microphone.

"Hello, all the guests here, as well as the viewers and friends watching this live broadcast in front of the TV, computer and mobile phone! First of all, thank you for coming to our report meeting! Qingyun and I are very honored to be here to present Everyone will give a special lecture on the proof of Goldbach's conjecture."

Every time he finished a complete paragraph, Ning Qingyun next to him would repeat it in Chinese with a pleasant girly voice.

"666" is all over the barrage.

[Wow, Qin Shen's English is so good, he can't hear the slightest Chinese accent at all, just like living abroad for a long time. 】

[What's so strange about this, I've seen the video of Qin Shen giving a report abroad before, all in English, and the whole report in Deguo was also in German! 】

[Student Ning's voice is so nice, as expected, a beautiful voice must be sweet. 】

[It's started, let's popularize Goldbach's conjecture first. 】

As if hearing the voices of everyone, Qin Ke continued with a smile: "I believe that all scholars here are familiar with Goldbach's conjecture, but considering that there may be children in front of the TV, please allow me to make a conjecture in a minute or two. Simple science."

"The so-called Goldbach conjecture refers to the mathematical conjecture first proposed by the great German mathematician Christian Goldbach in a letter to another great mathematician Euler in 1742. The method is "any integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers", and later Euler put forward another equivalent version in his reply letter, that is, "any even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers '.Because the convention of "1 is also a prime number" is no longer used in modern mathematics, the current version of Goldbach's conjecture adopts Euler's version..."

After Qin Ke completed the science popularization of Goldbach's conjecture with simple and clear explanations, he focused on expressing his admiration for Mr. Chen Jingrun, paying tribute to the old man and other mathematicians who had contributed to the research of Goldbach's conjecture, and thank you After talking with my teachers, I started to make a formal report.

"The proof of Goldbach's conjecture this time mainly uses the new mathematical method 'Lime Number Theory Nonlinear Structure Method' jointly created by Qingyun and me. If you want to fully understand how to prove Gedebach's conjecture, you must first understand the 'Lime Number Theory' Nonlinear Structural Method'. Next, I will spend four to ten minutes explaining in detail the core ideas and principles of the 'Lime Number Theory Nonlinear Structural Method', and then spend three and ten minutes on how to use it to prove Goldbach's conjecture ..."

"The core of the nonlinear structural method of lime number theory lies in the 'nonlinear' stochastic system. Specifically, it uses nonlinear dissipation combined with graph theory, construction method, reduction method and other mathematical methods to form a unique 'random Functional chaos structure system', transforming number theory problems into probability problems, and solving them with nonlinear differential equations..."

While switching the PPT, Qin Ke was explaining, and occasionally pulled the big whiteboard and wrote lines of mathematical calculations on it with a highlighter.

Ning Qingjun next to her explained in Chinese word for word. When Qin Ke wrote the mathematical formula in English, she would also write the Chinese mathematical formula process in dignified and beautiful Chinese fonts.

The audience was silent, and everyone listened intently. Many people even took notes, and recorded the experiences and inspirations that emerged from Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's explanations in a timely manner.

At the beginning of the Internet, there were professors and scholars who made serious comments, and among the netizens, there were also some postgraduate and doctoral students majoring in mathematics who made comments.

[As you can see, the dissipative structure proposed by Dr. Qin Ke just now is very innovative. In the nonlinear state, the dissipative structure will mutate into a new dissipative structure, which is extremely beneficial for transforming into a random function...]

[Dr. Qin Ke just used weighted graphs to express the new structure of prime numbers in the case of characteristic pairwise connections, and he used it very cleverly...]

However, as Qin Ke's explanations continued to deepen, the voices of comments in the comment area and barrage became weaker and weaker, and in the end there was only a piece of "Who am I, where am I, why should I listen to the heavenly scriptures" and "everything Ning said." I can understand all the words, but why do I have no idea what they mean when they are connected together?" "I only have 666 in my mind now, please forgive my lack of vocabulary"...

Even the professors in the live broadcast room of station B were sweating on their foreheads, and the comments they sent were getting shorter and shorter. Facing the host's question, they could only reluctantly answer:
"Hmm...ah, that's true..."

"Well... that's right..."

"Well, his move is very meaningful. The specific meaning...it is very skillful... Speaking of skill... Hey, he started the next step...this step is more interesting..."

Later, the host of the live broadcast room also found that the professors couldn’t understand it anymore, and in a moment of embarrassment and helplessness, he suddenly heard a stern female voice: “The main key point of Qin Ke’s calculations just now is the impulse of the linear system. Response, or step response, this kind of response does not have to be a straight line, it can be a curve. Only after understanding this premise, will you understand why the formula he just used was transformed in this way..."

The host of the live broadcast room looked like a savior, followed his reputation, and found out that Academician Tian Jianlan, who had never spoken much, came to the rescue.

From the beginning of the live broadcast, when the professors were chatting, Academician Tian Jianlan hardly said a word. Even if the host threw the topic to her, she would only answer with the shortest one or two sentences, not as flamboyant as other professors And they rushed to show themselves to gain fame, so that the host gradually couldn't throw the question to Academician Tian Jianlan, after all, there should be no silence in the live broadcast room.

Unexpectedly, academician Tian Jianlan finally took over the role of commentary when he was embarrassed in the live broadcast room and the commentary was unsustainable.

Although Academician Tian's commentary was not much different from Qin Kening Qingyun's, and it was full of incomprehensible technical terms, but at least it was no longer the embarrassing cold scene in the live broadcast room!
This alone is enough to make the host grateful and moved.

She really deserves to be Ning Qingyun's teacher!The level of number theory is enough to crush the rest of the famous professors recommended by major universities!
The barrage is also full of surprises.

[Fuck, this serious-looking old professor is Ning's teacher, right?The level is horrible. What she said is as profound as what Ning said. Anyway, I can't understand it at all, and I don't understand it. 】

[You haven't heard the introduction before, this old professor is a full-time academician of mathematics in the Academy of Sciences, and his level of number theory is at the top level in the country.Classmate Ning was taught by her, isn't it amazing? 】

[Masters make great disciples!By the way, who is Qin Shen's math teacher? 】

[Old academician Wang Heng, didn't you listen to the opening remarks?Didn’t God Qin thank you for a list of people’s names at the beginning, and there was a mention of Academician Wang, oh yes, Academician Wang is also the teacher of Student Ning, and I heard that Student Ning is the only one in the entire Xia Kingdom who collects Academician Wang. A mathematician who combines the essence of Wang School theory and Chen School theory of Academician Tian. 】

[My god, it's no wonder they are so good. It turns out that there are two academician-level teachers. 】

[No... I think it's mainly them themselves. When Qin Shen proved the twin prime number conjecture, he didn't ask anyone as his teacher. 】

[... Mathematics is indeed a paradise for geniuses, ordinary people like me can only look up and worship the gods of learning. 】

Not only the audiences watching the live broadcast on the Internet and watching the live TV broadcast on the TV looked stunned, but also the expressions on the faces of mathematicians from various countries in the venue were very exciting, because many mathematicians who were originally full of confidence found that they actually I also started not to understand.

In the eyes of countless amazement, Qin Ke announced the end of the first phase of the report, and entered the stage of proving Goldbach's conjecture by using the "non-linear structure method of lime number theory".

 Continue to ask for monthly tickets at the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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