I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 534 How about I deduce it?

Chapter 534 How about I deduce it?

Hearing "finally determine the key support direction of the association", most of the participants present were refreshed and straightened their waists.

As a national large-scale seed industry association, the Xiaguo Crop Seed Industry Development Association has huge influence and potential energy. Once the key support direction is determined, it will not only provide a large interest-free loan as research funds, but also promote Provide preferential treatment and preference in terms of resources, daily affairs, and policy struggles.

In particular, under the Seed Industry Association, there are "Rice Seed Industry Association", "Vegetable and Fruit Seed Industry Association", "Cotton Seed Industry Association", "Corn Seed Industry Association", "Mechanized and Intelligent Seed Industry Association", "Chemical Fertilizer Seed Industry Association" Association" and other sub-associations, each sub-association must focus on different areas.Everyone hopes to receive key support in their field, and related seed companies and scientific research institutions are also thinking the same way.

However, there are too many monks, and there are usually no more than five key support directions for the Seed Industry Association every year. In addition to the visits and investigations of the association's senior management, such year-end academic seminars are also very important basis for judging. For this reason, a jury has also been set up.

In such academic seminars, the scientific research experts in the seed industry must persuade the judges of the jury to vote for themselves through their excellent research results and academic explanations, in order to obtain key support for their scientific research projects.

Therefore, when Qi Pingyi, the president of the Seed Industry Association, announced the start of academic exchanges, professors, scholars, and heads of research laboratories who had originally won the opportunity to give lectures on the stage took the stage to give speeches.

The academic seminar only lasts for one day, and each person can take as little as 10 minutes or as long as three 10 minutes, and there are only [-] registration places in one day.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun didn't know the details of the meeting until they got the meeting procedure before attending the meeting.However, as newcomers in the seed industry, they got 10 minutes of speaking time, which is really rare.

Qin Ke thought of Secretary-General Huo Guanting vaguely mentioning Uncle Yang's secretary Lu Xinping when he was exchanging greetings with him, and he understood that this was probably the result of Lu Dami's secret care, and it was naturally Uncle Yang's preference and concern behind it.

At this time, the first person to give a speech was Professor Yao Dusen from Xiaguo Agricultural University. His other identity was the head of an agricultural mechanization and intelligence research laboratory. Man-machine research and development", that is, the implementation of precise pesticide and fertilization through specially developed drones.

Professor Yao's research has achieved some results. The newly launched "Huifei Zhinong WAENA1 Single-rotor Plant Protection UAV" can realize the linkage between flight speed and spraying amount, ensuring uniform spraying of chemicals throughout the process, and the radar system on board is also very good. Advanced, it can detect and avoid obstacles in all directions and around the clock, ensuring the safety and reliability of the whole process.

His report won bursts of warm applause, and the judges on the jury bench nodded again and again. Then there was a short communication session, and questions were raised, and the next report was continued without any questions.

Professor Yao's results were excellent and his explanations were very clear. Only two scholars asked some small questions, and no one asked any more.

Qin Ke leaned close to Ning Qingyun's sparkling little ear, and said with a low laugh, "Professor Yao's research is really good. I didn't expect that domestic drones have developed to this point, and they are much better than I imagined."

Ning Qingyun also felt that the trip was an eye-opener and worthwhile: "Yes, I still have to attend such an academic conference to know how far the domestic seed industry technology has developed."

Next, scholars with different time limits came to the stage to give reports. Qin Ke noticed that many of the top ten seed companies in China sent their own laboratory leaders to show up to strive for key support next year.

Some of the reports of these seed companies are relatively plain, and some are obviously exaggerated. With Qin Ke's current level of understanding of plant hybrid breeding, he can already tell at a glance which parts of the reports are bragging.

For example, Professor Yan Fulong, who is standing on the podium to give a report, is especially exaggerated.

He is the person in charge of the Plant Breeding Laboratory of Maoqing Seed Industry Group. The topic of the report is "Research and Development Achievements and Prospects of New Healthy Green Selenium-enriched Corn Varieties".

"The 'Maoxing 3566' new high-quality selenium-enriched corn variety recently bred in our laboratory has protein in the fruit about 25% higher than ordinary varieties, selenium content 55.3% higher than ordinary varieties, and is also rich in anthocyanins. The most important thing is that the material can increase the yield by 21%. You can see the specific data in the PPT. It mainly involves several DNA-level breeding enhancements and scientific crop rotation plans. You can see these charts..."

With the page switching of the PPT, most of the company executives in the audience subconsciously let out a sound of exclamation.

The professional technical knowledge of these bosses may not be very high, but in terms of numbers alone, the market potential of this new high-quality selenium-enriched corn variety "Maoxing 3566" is huge.

Yan Fulong was very proud of himself. This report was made by integrating the results of most technicians in the laboratory. It can be said to be the biggest achievement of this year.

And in order to make the report more eye-catching, he also quietly made certain tricky changes on a small number of data.

Generally, the experimental data is based on the average value of most experiments, but Yan Fulong took the best data and stuffed it into the report, making the data in the report very beautiful, which greatly exceeded the average value.

Of course, this is not considered fraud, it can only be said that it is not honest enough and concealed, which is regarded as one of the default unspoken rules in the industry.

It’s just that people who can do this kind of tricks are usually not well-known small characters. Once the status of the head of the laboratory of a large seed industry group like Yan Fulong is exposed, it will still be embarrassing. Next year’s key support is not to be expected. up.

But Yan Fulong is not worried that someone will expose it, because no one will hold on to these detailed data. After all, it is not a paper, but an academic report, and it is only released for such a short time as a PPT. Who has the ability to see it? ?Taking a step back, there are really people who want to investigate, and there are real experimental data as evidence. At most, I will add that this is a new type of species, and the experimental data is relatively small, so it can still be fooled.

This method is used by Yan Fulong every year, even for the research report to the senior management of the group company. He also uses this method, and he has never been discovered by anyone. flexible" and complacent.

Hearing the applause from all over the place, Yan Fulong felt relieved, and his slightly provocative gaze fell on Qin Ke.

But seeing Qin Ke's mouth curled up, as if he was laughing, this made Yan Fulong's face suddenly darken.

In fact, he has been secretly watching Qin Ke, the famous mathematics god, who is his extremely jealous and hostile opponent.

Yan Fulong was jealous and hated Qin Ke. He received news that his group company, in order to obtain Qin Ke's latest research results, actually wanted to spend a lot of money to dig Wei Xueming back from Qin Ke's research institute.

Wei Xueming is nothing more than a nobody. Qin Ke and his girlfriend Ning Qingyun are newcomers in the biological world. I don’t know what kind of luck they have. Five new types of tomato seeds have also been popular in the market, making them a newcomer in the industry, and they are in the limelight for a while.

This makes Prof. Yan Fulong, who has been in the field for more than 30 years, but has never successfully published a paper in the "Xia Guo Biological Journal" and has never enjoyed such a famous honor, how embarrassing!

What made him most apprehensive and uneasy was that he heard that the senior management of the group had even thought about hiring Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun as special technical advisors.

Although this matter was finally settled, it still made Yan Fulong sound the alarm. If the company really poached Qin Ke in the future, it would undoubtedly threaten Yan Fulong's authority and status as the leader of the laboratory.

At this time, seeing Qin Ke secretly laughing while listening to his report, how could Yan Fulong not be furious?
He is extremely conceited about his research results. No matter how good Qin Ke is, he only has some achievements in tomato breeding. Whether he can understand his new corn report is a problem. Now he dares to laugh. How can he bear it.

Yan Fulong interrupted the report. He stared at Qin Ke and asked coldly, "I don't know why Mr. Qin Ke is laughing?"

Except for Ning Qingyun, almost no one around noticed that Qin Ke was smiling, and all of them looked at Qin Ke in surprise when they heard this.

Qin Ke shrugged his shoulders and continued to smile: "It's nothing, it's just that I have a different view on some of Professor Yan's experimental theories and data. Please continue. If I think it is necessary, I will ask questions later in the questioning session."

Yan Fulong felt dazzling when he saw his smile. He didn't believe that Qin Ke could find any problems in his report, because it was all real data.He snorted: "Since Mr. Qin has questions, you can ask them now, instead of waiting for the questioning session."

Qin Ke shook his head: "The meeting has its own process, there is no need to disrupt the process because of me, and I invite Professor Yan to continue to give the report."

Yan Fulong saw him push back again and again, which further confirmed his guess that Qin Ke was simply pretending to understand.

He wanted to wait for Qin Ke to ask some wrong questions, and then taunted Qin Ke severely to make him lose face, so he continued to persecute him: "It's okay, I heard that Mr. Qin Ke is a heavyweight that Chairman Qi personally wants to invite." Distinguished guests, there must be something special, you might as well put forward your point of view, and we will exchange ideas on the spot."

Seeing Yan Fulong approaching, the rest of the people who were jealous of Qin Ke, or who wanted to test the young man's true talents, all nodded.

"Mr. Qin Ke, why don't you have a discussion with Professor Yan? Let us see your wisdom."

"That's right, Mr. Qin Ke, there's no need to give in modestly. Professor Yan is the speaker. If he agrees, there's no need to wait for the questioning session."

Qin Ke didn't like the Maoqing Seed Industry Group who wanted to obtain his own research results in an improper way, and he didn't like the exaggeration in Yan Fulong's report. Now that this is all said, Qin Ke is not polite. He got up directly and said, "Since that's the case, I'll just ask two small questions."

Yan Fulong sneered, "Just mention it."

Qin Ke asked calmly: "Just now on the No.19 PPT, Professor Yan mentioned that this new type of corn seed is a cross between wild corn (teosinte) and your company's corn. Let me talk about the details, but the data chart mentions the hybrid-induced DNA methylation variation sites mOp1-3, mAp2-6, and 24-nt interfering small RNA (siRNAs) sites, I guess it should be after three backcrosses and four selfings. Right?"

Yan Fulong was taken aback. These technical details are key technical points, and they are also secret data. Of course, he can’t tell them in the report. As for the data chart, he pieced it together from the report of his subordinate researcher. It only took a while to play the PPT , and did not mark the details, it was posted for the sake of persuasion. Unexpectedly, Qin Ke could guess from the clues that there were three backcrosses and four self-crosses!

Although even if you know this, you can't know the key technology, but it's still incredible!
Qin Ke ignored his drastic change of expression, and said again: "As we all know, siRNA induces DNA asymmetric cytosine methylation through the RdDM pathway, and then converts it into stable methylation and inherits it. This is the key principle to achieve intergenerational inheritance. , but after three times of backcrossing and four times of self-crossing, the probability of the paramutated gene a20 appearing in the chart on page No. 9 is very, very low, only one in a thousand, and it is uncontrollable and cannot be inherited in the next generation."

Speaking of this, Qin Ke stared at Yan Fulong: "I'm very surprised, Professor Yan, the protein content and selenium content data you finally obtained are only possible under this one-thousandth special case. Could it be that you have hundreds of thousands in the experimental field? The one-in-a-thousandth mutation probability of all the experimental strains occurred at the same time?"

The audience immediately whispered to each other.

Most of the people present were experts, and what Qin Ke meant was very clear. The amazing data of Yan Fulong's so-called "Maoxing 3566" high-quality selenium-enriched new corn variety can only appear in one thousandth of a special case, and it is not hereditary. That is, large-scale seed production cannot be carried out, and the value of research and promotion is very small.

Yan Fulong suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

At that time, he found the best experimental data and posted it, purely to attract attention, so as to win the key support of the association for the next year. When the actual results are quite different from the laboratory data, it can also be used "experimental data" The difference between the environment and the actual production environment, and the intergenerational differences in the large-scale seed production process" and other reasons to confuse the past.

Unexpectedly, Qin Ke could know the probability of these almost confidential paramutation gene a9, and also knew that it was uncontrollable and uninheritable!
This is the conclusion reached by dozens of elite scientific researchers in the laboratory after thousands of experiments, speculations, and repeated discussions. At least Yan Fulong himself would not have known if he hadn't read the report submitted below.

Where did Qin Ke know about it?Is the laboratory leaked?

Yan Fulong regretted that he had nothing to do to provoke Qin Ke, but he insisted: "Nonsense, where did you know about the mutant gene a9? What is the basis?"

This is the key point of the question. If Qin Ke just talks nonsense and can't produce evidence, he can go back.

He didn't believe that Qin Ke's laboratory happened to be doing such an experiment and got the same result!

But Qin Ke said with a smile: "I got it from mathematics. You want to know? If you don't mind me taking up about 5 minutes, I can use the existing data on your PPT to deduce it."

Chairman Qi looked at the agenda. Originally, Yan Fulong's report time was 10 minutes, but now it has only been about [-] minutes. If it is confirmed that there are problems with his report, there is no need to continue.

Chairman Qi nodded: "Yes."

Everyone was stunned, mathematical derivation?How can this be deduced from data?Crap!
 Tears for monthly ticket recommendation and full booking!
(End of this chapter)

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