I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 1019 The third subject reaches the divine level! New intuitive abilities!

The second change in Arctic climate is undoubtedly the most serious climate disaster in human history that surpassed the Little Ice Age.

On the morning of October 10, mentioned in Qin Ke’s warning message, under the intense attention of all countries around the world, the super cold air mass code-named “Frozen Purgatory” that originated from the Arctic and spread southward officially crossed the Arctic Circle. range, spreading to the entire northern hemisphere.

In the past few days, the front of the super cold air mass has quietly invaded the northern hemisphere, causing high latitudes to usher in terrifying blizzards in advance.

However, such severe blizzard weather can only be said to be "little in comparison" compared to the terrifying scene caused by the arrival of the real super cold air mass "frozen purgatory".

There is an unmanned weather monitoring station built at the border of the Arctic Circle at 66°34′ north latitude. It is equipped with extremely powerful weather monitoring radar and equipment and can work normally in ultra-low temperatures of minus 70 degrees Celsius.

But when the super cold air enveloped it silently, the unmanned weather monitoring station only had time to send back a series of warning data indicating that the temperature dropped by 20 degrees Celsius per second, and then lost contact directly. Before losing contact, a video was sent out in time. From the video, you can clearly see that the bare tree outside the window, which was originally covered with snow, turned into an ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the snowflakes that were originally floating in the air turned into large ice cubes that expanded dozens of times at an extremely fast speed, and fell suddenly...

The next second, the video was interrupted, and all other data sent from the unmanned weather monitoring station were interrupted, including the seismic data monitoring analyzer in the ten-meter basement, which also disconnected its signal after 5 seconds.

Xia Guo, Qingmu University, in the conference room of the Chief Scientist Building, the big screen finally only displayed the words "All communications are interrupted."

There is no doubt that the entire electronic equipment of the unmanned weather monitoring station has been frozen at the terrifying low temperature of less than minus 100 degrees Celsius. Even if the temperature rises in the future, what awaits them is the collapse of the internal structure molecules. .

After witnessing the whole process, especially when they saw the "snowflakes" freezing into "big ice cubes", the hundreds of people sitting in the conference room gasped.

These hundreds of people are representatives of scientists sent by meteorological centers around the world and representatives of climate disaster emergency response teams sent by various countries. They have traveled thousands of miles to come here just to communicate face-to-face with Academician Qin’s team about the extreme events that will follow. Development trends and response plans for climate disasters.

Of course, there are also some doubts and even slight doubts. At the moment when the predicted time comes, I want to see whether the "ultra-low temperature catastrophe that mankind has never faced" that Academician Qin's team has repeatedly described has really happened. It's really that scary.

You must know that in the past twenty days, the northern hemisphere has experienced unprecedented turmoil. A large-scale migration of more than 200 million people has brought too many impacts. The economic recession, rapid consumption of materials, and negative impacts have been so great that it has Many people wondered whether such an exaggerated migration was necessary.

But after witnessing the scene just now, all doubts turned into joy and the word "convinced" in capital letters. I even wanted to ask Academician Qin if he wanted to further evacuate the people outside the large circle.

Sure enough, "Academician Qin's judgment is never wrong" can be regarded as a mathematical theorem - although Academician Qin has publicly stated several times that he does not want others to regard him as an unquestionable authority, and has also said that only a scholar can maintain independent thinking. The basic quality of continuous improvement.

After the commotion in the conference room calmed down a bit, Edward Witten, who was presiding over the meeting, switched the screen, which immediately displayed the status of the launch base towers "No. 6881" to "No. 6977".

Everyone's hearts were in their throats again.

Because the "No. 6881" to "No. 6977" launch towers are located in the Arctic Circle, they were exposed to this terrifying super cold air mass earlier than the unmanned weather monitoring station just now.

Although the launch towers were designed with various harsh climate environments in mind, and heating pipes were embedded inside, the lowest temperature they were originally designed to withstand was minus 80 degrees Celsius, but now these launch towers located in the Arctic Circle, What we have to face is minus 100 degrees Celsius, which exceeds the design standards! Even if Academician Qin increases the stable power of "Zhu Rong's Light" from 80% to 95%, many people are not sure whether these launch towers can withstand such terrifying low temperatures and how long they can withstand it.

Fortunately, in the thumbnails displayed on the big screen, the parameters of the 96 launch towers are still normal, and the "Zhurong Light" is also operating well, even though the infrared temperature detection device shows that the temperature outside the tower has dropped to minus 103 degrees Celsius. .

Edward Witten looked around at everyone and explained: "The super cold air mass code-named 'Frozen Purgatory' began to form last month and officially took shape three days ago. The facts of these 96 launch towers in the Arctic Circle It has withstood ultra-low temperatures of about minus 100 degrees Celsius for more than three days, and it is still operating well. The workers inside are carrying out indoor construction as planned, and the people who have temporarily taken refuge inside are basically unharmed. "

Many people showed relief. Although the natural disaster was terrible, the response was timely and correct, and the human and economic losses were within acceptable limits.

Soon someone raised their hands and asked: "Professor Witten, why didn't I see Academician Qin and Academician Ning in today's meeting?"

Everyone has also noticed that the only members of the "decision-making team" attending today's meeting are Edward Witten, Mr. Qiu, Brian Schmidt, Andre Heim, and Kajita Takaaki.

Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Tao Zhexuan are not here.

Due to age and energy issues, Edward Witten can only be regarded as the fourth person in the "decision-making team". The top three people are actually absent from such an important meeting today. How can it not arouse everyone's doubts?

Edward Witten said slowly: "Academician Ning and Professor Tao are working together to optimize the operation algorithm of 'Zhu Rong's Light'. In addition to these 96 launch towers in the Arctic Circle, there are also 63 launch towers. The towers are in dangerous areas. Because of their different locations, they encounter different climate conditions and must be optimized in a targeted manner. As for Academician Qin... He was feeling a little unwell due to excessive mental exertion some time ago. Recuperation.”

There was an uproar in the conference room. Considering Qin Ke's importance at this time, his health problems deserve more attention and concern than the second change in the Arctic climate!
Professor Wojwende Ferre, the chief scientist of the American Meteorological Center, stood up and said nervously: "Professor Witten, how is Academician Qin's physical condition? Does he need joint consultation by medical experts from all over the world? As long as there is a need, we can immediately organize manpower... …”

Edward Witten shook his head and said: "No need. He is the same as before. He just fell into a deep sleep because he was too tired. All the indicators of his body are normal. It is estimated that he will wake up naturally in two or three days."

Professor Goldberg, chief scientist of the European Meteorological Center, stood up and asked worriedly: "Academician Qin still only sleeps three hours a day?"

Edward Witten sighed helplessly: "Yeah... We also know that this will seriously damage health, but he didn't listen to others' advice, saying that he only had the last half year left, and just get through it. But... his The workload is indeed terrible. If any of the fifty people here were randomly selected, the combined workload in one day would be less than half of his workload. Yesterday, he heard that the victims of the disasters in various countries had basically completed their evacuation, and he relaxed. The fatigue couldn't be suppressed and he fell into a deep sleep soon after the video conference. Thankfully, he was in good health."

Everyone was silent and ashamed. Now everyone knew that Academician Qin was overloaded with work. The burden he had to carry was too heavy, but it was impossible to do without him. No one could take up his position. Feeling the heavy atmosphere in the conference room, Edward Witten looked around everyone and suggested loudly:
"When Academician Qin wakes up this time, I suggest everyone present to sign a letter to persuade him to at least ensure more than five hours of sleep every day. In order to give Academician Qin more adequate rest time, he can be in the best condition to welcome The 'Super Giant Solar Storm' is coming next September. At the same time, I propose that all members involved in the 'Planet Shield' plan cancel their next vacations until the 'Planet Shield' plan is successful! We can no longer put the burden on Academician Qin! We must shoulder our responsibilities as human beings!"

These remarks drew strong approval from hundreds of people present at the meeting.

Extreme climate disasters are becoming more and more serious, and the leading example of Academician Qin Ke has completely ignited the work enthusiasm and sense of responsibility of the participants!

As Academician Qin said before, now is a critical moment related to the future of mankind. Any capable human being must shoulder this responsibility without hesitation, for the sake of future generations, for the sake of the human race and the homeland beneath our feet. Star's future!

Professor Goldberg was the first to respond: "Go all out and shoulder the responsibility for the future of our humanity!"

Countless people shouted: "Go all out, take responsibility, for the future of our humanity!"

This is the first time that scientists from all over the world have put aside all kinds of prejudices and selfish ideas and worked together with all their strength.

For the future of mankind!

Qin Ke didn't know that his "collapse from exhaustion" again had such a strong motivational effect. In fact, he didn't really collapse from exhaustion.

With his physical and mental strength that are extremely close to human limits brought by his LV7 sports level, coupled with the powerful recovery effect of the Oriental Secret Code, three hours of sleep a day is basically enough, even if it is accumulated due to huge work pressure. I have alleviated some mental fatigue and found relief by spending time with my family, loved ones, and friends. It is impossible to fall down from exhaustion.

He fell into a deep sleep this time mainly because he had a breakthrough to the "god level" in his third subject.

Just yesterday, Qin Ke held a video conference with representatives from various countries and confirmed that the evacuation of more than 200 million people in the delineated danger area has basically been completed, and a small number of people who had not had time to evacuate have also taken refuge in the launch base.

This good news made Qin Ke breathe a sigh of relief, and then a system prompt sounded in his ears:

"Congratulations to the host. Because of your research results and unremitting efforts, more than 100000 million people's lives have been saved. The system has specially awarded you the 'Humanitarian Savior' badge of honor. At the same time, 'Achievements make me progress' is in effect. You Academic points (Informatics) +! Gain the special ability of 'Mechanical and Data Perception' at the same time!"

Qin Ke didn't know what the honor badge was for. He had a lot of similar badges, but they seemed to be just "honor" and looked good on the system interface... It could neither summon the dragon nor bring anything. Effect bonus.

However, the huge reward of 10 informatics academic points has obvious effects.

"Ding! Your academic points (informatics) have accumulated to 11812, meeting the upgrade conditions!"

"Your informatics level has been upgraded to: 'Informatics God Level'!"

"Ding! The host's informatics level has been raised to the limit that humans can achieve, and has surpassed all informatics scientists in history in terms of informatics thinking ability, intuition, understanding, etc.! Your informatics level information has been updated "

"Informatics level: 'God of Informatics level', next level: ???, upgrade progress: ???"

"Ding! You will acquire all the information knowledge recorded in this world throughout the ages! The special abilities of 'Mechanical and Data Perception' will be activated simultaneously!"

"Because you have gained the special ability of 'mechanical and data perception' and have three subjects that have broken through to the 'god level', the space and strength of your brain have once again reached the bottleneck, and the system needs to re-examine your brain. Strengthening, the strengthening time is three days and three nights, and during this period it will help you complete the digestion and absorption of god-level informatics knowledge. During these three days and three nights, the host will enter a sleep state to protect your brain. Starting in 10 seconds, the host is asked to find a suitable sleeping place as soon as possible.”

Qin Ke hadn't had time to express his joy at the advancement of informatics to the divine level when he heard the system's last prompt and suddenly cursed in his mind, "Damn, did you make a mistake? Here you go again?"

However, seeing that the system's countdown had begun, Qin Ke had to pretend to be tired after hearing the good news and being relaxed, and hurriedly said to Ning Qingjun, Lao Tao, Edward Witten and others next to him: "Retreat." As long as the work is done, I'm a little too sleepy, so I'll take a long nap first, don't worry about me, just let me wake up naturally..."

After that, he staggered to a chair with a backrest and fell asleep within two seconds of sitting down.

Because there had been similar precedents and Qin Ke reminded them, although Ning Qingyun and others were shocked, they were not too worried, especially after they found a doctor to check Qin Ke's condition and confirmed that he was safe and sound, so they asked Wei Feng carried him back to the rest room of the infirmary and asked him to lie down and sleep.

There is a complete medical team in the medical office, but the algorithm optimization work of "Zhurongzhiguang" is urgent. Ning Qingyun had to suppress her worries and devote herself to the intense algorithm together with Lao Tao, Chen Licheng, Thomson and others. Optimization work in progress.


Three days later, Qin Ke opened his eyes from his deep sleep and felt refreshed. The vast ocean of knowledge in his brain, as vast as the universe, was filled with stars in mathematics, physics, and information science in the history of mankind.

What's even more amazing is the ability of "mechanical and data perception". Qin Ke looked at the life monitor in the medical room and was able to sense its condition and general data flow.

This ability is just a mysterious and intuitive feeling, but it is enough for Qin Ke to intuitively sense whether there is a fault in the mechanical equipment, where there is a fault, and where it can be optimized. (End of chapter)

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