I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 566 A Mathematics Legend That Has Attracted World Attention!

Chapter 566 A Mathematics Legend That Has Attracted World Attention!
Professor Tao said to study and study, but it disappeared for a long time without seeing an update on the comment status.

And more mathematicians, mathematics enthusiasts, and Xiaguo netizens who came here admiringly opened the papers and read them.

Most Xiaguo netizens just came to join in the fun, and they felt dizzy after just a few glances, and retreated one after another.

[Hey, it really is the full English version, it makes me dizzy.I can only stick to the Five Elements, and I strongly recommend Qin Ke and Ning to publish a Chinese version.Although I don't think I can understand the Chinese version, at least I can see the familiar Chinese, right? 】

[This should be the original text that was submitted for the manuscript. There is no way, no domestic journal is qualified to review this paper that proves my guess...]

【I just came here to leave a name to express my support for Qin Shen.I stay away from high-end subjects such as mathematics.In a word, Qin Shenniu went to heaven——! 】

[Let's not talk about you, as a high school math teacher, I was defeated after reading the second page. 】

【Senior Qin is amazing, our juniors from Yingyuan Private High School are here to support the scene. 】

[Although I can't understand it at all, but the male god V5!I believe your thesis must be correct! 】

Of course, the most painful are those self-media column commentators and academic media reporters who are a little bit but not enough.

No matter whether Qin Ke proves that Goldbach's conjecture is true or not, they still have to take advantage of this popular report, but the problem is that this paper can't even be understood, so they can write a P!Isn't it blind?As for focusing the report on Qin Ke himself?Who in the whole country doesn't know Qin Ke, Qin Ke is a low-key and decent person, there is really nothing to reveal to attract people's attention!

I don’t know how many media practitioners are painfully pulling out their own hair, and some people use various connections to find mathematics professors in universities for interpretation, but the level of mathematics professors is uneven, and it will obviously shake the whole world. No one dared to speak out about the great academic achievements of international mathematicians, but just found various excuses to push back.

The really competent professors are busy wearing glasses or presbyopic glasses, studying and verifying line by line carefully, and have no time to accept interviews from reporters.

As for Qingmu University, it even held up the "Do Not Disturb" sign, and was very polite to the reporters, but did not express any opinions. They could only inquire about the professors of the entire Department of Mathematics, and Mr. Qiu, the dean of the Qiuzhen Academy, gathered together. In the conference room, we went to collectively review Qin Ke's paper.

Compared with the domestic netizens who have fallen into a blind carnival, the international netizens are much calmer, but most of the comments are all kinds of howls:

[I read it carefully for half an hour, my God, I didn't even finish the first five pages, this paper involves too much knowledge... I didn't even listen to several theorems quoted I have heard it before, and I only found out that there is such a rare theorem after checking it on the Internet.As a Ph.D. student majoring in mathematics at MIT, I am a little skeptical about life. 】

[This paper uses neither the sieve method nor the round method, but a brand-new mathematical method that has never been seen before. Is it the author's original? 】

[I can barely understand the general idea, and I know that I am proving Brother Guess from the perspective of probability theory and chaos, which is indeed very innovative. 】

[I can't stand it anymore, I have to print it out and ask my professor for advice!I hope my professor can understand...]

[Ha, I don’t know where Qin Ke submitted his manuscript. I guess the editors of the four top journals will also have a headache. It is too difficult to find a suitable reviewer. 】


In Princeton, in the editorial department of "Annual Mathematics", the editor-in-chief Faltings and several editors are also reading Qin Ke's papers.

Unlike the vast majority of people on the Internet who only pay attention to "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture", they also saw "A New Analytical Form-Number Theory Processing Method Based on Stochastic Nonlinear Differential Equations" submitted at the same time, but the title of the latter is obviously Not as catchy as the former title.

Xiaguo’s Sunday night, Princeton’s Sunday day, is a statutory rest day, but everyone in the editorial department, including Faltings, has no complaints about the sudden overtime, but looks at it seriously. these two papers.

Time passed bit by bit, and the silence in the editorial department lasted for more than six hours, only the occasional sound of drinking coffee and the rustling of writing and calculating.

And the expressions on everyone's faces became more and more serious.

Faltings first put down the two printed papers, slowly raised his head and looked around at the editors with the most professional level in mathematics in the editorial department, and asked, "How, what do you think of these two papers?"

The editor-in-chief Andrew said without hesitation: "The logic is self-consistent, the argument is rigorous, and there is no way to find any flaws. I can only say that he is worthy of being Xia Guo's miracle boy, and his level is as stable as ever. This "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture" is absolutely Undoubtedly, it will be the best paper we received this year, and I think its significance is even slightly better than the "Derivation and Proof of the Fourth Group of Expressions of the Riemann Hypothesis" by Qin Ke that we just published. !"

The rest of the editors also nodded in agreement:

"I didn't expect that it took less than half a year to conquer the hail conjecture just now, and the Goldbach conjecture with a higher degree of difficulty has also proved that Qin Ke's talent in mathematics may be comparable to that of Euler and Gauss. Xia Guo, the ancient The eastern country is really amazing, to be able to produce such an outstanding mathematician."

"Based on this paper, Qin Ke probably has more than [-]% chance of winning the Fields Medal this year." Another editor-in-chief exclaimed.Conquered the Hail conjecture and Goldbach's conjecture successively within one year, plus two-thirds of the Riemann conjecture, such an achievement is enough to shock the entire international mathematics community, who can stop it?

If he is not too young and born in the East, the probability of winning the Fields Medal is probably [-]%.

Suddenly an old editor-in-chief said: "I think that another article "A New Analytic Form-number Theory Processing Method Based on Stochastic Nonlinear Differential Equations" co-authored by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun is the real essence. The article "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture" just uses the mathematical method named "Lime Number Theory Nonlinear Structure Method" to complete the proof process. This new type of mathematical method has unlimited potential... I think This will be an epoch-making mathematical processing method beyond the sieve method and the circle method."

Only then did a smile appear on Faltings' stern face: "That's true. Most of you are blinded by the reputation of 'Goldbach's Conjecture', and put the main energy on the "Goldbach Conjecture". On the Proof of Bach's Conjecture", another more influential "A New Analytical Form-Number Theory Processing Method Based on Stochastic Nonlinear Differential Equations" was ignored. In Xia Guo's idiom, you are 'mai' Huanzhu'! I suggest you savor another paper!"

Everyone bowed their heads in shame. They really put most of their thoughts on "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture".

A responsible editor flattered him: "Editor-in-Chief, do you know the idioms of Xia Guo?"

"Recently, I have become interested in the culture of the Xia Kingdom. I just read a few books. Let's not mention this. Next, we have to find some experts to review these two papers... Who do you have?" Faltin Si took off his reading glasses, rubbed his sore eyes and said.

The level of these two papers is too high. From the perspective of the senior editors present, they can only say that no problems have been found on the surface, and they dare not draw conclusions casually.

The editor-in-chief Andrew thought for a while, and suggested: "Goldbach's conjecture is such a significant mathematical conjecture that eight experts with great reputation in the field of number theory must pass the review at the same time before it can be published. You must be one of them, Professor Tao from the University of California. Count one, Professor Linden-Strauss also counts one, Professor Wiles should also be interested, and the other four suitable and free candidates... I haven't thought of it yet."

The rest of the people also looked at each other in blank dismay. Although there are many masters of number theory in modern times, if such a series of conjectures is not invited to judge by the Philippine Award, it may be difficult to make a final decision.

And the Philippine award bosses almost have their own affairs to be busy, and it takes a lot of time and energy to verify these two papers-especially in the critical period when the latest Philippine award is about to be selected at the end of the year, some qualified Due to various relationships and concerns, the big judges may not agree to participate in the judging work, which will boost Qin Ke's reputation and increase his probability of winning the Philippine Award.

Professor Tao, Professor Linden-Strauss, and Professor Wiles that Andrew pointed out just now have a good impression of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, and they should help with this. The rest of the suitable candidates really need to spend some time and effort. I looked for it.

Faltings glanced at the calendar on the table, and murmured: "There is plenty of time, but we can't delay. Forget it, you should list all the experts who are qualified for review as soon as possible, and I will call them one by one. Someone should have sold my face."

He patted the two papers in his hands lightly, and his eyes, which were still a little sore, could not hide his praise and appreciation.

At the beginning, the mathematician Hardy was able to let go of the differences in background, nationality and skin color, and unselfishly introduced a mathematician like Ramanujan to the mathematics world, which made a lot of brilliant and outstanding achievements in the international mathematics world. He Farr Tins, who also has such a mind and courage can do it!

Faltins couldn't help smiling when he remembered that Mr. Qiu from Xia Kingdom called not long ago, trying to push Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to become candidates for the Steele Award of the American Mathematical Society.

Probably, in the history of mathematics in the future, I am afraid that his name will be linked with Qin Ke as a good story?Just like Hardy and Ramanujan.

That seems like fun too, doesn't it?
The only pity is that this kid doesn't come to study at Princeton University, otherwise he really wants to accept him as a disciple.


Qin Ke claimed to prove Goldbach's conjecture. In the era of advanced communication in modern society, it didn't take long for it to spread all over the world, and it even aroused the shock of countless mathematicians who followed him.

Especially those mathematicians who see him as a strong competitor for the Philippine Prize.

Eagle Country, Oxford University, Professor Maynard of the Department of Mathematics is still immersed in research. His goal is this year's Fields Medal, because he is 37 years old this year. This is the last chance. If he misses it, he will die for life. He will miss the Nobel Prize in mathematics. For this reason, he is still working hard against time to strive for more excellent academic achievements.

Suddenly the door of his office was pushed open, and his good friend Professor Ike Eddy came out nervously: "Bronco (Professor Maynard's full name is Blanco Maynard), that miracle kid from the east, Claims to have proven Goldbach's conjecture!"

Professor Maynard's heart was shocked, and he raised his head and dared not answer: "Goldbach's conjecture?"

Professor Eddy was worried: "Yes, the paper has been uploaded to arXiv. Although I don't specialize in number theory, I read it just now and there seems to be no problem. Tao Zhexuan from the University of California also left a message to read it, but there is no feedback. Specific post-reading judgments."

Professor Maynard bowed his head and did not answer, but the fear in his eyes became a bit stronger.

With the momentum of Qin Ke winning several awards at this time, I am afraid that he will not release such a big news that shocked the world without being sure, not to mention the papers as proof, it does not seem to be for the purpose of making competitors mess up means.

"Did he really prove it? That's Goldbach's conjecture..." Professor Maynard is best at the Diophantine equation, which belongs to the category of algebraic number theory. Naturally, he is no stranger to Goldbach's conjecture. He also spent more than half a year studying this world-renowned problem, but he just returned in vain.

At this time, he didn't know what it was like to hear that Qin Ke, whom he regarded as his biggest competitor, had actually proved Goldbach's conjecture.

Cringe, jealousy, admiration, doubt, surprise... All kinds of emotions filled his heart. He turned on his laptop, and under the prompt of Professor Eddy, he quickly found the top paper on the arXiv website.

Before he could open the paper for a closer look, Professor Eddy suddenly pointed to the comment section and exclaimed, "Hey, Tao Zhexuan has a new reply!"

Professor Maynard looked in the direction he pointed, and he saw a comment with tens of thousands of likes, which was posted by Professor Tao from the University of California.

He replied to himself again under the comment:
"It took almost ten hours in one breath, and I read the two papers carefully, oh, not only this "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture", but also another "A Proof Based on Random A new analytical form-number theory processing method for nonlinear differential equations". Let me first talk about the conclusion, I have verified the whole process of "Proof of Goldbach's Conjecture", and there is no problem, this proof is established!"

"But what really surprised me was another paper, which mentioned a new mathematical method based on probability theory and nonlinear differential equations. It is definitely a genius idea and an epoch-making achievement! My God, I didn't Ways to express the excitement in my heart at this time, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are geniuses, geniuses among geniuses! They can actually create such an exquisite mathematical method!"

"I am constantly inspired. Thanks to the 'Lime Number Theory Nonlinear Structure Method', I have a solution to a certain problem that has troubled me for nearly two years. Let me not talk about it, I will solve it first! Then, call my dear friend Qin Ke and thank him well!"

The lines in this comment are full of excitement and excitement, and the admiration almost overflows through the screen.

Professor Maynard froze in place, his face gradually turned pale, and finally sat down slumped.

His good friend Professor Eddy reluctantly comforted him: "Even if he really proves Goldbach's conjecture... isn't there four places for this Fields Medal? You still have a chance!"

Professor Maynard smiled bitterly. He has been immersed in academics for so many years. He thought he was a genius who had reached the pinnacle of mathematics. However, Qin Ke was born out of nowhere. In just two or three years, he conquered one after another with an almost invincible attitude. Nearly ten world problems have shocked the world, and now even the unattainable Goldbach's conjecture is underfoot!

"No matter what, I lost after all..." Professor Maynard sighed dejectedly: "Probably, the youngest Fields Medal winner in the world is about to be born."

Professor Eddie felt bad when he saw his good friend's shocked appearance, but mathematics is so cruel, sometimes hard work is not the most important thing, genius and talent are more important.Otherwise, how could mathematics be called "the paradise of geniuses"?
In particular, Goldbach's conjecture is regarded as a high-IQ mathematical game.

Being able to solve the world conjecture problem of such a series, that young man from Xia who was unknown two or three years ago may really become a mathematical legend that attracts the attention of the world!In the future, I am afraid that he will dominate the world of mathematics for decades!
(End of this chapter)

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