I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 16 Qin Ke is Right

Chapter 16 Qin Ke is Right

At this time, the preparatory bell for the self-study class rang. Qin Ke saw the system interface floating in midair change from gray to color, and secretly called luck. Of course, he would not miss someone who came to send experience points. He smiled and said:
"This math test paper is actually a little difficult. It took me 10 minutes to finish it all, and I missed my nap time. Hey, I made a mistake."

"Two 10 minutes?" Wu Shaocai saw that the self-study class had started, and planned to return to his seat. Hearing Qin Ke's words, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "How is this possible?"

"Ding! Because Wu Shaocai's mood swings are very violent, the host has gained double the shock value of 2 points! The experience value of the god of learning +2!"

Qin Ke secretly clenched his fists excitedly. He also noticed that Wu Shaocai's voice was too loud, which attracted the attention of the whole class. Qin Ke was so happy that he asked innocently, "What's wrong with finishing it in 10 minutes?" possible?"

"This math test paper is difficult, okay? Can you finish it in 10 minutes? Absolutely impossible! School committee, how long did it take you to finish it?"

Although Ning Qingyun felt that Qin Ke's math level and mental arithmetic ability were excellent, it was too exaggerated to finish the paper in 10 minutes. This guy loves bragging!She gave Qin Ke an angry look, and said in a low voice, "I didn't finish the last additional question when I handed in the paper."

Wu Shaocai raised his voice as if he had received an imperial decree: "That's right, did you hear that? Even the academic committee failed to complete all the questions in the two and a half hours of the exam. Qin Ke, you can do it in 10 minutes." End? Bragging is not a draft! Do you think this is the truth?"

Many students in the class were mourned and complained by the math test in the afternoon, and they couldn't care less about the self-study class. Anyway, the teacher didn't come to the classroom, and they all shouted:
"That's right. The topic this time is really difficult. I'm still in a daze. Qin Ke, you're too good at bragging, right?"

"I was completely fooled this time, and I don't know if I can get two or three points!"

"I didn't do well in the exam. I guess it will be difficult to even pass this time..." A girl thought of the hellish math exam, and her voice was full of tears when she recalled the sad things.

Her math scores are usually pretty good, at an upper-middle level, but this time she barely managed to complete the fill-in-the-blank questions, and she didn't even finish the first answer question, let alone the comprehensive questions and additional questions that followed.

"I remembered. When I took the math test this afternoon, I accidentally glanced at him. Qin Ke was indeed sleeping. I just didn't know if he had finished the test questions."

Several of Qin Ke's roommates also shook their heads secretly, Brother Ke, Brother Ke, you can just fill in the answers blindly, why did you take them out to humiliate yourself?

They only hoped that others didn't notice the loophole in Qin Ke's words.

Wu Shaocai just noticed it.

Although Qin Ke performed well in the math class last Friday, making him dare not underestimate Qin Ke, he still didn't believe that Qin Ke would be better than Ning Qingyun, so he said loudly:
"Hey, have you noticed that Qin Ke only said to finish it in 10 minutes, but he didn't say that it was all right. I could have finished it in 10 minutes if I changed it. I just wrote it nonsense."

"It turned out to be a nonsense, haha, Qin Ke, if you have the ability, just write out all the answers you wrote! Let's open our eyes!"

"Forget it, who remembers the answers to so many questions? We'll know when the results come out, and we'll laugh at him then!"

Qin Ke felt extremely relieved when he saw the series of hatred points that had been brushed up. He suddenly got up, walked to the podium, and picked up the chalk:
"I really don't remember the answers to so many questions before, but I still remember the comprehensive questions and the last three additional questions."

He scribbled on the blackboard and started writing.

"Haha, Qin Ke, first of all, you did the wrong question? It's different from mine from the third step... Hey, wait a minute... Why do you think Qin Ke's is more reasonable? Could it be that I was wrong? ? Fuck! No way!"

"...Although I can't understand it, based on my intuition, what Qin Ke did seems to be correct, after all, it's written so long."

"I didn't read the last three additional questions at all. Does anyone know if the answers he wrote are correct? Representative Ke, upholding justice is up to you!"

Wu Shaocai: "..."

His complexion was a little ugly, because he found that he had made a mistake in the last comprehensive question, and what Qin Ke wrote seemed to be the correct answer!As for the additional questions later, like the other students, he didn't even have time to read the questions.

"No way? Judging by the expression of the representative of the department, it seems that what Qin Ke did was right?"

The noise from the audience grew louder.

"Okay, Qin Ke, come back and review." Ning Qingyun suddenly got up, walked onto the podium, looked around the students under the stage, and said seriously:

"This math test is indeed difficult, but the math test is over, everyone should prepare for the next subject carefully, and don't affect the next test just because this subject is more difficult."

She is the study committee member of class three, and she has the obligation to urge and improve the enthusiasm of the students in learning. She feels that if Qin Ke hits her again, ordinary students are afraid that their mentality will collapse, and tomorrow's exam will be seriously affected, so she stands up and speaks out. stop.

Qin Ke was enjoying the series of system notifications, but was interrupted by Ning Qingyun, so he had no choice but to put down the chalk.

But some students below were not happy: "Academic committee, the matter of Qin Ke's bragging has not yet been settled. If you don't let him write it down, how do you know if he is doing the right thing?"

Ning Qingjun looked at the student with majestic eyes: "I don't know if he did the entire test in 10 minutes, but his answers to the comprehensive question and the last three additional questions are correct, at least in my opinion... ..."

"Oh, by the way, I only knew how to do the third additional question after listening to his explanation. If you think you are better than me, you can copy the answers on the blackboard and ask Mr. Zheng."

The originally noisy classroom suddenly quieted down. Although there were a few boys who were upset with Ning Qingyun because they had been rejected, they muttered in their hearts, "Who knows if you are helping your boyfriend lie", but Ning Qingyun is Ning Qingyun, the top student in the grade, with her word as a guarantee, who would waste time looking for a teacher to confirm it?

Ning Qingyun glanced coldly at the classroom: "Besides, if Qin Ke is bragging, don't you know when the grades come out? Now study carefully!"

Being stared at by such a super academic, bright and cold beautiful girl, most of the boys didn't have the courage to look at her, and they all lowered their heads and studied honestly.

Nearly 2 minutes later, the English teacher on duty in the self-study class arrived late. She walked into the classroom and was relieved to see that everyone was preparing for the exam seriously, but she still said:

"Just now there was a meeting in the Academic Affairs Office. This math test paper is indeed very difficult. Don't panic, you won't, and most others won't either. Don't affect the mood of the next test..."

(End of this chapter)

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