I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 544 This is an unparalleled brilliant achievement in the history of mathematics!

Chapter 544 This is an unparalleled brilliant achievement in the history of mathematics!

With the order of the staff, eleven couples quickly started the "two-person three-legged" competition, striving to move forward.

The other ten couples naturally knew that the famous Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were next to them, but everyone was competitive, and they could compete with celebrities, so it would be interesting to talk about it in the future. Go all out and strive for the best score.

But this kind of "two-person three-legged" movement is the most test of discipline and tacit understanding. Without special training, how easy is it to master the rhythm and tricks at once?
So most of them couldn't walk fast. There were two groups of impatient couples who tripped over each other and fell on the matted playing field. Although they were not injured, they were humiliated by the roar of laughter.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun walked quickly, and they had an incomparable understanding.

In the past two or three years, the two have practiced the Eastern Secret Code together almost every day. The cooperation between them has become subconscious, and there is no need to think too much about how to cooperate. Qin Ke set the rhythm at the beginning, and the rest went smoothly Walking together, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without any stagnation.

This tacit understanding attracted a series of exclamations and praises from all around.

When Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun reached the finish line, the rest of the couples in the competition didn't even make it half way.

Qin Ke untied the silk scarves that tied their calves, bent down, and said with a smile, "Come on, my dear princess."

Ning Qingyun obediently lay on his back, and Qin Ke lifted her up lightly: "You really haven't gotten any heavier, you're still so light."

Ning Qingyun couldn't help but pursed her pink and rosy lips and smiled triumphantly. She practiced the oriental secrets every day and always paid attention to her diet. Even if she occasionally ate some sweets and cakes, she never gained weight. This is what she is most proud of one.

Which girl doesn't want to be thin and good-looking forever, always the most perfect state in the eyes of her lover?
Feeling that Qin Ke supported her body with both hands, and she was pressed tightly against his back, Ning Qingyun's heart was about to melt, and she couldn't help but gently put her face on Qin Ke's back. On Qin Ke's body, his pupils were like water, and his black silky silk was like the purest and most tender love thread of a young girl, wrapping around Qin Ke's body.

Then she felt that she was moving forward quickly like flying through the clouds.

The speed of Qin Ke's sudden burst startled her, and she quickly hugged Qin Ke's neck tightly. At this time, there were loud exclamations, cheers and cheers all around again.

Ning Qingyun secretly looked around, and saw the eyes of countless people, and the cameras were all aimed at the two of them. She was so ashamed that her face flushed red, and her heart was pounding.She had never tried to let Qin Ke carry her back so intimately in such a large crowd. The most daring thing before was to let Qin Ke hug her slender waist.

I don't know if such a video will be posted on the Internet, and then seen by classmates and family members?
Such thoughts flashed by, making Ning Qingyun feel indescribably excited and happy besides being shy.

Because among so many girls in the world, she is the only one who can be carried, treasured and cherished by Qin Ke like this.

With the whistling of the wind in his ears, and countless cheers and cheers surrounding the whole world, Ning Qingyun hugged Qin Ke tightly again with infatuated love in his eyes.

A distance of 50 meters is nothing compared to Qin Ke's physical fitness and explosive power, which is more than half of a normal adult at this time, not to mention that Ning Qingyun is only in his early nineties, and he is not out of breath when running 50 meters with such a light girl on his back of.

Especially the sweet, sweet and hot breath of the girl behind his ears, and the soft touch on his back made his blood surge, and his speed continued to accelerate.

In a blink of an eye, Qin Ke returned to the starting point with Ning Qingyun on his back and completed the entire race. At this time, the fastest group of the other ten couples could barely reach the finish line. while running.

Applause and applause resounded through the audience like thunder. Qin Ke smiled and gently put Ning Qingyun down, then bent down to tidy up her somewhat messy hair.

"How, are such memories unforgettable?"

Ning Qingyun nodded her head vigorously. At this moment, she suddenly realized that the domineering president novel that Gu Yanfei strongly recommended to her before was too weak. Those so-called domineering male protagonists who only pretend to be cool and are full of masculinity, how could they catch up? Shangqin Ke is so careful and gentle?

Especially at this time, when Qingsi was gently teased by Qin Ke, the pampering and caring eyes made her feel that she was the most romantic and happiest girl in the world.

For a moment, the lingering and emotional emotion surged up in the girl's heart. She suppressed her shyness, and took the initiative to hug Qin Ke tightly again under countless gazes, and quickly kissed him on the face.

This is definitely the most daring thing she has done since she was a child, and it is even more daring than holding Qin Ke's hand in front of countless students in high school.

There were screams of envy all over the place.

Qin Ke hugged the most precious person in his arms, and whispered in her ear: "This is the best birthday present you gave me."


Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun finally won No.1. The original wedding photo merchant gave them a set of foreign travel wedding photo packages worth 39999 yuan. They can also upgrade to the most popular Maldives tourist attractions for free. The only requirement is I hope that the two can authorize them to enlarge one of the photos and hang it in the exhibition hall.

The touching blush on Ning Qingyun's pretty face has never faded. Although she also fantasized about entering the marriage hall with Qin Ke in the future, she still maintains a pure girlish mentality. How can you not be uneasy?I feel like my life is suddenly going to another stage.

She just sat next to Qin Ke with her head down, secretly looking at the beautiful wedding dresses, feeling a little flustered and also vaguely expecting.

Qin Ke saw what she was thinking, and accepted the prize with a smile, but agreed with the merchant for a three-year validity period.

Only then did Ning Qingyun breathe a sigh of relief. Three years later, she and Qin Ke probably both graduated from graduate school, which is the most suitable age for marriage, and with these three years as a psychological buffer, it is easier for her to accept the new stage of life.

She was secretly moved by Qin Ke's thoughtfulness, and kept holding Qin Ke's hand tightly.

It was past eleven o'clock at night when the two returned to the new home of "Starlight Mingyuan".

Ning Qingyun rushed into the house, took out a thick and heavy photo album from her closet, handed it to Qin Ke, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I came back in time. Here it is, this is my birthday present."

Qin Ke said unexpectedly: "There are gifts? I thought that kiss was enough."

Ning Qingyun recalled her passionate kiss in public, her little face blushed again, she bit her red lips lightly, her appearance was indescribably cute: "That...that was just an accident, this is My birthday present."

Qin Kezhen took it with great care, and saw that this thick photo album recorded every moment of the two people's acquaintance and meeting together, from the first time they stood together on the podium of Yingyuan Private High School The group photo of her, up to the photos taken on the most recent weekend date, added up to more than five hundred photos. God knows when she took so much painstaking effort to make them.

Qin Ke took the girl to sit on the sofa, and the two of them flipped through the photo album page by page. Those sweet, unforgettable, and joint struggle scenes were vividly remembered, as if they saw the lush years of the two from high school all the way.

Simple and beautiful, just like a fairy tale.

"Qin Xiaoke, you said we are old, will we still be like this?" Ning Qingyun leaned on Qin Ke.The girl's body was soft, and her voice was also soft. The pleasant body fragrance seemed to melt Qin Ke's heart.

Qin Ke could feel from the girl's innocent words that Ning Qingyun's eyes were full of him, and this lingering love was so touching and sweet that Qin Ke's heart was full of infinite love. love.

And it is the most fulfilling thing to make a beautiful, outstanding, and good-natured girl like Ning Qingyun so attached to herself.

Qin Ke hugged her soft waist tightly, hugged her on his lap and sat on his lap, gently curling her silky hair with his fingers, and said in a gentle voice: "Of course, you will always be me." The baby in my hand, I will take care of you wholeheartedly in this life, and we will never be separated."

"Yeah." Ning Qingyun said shyly, but she leaned tightly in his arms, her eyes were like water. Isn't it what a girl wants to hear when she asks such a question?

The night outside the window is just right, and the bright moonlight is projected down.

Ning Qingjun looked at the figures of the two who were closely attached to each other under the moonlight, and once again felt that life is so good, and it's so good to be with Qin Ke.


The photos and videos of the event in the mall this time caused a lot of commotion on the Internet. Many people ate dog food and craved CP. Life is back on track.

In the howling of the north wind, the footsteps of time stepped into the new year. After the short New Year's Day holiday, the final exam of the first semester of the sophomore year came as scheduled.

The whole campus is busy preparing for the exam. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun still have the most exams, but this time the two did not stay in the "Xiaowo No. [-]" self-study room to review. Review together.

There are several more professional courses in the basic science class than the students in the ordinary physics department, and the difficulty is also higher. Some students can't keep up. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, as monitors and study committee members, have the obligation and responsibility to help these students. So I sit in the study room of the class and help answer questions at any time.

This will naturally affect their review to a certain extent, but thinking that they will be separated from this group of classmates in half a year, both of them are very sad, so they choose to help their classmates as much as possible.

The students in the basic science class saw it in their eyes, and they also took this gratitude and friendship into their hearts. They shouted "Brother Ke" and "School Committee" very kindly.

Originally, the classes in the university were relatively loosely organized and could not be compared with the high school classes at all, but the basic science class was different. Under Qin Ke's guidance, the class cohesion was the strongest in the whole school, even more united than the high school classes.

The exam week ended in a blink of an eye, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun took the exam three days longer than others. They didn't recover until all the professional course exams in the School of Mathematics were over.

The arrival of the winter vacation made the two of them have more time, and they were not in a hurry to go back to Yuanzhou, but stayed at school to continue their scientific research.

So the subject research, which was suspended for nearly ten days, resumed.

The subject of mathematics is a joint project of the two, the proof of Goldbach's conjecture.

This conjecture has attracted the attention of the world since Goldbach proposed it in a letter to Euler in 1742, but it was not until 2013 that Harold Hoofgot, a researcher at the Paris Normal University, proved that the weak Goldbach Conjecture, and there is still a long way to go to prove the complete Goldbach's conjecture.

This is undoubtedly a particularly difficult nut to crack. Qin Ke intends to prove this conjecture as much as possible before June this year to increase his chances of winning the Fields Medal at the end of the year, but no matter how he and Ning Qingyun try the fourth-order transformation of lime number theory Neither the method nor the hypergeometric mapping method of lime number theory can find a way to prove Goldbach's conjecture.

Fortunately, the mentality of the two has long been sharpened in the battles with world-class conjectures, and they are extremely patient. Even if they fail countless times, they still maintain a strong fighting spirit and spend two hours a day to study this conjecture.

The research on the new desert sweet potato and the improvement of computational seed science are also being carried out in an orderly manner. The two are actually the same thing. Through the continuous improvement of computational seed science, the experimental plan for the cultivation of the new desert sweet potato is formulated, and then handed over to the laboratory. The third group will carry out the implementation, and then modify and optimize the mathematical model after receiving the feedback data, and propose a new experimental plan.

The cultivation cycle of sweet potatoes is between three and four months, which makes the experiment time relatively long.

In the absence of experimental data, the two mainly used the DNA literature data provided by the Biological Society last time to improve computational seed science.

In addition, the two people spent the most time on the project "Using the Karman Vortex Street Effect to Study the Method of High-throughput Preparation of Ultrafine Fibers" jointly by Professor Hu Qingfeng and Professor He Liangfu. Both of them were in charge of this project The deputy leader of the group, assisting the two professors in managing the team, perfecting the experimental model and experimental methods.

After entering the winter vacation, Lao Hu and Lao He began to let go of their hands slowly, and handed over the entire team to Qin Ke to command. Ability to conduct complex experimental subjects.

Both Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are very grateful for the cultivation of the two professors, and naturally put more energy into it, hoping that this subject can achieve the best academic results as possible.

Time passed in a hurry. In mid-January, the "Acta Mathematica", one of the world's four top mathematics journals, published the paper "Proof of the Hail Conjecture" by Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun in the form of a heavy recommendation.

Although this paper has been uploaded to arXiv a long time ago, and many scholars have already seen it first, but the "Acta Mathematica Sinica", which has the highest requirements for submission of manuscripts, published this paper so quickly and published it in the form of a heavy push on the cover. It has once again caused a sensation in the international mathematics community.

The editor-in-chief of "Acta Mathematica" Rovshan Oliver's comments on this paper were quickly disseminated in the international academic media.

"Thanks to Miracle Boy and Miracle Girl from Xia Kingdom, let us see this great proposition appear in this world in the form of affirmation 200 years in advance. This is an unparalleled brilliant achievement in the history of mathematics!"

The domestic media quickly followed up and carried out extensive publicity reports, once again confirming the titles of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun as mathematical geniuses. Qingmu University plans to apply for the establishment of a "Qin Ke Ning Qingyun Mathematics Scholarship" in recognition of the two. , It is specially used to reward undergraduates with excellent mathematics performance at the undergraduate stage.

Of course, this special scholarship will not be implemented until Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun graduate from their undergraduate programs.

The Mathematical Society couldn't sit still anymore, and planned to invite Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to participate in the annual Xiaguo Mathematical Society Annual Meeting and give a special report.

Qin Ke has a good relationship with Hao Jianchang, the president of the Mathematics Society. Since President Hao opened his mouth, Qin Ke still had to give him this face, so he agreed.

He just put down the phone, and the phone vibrated again.

Qin Ke took it out and saw that the incoming call was actually an international long-distance call from Sweden.

 In the new month, ask for monthly ticket recommendation and full booking!

(End of this chapter)

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