I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 100: Increase in liberal arts talent by 3[-]?

Chapter 100 Humanities talent increased by 30.00%?
Everyone looked at the large projection screen, and saw that there was an extra comment in the comment section at the bottom of Qin Ke's interview video page.

In fact, it is not surprising that there are new comments. This video has gradually become popular. On average, there is a new comment in a few minutes, but the post ID of this new comment is a bit different.

The avatar of this account ID is a photo of a real person, with a small lightning logo-this is a symbol of identity through the official real-name authentication of station B.

Moreover, the real name was impressively written on this ID - "Shi Cunyuan of Yuanzhou University".

Under the account, there is also a supplementary display of "Official Certification of Station B: Leader of the Expert Question Bank Team, Review Team Leader, and Discipline Test Team Leader of the Huahai Provincial Olympic Mathematical Committee; Professor of the School of Mathematics, Yuanzhou University".

——Don’t be surprised, in this parallel world that attaches great importance to knowledge, the route of station B is to pay equal attention to entertainment and academics, which can be called “forced” in the video industry. Enshu University, Yingyuan Private High School, Mathematics Knowledge News, etc. all have official authentication accounts on it.

I saw "Yuanzhou University Shi Cunyuan" commented:

"I'm Shi Cunyuan from the School of Mathematics, Yuanzhou University. I'm also the leader of the expert question bank team, review team leader, and test discipline team leader of the Huahai Provincial Olympic Mathematical Committee. I heard about this video. sentence."

"Qin Ke, a student, I was very impressed, because I was there during the city-level preliminary competition of Mathematics Olympiad. I watched him finish the entire paper in two ways in less than an hour and a half, and the draft paper was still blank. I am amazed, this student's mental arithmetic ability and logical thinking ability are too strong..."

"To be honest, I really want to be his teacher and guide him in the future of mathematics. I rarely see such a student who is talented in mathematics, aggressive and confident but not overbearing. But I know that although Enzhou University is in Huahai Province There are some status and fame here, after all, it is not the best place to cultivate such talented seedlings, so I can only sigh with regret, and wait for the day when Qingbei will scramble for Qin Ke..."

Professor Shi actually wrote a long review of thousands of words, affirming Qin Ke's strength and character in mathematics!
Of course, he expressed a small criticism of the student's lack of tone in the interview, thinking that the student should be more modest and low-key, but in the end he changed the subject and said that Xia Guo's mathematics circle has been like a stagnant pool in recent years. Generally speaking, such a gifted student with a flamboyant personality has more advantages than disadvantages, at least it should become more lively and interesting.

Everyone in the meeting room had just finished reading this long comment with joy on their faces, and found that dozens of replies had already appeared below.

"The Olympic Committee has made an official statement!"

"Damn it, Professor Shi, I didn't pass the postgraduate entrance examination that I wanted to take, but now I come out to defend a high school student? Still want to accept him as a disciple but can't get it?"

"This Qin Ke...does he really have such terrifying strength?"

"Why don't you go to the official website of Huahai Provincial Olympic Committee?"

Everyone was still watching happily as the netizens below began to change their attitudes. Director Fang, who had been scrolling through the comment area with his mobile phone, shouted again: "Again... another boss has stood up to support Qin Ke!"

Lao Zheng, who was standing by the computer, quickly took the mouse and refreshed the webpage, and sure enough, another new comment appeared.

The account ID of the commenter: "Deng Hongguo, Mathematical Olympiad Training Team".

The officially certified identity is: "Level [-] coach of the Xiaguo Mathematics Olympiad national training team, deputy coach of the Xiaguo Mathematical Olympiad national team".

The beginning of Deng Hongguo's comment reads:

"I'm a little angry with Qin Ke, because this is the first student I've met who is so 'ignorant of praise'. I flew overnight from the capital to Yuanzhou City, Huahai Province just to invite him to join the country. In the training team, he stubbornly refused because he wanted to become an all-rounder in all aspects..."

"But for this student, I admire and admire him. After all, I saw him with a high fever of 39 degrees. Solve all the difficult provincial competition questions by using the same method... Oh yes, it also includes the extra questions that I carefully prepared and the difficulty of the national competition..."

"That's why I have to sigh, what a formidable future generation!"

"This kid, what makes me sad the most is that he refuses to take the path of specializing in mathematics. It's a waste of such a good mathematics talent. Oh, by the way, he even made a bet with me, saying that if he won the national competition If he can’t win the gold medal, he joins my Mathematical Olympiad training team, and people say should I expect him to win the gold medal or the silver medal?”

Although Deng Hongguo "condemns" Qin Ke on the surface, everyone can see that he appreciates and loves this student to the core.

Immediately afterwards, the account "Lin Haibo, Huahai University of Science and Technology" whose real name was certified as "a former professor of the Department of Mathematics of Huahai University of Science and Technology, a member of the expert question bank group of the Huahai Provincial Olympic Mathematics Committee, and a member of the review team" also posted a comment:

In a humorous tone, he vividly restored the story of the review team when they corrected Qin Ke's paper:

"What impressed me the most about Qin Ke was that at the beginning, more than a hundred teachers were vying to mark his papers, because many of his solutions were unique, which made people's eyes shine, and finally his papers were cast on the big screen It was reviewed by more than 100 teachers."

"I have worked in the Huahai Provincial Olympic Committee for so many years, and Qin Ke is the only student who can win such an 'honor'."

"When we checked the papers in the provincial competition, we kept guessing which paper would be Qin Ke's. In the end, there was only one paper with full marks, and the second solution was not used. When we unsealed the paper, we saw that it was Qin Ke's paper. When Ke wrote it, the teachers present, including me, were a little disappointed. Although Qin Ke's performance this time was outstanding, it wasn't enough to show off... As a result, we were all slapped in the face soon!"

"Because we got the news from the infirmary later that Qin Ke completed the entire examination paper with a high fever of more than 39 degrees, and also got full marks, which attracted the praise of all the marking teachers. At that time, I I know, this student will have a great future..."

As more and more people began to voice their support for Qin Ke and recognized his mathematical strength, the atmosphere in the comment area also changed, and many readers were shocked.

"Is this Qin Ke's background too deep or is he really so awesome? How can he let so many big shots come out to speak for him and support him?"

"I went to the official website to check. This Qin Ke is really the champion of the city competition and the provincial competition, and he is specially marked with 'full score No.1'."

"I heard that the difficulty of the city competitions and provincial competitions across the country has been raised to a higher level. Qin Ke can still get full marks? According to Professor Shi, his draft paper is still blank, and he relies on mental calculations throughout the whole process? Is that an exaggeration? what!"

"I decided to take a closer look at this video, especially the analysis of the following topics."

"I watched it, but I couldn't understand it. I felt like high school was for nothing. However, "Mathematics Knowledge News" has always been more pragmatic, not those dramatists who like to put on a fake show. Maybe this video is true. There are such gifted students in the world. "

Wang Yuan didn't look any further, looked around the crowd, and said with a smile: "Colleagues and teachers here, if we don't make a sound, I'm afraid we will be laughed at. Let's follow Principal Wen's suggestion. The official account will be put into operation immediately, and we will fully support the outstanding students of our school!"

Except for Han Zeping's ugly face, everyone cheered up and agreed in unison, and the atmosphere in the conference room became relaxed and lively for a while.


In the afternoon, Qin Ke was still in chemistry class when a system notification sounded in his ears.

"Ding! The shock, admiration, envy, jealousy and hatred of the host from netizens on the online video platform were detected, and the host's learning experience value +1796!"

Qin Ke thought he was having auditory hallucinations. He glanced at the system interface floating in mid-air, and sure enough, the math upgrade progress bar moved forward a little.

so exaggerated?One time is more than all the god learning experience points earned today!
Qin Ke was not surprised.

From [-] o'clock in the morning to this time, the system will pop up a similar reminder once every class on average, but the learning experience gained each time is only a few dozen, and at most it is in the early [-]s. It was the first time for him to gain experience points of [-] points.

Qin Ke secretly took out his mobile phone, opened the APP of station B, and found that his interview video had appeared on the homepage, and the number of views had exceeded 13. When I saw the reviewers, I was taken aback.

It turned out that Professor Shi Cunyuan, Coach Deng Hongguo, Professor Lin Haibo, and even the account of Yingyuan Private High School spoke out in support.

The latest to speak on an officially verified account was Mo Qingqiu, his junior high school math teacher.

"As Qin Ke's mathematics teacher in junior high school, I should have a certain right to speak. Qin Ke is a kid who is jovial on the surface and has a sharp tongue. In fact, he is a very hardworking and humble student, and he also takes good care of his family. His Mathematics talent was very prominent in junior high school, and I haven't had a dissatisfied score in mathematics in three years of junior high school. Every time I correct his paper, I feel at ease from the bottom of my heart..."

Seeing the voices of support from big bosses, teachers, and elders, Qin Ke's nose felt a little sore, and the corners of his eyes felt a little hot.

What... I can solve it by myself, but you all jumped out one by one, how can I go on the live broadcast to solve the problem and pretend to be a master of experience points... Damn, it even made sand get into my eyes.

He looked up at the ceiling, trying not to let the hot mist condense into beads, but the heat in his heart did not dissipate for a long time.


The income brought by this interview video reached a staggering value when the third period of evening self-study was about to end.

Qin Ke was still in the old art room, listening to Ning Qingyun, the school committee member, explain the most easily obtained sentence patterns, grammar and word usage skills in English composition, and a systematic reminder came:
"Ding! The shock, admiration, envy, jealousy and hatred of the host from netizens on the online video platform were detected, and the host's learning experience value +6722!"

Qin Ke's mathematics upgrade progress bar has been dragged in again, and the value has reached 91107/100000, which is less than [-] points away from the upgrade.

It's so cool, it turns out that posting Xueba videos online is the fastest way to gain Xueshen experience points?It seems that tomorrow we will be able to improve mathematics to the "High School Mathematics Olympiad (International IMO) level"!

Qin Ke was thinking about it in his mind, when the system notification sound of "Ding Dong" suddenly came from his ear.

"Ding dong! It has been detected that you have accumulated more than 60000 unused learning experience points, and the system will give you a chance to exchange them!"

"You can choose to spend the current 60000 unused learning experience points to exchange for the reward opportunity of 'Liberal Arts Talent +30%'. Would you like to exchange it?"

"Please reply the host, there is only one chance, if you miss it, it won't happen again!"

Liberal arts talent +30%?

Qin Ke was so excited that he almost jumped up from his seat.

After this period of research and analysis, Qin Ke discovered that when his mathematics level was raised, it brought not only the corresponding level of mathematics knowledge, answering skills and experience, but more importantly, his talent in science was improved!
According to modern scientific theory, human IQ mainly includes observation, memory, imagination, logical thinking ability, deduction ability, judgment ability and so on.

The so-called learning talent is actually the embodiment of IQ.

For example, talent in science subjects will put more emphasis on logical thinking ability, deduction ability, and judgment ability; while liberal arts (including art) ability will put more emphasis on observation ability, memory ability, and imagination ability.

When Qin Ke's mathematics level was raised to "High School Mathematical Olympiad (Municipal Preliminary Competition)", Qin Ke obviously felt that his logical thinking ability, deduction ability, and judgment ability had improved by at least 20%. Science talent increased by 20%!

When promoted to "High School Mathematical Olympiad (Provincial Rematch)", Qin Ke's science talent improved again, estimated to be close to 50%.

When it comes to the "High School Mathematical Olympiad (National Final) level, the improvement is even greater, at least reaching 100%.

In other words, Qin Ke's talent in science now has doubled compared to when he first started his sophomore year of high school!
Originally, his talent in science was quite good, but it has doubled and reached a height that is difficult for ordinary people to touch.

It is precisely because of this heaven-defying talent in science, as well as his proficiency in Olympiad knowledge and problem-solving skills, that he can see the difficult problems of the national competition, figure out the optimal solution in a very short time, and mentally calculate. The final answer achieves a problem-solving speed that astounds everyone.

As for Qin Ke's liberal arts so hard, in the final analysis, it is because of his weak talent in liberal arts.

At this time, there is an opportunity to increase the liberal arts talent by 30%, and Qin Ke's choice is obvious.

Without the 60000 points of learning experience, it will take some time to upgrade to the "High School Mathematical Olympiad (International IMO) level", but it doesn't matter, there are still eight months before the International Mathematical Olympiad IMO. Don't worry, besides, as long as the liberal arts talent improves, he is sure to improve his final entrance exam score!At that time, "Scores make me improve" will reward Dabo's learning experience points again!
Not to mention that tomorrow's interview video will have a new learning god experience value!

"Confirm the exchange!"

As the progress bar of the mathematics upgrade shortened by a large amount, Qin Ke immediately felt that he seemed to be a little different, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different. Anyway, it was a very comfortable feeling.

If I had to use a metaphor, it would be like I was a little short-sighted at first, but when I suddenly put on myopia glasses, the world changed from blurry to clear.

"Qin Ke, why are you in a daze?" Feeling being poked on the arm with a pen cover, Qin Ke came back to his senses, and saw Ning Qingyun looking at him with her beautiful red phoenix eyes: "You didn't know before?" I was very focused, why did I suddenly lose my mind? Are you tired?"

 Thanks to "Jun Mo Shao Ke", "Xian Zhuo", "Lu Yi", and "sily Su Jiu" for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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