I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 38 Even Qin Ke of "what's the matter" is inferior!

Chapter 38 Even Qin Ke of "what's the matter" is inferior!
The whole class has long been paying attention to the movement here, and the conversation between the two has been heard by everyone. At this time, they heard that the newcomer was so arrogant in front of Principal Wen, and all the students were shocked. The shock value was so high that if they hadn't seen the vice principal here, they could hardly help shouting and questioning.

Ning Qingyun hurriedly tugged on La Qinke's sleeve, signaling you to stop bragging in front of the school leaders!

Vice-principal Wen just laughed: "Okay, you really won No.1 in the city competition, and I will personally invite you to my office for tea! Come on, I look forward to such a day!"

He turned to Old Zheng and said: "Mr. Zheng, you should try your best to meet Qin Ke's requirements in terms of study and life. If you can't solve them, please report to me directly. The best thing is not to affect his preparation for next weekend's Mathematical Olympiad competition." priority."

Old Zheng responded readily: "Leader, don't worry, we promise to get it done!"

Vice-principal Wen patted Qin Ke on the shoulder affectionately, and then turned to leave. Qin Ke suddenly stopped him: "Principal Wen, I have a small request."

"Oh? Say it." Vice-principal Wen was a little surprised and curious when he saw that the student dared to ask him for conditions.

With a simple and honest smile on his face, Qin Ke said embarrassedly: "My next behavior may affect other students' normal answering of the questions. I would like to invite you to forgive me."

Vice-principal Wen became more interested: "Tell me about it."

"I want to do a selection paper like that." Qin Ke pointed to the papers that other students were working on.

Vice-principal Wen was stunned: "That paper...you don't have to do it." He wanted to say that it might not be too difficult for you, and it was meaningless to do it, but he changed his words temporarily because he was afraid of hurting other students. .

Qin Ke still insisted: "I want to try to do it."

"Okay, Mr. Zheng, give him a copy."

Lao Zheng immediately took out a spare selection paper and handed it to Qin Ke.

Everyone immediately looked at Qin Ke curiously, wanting to know what this kid wanted to do.

Qin Ke turned a blind eye to the eyes of everyone. He took the test paper, glanced at the questions, thought for only five seconds, and wrote directly on the first question, "Using extreme principles, it can be solved in seven steps. The answer is 210."

Then look at the second question, "First make a substitution of x1, and then use the drawer principle to make a drawer, which can be proved in nine steps."

Next is the third question, "Use the assignment method to give each grid a specific value by means of proportional assignment, which can be proved within eight steps."

Finally, there is the fourth question, "Repeatedly using the principle of tolerance and repulsion, combined with the induction method, can be proved within [-] steps."

The whole process took less than 3 minutes.

Qin Ke handed back the selection papers to Old Zheng, and said with a smile, "I won't write the specific problem-solving and proof process, Mr. Zheng, can you see if my thinking is correct?"

Lao Zheng was stunned for a long time before he held the test paper handed over by Qin Ke firmly, glanced at it quickly, finally couldn't control the shock on his face, and said with a slightly trembling voice: "These four questions you did The train of thought is correct, and the answer to the first question is also correct..."

The whole class was in an uproar.

Just a moment ago, this student named Qin Ke came up with the solution to the four Olympiad questions on the selection paper, and all of them were correct?
real or fake?Bragging?
You must know that most people in the classroom can't even solve the first question of the selection paper!
Lao Zheng glanced at the hesitant students, and handed the papers to the math teacher next to him.

Several math teachers came over to take a closer look, and they all nodded and said, "No problem, everything is right."

This time, the students finally had to believe it, and looked at Qin Ke with amazement.

Amidst countless horrified gazes and a series of emotional values, Qin Ke turned his head and stared at the top senior high school student who was screaming dissatisfied. The smile on his face has been suppressed, and his eyes have become cold.He said lightly:
"Senior, I don't know who you are. Originally, I didn't need to care about whether you were convinced or not, but since you openly said that I, Qin Ke, is 'what is it', then I have to tell you that you even 'what is' Qin Ke is not as good as it, at least I want to finish this paper, and it will take less than 10 minutes!"

Qin Ke usually has a playful smile and looks lazy and rambunctious, but he has never been a magnanimous master, and he has no habit of swallowing his anger when he is slapped in the face.

What's more, how pleasant is the system prompt sound brought by the series of floating emotional values ​​at this time?

Whether he pretends to be forced or not, he can't get over the hurdle in his heart!
At least now he feels extremely comfortable, even better than drinking iced Coke in summer!
Qin Ke didn't care how ugly and ashamed the third-year student's face became, he clasped his fists to the rest of the students and said with a smile, "Students, I'm sorry, I just settled some personal grievances and made everyone laugh."

The students didn't know how to answer, so they could only reply with a smile that seemed more like a smile than a cry with a stiff expression.

The third year student was sitting on pins and needles. If it weren't for the presence of school leaders and teachers, he would have slammed the door and left.He was almost crying, I just said a few words about you, why are you slapping your face in public like this?
Qin Ke turned his head to Vice President Wen and said with a smile: "Principal Wen, the answers of other students may be affected by me, but if you agree, you can't blame me."

"You kid...you can't get No.1 back, let's see how I deal with you!" Vice President Wen looked at the flamboyant Qin Ke, and it took him a while to recover from the shock. He shook his head and pointed at Qin Ke. , turned around and left.

The moment he turned around, the smile on the corner of his mouth could no longer be concealed, and everyone could clearly feel that his footsteps were a little lighter.

As soon as Vice-Principal Wen left, the rest of the math teachers immediately surrounded Qin Ke as if they were looking at some treasure, but Lao Zheng was the fastest, blocking Qin Ke in a flash, and waved away like a fly:

"Walk around, what are you doing here? Ning Qingyun still has to answer the questions! Don't affect my two students' answers!"

"These two students of mine..." he pronounced his words very heavily, on the surface he had the attitude of a conscientious teacher, and his tone was very flat, but he couldn't hide his aura of protection and pretense at all.

The teachers could only stare at Lao Zheng with envy, jealousy and hatred, then at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun reluctantly, and then walked away one after another with a sigh.

They had noticed that Ning Qingyun was already doing the second problem. The method was not as simple as Qin Ke's, but the idea was undoubtedly correct. That is to say, she got at least two problems right.

And Qin Ke is even more exaggerated. The teachers watched him complete the solution to the three difficult problems in less than half an hour. ?It shows that these topics are not his limit at all!
Not to mention "finishing" the four difficult questions of the Olympiad preliminary competition in the next 3 minutes!
This kid might go further in the Olympiad than any of them imagined!
It is even very likely to reproduce Yingyuan High School's previous glorious record in the Mathematical Olympiad!
 Thanks to "Xianzhuo", "Da Mengze", "Lu Yi", "doraemon1234" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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