I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 515 Domestic EDA was born today

Chapter 515 Domestic EDA was born today

In September, the new semester begins, which means the official end of the freshman year and the official start of a new school year.

In the final exams of each subject in the first semester of their freshman year, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun still scored more than 50 credits with incredible full marks in all subjects, and their average grade point of 4.0 was even more impressive than that of previous Qingmu University students.

Even though the two had asked for a leave of absence for nearly two weeks to participate in the Breakthrough Prize academic report meeting in June, it did not affect their usual scores.

For the teachers and professors of various professional courses and elective courses, students like Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun who have achieved incredible achievements early on are still able to attend classes carefully, complete homework on time, take exams seriously and achieve excellent results. Enough to be a role model for the students, who would not deliberately stumble?

So it's not surprising that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun achieved such unprecedented and unprecedented results.

After the first semester of the sophomore year, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun discussed and reduced some elective courses a little. They didn't fill up the daily schedule like they did in the freshman year to free up more time for independent research, but they were still among the students. The most elective courses.

The credits required for undergraduate graduation are 175, and the two of them now have more than 110 credits. As long as they earn about 60 more credits, they will be able to graduate in a fair manner, including 10 credits for the graduation thesis.

Of course, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can graduate at any time. They choose to continue taking classes not just for the credits, but because they really want to learn more and expand their knowledge, so that they can officially enter the scientific research-based half-time next year. Accumulating more non-professional knowledge in their careers is also what teacher Jiang Weixian expects from them.

After the start of their sophomore year, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun resumed a parallel study life of classes, self-study, and scientific research projects.

Among the scientific research projects, the EDA project is the closest to the results, and the two are also very motivated, concentrating on the final research, especially Uncle Yang called to say that EDA has been officially named "Qiguang", and Academician Nie The high hopes placed on Mr. Q when the name was proposed encouraged the two of them even more.

Not only them, Xu Qingyan led the chief engineer and technicians headed by Luo Jian, and they all devoted themselves to the EDA project without sleep or food.

September 9th is Teacher's Day. Xu Qingyan, who is also a professor of the Department of Physics of Qingmu University, has completely forgotten his identity as a teacher. He is sitting in the conference room, looking at the bright red "Q" on the big screen. Head portrait, palm unconsciously gripping the armrest of the seat.

Not only him, Chief Engineer Luo Jian, and nearly a hundred other engineers and technicians in the EDA research group were all sitting in the conference room.

But the meeting room was terribly quiet, everyone subconsciously breathed lightly, their expressions were tense and expectant, and their eyes were all focused on the "Q" profile picture on the big screen.

The full-featured test version of "Qiguang EDA" was completed in the early hours of this morning, and everyone present participated in the trial.

The excitement when I saw the program installation package, the anticipation when the installation progress bar scrolled, the anxiety when I clicked the icon to run after installation, and the nervousness when I tested each function, all finally turned into a heartfelt and indelible feeling. joy!
With the hard work day and night for more than half a year, "Qiguang EDA", which has gathered the efforts of countless people and entrusted the feelings and dreams of countless people, is finally about to be born!

But there is one final level to pass!

That is the final judgment of Mr. Q, who they regard as "the father of domestic EDA" and "the soul of the EDA project team" in their hearts.

Whether the full-featured test version of "Qiguang EDA" can be officially released to various chip manufacturers for closed testing is not in the hands of the director Xu Qingyan, nor in the hands of the chief engineer Luo Jian, but in the hands of Q Mister!

It was getting dark outside the window, and everyone in the meeting room hadn't had dinner yet, but no one felt hungry, only the growing anxiety and anticipation fermented in their hearts.

Finally, the avatar of the "Q" flashed, and a message was sent:

"Except for some details and functions that need to be further improved, this test version has basically met our original design expectations. Yes, congratulations to everyone. With the joint efforts of everyone, the domestic EDA was born today."

Except for Xu Qingyan and Luo Jian, this is the second time (and the first time for many people) to have a direct conversation with the rumored Mr. Q. Mr. Q's words are simple and direct, without much emotional color, even the exclamation point I also grudgingly didn't post one, but it fits the image of the mysterious and eccentric old expert in everyone's mind.

But the "good" evaluation and "China-made EDA was born today" were enough to make everyone who was nervously watching the big screen heave a sigh of relief, and then ecstasy flowed all over their bodies. This kind of participation in history, The feeling of creating history together is so wonderful, and everyone has an indescribable sense of accomplishment and happiness at this moment.

The completely domestic EDA software "Qiguang" was born in their hands!

"We made it! We finally made it!"

"Qiguang Qiguang, the light of Qiguoxin!"

A group of engineers and technicians cheered unrestrainedly, hugged each other, and some even shed tears.

Nearly half of these people are the EDA development team of the original petals. If you really want to count, you have participated in this project for more than three years. Under the magical guidance of Mr. "turning a stone into gold", the semi-finished petal EDA has completed a gorgeous transformation and has become today's Qiguang EDA with complete functions and can be put into practical use. How can they not have mixed feelings? Excited to tears?
In Qingmu University's Xiaowo No. [-] study room, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun watched this scene through the video camera, couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled, and clapped their hands hard.

Turning off the remote connection, Qin Ke said with a smile: "The next thing we need is the actual trial and feedback from domestic chip manufacturers. We will strive to launch the official version of 'Qiguang EDA' by the end of September."

Designing the official version of "Qiguang EDA" with 7nm chips is not the end. "Qiguang EDA" needs to be continuously improved and keep pace with the times. This is a relatively long-term work. Put your energy into this.

Just like when he decided to donate the Lime operating system, Qin Ke only wanted to be a "igniter" and was only responsible for lighting the first bonfire in the dark. Afterwards, the bonfire will become more and more prosperous, that is, other people with lofty ideals and technologies in China The mission of the elite is over.

Of course, at least until Qiguang EDA can support the design of 1nm manufacturing process chips, Qin Ke will not let go completely all at once, but will continue to work with Ning Qingyun to practice with battles, so that Qiguang EDA's team will gradually complete Take over the follow-up update and maintenance work - the follow-up update and maintenance work is the bulk of the work, and it never ends.

The two were still discussing the future of Qiguang EDA and the opportunity to "let go". Uncle Yang personally called.

"Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, you said you would come to my house for dinner after returning to China, but you never came. Why don't you come tonight? Just to celebrate."

Uncle Yang's voice was full of uncontrollable excitement and joy. Obviously, the news that the Qiguang EDA beta version was newly released had reached his ears.

Uncle Yang summoned Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to go to the banquet.

What's more, there are no elective courses for the two of them in the evening.Sitting in the car of his assistant Fang Yongtang, he came to the outside of Uncle Yang's compound with ease. Lu Xinping had already been waiting outside, and personally picked them up.

The nanny was still in charge of dinner, and the dishes were rich. Uncle Yang never mentioned anything about EDA, but only asked about their experience of going abroad last month and the recent progress of the plant breeding project.

After hearing the situation, Uncle Yang said with a smile: "I never thought that your patent authorization would be snatched by Da Nong Seed Industry. Other seed companies may regret it in the future."

He was in a good mood, and even drank two glasses of wine for the first time. In fact, considering his body, the doctor had already said that he should not drink alcohol.

Lu Xinping wanted to persuade him, but he didn't dare to spoil his interest, so he gave Qin Ke a wink.

Qin Ke understood. Seeing Uncle Yang coughing after drinking, he hurried over to pat him on the back, and persuaded him, "Uncle Yang, I think you should drink less."

"It doesn't get in the way, it's rare to be happy today, so I only drink these two cups."

Seeing Uncle Yang's sick and blushing face after coughing, Qin Ke hesitated for a while, but still whispered: "Uncle Yang, I made up a recipe for health exercises and diet therapy. My grandfather and Qingyun's grandparents all practiced it." However, it’s still useful. If you believe me, why don’t you follow me? It’s best to show me the medical report, and I’ll make a recipe for you.”

Uncle Yang said unexpectedly: "You can still keep in good health?" Then he smiled heartily: "Of course I believe in you, you have brought me too many surprises. But there are other important things tonight, your set of exercises, etc. Next time you come to my house for dinner, teach me."

Qin Ke didn't know why, but he immediately understood that Uncle Yang's call this time was probably not just a simple invitation to eat and catch up.

After dinner, Uncle Yang brought Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to the study and closed the door.

Qin Ke noticed that even Secretary Lu didn't follow him in, and the door of the study room was very thick, which seemed to be specially made to prevent eavesdropping.

Uncle Yang said solemnly: "Qin Ke, and Ning Qingyun, an elder in the scientific research field wrote you a letter."

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun looked at each other. Although they didn't know who it was, Qin Ke nodded and said, "Okay. Where is the letter?"

"Here is the letter. You can read it here, but because it involves you being Q, if you can, I suggest you read it and hand it over to me for destruction."

"Okay." Qin Ke nodded in response.

Uncle Yang took out a letter from the safe and handed it to the two of them.

Qin Ke took it, opened the envelope, and took out the letter paper.

What catches the eye is the very strong and powerful lower case.

"Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, hello, I've wanted to chat with you face to face for a long time, but considering many factors, especially your relationship with Q, let's communicate with you for the first time through letters. "

Seeing words is like seeing people, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun seemed to hear the caring and gentle voice of an old man.

"Ning Qingyun, I have known you since you were very young. Your parents have contributed a lot to the country and are unparalleled national scholars. Now you and Qin Ke have developed a domestic operating system and domestic EDA software. All of them have made great contributions to the country, which is amazing, and you are the future of our scientific research community."

A short paragraph of words seemed to have the power of words, which made both Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun feel a strong sense of pride in their hearts.

"I guess you will say that the development of EDA software is not only due to the two of you, other engineers and technicians have also put in countless efforts and energy. Right?"

Ning Qingyun couldn't help but whispered to Qin Ke: "This old man understands us very well."

Qin Ke nodded and continued to read.

"But they can take this honor publicly, and Mr. Q's identity cannot be made public. You can't enjoy such a glorious moment. Do you regret it?"

Uncle Yang was next to him, he smiled and asked, "Yes, do you regret it?"

Qin Ke shook his head and said: "We chose to participate in the EDA project in this way, and never thought about disclosing our identities. And we mainly want to show what we have learned and apply what we have learned. 'Qiguang EDA' can achieve what it is today. The effect is the strength of the team, and we can't develop it even if it takes ten years to rely on the two of us alone."

Uncle Yang smiled gently, motioning for the two to continue watching.

I saw the letter wrote: "I guess you will say that you don't regret it. Yes, you don't make a name or make a profit, you are a good boy. But we all know that without you two, there would be no 'Qiguang EDA', I believe that history will never forget Mr. Q’s contribution to the motherland and people. I will continue to pay attention to you and work hard. I believe that the future of scientific research will be even more exciting because of you!"

The letter is not long, and it will be gone after writing here.

Uncle Yang took the letter from Qin Ke and said with a smile: "This is a handwritten letter written by the senior in the scientific research field during his busy schedule. In the past few years, he has been busy presiding over some major scientific research projects. There are only a handful of them. Well, you have made such a great contribution, is there anything you want?"

Qin Ke took a deep breath, and said: "It is our greatest honor and harvest to receive such a personal letter from the seniors in the scientific research field. We don't need anything. And every time Qingyun and I go abroad, we give Yang Uncle, you and Uncle Chen have caused a lot of trouble, we are very sorry."

Uncle Yang laughed loudly: "You go abroad to win glory for the country, and also to make contributions to the country. I guess they would welcome such trouble. You, Uncle Chen, told me that Qin Ke, you have the opportunity to serve the country. You won your first Fields Medal, I hope you will work hard."

"Yes, I will try my best to fight for it, but my age and knowledge are limited, so I may not be able to get the Fields Medal next year as I wish."

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Both of you are still young and under 20 years old. You still have 20 years and five chances. And the achievements you have made in the past few years are already very good. Alright, Back to the point."

Uncle Yang patted Qin Ke on the shoulder: "You kid, you are very smart, you know you don't want anything, you will get the most."

Qin Ke called out to Qu: "Uncle Yang, you are just insulting my innocence out of thin air."

Uncle Yang signaled the two to sit down again, and made tea for the two of them himself, before saying, "The news of the successful development of Qiguang EDA will not be announced to the media for the time being, but internal trials will be carried out in several domestic chip manufacturers. .After the official version is released later, a press conference will be held."

He handed over another folder: "Look at this document. Qiguang EDA will be in charge of the follow-up sales and promotion work by the newly established "Qiguang Core Technology Co., Ltd.", the current Qiguang EDA team We will invest in technology, and everyone will get a certain amount of equity in it.”

"The identities of the two of you will not be disclosed, but there will be a lot to give to you. Your 15% equity will be hung under another name, and all subsequent dividends will be transferred to your bank account through a special method."

"Of course, if you want, you can also transfer to Lime Technology's public account. You don't have to worry about these procedures and transfer records. I will arrange it properly. There will be no transfer of Q and You associate it together."

The domestic EDA market has exceeded 100 billion. In the future, the profit of Qiguangxin Technology Co., Ltd. will be at least several billion, and the 15% dividend will be several hundred million at least...

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun glanced at each other, feeling the weight of this folder again.

 Cold, late update, please forgive me.

(End of this chapter)

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