I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 33 The Olympiad Training Class

Chapter 33 The Olympiad Training Class

"Principal Wen..."

The hearts of all the teachers are heavy. Chengkong’s rising momentum is too aggressive. Yingyuan was also reforming originally, but the reform speed is a bit slow and can’t keep up with Chengkong who is in full swing. If he fails again this time, next year I'm afraid that Chengkong's enrollment will be completely suppressed by Chengkong.

When the board of directors finds out, Vice President Wen will certainly take the blame and resign, and their salary will definitely be affected and greatly reduced.

Vice-principal Wen is an old Jianghu after all, he quickly cleared up his mood and showed a decisive smile again:

"Please help me make one last effort. This time we must fight with our backs and go all out! All 25 students participating in the competition, I allow them not to take other courses in the next week, just to prepare for the preliminary competition of the Olympiad next weekend." Can!"

No matter what kind of selfishness the teachers have, they all know that they are at the most dangerous moment of life and death. Everyone will win and everyone will lose, so they all responded in unison: "Fight to the last stand and go all out!"


At 59:60 the next morning, Qin Ke yawned and came to the mathematics research classroom in Building B. He pushed open the door and walked in. The room was already full of students. After a rough count, it was estimated that There were five or sixty people, both male and female, but boys clearly accounted for the majority.

Among them, Ning Qingyun, who wore a ponytail and a blue and white school uniform, was the most conspicuous. She was sitting alone on the seat doing exercises, and her black and smooth single ponytail was still tied a little high, giving people a sense of pride.

The small face was as beautiful as white porcelain, and the pink lips were tightly pressed, revealing a sense of concentration and seriousness.

She was sitting by the window, the sun was shining, the girl seemed like a plum blossom quietly blooming in the snow in the valley, she looked a little lonely and stubborn, but she was so beautiful and noble, which attracted the boys in the class to peek at her frequently .

Qin Ke also recognized a few students in the third class, including Wu Shaocai who had conflicts, and almost didn't know the rest.

The classroom is very quiet, everyone bows their heads to do exercises, and occasionally discusses in a low voice, just like the self-study class of the key class, not at all like Qin Ke imagined in the Olympiad training class where masters pinch each other and compete on the same stage Fiery feeling.

The sound of Qin Ke pushing open the door was a bit loud, and many people looked up at him, and they were a little surprised to see this strange male student with a lazy face, messy hair, and dull hair on the top of his head.

This Mathematical Olympiad training class started as early as the summer vacation. After training for a period of time, the students in the basic class are all familiar. This handsome and handsome boy looks very strange. Could it be that he is a newcomer?

But next weekend is the city competition, and it is a typical rush to join the training class at this time, is it meaningful?
However, although everyone was curious, no one took the initiative to say hello to Qin Ke. They just re-read their exercise booklets regardless of the matter.

The students in Class [-] waved at Qin Ke, Wu Shaocai snorted and looked away with an ugly face.

Currently the classroom is almost full, only two people are sitting alone, Wu Shaocai is one of them, and the other is naturally Ning Qingyun.

However, the reasons for the two sitting alone are naturally different. Ning Qingyun is well-known, and the cold and aloof temperament makes the boys dare not sit next to her easily; as for the girls, only one girl, Ning Qingyun, came to the third class, and the girls in the other classes He was not familiar with Ning Qingyun, so naturally they each sat with their acquaintances, causing Ning Qingyun to sit alone.

Wu Shaocai, however, was obviously completely isolated by the students in class three, and the other two boys in class three sat together, far away from him.

Qin Ke glanced at the empty seats in the classroom, thought for a while, and walked to Ning Qingyun, opened the seat and sat down.

He was not used to sitting alone, and he didn't want to sit with Wu Shaocai, so it was naturally the best choice to sit at the same table with Ning Qingyun.

Qin Ke's "daring and reckless behavior" attracted the attention of all the students except the second and third classes of senior high school.

This new guy is too reckless, right?Dare to sit next to Ning Qingyun?Don't you know that Ning Qingyun dislikes boys approaching and disturbing her study?

Some people even gloated, intending to see how Ning Qingyun would deal with this guy.

But something that surprised everyone happened, Ning Qingyun just raised his head, glanced at Qin Ke with cold eyes, then lowered his head and continued to do the exercises silently, unexpectedly asked the boy to change seats without disgust!

Is Ning Qingyun suddenly becoming approachable?Or is there something special about this guy?
A group of students couldn't help whispering in surprise, they were all asking about Qin Ke's origin.

But except for a few students who were in the same class as Qin Ke in the first year of high school, and students in the second and third classes of high school, no one knew Qin Ke.

The school is so big, except for girls like Ning Qingyun who are outstanding in appearance and have excellent grades, most people don't know too many students from other classes, let alone Qin Ke's academic performance is not too high. An ordinary student who is outstanding and often hangs out with sports students.

The students discussed in a low voice for a while, seeing that Qin Ke sat down and just propped his chin in a daze, he didn't tease Ning Qingyun, and Ning Qingyun didn't talk to him, the two didn't seem to know each other, so except for a few A boy who had a crush on Ning Qingyun would look away from time to time, and the rest of the students gradually lost interest in Qin Ke and stopped paying attention to him.

After a while, Ning Qingyun finally raised his head from the book, glanced around secretly, and saw that no one was paying attention, so he quickly wrote in his small notebook: "Hey, you were almost late .”

——Probably because it was inconvenient to pass small notes, she learned from Qin Ke and found a beautiful new notebook to "talk".

Every time he saw Ning Qingyun's expression of an underground party who was guilty of secretly passing small notes, Qin Ke felt cute and funny, and he replied with a smile: "It's not a minute away."

Ning Qingyun gave Qin Ke a blank look, and wrote: "You just came here empty-handed?"

"No, I also brought a pen."

"You..." Ning Qingyun sighed, took out two English study notes from her schoolbag, and secretly handed them to him from under the table:
"Here, I told you this last night. Take it home and take a look at it when you have time. I will explain it to you in detail when I find the right time and place. And..."

She put down her pen, hesitated for a moment, and took out another document bag from her schoolbag.

Qin Ke took it and wrote: "What is this?"

"This is the test paper that the teachers gave out during the previous training camp. I have sorted it out. You can take a look. I know that you are very good at Mathematical Olympiad, but you should not be too proud. You still have to prepare for the test carefully..."

Qin Ke held down Ning Qingyun's pen and wrote: "Stop, stop, Guanyin Bodhisattva, stop preaching, my honest monkey grandson can listen to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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