I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 42 Hold her high and defeat her again!

Chapter 42 Hold her high and defeat her again!
At noon, the two tacitly went to find their friends for dinner. After the meal, Qin Ke and a few roommates finished bragging, and then went to the basketball court to play in the sun. They didn't have the habit of taking a nap.

Sweating all over, Li Xiong and his partners ran back to the classroom for self-study class, but Qin Ke suddenly thought of Ning Qingyun's little cleanliness, so he went back to the dormitory to take a shower and put on dry clothes before leaving for the old art gallery. room.

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about being late.

When he arrived at the old art room, Ning Qingyun was already sitting in his seat, quietly reviewing the main points and difficult points he said in the morning. Seeing Qin Ke walking in, a strange look flashed in the girl's eyes, as if she wanted to ask something, but His lips just moved, but he didn't ask after all.

Qin Ke sat next to her and wondered, "What's wrong?"

Ning Qingyun's hands subconsciously protected the notebook in the schoolbag, and then looked away: "It's nothing."

For a girl like Ning Qingyun, she said nothing, and there would be no result if she asked further.

Qin Ke naturally understood this truth, so he stopped asking, and began to review the knowledge of Mathematical Olympiad in the morning with her.As soon as she entered the learning state, Ning Qingyun returned to normal. After the review, she taught Qin Ke English as agreed.

Ning Qingyun taught very seriously and meticulously, which was naturally much more efficient than Qin Ke learning by reading a notebook by himself. The boring English learning also added a bit of fun when the girl's nice voice narrated.

A day passed in the blink of an eye, and before parting, Qin Ke suddenly said, "Student committee."

"Huh?" The girl who was arranging her schoolbag looked up.

"I said, if you did well in the midterm exam, I'll treat you to dinner."

Ning Qingyun shook her head, and refused without any surprise: "No, thank you, you also solved the difficult problems on the math test paper for me."

Qin Ke didn't force it, and said with a smile: "Okay, I owe you a meal, and I will pay you back when I have a chance."

The next day was Sunday, and the school was on holiday. Qin Ke had already received the first high school scholarship of 1500 yuan from the class teacher, so he generously invited four roommates, Li Xiong, Ge Zhixing, Wang Lixin, and Wu Zhu, as well as the class teacher. Several sports students who usually play together went out together, had a meal of hot pot, ordered a case of beer during the dinner, and the atmosphere was lively.

"Brother Ke, listen to Xiang Qi and the others, you will also take the Mathematical Olympiad exam next Sunday?"

"Well, I signed up."

"Awesome! Brother Ke, do you have the confidence to surpass Ning Qingyun this time, and give our male compatriots a sigh of relief?"

Speaking of Ning Qingyun, Qin Ke thought for a while and said, "Brothers, I have something to ask you."

"What's the matter? Brother Ke, just say it." Li Xiong, who blushed a little from drinking, patted his chest first and shouted.

Others also echoed.

Qin Ke said a few words in a low voice, then took out [-] yuan and slapped it on the table: "Take this as the activity fund. You can also ask Li Lin and the others to help. Be sure to prepare it the day before the preliminary Olympiad. I will inform you of the implementation time later.”

A group of boys suddenly quieted down, and after a while, Wang Lixin, the sullen guy, hesitated and said, "Brother Ke, what are you doing? You don't want to chase after Ning Qingyun, do you? It's not that we poured cold water on you, Ning Qing Although Jun is super beautiful, but the strategy is too difficult..."

Ge Zhixing also persuaded: "That's right, Ning Qingyun is the kind of girl who just wants to concentrate on studying and doesn't want to have a boyfriend. Chasing her has no fruit. The few students who were punished in the class before are lessons from the past, Brother Ke , think twice!"

The rest of the boys nodded apprehensively.

"Chasing you guys, if I really want to chase her, I'll do it myself. I don't care about her, I just want to hold her high and defeat her! Speak out for our male compatriots !" Qin Ke had a murderous look on his face.

All the boys breathed a sigh of relief: "I see."

"Well done, Brother Ke! I like you!"

"That's right, defeat Ning Qingyun! Give us boys a long face!"

Qin Ke waved his hand vigorously: "Then I will leave this matter to you brothers, you must show your sincerity and hold her high, so that I will feel refreshed when I beat her!"

"Don't worry, Brother Ke, we will definitely get it done!"

After successfully fooling this group of simple-minded guys, for the next week, Qin Ke didn't go to the classroom for normal classes, but went to the old art room with Ning Qingyun for self-study.

In the morning, he taught Ning Qingyun Olympiad, in the afternoon he learned English with Ning Qingjun, played sports as usual at noon and evening, and then went back to the classroom to give half an hour of "Qin Ke's small math class", and used the evening self-study to review English and recite vocabulary , do the reading comprehension that Ning Qingyun chose for him, write the English composition that Ning Qingyun gave him a theme, and hand it over to Ning Qingyun for correction after class in the evening self-study.

Although it is not as easy and comfortable as usual to sleep every day to earn experience points for learning gods, Qin Ke has a special sense of fulfillment, and he is getting more and more familiar with the students in the class.

As for Ning Qingyun, he still kept a close distance with him. Most of the time, the two of them only discussed study, and even when they walked around the old art room during recess, they discussed study. Very little will involve each other's daily life.

However, every time Qin Ke went to the old art room, he would find that his desk had been wiped clean in advance, and a quiet and delicate girl with a single ponytail was sitting by the window, with a straight waist and a pen in her slender fingers, thinking about exercises.

This has become the most common sight in a week.

It's just that Qin Ke sometimes looks at her alone doing the topic, and can't help but think of the notebook full of Ultraman Tiga stickers.

Old Zheng would come here for a stroll from time to time. Later, he probably heard that only Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were studying in the old art room. Even the class teacher Wei Wenping came over nervously to observe several times secretly. Seeing that Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun were always looking intently Studying, although sitting a little close, there is no intimacy, so I can barely feel relieved.

Originally, she still wanted to remind Qin Ke to be careful, but thinking that Vice Principal Wen had talked to her and asked her to try not to disturb Qin Ke's preparation for the Olympiad, Wei Wenping did not have any problems after all.

On Wednesdays and Saturdays during the period, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun also showed their faces at the Mathematical Olympiad training class. The main reason was that Lao Zheng wanted to inform the precautions of the Mathematical Olympiad and explain some special example problems. Qin Ke also brushed up two waves of emotional value , Earned a lot of learning experience points, and the math upgrade progress bar moved forward again.

"Mathematics: High School Mathematics Olympiad (Provincial Rematch) level, the next level: High School Mathematics Olympiad (National Finals) level, the required academic experience value is 9722/30000."

In the blink of an eye, it was Sunday of the second week, the day of the Olympiad preliminaries.

At seven o'clock in the morning, in front of the school gate, the school bus that the school had prepared had already stopped and waited for the arrival of the students.

The autumn sun wakes up late. When Ning Qingyun left the dormitory with a small schoolbag on her back, the sky was only slightly bright. The morning wind was chilly. Hair on the ponytail, and then began to run quickly along the school road to the school gate.

The departure time is 07:30 in the morning, but Ning Qingyun works seriously and is used to arriving early.

When approaching the school gate, Ning Qingyun accidentally saw a boy leaning on the lamppost by the school road and yawning.

(End of this chapter)

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