I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 552 The successful preparation method of ultrafine fibers!

Chapter 552 The successful preparation method of ultrafine fibers!
The class reunion that really made both Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun feel particularly comfortable and comfortable was the class reunion at Yingyuan Private High School on the fifth day of the fifth day of the junior high school.

The class teacher Wei Wenping and the math teacher Zheng Jianzhou all came, and almost no student was absent from the third and third classes of senior high school.

I haven't seen each other for nearly a year, but everyone quickly turned from a little unfamiliarity to acquaintance. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are still the focus, but everyone's smiles are much more sincere and eager, especially the boys, Ge Zhixing, Li Xiong, Wang Lixin, Xiang Qi, and Qin Ke made various gags. Qin Ke's achievements did not distance everyone. Everyone just wished and marveled from the bottom of their hearts.

Old Zheng is the one with the most rosy face. Thanks to teaching outstanding mathematicians such as Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun who are well-known throughout the country, his status in the education field has skyrocketed, and he has been rated as a national special-grade teacher. I don’t know How many parents have sharpened their heads and want to send their children to the class he teaches. Lao Zheng can be said to have gained both fame and fortune. At this time, even the three hairs on the top of his head are standing up vigorously.

Old Zheng knew that the rise of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun was mainly due to the fact that these two students themselves had little to do with his teaching, let alone that the two students are now better than blue.Although he enjoys such a halo of glory, he is very principled. First, he does not accept gifts; , and repeatedly studied the video of Qin Ke's lectures in high school, and learned the most scientific teaching system from it.

Now his teaching level has indeed been greatly improved, not to mention the first in the province, but it is definitely no problem to be ranked in the top three in the province.

He took the cigarette from Qin Ke, sniffed it enjoyably but did not light it.Although these students are adults and not high school students, he still takes care not to smoke in front of students.

He pinched the cigarette to his ear and said with a smile: "Qin Ke, I have taught many students, and you are the student I look forward to the most. Is there any chance of winning the Fields Medal at the end of this year? If there is a student who can To win this top prize in the mathematics world, I, Old Zheng, will have no regrets in my life."

Qin Ke still had a good impression of this former math teacher. If he hadn't "covered" and "cooperated with assists", it would have been more difficult for him to catch up with Ning Qingyun.He smiled and said, "I am not in charge of this Fields Medal. If I am in charge, I will give you one first. In my heart, you are the best math teacher."

"You kid, I haven't seen you for more than a year, and you are still so sweet." Lao Zheng was amused, shook his head and pointed at Qin Ke, and then looked at Ning Qingjun and the students around him with emotion: "But seeing everyone in the university I am very happy here. It is not necessary for everyone to be famous all over the world like Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun and win international awards. As long as you don’t waste your time and don’t do things that offend your conscience, that’s what I, Old Zheng, are most proud of. s student."

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun took the lead in applauding, the applause was thunderous, and many students' eyes were moist.

The students gathered together to chat, Li Lin held Ning Qingyun's arm, looked at her and smiled.

Ning Qingyun felt a little uncomfortable when she saw her: "What are you laughing at?"

"I'm very surprised. I obviously feel that Brother Ke should take good care of you, but why is he not fat at all? And I look exactly the same as two years ago. Look at me, my waist is round, and there are small pimples here. You have acne, but Qingyun, your skin is still tender and supple, without any blemishes, tell us what skin care products you use? Or is it thanks to our Kegexin, Diligent, Moisturizing?"

Ning Qingyun blushed when asked by a group of girls: "Li Lin, can you stop being such a rascal and dare to say anything."

"They all have boyfriends. Is there any problem with this? Do you think so?"

The girls said softly: "Yes! Qingyun, tell me what skin care products you usually use?"

"Just use the mask I've been using before... I don't use anything else."

"We've been using that mask all the time, but it didn't work so well. Is it really thanks to Brother Ke?"

The girls over there were chattering and laughing endlessly, while the boys blew beer and sang KTV wailingly. In the end, many boys drank too much, such as Xiang Qi, who hugged Qin Ke's shoulder and cried and cried. He laughed, saying that he would never meet a good brother like Ke Ge in college.

What he said made many boys and girls red-eyed.

The cohesiveness of the third and third classes of senior high school was very strong. Most of the students went to other places to study, and their classmates came from all corners of the country, and their living habits and personalities were different. Over the years, I feel that although high school is bitter and tiring, it is so pure and unforgettable.

It was already night when the show ended, and Ning Qingyun supported Qin Ke, who was also a little drunk, to say goodbye to everyone. Considering that they would drink, the two didn't drive, and took a taxi home.

Seeing them walking away intimately with each other supporting each other under the street lights, the figures of the two were stuck together under the light, and Ning Qingyun carefully wiped Qin Ke's face with a handkerchief, his happiness was enviable.

The teacher in charge, Wei Wenping, was the most emotional. They all said that puppy love and first love are the most likely to fail and do more harm than good, but this curse has failed on Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun.

As the staunchest opponent of puppy love, Wei Wenping saw that Ning Qingjun and Qin Ke were sweetly together, and they continued to work hand in hand like in high school, and together they achieved world-renowned academic achievements, which made her suddenly feel that as long as the guidance Properly, green love is not necessarily a bad thing.

Wei Wenping secretly made up her mind that in the future, she must care about the students from the bottom of her heart and be their friend in order to guide them to a better future.


After the high school reunion, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun went to visit Principal Wen Jianzhao, Principal Fang Yuan, Teacher Shi Cunyuan, Teacher Lin Haibo and other acquaintances and elders to pay New Year greetings in the next few days, and then drove to a nursing home in the suburbs together , to visit grandfather Ning Jingguang and grandmother Chu Mimei.

I haven't seen each other for a semester, but the complexions of the two old people have improved a lot, at least they are more rosy than they look in the video, and it is said that they can keep eating a bowl of rice every meal.

Although Ning Jingguang's eyes didn't improve, and he still had to rely on specially-made glasses to barely maintain a vision of around 0.3, his body was indeed recovering slowly, and Chu Mimei's health did not deteriorate any more, and even began to show signs of improvement .The data displayed by various medical instruments is the best evidence.

This is undoubtedly the effect of the Oriental Yuanyuan method.Ning Qingyun is the happiest. She has lost the love of her father and mother since she was a child, so she is very close to her grandparents, especially the grandma who brought her up, which is one of the spiritual pillars of her heart.

Originally, she saw that her grandparents were dying, and she was afraid that they would not be able to survive for two years, but now their physical condition has improved significantly, and Qin Ke estimated that as long as the two old people persisted in practicing, life extension by about ten years should be achievable, which is enough to make Ning Qingyun was so happy that she almost cried.

Seeing this, Qin Ke simply stayed in the nursing home for a few more days and asked Ning Qingyun to accompany the two elderly people well.

During this period, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also resumed follow-up on several subjects other than mathematics.

One is naturally computational seed science. The data obtained from the Institute of Biology has been stored in a laptop computer. After nearly two months of analysis and research, the two have made a great leap forward in their understanding of plant DNA, while Qing The new equipment purchased by the Lemon Plant Cultivation Laboratory has also completed the procurement procedures and is being transported across Haiti. It is estimated that all the equipment will arrive at the end of March, plus about one month of installation and commissioning, and it will be put into the experiment in early May. At that time, the three experimental groups will strengthen the research and experiments on seed DNA, further enrich the theory of computational seed science, and lay a theoretical foundation for the advent of new desert sweet potatoes.

The second is the handover of EDA operation and maintenance. After four or five months of upgrade operation and maintenance training, the EDA team is fully able to take over the EDA operation and maintenance work. The algorithm upgrade work that occasionally needs the guidance of "Mr. Q" can also be started. Yes, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun decided to hand over all the development and maintenance work of EDA to the EDA team, freeing up their hands to focus on other scientific research topics. They are only the final guidance consultants. Difficulties, and then help.

The third is the materials science project of "Using the Karman Vortex Street Effect to Study the Method of High-throughput Preparation of Ultrafine Fibers" that the two participated in as assistants.

This project team is composed of more than [-] doctoral students and graduate students. They have been conducting experiments almost without rest throughout the Spring Festival. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are not only in charge of the overall situation, but also responsible for continuously optimizing the experiments by means of mathematical modeling. Models and Experimental Protocols.

The original experimental plan mainly used the needle-based solution air spinning technology, that is, the shear force induced by the air flow using the Karman vortex effect acts on the thinned solution extruded from the needle tip, and the solvent evaporation is promoted by the air flow along the flow direction. , so as to obtain ultra-fine fibers, but in this solution, there will also be a problem of needle clogging due to the rapid volatilization or solidification of the solution. This problem has never been solved.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun repeatedly summed up the experimental experience and data, and finally decided to abandon the needle and use closed-loop nylon filament as the main one. With the help of the strong shear stress and Karman vortex effect generated on the leeward side of the nylon filament, a Taylor cone and solution were formed. The refinement of the jet flow accelerates the evaporation of the solution with aerodynamics, thereby achieving high-throughput preparation of ultrafine fibers.

This brand-new experimental model also has new problems, such as difficulty in fiber collection, solvent evaporation, high-pressure safety issues, droplet formation, etc., which limit its large-scale use in industrial settings.

In the past two or three months, Qin and Ke have led the team to break through these key problems one by one. Now there is only the last difficulty that remains to be overcome, and that is the problem of "droplet formation".

However, last night, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun solved this problem by optimizing the structure of the closed-loop nylon filament.

Of course, it is only shown on the mathematical model that it has been solved, and finally it needs to be verified by a real experimental environment.

Unlike in the past, when the results of the mathematical model were handed over, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun participated in the whole process of this project, and they were also the main managers and organizers, so they kept video conferences at night and watched remotely. Progress in the lab.

In Lao He's laboratory, more than 90 scientific researchers are carrying out the final experiment intensely and orderly. Professor He Liangfu and Professor Hu Qingfeng also came to the scene. The results of this experiment are very critical. If we can achieve If more than [-]% of the data is deduced, the project can be declared a success.

It's 10:30pm and the atmosphere is a bit tense, no one is talking, and everyone is engrossed in their jobs.

Most people have two panda eyes. In order for this experiment to be successful, almost everyone in the room stayed up all night with less than five hours of sleep, but no one dared to relax because the experiment involved too much fine-grained control. An error in the control of the instrument may cause the experiment to be interrupted or even restarted.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were also affected by the atmosphere, and there were slight beads of sweat in the palms of their hands.

This is the first time that the two have designed such a complicated experimental model in materials science, and the whole plan was proposed by them, Lao Hu, Lao He, and a group of scientific researchers worked together to perfect it.

If it fails, the blow to morale will be severe.

Ning Qingjun asked in a low voice: "Qin Xiaoke, do you think you can succeed?"

Qin Ke comforted in a wide voice: "So far, we have operated strictly according to the deduction results of our mathematical model. There are no mistakes, and the delivery speed of the solution is also kept within the optimal range. I think it should be possible to succeed. Look, The photos taken by the high-speed camera show that the Karman vortex effect formed around the nylon wire structure is very standard, which is a harbinger of success."

Not only Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun in Yuanzhou, but also Professor He Liangfu and Professor Hu Qingfeng in Qingmu University's laboratory were nervously staring at the constantly changing monitoring values.

"I didn't expect the final experimental model to be so fine and complex. It's really hard for the two of them to think of such a complex structure like a spider's web. The application effect of mathematics in materials science is amazing." Lao Hu sighed.

He Liangfu nodded: "It's really remarkable. Although it's a bit complicated, the structure is stacked, which is easy to realize and does not affect the subsequent large-scale preparation in an industrial environment. This is probably the creation of a stacking structure to achieve such a The technology of fine fiber preparation is the first of its kind. Hey...Look, the first batch of results came out!"

He Liangfu pointed to the experimentally prepared straight fibers that were almost invisible like silk threads, and the monitor immediately displayed relevant data.

"Successful!" Lao Hu's hand was originally pressed on the table, but under his excitement, he crumpled the pile of draft paper without knowing it.

He Liangfu stared at the monitor, the displayed data was perfect, almost 99% matching with the deduced data!

"It's...remarkable! This mathematical model can achieve such a high degree of fit, it's simply...unbelievable!" Even if you are used to Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's strength in mathematical modeling, but this time it surpassed cognition , The matching degree with the real experiment is as high as 99%, which still makes He Liangfu's voice tremble with excitement.

Cheers and celebrations resounded throughout the laboratory.

In the nursing home in Yuanzhou, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also clapped excitedly to celebrate.

Professor He Liangfu's face soon appeared in the video conference, and he suppressed the excitement in his heart: "Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, the experiment was successful, and our project this time also announced that we have achieved the most satisfactory results! With the success of the two of you, you basically have the ability to independently lead a team to conduct material science research! Lao Hu and I will report to the school, as long as you are willing, I believe the school will definitely allow you to have your own material science laboratory!"

(End of this chapter)

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