I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 1000: Is there a new breakthrough on the launch base tower?

As the "Planet Shield" project moved from a paper plan to formal implementation, scientists from various groups began to work on scientific research around the clock under the command of the "decision-making team". Scientific teams, engineer teams and other elite industrial forces from various countries are also fully committed to this grand battle that is related to the survival of the entire human race.

In the "FSJT0001" venue, the sky is filled with dust. The civil construction project of the first launch base tower is also in full swing. More than a dozen engineering teams are composed of architecture professors and academicians from top prestigious universities such as Xia Guo Qingmu, Yan University, and Zhe University. Under their personal supervision, they worked overtime in the scorching sun and slept in the open, just to do everything possible to speed up the completion of infrastructure facilities and facilitate the subsequent assembly of main equipment.

In Qin Ke's "intelligent manufacturing factory", Wei Guang directed dozens of industrial robots, precision machine tools, and laser equipment to transform the components with clearly defined design drawings from raw materials into finished products, and finally assembled them. Functional modules one by one...

The four seasons cycle, flowers bloom and fall, and in such busyness, more than a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

The capital of Xia Kingdom bid farewell to the bone-chilling winter and the harsh summer, which was even more unbearably hot and lasted for more than a hundred days without a drop of rain. It finally took a breather in autumn, but in late October, the cold winter came to an end. He rushed in impatiently, causing the capital of Xia Kingdom to receive the first snow of this winter early.

In the office of the Chief Scientist Building of Qingmu University, Ning Qingyun rubbed his sore eyes, stood up and walked to the window to relieve the fatigue of his eyes by looking at the distant scenery.

"It's only October 10th, and it's already covered with snow..." Looking at the snowflakes flying in the sky outside the window, Ning Qingyun couldn't help but sigh in her heart. No wonder there are more and more discussions about "the end of the world" on the Internet, even if Even ordinary people with little professional knowledge can feel the uncertainty and anxiety about the future from this extremely abnormal weather.

In fact, Xia Country is pretty good. In the Goose Country region, which is closer to the Arctic, the average temperature has already fallen below -39°C. It is expected that many areas this year will definitely break last year's lowest record of -55.3°C.

In the past year or so, the world has not been peaceful, and various natural disasters still occur frequently. Fortunately, with the promotion of large-scale earthquake prediction models, and the detailed explanation of big data modeling she conducted with Qin Ke and Tao Zhexuan last year The course has enabled the establishment of large-scale models for tsunamis, storms, severe thunderstorms, tornadoes, and flood warnings that are responsible for the meteorological centers of various countries. The ability to predict disasters in advance has made a qualitative leap compared with the past few decades, and only then can the disasters caused by Losses are minimized.

Unfortunately, there are still a large number of cities that have been severely damaged by disasters. For example, last month, a town in the United States was almost completely destroyed by a tornado. Nearly 100,000 people lost their homes and had to find another place to live.

Amid such turmoil, the calendar pages are turning, and there are only less than two years left before the "super giant solar storm" will arrive.

Fortunately, under the command of the "decision-making team", with the concerted efforts of scientists and engineers from various countries, and with the abundant funding support provided by various countries, the overall progress of the "Planet Shield" project is progressing well, and it is basically on schedule. The table is being implemented steadily, and some groups are even progressing ahead of schedule...

Ning Qingyun was lost in thought, "Mom! Mom!" Ning Yongxi, who was almost three and a half years old, ran in from the office door on her thin short legs and immediately threw herself into her arms.

Seeing her lively and lovely daughter, Ning Qingyun's heavy heart suddenly disappeared. She hugged Xiaoxiao and pressed her face affectionately: "Xiaoxiao, have you finished playing hide-and-seek with dad?"

This year's winter has cooled down and snowed early, especially since it started snowing today. Kindergarten classes have been suspended. Naturally, Xiaoxiao and Zhengzheng, who have been attending kindergarten for more than a month, have no place to go. They were not happy to stay at home to play, so they wanted to come to the place where their parents worked. So when they went to work today, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun took their two babies and Qin Xiaoke to the "Chief Scientist" Building".

After arriving here, Qin Xiaoke will naturally take care of the two little guys, and Wei Jing will also arrange for someone to protect them throughout the process, for fear that the two little ancestors will be accidentally injured, which will distract Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun.

For these two little guys, this place is much more fun than at home. Their uncles and aunts dote on them and prepare all kinds of fun toys for them. The two little guys have a great time playing. Anyway, when I woke up from my nap in the afternoon, I missed my parents again, so I came to pester them to play with them.

Ning Qingyun just wanted Qin Ke to take a rest, so he asked Qin Ke to play hide and seek with them while she stayed in the office to handle some urgent work.

Ning Yongxi danced and said cutely: "I played it a few times, hee hee! Mom, let me tell you, I successfully deceived dad. The last time we hid under the table, dad found us, and this time I decided to return the favor. Taking my brother and hiding under the table is called 'doing the opposite'! Dad really didn't expect us to hide again in the place where we were caught just now, and run around looking for us. Mom, am I okay?"

Ning Qingyun pursed her lips and smiled softly, and kissed her daughter's face: "Awesome, my family has the best smiles."

This is what she learned from Qin Ke and Mr. Qiu. She must encourage and praise children, criticize as little as possible, and cultivate their self-confidence.

But I heard a little boy's milky but calm voice coming over: "Dad did it on purpose. When he walked by, he could have spotted us just by leaning down and taking a second look, but he didn't do anything. This action, walking directly from the side, is clearly a release of water."

It was his younger brother Qin Junyao who spoke. He walked in from the door, followed by the smiling Qin Xiaoke.

"Smelly brother, you are talking nonsense. Dad just didn't see us. He must have 'inertial thinking' and think that we can't hide in the same place! Just like Grandpa Qiu said, 'You can't leave twice. Entering the same river, it is easy for cleverness to be realized by cleverness!"

"Sister, you misunderstood. When Grandpa Qiu said, 'You can't walk into the same river twice,' he was telling us that water flows and things are constantly changing. We must look at problems from a development perspective."

"Tsk, do you think I don't know? But I just think Dad has made the mistake of empiricism and dogmatism!"

Ning Qingyun watched the quarrel between the two siblings with a smile and did not intervene in it.

She was quite proud and very grateful to Mr. Qiu. In educating these two little guys, Mr. Qiu invested several times more energy than the two of them, making these two precocious little guys successful in their respective fields. In all aspects, he surpassed his peers in many aspects.

This is the result of education before you - if you just listened to this conversation, you would never have imagined that two little guys who were less than three and a half years old were arguing.

Ning Qingyun looked outside the door again, but didn't see Qin Ke following behind, so she asked Qin Xiaoke: "Xiaoke, where is your brother?"

Qin Xiaoke blinked: "Xiaoxiao and Zhengzheng were hidden very well. My brother is still looking for them on other floors. He probably won't come back so soon." After that, he quietly said, "Someone stopped him to talk about work." "The mouth shape.

Ning Qingyun understood that someone must be looking for Qin Ke to deal with something urgent. Qin Ke pretended to continue looking for the two little guys and temporarily left to deal with it, so as not to disappoint the two little guys and cause "Dad is going again". The feeling that work is no longer with us.”

Qin Ke did go to deal with urgent matters temporarily. Now most of the seniors in the "decision-making team" who are over 70 years old have returned to their respective countries and are maintaining the operation of the "decision-making team" remotely through video conferencing. In this building, only Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun, Lao Tao, Edward Witten, Mr. Qiu, as well as Brian Schmidt, Andre Heim, and Kajita Takaaki.

The latter three were just in their early 60s and thought they were still energetic and more ambitious, so they stayed and continued to participate in auxiliary work.

Therefore, although the external "decision-making team" is a collective decision-making and collective effort, the seniors who returned home are just in name, and the main core of the "decision-making team" is still Qin Ke.

Qin Ke's job is not only to read reports and constantly revise the research routes of dozens of groups, but also to coordinate resources and mediate conflicts.

Qin Ke also assembled a team of about 300 scientists to form a "Technical Research Commando", which is stationed in this scientist building, and formed a "Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team" with more than 200 mathematical analysis experts. "The two swords combined are responsible for solving the key difficulties that various scientific research groups of the "Planet Shield" have never been able to solve in their research work.

It can be said that the entire "Planet Shield" plan is now promoted with Qin Ke as the core, and it is basically constructed according to his will. With such a huge project, you can imagine how busy Qin Ke is.

In addition, meteorological centers around the world have encountered difficulties in predicting extreme disasters, and they also habitually come to Qin Ke for help. Qin Ke also tries his best to follow through, even if he just reads the email, and then simply and accurately points out the solution. ideas.

In the eyes of others, Qin Ke is like clockwork, busy as a clockwork, completing the work of dozens of people with astonishing efficiency every day.

Ning Qingyun felt very sorry for Qin Ke, but she and the other people in the "decision-making team" such as Lao Tao, Edward, and Brian Schmidt were faced with such an extremely complex, dozens of large and small projects that spanned both theory and engineering. The research and management work of the discipline is also a bit overwhelmed. The workload is almost full, and it is not easy for the older Mr. Qiu to work more. There is really no way to help Qin Ke share more work.

This is despite the fact that Chen Licheng, Thomson and others have successfully taken over the management of the "Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team" and have shared a lot of pressure and workload.

Qin Ke himself enjoys it. With his extraordinary physical and mental strength, flexible social management skills, and high prestige, although he is too busy to teach undergraduates anymore, he is still able to work with ease. At least he can still find time to spare. Time to provide guidance on the papers for the postgraduate and doctoral students.

Lao Tao was amazed by Qin Ke's almost infinite energy and work efficiency. He sighed more than once: "It's just Qin Ke. If it had been any other person, he would have been exhausted and exhausted in this position and would have to lie down in the hospital within a week. On the hospital bed, let alone pushing the entire huge plan step by step from design to reality like now."


This time it was Yu Jinglin who came to Qin Ke for urgent matters, Qin Ke's first Ph.D. in mathematics.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingjun are no longer recruiting new students. They currently only have 14 doctoral students, including Jiang Zhenjie, Hua Manting, Li Xiangxue, Yousef Deen, Sun Bingfei, Liang Shaoping, and Lu Silan. ·Baker, Gu Yanfei, Ximen Hui and others are the second batch of doctoral students who continue to study for doctoral degrees after receiving their master's certificates.

The first batch of doctoral students in physics and mathematics have all graduated. Four mathematics doctoral students, Dirk Hill, Yu Jinglin, Ashley Keda, and Tang Xiaoyuan, have all chosen to join the "Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team" Work as an intern.

Although in this top team with many powerful people, they can only participate in some low-level work in mathematical analysis, they are extremely satisfied to be able to continue to delve into mathematical problems with the two teachers at close range, and to have so many seniors to learn from. , full of energy.

Ph.D. students in physics Badaz Shaffer and Arianna Wintersli were called back to the country to directly participate in the research on the "planetary shield" undertaken by their country - as disciples of Qin Kening Qingyun, they were called High hopes.

Another doctoral student in physics, Jiang Zhixiang, went to the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory as a postdoc. Only Hua Manting’s wife, Gan Peixuan, chose to return to the Quantum Computing Laboratory of Qingning Technology, where she had worked for several years, to continue research on quantum chips.

Aside from gossip, Yu Jinglin approached Qin Ke this time because the "Global Extreme Climate Big Data Advanced Analysis Team" discovered several obvious abnormal data when analyzing several sets of experimental data submitted by the "Technical Research Assault Team" , diamagnetics and paramagnetics behave very similarly in terms of "low impedance" channels. After communicating with the "Technical Research Assault Team", it was determined that there were no errors in the experimental process.

How could all the correct experimental procedures suddenly produce such contradictory and wrong results? Everyone pondered for a long time but could not figure it out. After repeated experiments, such sporadic abnormalities still appeared, so they decided to ask Academician Qin for advice...

Qin Ke only browsed for a few minutes before he found the reason: "The purity of these experimental materials is not high, and they are doped with excessive amounts of titanium and chromium. Under laser irradiation, there is a certain probability of producing transition metal oxides and turning into ' Local superconductor' causes the external magnetic field in this part of the area to be completely discharged, the diamagnetic volume increases to 100%, and the diamagnetic susceptibility is -1..."

He spent about two minutes explaining it to Yu Jinglin.

Yu Jinglin said with sincere admiration: "Academician Qin, you are so awesome, how could you have thought of the possibility of exceeding the standard of trace elements?"

"Intuition. It will be easier to discover if you accumulate more experience." Qin Ke just explained a few words, and Wei Feng came over and whispered: "Professor Tao is back."

"Old Tao is back? Where is he?" Qin Ke was a little surprised. Tao Zhexuan went back to the United States to visit his relatives in early October when the weather was relatively good. He didn't expect to come back just two weeks ago.

As he was talking, he saw Lao Tao walking out of the elevator.

When Lao Tao saw Qin Ke, he laughed and quickly stepped forward to give him a hug: "I'm back, Qin Ke."

Qin Ke said in surprise: "Old Tao, you are going back to visit relatives for the first time this year. Why don't you spend more time with your family? I remember that the holiday given to you is one month."

"My wife said that there is too much work here. If I don't come back, the burden will fall entirely on the shoulders of you, Xiaoning, and Edward, so she urged me to come back early." Lao Tao took over the assistant Chen Yadi He drank the tea in one gulp and then said:

"Good guy, there was a heavy snowstorm as soon as I came back, so the flight could only be changed to the nearby Jincheng to land. Fortunately, Wei Feng arranged a new vehicle to pick me up, otherwise I would have to stay in Jincheng for one more night. By the way, is there any new breakthrough at the launch tower? Has the problem of precise analysis and restoration of magnetic anomalies been solved?" (End of this chapter)

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