I really want a good help

Chapter 44 It would be great if I got this ad

Chapter 44 It would be great if I got this ad

Among the data of League of Legends, there is only one pentakill in more than 200 games on average.

With the addition of some harvesting heroes such as Delevingne and Swordsman Carter, the data of frying fish in the low segment has been improved.

In real normal matchups, pentakills are much less.

Pentakills in the king's game are even rarer.

Several anchors became famous all over the world because of the five kills in the game of kings, and their popularity skyrocketed.

And this time, the rank with the highest attention on the entire network, millions of players witnessed the pentakill with their own eyes.

All the people who congratulated Dark on reaching the summit in advance were dumbfounded.

It seems that this champagne opened early.

This Wayne is simply a God of War!

An ADC, among the crowd, enters seven times and exits seven times, like a dragon.

There is a big dragon buff on the opposite side!

After this wave of operations, the situation suddenly changed.

Everyone knows that this Wei En has the ability to change fate against the sky.

Full screen of 666!

"I don't want to use 6, I want to use 999, it's six!"

"My blood boils when I see it, I can't do it anymore, I'm going to open a shot of Wei En."

"Who said the Koreans reached the top in the end, this game is not over yet!"

"Those who say that the anchor is hugging Mingshen's thigh, is there a possibility that Mingshen is hugging the anchor's thigh?"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Mingshen looked at these bullet screens and laughed to himself. Congratulations, you really did it. You killed the two kings of South Korea in a single row blast!

The passerby kings in our national uniform are no worse than theirs.

Many spectators became enthusiastic. How many scenes were played in this game.

People and ghosts are all on the show, and even the dead Karma can use the corpse to give a key salvation.

Until the last moment, I really don't know the result.

And Chen Mo didn't disappoint these people either, he directly counterattacked the disadvantage of the whole game with five kills in one wave.

Holding 3000 yuan in hand, taking advantage of the death on the opposite side, go directly to the nearest top lane, and push the pawn line under the tower.

Break all the way directly to balance the line of soldiers.

The assistant who was resurrected first did not dare to approach Wei En and the wine barrel alone. The blood sucking was too fierce, and Wei En chased people to increase her movement speed.

When the next wave of red parties are all revived, everyone will understand that Wei En just needs to be alive.

The super god Wei En already has a five-piece suit in hand.

Attack speed shoes, rundown, sheep knife, drinking magic knife, resurrection armor, the last equipment bar, and bought two real eyes, and then swallowed the [-] potion.

Full of fighting power!
And with the damage reduction of the Great Drinking Demon Knife, and the resurrection of Brother Chun, even if Kassadin stacked up to full r, there is no possibility of instant killing Chen Mo.

Not to mention the double shield, it will never be used by others again.

In the later stage, compared with Wei En's output, Xia's output is still far behind.

The blue side wants to fight to the death, and everyone's goal is directed at Wei En.

But Wei En's own life-saving skills, coupled with countless shields, the red square at this time is like the one in the four guarantees and one in the World Championship.

This wave is completely different from the previous wave.

Everyone protects Wei En's point tower, either come over and force it open, or wait for death.

However, any enemy who tries to force open will be shot down by Wei En with a few arrows, which is a dead end.

And Jess, who had a huge advantage, couldn't knock out Karma Lulu's shield even after he hit him with a cannonball. With a lot of blood back, Wei En stood up and gave him two shots, but he couldn't see the blood bar.

As a hero, Jess can only be used as a single belt in the later stage, and his body in the later stage is too brittle, which makes it impossible for Jess to hit it.

The old fans in the dark live broadcast room couldn't believe it, and they didn't want to believe that the number one position in the national server was taken away by someone face to face.

Anyone who cuts it over will be transformed into a sheep by Lulu, there is absolutely no other possibility.

Luo tried to start a group, and after eating Lulu's transformed sheep, he died under AOE before turning back into a human form.

If Kassadin wants to cut it, he will also disgust countless protection skills.

Wei En, there is no solution!

And the hearts of the viewers in the live broadcast room were also in suspense, until the moment when Wei En broke the opponent's base with one last touch.

Only then did I completely let go!



"National service number one, return to the hands of the people!"

The live broadcast room was boiling, and the barrage of gifts was flying every now and then. Many college students who stayed up late to watch the live broadcast, friends from Internet cafes, also told each other and were very excited.

It's been three years!
Finally, there is no need to wait for the next three years, three years and three years, Infernal Affairs can allow Brother Kun to exist for ten years, but the audience of the alliance can't wait for ten years.

At the end of the game, Shark Platform also lit up the prepared activities in advance and advertised them widely.

No. [-] in the national server, from the shark live broadcast platform!
Let other platforms be envious and jealous.

In the live broadcast room opened by Tukui, they all asked him when he ate the screen, which made him silent for a long time, embarrassing, after all, he was talking about eating the computer screen on the spot.

Chen Mo looked at the victory point breakthrough, completely overtook Dark, and successfully reached the top of the Ionia national server!

I also lay down all at once, I was so tired, the tight strings could finally relax.

Fortunately, my chair is a wooden back chair, otherwise I will fall down.

And seeing Dark with the two big characters of failure, he couldn't be calm for a long time. After all, China's live broadcast road still left a trace of regret.

The national service is second, is it bad?

Of course not bad, how many players in the country, who can be ranked second, is already at the top of the rank.

But the first is the protagonist, the king, and the second is just a foil, to set off the person with the first gold content. Of course, except for the moon, he can also be remembered.

The stronger the second, the more it proves how high the gold content of the first is.

Miya looked at Dark's lost look and was helpless. She had already worked very hard to help him in the last game, and still used shai, the top top laner.

But it's a pity that the opponent won the final victory regardless of luck or strength.

"Viewers, that's the end of today's live broadcast. We're going to eat barbecue. Dark hasn't had dinner yet. See you next time." Miya said goodbye to the audience.

Dark did not eat, the battle to reach the top, he knew he had to stay hungry to ensure that the blood would not be supplied to the stomach to aid in digestion.

When people are slightly hungry, their brains are the clearest. Many professional players only eat after the game. Although Dark is a passerby player, he also treats himself as a professional player.

It's a pity that the game was short of a move.

Shai was also in the voice, comforting the big brother.

"I'm sorry, I wish I had picked a hero who is stronger in the later stage in this game." Shai comforted, "In this version, the damage output and survivability of the incense burner ADC are the highest in history, and the next version of AD will not be so lucky. gone."

"Don't comfort me, in fact, for me, this is not a bad thing, I have a goal again.

If I still reach the top this year, I will actually not want to play this game at all. I think this game is not as interesting as Warcraft, at least there are still levels that I can’t beat.

I failed this year, but I actually feel that I have a lot of fighting spirit. Next year, I will continue to score points next year. The goal is to be the first in both servers! "Dark said to shai, then turned off the phone, got up, went to have a good meal, and then came back to review and study, to see how to play this game in order to win.

Seeing that Brother Cheng is fine, Shai finally felt relieved. Brother Cheng did not play professionally. It is really a great pity. It is a pity for the entire alliance world, but there is no way. His obsessive-compulsive disorder is too strong, even the chair height Requirements, it is difficult to show full strength in the competition arena, it is good to have an opponent in the live broadcast, shai silently wrote down Chen Mo's ID.

I thought to myself, if the Xtreme team had such an ad, it wouldn't be impossible to get into the S game this year.

(End of this chapter)

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