I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 536 The height they finally reached will surpass our understanding of the concept of genius

Chapter 536 The height they finally reached will surpass our understanding of the concept of genius
The academic seminar of Xiaguo Crop Seed Industry Development Association came to an end in the evening.

The report in the afternoon was also full of brilliant results, such as the secondary separation of degradable plastic films, which can greatly reduce the negative impact on the land; another example is a special glue for crop grafting, which can greatly improve the survival of crop grafts Rate……

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun have benefited a lot from these novel agricultural technologies, but in general, their "computational seed science" is still the biggest highlight of the entire academic seminar, and naturally It has become one of the five projects that the Seed Industry Association will focus on supporting next year.

Hearing President Qi's explanation, Qin and Ke realized how powerful the Seed Industry Association is. The Seed Industry Association not only has cooperative relations with most of the agricultural universities in China, but also cooperates with many plant-related newspapers, periodicals, and magazines. There are contacts, and it has great influence among farmers and practitioners.

It can be said that the projects supported by the association do not need to worry about the issue of exposure at all. In the past, some small enterprises received the key support of the association because of their scientific research projects, obtained huge development opportunities, and became medium-sized enterprises.

This is indeed good news for Qin Ke, and receiving key support from the Seed Industry Association will be of great benefit to him in completing the tasks of the system.Chairman Qi also patted his chest and said that if the two of them publish a book on computational seed science, the Seed Industry Association can help promote this emerging discipline.Of course, Secretary Lu's face was also involved in this. Qin Ke knew it well, but he still thanked him sincerely.

President Qi had a better impression of him, and the two exchanged contact information.

At the end of the seminar, Qin Ke took Ning Qingyun to leave early and did not attend the dinner.

He knew that Ning Qingyun was not good at this kind of social communication, especially when he expected that the two would become the focus of attention of various seed companies, and there were countless people who would make toasts and courteous greetings, so he was also a little tired of such things. Chi Guoguo simply left early for his business and social engagements.

However, the popularity of the new subject of "Computational Seed Science" did not decrease by half because of the two people's departure. On the contrary, it spread more and more widely. Many scholars, experts, and researchers in the seed industry who did not participate in this seminar soon paid attention to this topic. information.

After all, it was the famous mathematicians Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun who proposed this new subject!

The seed industry and even the botanical world, which had become a little lively because of the five new tomato seeds, were like a lake that was thrown into it by a boulder, causing countless splashes.

"The youngest and most promising mathematician in Xiaguo", "a newly created sub-discipline of seed science", "the secret of the birth of the much-loved new tomato seed"... many hot spots come together, and the Seed Industry Association intends to The influence and popularity of this academic symposium far surpassed the previous ones in terms of influence and popularity.

Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun and "Computational Seed Science" even became popular in the circle, and once appeared in the top thirty of the hot search list.

The vast majority of seed industry companies support the creation of this new discipline, including Maoqing Seed Industry Group, which has some conflicts with Qin Ke.There is no other reason. If computational seed science can really develop and become an effective discipline, it will greatly promote the reduction of seed research and development time costs and labor costs, and the entire seed industry will benefit.

So the report video of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun went viral in the business world that day. I don’t know how many people stayed up all night to study it. Even Qin Ke’s previous mathematical process of deriving the mutation rate of b9 was dug up and studied repeatedly. There are too few math masters in this industry. Most of the researchers have lost a lot of hair, and they can't fully understand the derivation process. Later, they can only turn to the mathematics professors in the university...

It is said that many agricultural universities have expressed great interest in this, and even organized a team of professors in biology to discuss whether this emerging discipline is really as useful as Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun said, and to discuss the establishment of related courses possibility.


The pursuit and hot discussion of "computational seed science" in the seed industry naturally spread back to Kiyoki University.

Vice President Gu Bojun was sitting in the office with Principal Huang Ruide, drinking tea while discussing when Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's "Proof of the Hail Conjecture" would be published.

Late January next year will be the draw time for the Crawford Awards. If "Proof of the Hail Conjecture" can be published in early and mid-January, Qin Ke still has a good chance of winning this international award.

Gu Bojun said: "It is said that the paper was submitted to Acta Mathematica, which is a quarterly journal. If you miss January next year, you will have to wait until April next year..."

Principal Huang frowned and said, "Why didn't Qin Ke vote for the "Annual Journal of Mathematics" and "New Advances in Mathematics" that he is most familiar with? One is bimonthly and the other is monthly. The probability of publication in January is much higher."

Speaking of which, Principal Huang's appetite has also been spoiled by Qin Ke. In the past, no matter which one of the four top mathematics journals, as long as a professor in the school can post an article on it, the school leaders will be so excited that they can't sleep all night. .Since Qin Ke has continuously published papers in the four top journals, now President Huang talks about the four top journals, but it is like picking cabbages. If he is not satisfied with this one, he wants to change another one.

Gu Bojun replied: "It is said that the editor-in-chief of "Acta Mathematics" Rovshan Oliver approached Qin Ke for an appointment, and I heard that this old Mr. Oliver also appreciates Qin Ke. It was submitted to the "Acta Mathematica."

After talking about it, he couldn't help laughing. Why does this sound a bit like rain and dew?
But I have to say that the four top journals randomly pick and submit manuscripts and can almost guarantee 100% acceptance is really cool. Even if Gu Bojun is not the author, he can feel this comfort.

Principal Huang also couldn't help laughing: "Forget it, it would take a lot of time for experts to review such a world-class mathematical problem. This "Journal of Mathematics" is a publication of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. There are many masters of mathematics there. The review process can be completed in-house, which can actually increase the speed of publication.”

"Don't worry, I have already contacted the old Mr. Qiu from Qiuzhen Academy. He also has some friendship with this old Mr. Oliver. He will find an opportunity to remind the "Journal of Mathematics" and publish Qin Ke's paper as soon as possible. Avoid affecting Qin Ke's participation in the selection of the Craford Award."

Principal Huang nodded in satisfaction, and asked, "Do you think Qin Ke has a good chance of winning the Crawford Award?"

"It's hard to say. The selection of this award is very confidential. Even the list of candidates will not be announced. No one will know the results of the selection until the final stage. But I have been paying attention to the latest developments in the international mathematics community. So far, No mathematician has published a new result that can surpass Qin Ke's hail conjecture, and I think Qin Ke's chances should be more than [-]%."

Principal Huang nodded slightly. For a major world-class award, the probability of winning [-]% is already very high.

"Among the descendants of Xia, only Mr. Qiu has won the Cradford Award, right? If Qin Ke can really win it, he will be the first mathematician of Xia nationality to win this award."

"That's right... This kid has already filled the gaps in the two awards of our country in the international mathematics field. I hope that if we continue to work hard, our school will also gain some glory and overwhelm Yanda and Zhejiang University in one fell swoop, becoming the leader in domestic mathematics." Gu Bojun Also think about it with emotion.

"However, relying on this hailstorm conjecture, it is still a bit of a mystery to win the Fields Medal. It would be great if Qin Ke can overcome the Goldbach conjecture by September next year."

"Principal Huang, that's Goldbach's conjecture..." Gu Bojun vaguely reminded Principal Huang not to put too much pressure on the two children.

Principal Huang smiled and said: "I know, this is a century-old problem that Mr. Chen failed to overcome at the beginning. In terms of difficulty, it may be ranked in the top [-] or even top [-] in the world. But since the two children choose After taking this subject, I will inevitably have an extra expectation. After all, they have created too many miracles. Speaking of which, I really did not expect that they had just completed the proof of the hail conjecture, and they applied for new projects non-stop , and even pointed at Goldbach's conjecture."

Gu Bojun took a sip of his tea and said softly: "I joked with them once, asking if I should try Goldbach's conjecture, maybe it has something to do with it?"

"It turned out to be you..." Principal Huang laughed dumbfoundedly. At this moment, the door of the principal's office was knocked, and the secretary came in and reported, "Principal Huang, Director Xiang from the Department of Biological Science and Technology has something to tell you. The report is about Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun."

Gu Bojun was about to get up and avoid using the excuse of going to the bathroom, but when he heard the names of Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, he exchanged glances with Principal Huang. Principal Huang nodded, and Gu Bojun sat down again.

Principal Huang said, "Let him in."

Soon, the secretary brought in Director Xiang Shouqian from the Department of Biology.

The Department of Biology of Tsinghua University can be regarded as one of the top biological disciplines in China. Its main direction is cutting-edge scientific and technological fields, such as biophysics, structural biology, molecular cell biology, biomedicine, biochips, microbiology and fermentation engineering, plant molecular Biology, genetic engineering, etc.

Director Xiang Shouqian was also a big cow in the biological world in the past. Although he is in charge of the administrative line now, he still retains his attention to the biological world, so he knew the relevant news almost on the second day of the seed industry seminar.

After briefly exchanging greetings with the two school leaders, Xiang Shouqian got straight to the point with some excitement: "Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun recently created a new discipline, do the two leaders know?"

"Create a new discipline?" Principal Huang and Gu Bojun looked at each other, and Gu Bojun couldn't help asking: "It's not about biology, is it?"

"Yes, they participated in the academic symposium of the Seed Industry Association yesterday, and gave a report on the theme of 'Computational Seed Science' at the meeting. Now the industry believes that a new discipline was born from this! I just used I spent two hours studying their reports, and I think their theories are very interesting and have great prospects!" Xiang Shouqian couldn't hide the excitement in his eyes.

Although Qingmu University's Department of Biology ranks second in the country, there is still Yanda University, which ranks first, and has not been able to stand up for 20 years. Xiang Shouqian has been working as the dean of the department for more than three years. In order to enhance the influence of the Department of Biology, several national-level key laboratories have also been opened, but there is still nothing that is bright enough to surpass the brilliant achievements of the School of Life Sciences of Yanda University.

But now Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun have created a new discipline "Computational Seed Science", which is the first time in the country and even in the world.

Xiang Shouqian immediately saw hope.

Even though the Biology Department of Qingmu University has never been good at plant seed cultivation, there are two research directions of plant molecular biology and genetic engineering that involve seed cultivation. As long as it is combined with computational seed science, it can help two young students perfect the new discipline , then the world's first "computational seed science" can completely become a bright brand for the publicity of the Biology Department of Kiyoki University!
After he finished speaking, he repeated his own thoughts: "Professor Xia Yonghua in our department is an authority in plant molecular biology, and Professor Wei Endong in the field of genetic engineering has a deep research on plant DNA. I would like to arrange Their team, in cooperation with Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, jointly established the "Computational Seed Science Discipline Improvement Team" to carry out the research and improvement of computational seed science together! I wonder if you two support it?"

Principal Huang and Principal Gu Bojun were a little dazed when they heard it. The fact that those two gifted students had developed five new types of tomato seeds had become a trend in the school. Naturally, the two school leaders knew about it. Created a new discipline of computational seed science!
These two children, the interdisciplinary span is too big, right?
Although Computational Seed Science should be a sub-discipline of Computational Biology, it is barely in line with Computational Chemistry, Computational Physics, and Computational Materials Science. They all use mathematics and computer technology to solve theoretical and experimental problems, but apart from such vague concepts, Substance varies widely.

"What level do you think their current 'computational seed science' has reached?" President Huang asked thoughtfully.

"It has only been established now, and naturally there are still many imperfections, especially the relatively few research results on DNA, but this is also the reason why we want to help them. It is more difficult to perfect a discipline than to create it. It requires the joint efforts of many people. Only then can we build a tall building. Although the professors in our biology department can't help with mathematics and computers, they should be able to help Qin Kening and Qingyun a lot at the level of DNA and plant molecular cell structure."

Fight for the way to Shouqian.

He really needs to win the support of the leaders of the two schools. First, if the school agrees, more resources will be allocated to the Department of Biology. Second, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can devote more energy to the "Computational Seed Science" ", after all, the research directions of these two gifted students are too complicated, and no one knows how much time and energy they will spend on this emerging subject.

Principal Huang discussed with Gu Bojun in a low voice for a while, and finally made a decision:
"We can agree in principle to the Department of Biology to assist Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun in perfecting computational seed science, and to offer relevant courses when the theory of this discipline has formed a system and is relatively complete, and declare it a 'national excellent discipline', but there is a premise , Computational Seed Science must center on Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, respect their own wishes, and arrange the progress of related work by them, and they must not hinder their research on advanced topics in mathematics."

The last part of the request made Xiang Shouqian a little disappointed, so the final launch time of computational seed science may be extended.

However, the school can be considered to be congratulatory if it can agree.

After he agreed, he left in a hurry and ran to find Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun.

Just now the two school leaders said that the cooperation can only be achieved with the consent of the two children.

Seeing Xiang Shouqian leave, Principal Huang smiled and sighed: "Bo Jun, tell me, how many surprises will these two children bring us in the future?"

Gu Bojun shook his head, with hope shining in his eyes: "I can't guess, but what is certain is that the height they will eventually reach may surpass our understanding of the concept of genius."

(End of this chapter)

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