I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 12 kicks off the midterm exam

Chapter 12 kicks off the midterm exam
The more Qin Ke looked at it, the more speechless he became. A super-student is a super-scholar. This notebook is quite good. It clearly sorts out the knowledge of various subjects in the first half of the second semester of high school, which are the main points, which are interrelated, and which may be used. Come to the question, and the question type is recorded.

Putting it in the ancient arena, this is definitely the secret book of martial arts that makes people scramble for blood and set off a bloody storm!

At the same time, Qin Ke also realized for the first time what kind of hard work Ning Qingyun had put behind that dazzling aura of a super-scholar.

Originally, he thought that he had studied hard, but compared with Ning Qingyun, there was still a gap, and his learning method was a few blocks behind.

After realizing the function of these notebooks, Qin Ke was immersed in Ning Qingyun's notes for the whole evening self-study class, and even forgot the passage of time.

Because the exams were Chinese and Math tomorrow, and English and Physics the day after tomorrow, Qin Ke focused on Chinese and English, his two weakest liberal arts subjects.

Ning Qingyun wanted to ask him to go back to his notebook first during get out of class, but Qin Ke looked so focused and serious that he seemed to be deaf to the outside world, so he was embarrassed to interrupt him.

Ge Zhixing, Li Xiong, Wu Zhu, Wang Lixin and other roommates and friends wanted to come to Qin Ke to brag during recess, but before they got close, they felt Ning Qingyun's cold and menacing gaze, which scared the few students to retreat.

Ge Zhixing was nervous: "What should I do? Brother Ke has been controlled and hijacked by the 'big devil', so he has to study hard. I feel that he will betray the revolution and stop trying to keep his name."

Li Xiong peeked at Ning Qingyun, and muttered, "I'm also happy to be supervised by the school committee to study at such a close distance."

Wang Lixin was also full of envy and hatred: "That's right, tonight, I will ask Brother Xia Ke how it feels to sit with Ning Qingyun, and whether it smells fragrant."

Wu Zhu said with a simple smile: "The exam is tomorrow, let's not bother Brother Ke, we all go back and hurry up to review, otherwise the family will be disappointed."

Li Xiong put his arms around Wu Zhu's neck: "Damn, Zhuzi, I suddenly remembered that you were also in the top ten in the class in the monthly exam last time! I didn't expect that you, an honest guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, were the first to betray the revolution! We didn't Ning Qingyun, it's up to you tonight, this time I will be No. 40 or more than eight!"

Ge Zhixing was dissatisfied, and shouted: "Old Li, you are trying to step on me to take the position, don't you know that I am number 40 and nine?"

Qin Ke didn't pay attention to the teasing conversations of his roommates. It wasn't until the end of the third quarter's evening self-study that he closed his English notebook and let out a long sigh of relief.

He usually studies all night. In fact, his foundation in Chinese and English is not bad. This evening's study even connected all the knowledge points together to form a clear knowledge thread, which made him more confident about tomorrow's midterm exam. Very confident.

Qin Ke refolded a few notebooks and handed them back: "Thank you, the school committee, for helping me a lot, I will ask you to borrow them again tomorrow night. If you can get good grades in this midterm exam, I will treat you to dinner." what."

But seeing Ning Qingyun snatch the notebook and put it in his schoolbag, then gave him a fierce look, then blushed, got up and walked away quickly.

Qin Ke was stunned, and then he noticed that there were a few female classmates waiting for Ning Qingyun to go back to the dormitory together a few steps away. Most of his actions and words just now were heard by these female classmates.

A few female classmates winked at Qin Ke meaningfully, and Li Lin, who has the best relationship with Ning Qingyun, smiled and said, "If you want to invite Ning Qingyun to dinner, you have to treat us to milk tea first." Then she giggled Try to catch up with Ning Qingyun.

Although Ning Qingyun has a cold personality and doesn't fit in well with others, the halo of a super academic will always attract a few female students who also love learning and want to learn from her to become her friends, such as girls like Li Lin.

Qin Ke shrugged. He seemed to have caused trouble for Ning Qingyun, but it was only a small scandal, so it wasn't much trouble, right?Walk around, go back to sleep.

In order to recharge your batteries for the mid-term exam, it seems that there is no way to stay up all night tonight.

In this world, knowledge and grades are particularly valued, so the subjects are not purely aimed at exam-oriented education, and even physical education subjects are included in the total score of the mid-term exam.

Therefore, as a science student, Qin Ke had to take a total of eight subjects in this midterm exam, namely Chinese, mathematics, English, physics, chemistry, biology, comprehensive liberal arts (history, geography, politics), and physical education.

The first day is Chinese and mathematics, the second day is English and physics, the third day is chemistry and biology, and the fourth day is humanities and physical education.

The full marks for language, mathematics, English, material, chemistry, and life are all 150 points. The comprehensive literature is composed of three subjects: history, geography, and politics. 300-meter long-distance race), 50-minute rope skipping, sit-ups, medicine ball, standing long jump, pull-ups, etc., choose three items, and the total score is 1000 points.

The total score of the eight exams adds up to 1300 points.

The school still attaches great importance to the mid-term exam. Students at the same level have their seats disrupted, mixed arts and sciences, and randomly assigned to the exam room.

On Monday morning, Qin Ke found his seat in another unfamiliar classroom according to the number written on the admission ticket.

Looking around, they were basically strangers who they didn't know. They didn't see Ning Qingyun, Ge Zhixing and other acquaintances. There were only five unfamiliar students in the same class in this examination room.

There are a total of twelve classes in the second year of high school, with an average of about 50 students in each class. There are six students from the same class in one examination room, which is quite a lot.

Qin Ke didn't bother to flip through the books when he had nothing to do. After he got the "Secrets of the School Committee", he even disliked the textbooks a little.He lay on the table and listened to the chatter of the students around him. It seemed that some well-informed person said that this midterm exam would be harder than the previous ones.

Soon the exam began, and the Chinese test took two and a half hours. Qin Ke took the exam paper, picked up a pen and started to do it.

The questions are really difficult. For example, the first font question is easy to make mistakes.

"One of the following words without typos is ()
A.Banished, Resplendent, Delong Wangzun, Mirage, Vicissitudes

B.furniture, rock, cup of loess, pissed off, dry mouth

C.Activities, basil, rice paddies traffic, overwhelming, towering

D.Frolicky, sweet, great, icy cold, crudely crafted"

Fortunately, I found many knowledge points and test points, such as "brightness", "a cup of loess", and "rough manufacturing" in this question, all of which were written in Ning Qingyun's Chinese notebook "Words prone to errors" last night , allowing Qin Ke to choose C easily.

About [-]% of the rest, such as filling in the blanks and paraphrases of ancient poems, can be found in Ning Qingyun's notebook. She took notes carefully and studied them thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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