I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 525 Cultivate and promote new desert sweet potatoes

Chapter 525 Cultivate and promote new desert sweet potatoes

The third team in Wei Xueming's team is very responsible. They have found all 120 seven kinds of sweet potato seeds with names all over the world, and they have been researching the hybrid breeding technology of sweet potatoes for more than half a year, and they have achieved a lot.

The results of the other two are also good. Qin Ke is very satisfied with this, and has said that this year's year-end bonus will be doubled, which makes all researchers excited and cheered.

They are currently full-time employees of Lime Technology, and they also have special subsidies for scientific researchers. The work system with more pay for more work and clear rewards and punishments makes everyone enthusiastic about work.

Qin Ke could also see that Zhou Shutao, the general manager, was indeed a great talent in management. Wei Xueming's shortcomings of not being good at management but only being good at research were all made up for by Zhou Shutao through rules and regulations.

For this reason, Qin Ke specially called Zhou Shutao and praised him.

Of course, for Qin Ke, the most important thing is that the 120 seven kinds of sweet potato seeds, as well as the second group of special fertilizers and special protective agents that have just been successfully researched, have all been successfully projected into the "plant breeding laboratory" of the "virtual scientific research and experiment center". "In it, there are more than a dozen pieces of land with different fertility states projected, as well as various microscopes, incubators, temperature controllers and other equipment, which are enough to complete the cultivation of this new type of desert sweet potato.

On the way back to school, Qin Ke accidentally received a new system task.

"Ding dong! Xueshen mission update 'Cultivate and promote a new type of desert sweet potato'!"

"③Cultivate and promote new desert sweet potatoes: scientific research is meaningful because it benefits mankind! Please host a new desert sweet potato based on the knowledge in "Cultivation Methods of New Desert Sweet Potatoes", and promote and plant them! Requirements : The new type of desert sweet potato has been recognized by the market, and the planting area exceeds [-] hectares."

"Mission Reward: Technology Points (Cross Breeding) +500! An additional reward is a mysterious gift bag!"

It actually rewarded a full 500 points of hybrid breeding technology points!Qin Ke was speechless secretly, this time the system is very generous.

However, the difficulty of the task lies in the promotion of planting, which is a full [-] hectares, which is equivalent to an area of ​​[-] square kilometers. This is no joke.

I hope that Lime Technology will have a greater reputation in plant breeding by then, so that it is possible to be recognized by farmers and promote planting.

Thinking about it this way, Qin Ke felt that the first group of new-type rapeseed, new-type corn, new-type wheat, and new-type rice that are currently being cultivated should produce results and patents as soon as possible, and put them on the market.


After returning to school, it was already late at night, but Qin Ke couldn't fall asleep anyway, so he simply projected his consciousness into the "Virtual Scientific Research Experiment Center" and started the first step of sweet potato trial planting.

The A+ level knowledge "Cultivation Method of New Type Desert Sweet Potatoes" marked twelve kinds of sweet potatoes needed, named A female parent, B male parent, etc., and did not specify which sweet potato types corresponded to reality, but there were details The leaves and fruit descriptions, as well as key information such as cell maps under the microscope, fat and protein content, are convenient for comparison.

Most importantly, it also comes with the genomic DNA characteristics of the twelve parental sweet potatoes and the final new desert sweet potato, which can be analyzed from a biological point of view. How are the gene activities related to drought tolerance, heat tolerance, sand burial tolerance, salt-alkali tolerance, and tenacious vitality of varieties of sweet potatoes enhanced from generation to generation?

These theories can all be verified by experimental methods, such as detection by restriction enzyme cleavage and electrophoresis, and after amplification of the digested products by PCR technology, the intergenerational changes of restriction enzymes HpaII and MspI can be clearly seen.

Another example is that there are many 3'-CCGG-5' sites on the DNA of the female parent of C. After hybridization with the male parent of D, its cytosine will be methylated under the catalysis of DNA methyltransferase, and the DNA The site will also be converted to 3-methylcytosine, making the leaves smaller and thicker, thereby improving their drought tolerance.

It can be said that this A+ level knowledge "Cultivation Method of New Desert Sweet Potatoes" clearly writes the technical principles, experimental basis, and experimental methods of the entire cultivation process, so that Qin Ke can know what it is and why.

Now that Qin Ke has 120 seven kinds of sweet potato seeds, the first thing to do is to try to plant them at the same time.

Under the function of "time speed regulation", Qin Ke completed the cultivation of all the seeds in about 15 minutes after planting the seeds and watering them (during the period of time to pause for watering and fertilizing), and all the seeds germinated A lot of fruits are produced, and different varieties of sweet potato fruits can be pulled out from the ground.

It took Qin Ke nearly an hour to complete the comparison of these more than 100 kinds of sweet potatoes.

Fortunately, the twelve varieties required in the "New Type of Desert Sweet Potato Cultivation Method" were among them, and Qin Ke marked one of them, and then started eight generations of cross-breeding non-stop.

Although the work of plant breeding is usually carried out by scientific researchers in the laboratory, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun will go to the field from time to time to do it themselves, especially Qin Ke, who has done tomato, rice, and rape in this virtual scientific research experiment center. The cross-breeding work of crops, corn, wheat and other crops can be described as a skilled craftsman. This time, he did not need to rely on the strength of others for the cultivation of the new desert sweet potato, and he could complete it all by himself.

After staying up almost all night, Qin Ke finally completed nearly ten very complicated hybridizations.

He carefully scraped away the soil, and dug out a large bunch of sweet potatoes the size of a baby's fist. He hurriedly rinsed them off with water, and took a bite without even peeling the skin.

The taste is very unique, different from the sweet potatoes that Qin Ke has eaten, it is extraordinarily sweet and sticky, which makes people have endless aftertastes.

Qin Ke took another sweet potato and sliced ​​it for observation. The result was exactly the same as in "Cultivation Method of New Desert Sweet Potato".

"It's done!"

Qin Ke held the twenty or so sweet potatoes in his hands like treasures.

He was really excited. This is a new breed that does not exist in the world. If there is no systematic knowledge, it may take 100 or 200 years before it will be born by chance, but now it has been quietly held by Qin Ke. hand!
With this new type of desert sweet potato, most of the deserts will have the opportunity to be transformed into food areas, and slowly become fertile again!

There are two ways to grow sweet potatoes. The more common way is to propagate through sweet potato vines, which has a high survival rate and is not easy to mutate. However, Qin Ke has just bred a new type of sweet potato and needs to produce seeds. Naturally, the traditional method is adopted first. The way the seeds germinate to plant.

Qin Ke planted these sweet potato seeds in ten test plots with different soil qualities that had been prepared earlier. The ten test plots had different fertility, salinity, and moisture. The last test plot was almost pure sand with only a small amount of sand. Poor soil is mixed in it.

The lighting conditions are also simulated by heat lamps.

The final planting results were very good, almost completely meeting expectations. Under the special fertilizer and a small amount of root drip irrigation, the new desert sweet potato survived successfully and finally produced fruit. In the tenth test field with the worst conditions not excluded.

And it even showed amazing growth and reproduction ability in the first test field with the best fertility and water conditions. Just one sweet potato branched itself continuously, covering almost the entire test field.

However, when it spread to the edge of the experimental field where the special protective agent was poured, the sweet potatoes began to wither rapidly, unable to cross the "boundary" by half an inch, and could only grow and reproduce in the enclosed area, so there was no need to worry about it spreading out of control.And Qin Ke tried it. Once the special protective agent potion was sprayed, the sweet potatoes in the entire experimental field would quickly wither, but the protective agent itself did not have much impact on the land, and it was only effective for new types of sweet potatoes.

It is worth mentioning that in the test field with the best fertility, the final fruit of the new desert sweet potato has not changed much, still only the size of a baby's fist, but the fruiting rate is higher, that is, the yield is higher.

"Yeah!" Qin Ke couldn't help cheering.So far, he has fully mastered the breeding method of the new type of desert sweet potato. The only thing he needs to do now is how to deduce several hybrid breeding schemes through mathematical modeling methods, so that the third team of researchers in the laboratory can use it in reality. bred.

It is not difficult for Qin Ke to deduce the mathematical model based on the theory after the results are obtained, but he already feels tired.

He returned his consciousness to the real world, and looked at the time, it was already past four o'clock in the morning.

Qin Ke hurriedly squinted for more than two hours, then got up energetically.After practicing the Oriental Secret Code with Ning Qingyun, his spirit recovered more than half. At noon, Qin Ke spent about an hour to complete his mathematical modeling and experiment plan, and sent it to Wei Xueming in the laboratory , Let him arrange a third group to conduct the experiment.

Of course, Qin Ke did not directly give the best experimental plan, but arranged for the first generation of cross-breeding, and there were several different cross-breeding plans. After that, he would gradually guide the third group to continue to experiment according to the test results. By trial and error, a new type of desert sweet potato has been cultivated from generation to generation in the most natural way.

"Qin Xiaoke, are you in a good mood?" Ning Qingyun couldn't help asking on the way to the classroom for the afternoon class together.

"Yeah, I feel that we are one step closer to our new goal, the new type of desert sweet potato." Qin Ke was really in a very happy mood. He knew too well how valuable the results he produced all night last night were. Not exaggerating.

"I've seen your mathematical modeling. You built the mathematical model based on the seed cell structure and genetic data of more than 100 kinds of sweet potatoes and biological theories, right? Is there still some experimental data missing?" Ning Qing Yun has already seen Qin Ke's first-stage experimental plan and knows it very well.

Qin Ke said with a smile: "Yes, there is still a lack of data. When the results of the first phase of the experiment come out, we will add relevant experimental data, and then we can further optimize the mathematical model, and formulate the experimental plan for the second phase. At that time, this part of the work will be handed over to you?"

"Okay, it would be great if we could really breed the new type of desert sweet potato you mentioned. The desert becomes an oasis, and it's an oasis of crops. It's exciting to think about it." Ning Qingyun's eyes sparkled, she said to Qin Ke has an almost blind trust, and Qin Ke said that he could cultivate it, so she worked hard to cooperate with Qin Ke to move towards this goal together.

"Yes, but it is estimated that six to eight stages of experiments will be carried out before we can breed a new type of desert sweet potato that meets our requirements. A stage of experimentation will take about three months. I estimate that this new type of desert sweet potato project will come up with results. It will be a year and a half at the earliest."

"I think it's a miracle that the ideal results can be produced after one and a half years. The mathematical modeling of plant cultivation is too complicated, and life is really the most unpredictable existence." Ning Qingyun sighed.

"In a sense, we have improved life, although it is only the life of plants." Qin Ke is still very interested in life sciences, but only in botany. He always has a feeling for zoology and even human life sciences. A sense of awe, will not try it lightly.

Probably what he will choose to contact in the future will only be in the direction of the secrets of human aging.


Qin Ke rested for two days, and his mental and physical fitness has fully recovered. He participated in the school sports meeting as scheduled.

Qingmu University has many special sports recruits, and their physical fitness is extremely strong, but Qin Ke's original physical condition is excellent. After reaching LV5 in sports, his physical fitness and strength have increased by 1.5 times, so he still took off the long-distance running smoothly. , sprint and long jump individual event gold medals, and also helped the class win the gold medal in the collective relay race, which caused a sensation in the whole school. The reputation of "Shuangquan" has reached its peak.

After the school sports meeting, Qin Ke began to attack the "Goldbach Conjecture" in mathematics.

This is the task requirement of the system task "Continue to pick off the jewel embedded in the crown of mathematics". It is necessary to complete the proof of the Hail conjecture (Kadokawa conjecture) and the proof of Goldbach's conjecture at the same time.

Another task of Qin Ke, "Please continue to harvest more mathematics awards", is also closely related to Goldbach's conjecture.

The Hail conjecture has been proved, and the Ramanujan Award early next year should be in the bag, but the Craford Award is not 100% sure, unless the Goldbach conjecture is solved, then it will be sure.

Goldbach's conjecture was proposed by Goldbach in a letter to Euler in 1742, "Any integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of three prime numbers".Goldbach's conjecture, which was later recognized by the mainstream in mathematics, is Euler's equivalent expression: "Every even number greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers".

This is a conjecture that is very simple, understandable, and easy to test. Relying on the current computer technology to conduct a super-large-scale test, it is impossible to come up with a counterexample.

However, this conjecture seems simple, but it is a mathematical problem ranked in the top [-] or even top [-] in the world, second only to the seven conjectures of the millennium, and no one has been able to prove it so far.

This conjecture is even more famous in Xiaguo than the Riemann conjecture, ABC conjecture, and Hodge conjecture, because Mr. Chen Jingrun proved that "1+2", that is, any sufficiently large even number can be expressed as the sum of two numbers. and, one of which is prime and the other is either prime or the product of two primes.

This is called "Chen's Theorem" by the international mathematics community, and Mr. Chen became famous all over the world because of this, becoming one of the most famous mathematics masters in China and even in the world.

Even today, no one can go one step further than Mr. Chen's "1+2".

A well-known research result in recent years is the "Odd Goldbach Conjecture" proved by Harald, that is, every odd number greater than 7 can be written as the sum of three odd numbers.

Qin Ke is well aware that the difficulty of this Goldbach's conjecture is far higher than that of the hailstone conjecture. With his current master level of mathematics, it is very, very difficult to prove this Goldbach's conjecture, so he is also ready for a protracted battle.

He was flipping through the knowledge and literature about Goldbach's conjecture in his mind, when Xiong Kaizong and Wei Wuxiang from the school basketball team came to him.

"Brother Ke, save the world!"

(End of this chapter)

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