Chapter 25 Grade No. 40 Nine!
"Ding! Because Wu Shaocai's mood swings are extremely violent, the host has gained four times the hatred value of 4 points! The experience value of the god of learning +4!"

Among the series of Hate value prompts, one particularly caught Qin Ke's attention. He couldn't help but look back, only to see Wu Shaocai staring at him angrily. Obviously, his mentality was going to explode. Qin Ke rolled his eyes, deliberately cheerful smiled at him.

This smile became the last straw that overwhelmed Wu Shaocai's spirit. He finally couldn't control his emotions, and shouted hysterically like a nervous:

"Teacher Zheng, how could anyone get full marks for such a difficult question! Even Ning Qingyun couldn't do it! Qin Ke must have known the answer in advance and copied it by some shady means! I suggest the school investigate thoroughly!"

"Copy?" Old Zheng threw a stack of test papers in his hand onto the podium, and said coldly, "His method of solving the problem is better than the standard answer in my hand. How to copy? Tell me how copy?"

The students present were dumbfounded again. The answers given by the students were actually better than the standard answers given by the teacher?This completely subverted their three views!

Old Zheng ignored Wu Shaocai who stood there stunned as if someone had poured cold water on his head, and waved to Qin Ke: "Student Qin, come up and get your paper back."

"Oh." Qin Ke stretched, lazily walked up to take the test paper, and stuffed it into his pocket.

In the eyes of ordinary students, this incomparably arrogant and arrogant attitude made the smile on Old Zheng's face even bigger, tsk tsk tsk, this arrogance and mentality, at first glance, is the material of imitating a god!
Old Zheng asked gently: "Student Qin, what do you think of this topic?"

"Barely a bit interesting. It took me more than 20 minutes to finish. I can make more difficult and challenging ones next time."

Listen, is this still human?
The students almost jumped up to protest. This time the test paper was almost done and they all became normal distribution and factorized state doubts about life. If it is more difficult next time, let them live!
Old Zheng smiled: "More than 20 minutes? You are still too modest. You are in the exam room where I invigilate the exam. From the time you pick up the pen, I will cut the time until you finish writing the last additional question. It took 10 minutes and [-] seconds to write the pen, but it didn't take [-] minutes."

"Student Qin, mathematics is the same as any science subject. If you want to go high and go far, you must have the drive to never admit defeat, the arrogance that will never be inferior to others, and the perseverance that will never give up. Please appreciate me That's it, well, you go back."

This bowl of chicken soup fell into the ears of the students, but it aroused even more waves!

"Damn it, Lao Zheng just said that Qin Ke only spent 9 minutes on this test paper?"

"Oh my god, what Qin Ke said in the last evening self-study was actually true?"

"All the test papers with full marks have been handed out, and it was Mr. Zheng who watched him finish the test papers with his own eyes. How can there be any fakes?"

"Damn, the hidden god of learning! I'm afraid Ning Qingyun can't do such an exaggeration?"

"Brother Ke, you will be my new thigh from now on! You can't solve math problems, can you help me solve them?"

"Okay, come to me if you need it." Qin Ke responded with a smile, and returned to his seat. The system notification sound in his ear has not stopped since just now, and a series of shock and envy and jealousy are overwhelmed. Come on, cool.

He returned to his seat and sat down, quietly put down the textbook that had been erected in the middle of the table, revealing Ning Qingyun's beautiful red phoenix eyes with a look of surprise: "You... really only spent 9 minutes to finish this paper?"

Apparently, the girl's reserve was no match for her curiosity and shock at the Xue Shen.

"No, I think it should be counted as 10 minutes to be more accurate, because it took 1 minute later to check whether there were any missed questions." Qin Ke replied with a wink.

Ning Qingyun rolled his eyes at him, is it time to care about the difference of a minute and a half!

However, for the first time in Ning Qingyun's heart, he had the feeling of looking up to a boy.

Is this the real genius...

It was probably because Qin Ke's math results shocked everyone too much, or maybe it was because the physics teacher Xu Qingyan was relatively taciturn and didn't comment on Qin Ke's results, so in the second class in the afternoon, Qin Ke was the third to take the stage to take the award. When he returned to the physics test paper, the shock value and envy, jealousy and hatred value contributed to him by the students in the audience were quite limited, but there were whispers about Qin Ke one after another.

The last session on Friday afternoon is a self-study class, and after that it is time to release the rankings.

The list is posted on the bulletin board of the school, and each grade only announces the top [-] students in the grade and the top [-] students in each individual subject. These are also the lists issued by the scholarship, so students often This list is dubbed the "Gold List".

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, many anxious students rushed to the bulletin board to check the list.

The list changes a lot after each big exam. Some academics want to see their own rankings, some curious people want to see the changes in the list, and some idlers want to add some things to talk about after dinner. In short, Qin Ke takes his time Walking to the bulletin board, the front was already crowded with students, at least several hundred people.

Qin Ke saw more than a dozen top students and quasi-scholars in his class were also in the crowd, but Ning Qingyun didn't appear as expected—probably she didn't need to look at the list, because her rankings were all the same from high to high. It hasn't changed.

Qin Ke didn't squeeze in, but just stood on the periphery of the crowd.

With the help of the system, his eyesight is excellent. Not only can he see things at night like daytime, but his myopic vision has returned to 1.5, and he no longer has to worry about myopia—to use the prompt words when the system first attached to him , the true god of learning cannot be short-sighted!

Looking up at the list of the second year of high school, No.1 is indeed Ning Qingyun, a super academic who overlooks all living beings and gods. From the first year of high school to the present, no one can shake her top position in all the monthly exams.

"Ning Qingyun: Chinese 148, Mathematics 137, English 145, Physics 147, Chemistry 150, Biology 150, Literature 288, Physical Education 72, total score 1237"

Qin Ke was secretly stunned, the school committee is indeed a school committee...

Except for the relatively ordinary scores in the physical subjects that she is not good at, Ning Qingyun has no shortcomings in the rest of the subjects, and the chemistry and biology are directly perfect.Looking at the rankings of individual subjects, in the eight subjects of the midterm exam, except for physical education, which was not in the top ten, she ranked first in five subjects including Chinese, and ranked second in mathematics and English.

If it weren't for sports that held her back, her total score would have surpassed No.2 by more than 40 points.

He really deserves to be a famous super student in the whole school, so terrifying!
When Qin Ke was looking at Ning Qingyun's single subject rankings, he also saw his own.

He scored 165 points in the mathematics test, and it was no surprise that he took the top spot in the single subject of mathematics. This is also his only single subject score on the list.

It is a pity that the seventh to tenth places in the chemistry subject were all tied with 147 points, and Qin Ke, who scored 146 points, was abruptly squeezed out of the tenth place.

However, Qin Ke didn't have much interest in paying attention to these single subject results, and his eyes swept down nervously from the overall score list.

Soon his eyes lit up, and he saw his name among the No. 40 nine!
(End of this chapter)

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