I really want a good help

Chapter 14 Evaluation of Mingshen

Chapter 14 Evaluation of Mingshen

Chen Mo has succeeded many times in this wave of operation and cooperation, but even so, he may not be able to win.

The bottom lane combination of the opponent's double kings is not just gg if it is eaten once.

Chen Mo still needs a bigger advantage!

One head, one wave of troops.

Modo Modo!

And more!

Chen Mo didn't place a question mark on the full screen to avenge this, because Chen Mo knew that what he needed was a bigger stage.

Chen Mo didn't care about the barrage of 666. The audience was too real. If you win, you will be blown away. If you want not to be blown up, you have to keep winning.

Chen Mo, who was sprayed for 40 rounds, had fought back more than [-] times before, and finally became numb. It can be said that he has seen through the cold and warm world and is immune.

Because, it's meaningless, as long as you win, all doubts will disappear, and it's just a waste of energy and energy to confront them.

Chen Mo can still control this wave of soldiers, and he doesn't need to go home to replenish equipment.

With the money on his body, it's not worthwhile to buy a long sword when he goes back.

With a level advantage, it is equivalent to leading the equipment.

The damage from one more skill can't be blocked by the opponent, let alone the overall lead in attack and defense HP.

The so-called killing line is the damage value obtained by adding all your skills level A, which exceeds the opponent's blood volume plus resistance.

Chen Mo has now reached the state of mental arithmetic for this algorithm, and Chen Mo's mathematics has always been full marks.

However, the small cannon still can't control the line, and there is an explosion with the e skill, so it is a slow push line.

Verus died and went home, and Lulu ran back home with residual blood, so the people who came back were all first-class.

At this time, Chen Mo gained the trust of his teammates because he killed Verus.

The jungler was summoned by Chen Mo's signal.

The jungler is a blind monk. His characteristic is that if Chen Mo hits a line kill, he will follow the command, otherwise he will think you are a singer.

Therefore, to command him, he must kill first and then command.

Otherwise, he must be that rebellious look.

Therefore, when this wave of soldiers advances into the tower, the third-level blind boy will also be in place.

Mingshen sensed something was wrong, the consciousness of a professional player allowed him to detect a trace of intentions on the other side.

The state of the female tank is obviously not good, why is it so far ahead, the tower will definitely be replaced, unless there is a third person!
Ping signal, withdraw!

Withdraw, how to withdraw, this big wave of soldiers has given up, and the game is no different from the end.

Why don't you summon the top order to protect yourself, but the top order doesn't know who you are, so if you help me, I will collapse. You think you are a crazy little five, and you want my second-level tp to help you?

Verus and Lulu are in a dilemma.

The female tank made another attack, directly pointing to Verus with the e skill, and the second level Lulu chose to learn to become a sheep.

Directly turn the female tank into a sheep from the air, but the blind monk has already arrived, w onto the female tank, although Verus handed over the flash.

But if you leave the tower, it won't help, and if you don't leave the tower, you can't open the distance.

The blind monk directly e flashed the floor and then q followed A, Xiaopao jumped face and hung eA and then paused, waited for the blind monk's second stage q to be used up, and then A exploded with sparks and took the head!

At this time, the female tank exits the tower after resisting, and then kills a carbine. The three of them approach Lulu together, stop attacking first, and wait until the damage of the defense tower increases to recalculate the cd of the blind monk's skill.

Then Xiaopao w started to fight against the tower, because at this time Chen Mo was still full of blood and had double summons.

Deceleration plus A, female tank AQ, blind monk qaq beheaded!

Chen Mo refreshed W and immediately got out of the tower. The amount of mana on his body was not too much, and he just ran out!

This time, the bottom lane on the opposite side really exploded!

"This little cannon is amazing. The refresh of W is amazing. It is also very good at resisting towers." After Mingshen was killed, he admired the operation of the little cannon.

"How do you build up other people's ambition? We seem to have lost it." Xun Qiangwei couldn't figure out why, she cooperated with Mingshen, and she might not be able to defeat the bot lane of a normal class. How could she be defeated by such a little-known passerby? A was abused.

The bottom lane is already out of line, and it is not too much to say that he was abused.

However, you know that Nima is outrageous.

This kind of thing, even if it's just an accidental round, is really too rare.

After gaining a huge advantage in the bottom lane, Chen Mo went home and directly made the Storm Sword, and the female tank also completely admired Chen Mo's command.

Chen Mo didn't go down directly, because it would take a while for the soldiers to come back, and now the two of them were enough to kill them casually.

At the fourth level, plus a storm sword, Chen Mo alone can do more than [-] damage. With the female tank's continuous control, it is basically crushing.

But because the advantage of the bottom lane is not enough to end the game, Chen Mo must radiate his advantage to other lanes.

With a small assistant, at the same time summon the jungle blind monk to come directly.

Karma, the mid laner, also deliberately released the line. Chen Mo jumped in the face directly, serving as a springboard for the blind monk, and at the same time broke the shield of the grasshopper on the opposite side.

The lineup of the rank game, the higher the division, the more it will imitate the game. Except for some unique players, most of them will not fight against the version.

Grasshopper is a thing, but even the big devil can't do anything about it, so it's not reasonable for me to choose one?

But what he didn't expect was that the bot lane advantage was so great that he could bring so many people to him.

It flashed directly, but the blind monk's q and the female tank's e came one after another.

Twisting Tianyinbo off, but not twisting off the female tank's finger of death.

Chen Mo hooked up the e skill, opened qA and released A to explode, sending him back to the west directly!

"What kind of damage is this? How did you raise your father in the bottom lane?" Grasshopper is also a bad tempered person. It doesn't matter whether you are a support professional or not. If you send a father, you will be sent out. It broke me in the middle lane.

"Don't call, I'll take you flying on the next road, and the trash lies down!" Sniff Qiangwei was not polite, he didn't believe that the two kings would overturn in the master section.

Being sprayed by such a master goalkeeper made him feel ashamed.

In this way, it was the advantage of the middle and wild three lanes, and Chen Mo returned to the bottom lane.

The blind monk can easily control the first dragon!
Anyone can play an advantaged game, but it is difficult to find an opportunity for a disadvantaged game.

Lulu knew that there was no possibility of laning in the bottom lane, and let Verus use q to eat pawns by himself.

Then he judged the situation by himself, and sneaked to the top lane for a wave, because he felt that the opponent on the top road would have a wave of tower jumping.

The anti-squat was successful, the big bug in the top lane teamed up with the blind monk to climb the tower, it was very safe, and the jungle position was also counted, but I didn't expect that there would be a support to turn into a sheep, and it was only a little bit of damage.

The idea of ​​career is really unusual, Chen Mo secretly sighed, this can be found opportunities.

In the previous [-] rounds, there was not a single round where the advantage was so great, but you left the support, how do you play in the bottom lane?

Naturally, Verus would not give him the distance to jump face. It can be said that he didn't need any experience, and he didn't give any chance to get ahead.

But Chen Mo still has a way to seduce you, and directly hand over the e skill to demolish the tower. At this time, Verus will want to get a little closer.

However, the experience of a female tank with a cannon car suddenly rose to six, flashed to r, Xiaopao jumped to keep up, and the last AAA shot of ra was just right.

Who said that there must be e in killing people.

As long as the damage of the skills I can use is added up, enough to kill you is enough.

After fifty rounds of training, coupled with the system's tireless guidance, Chen Mo's understanding of Xiaopao has reached a whole new level.

Attack speed, frequency, skill damage ra, and how much blood the opponent's treatment can lift, all of them are familiar by heart, accurate to single digits.

Because as long as you give your opponent a little chance, they will come back.

This is where the horror of the king's bot lane combination lies. In the previous round, Chen Mo had a big lead, but his teammates made a mistake and picked up two kills for the opponent's ad, and Verus started to take off.

In the later stage, with Lulu, the output is still explosive.

Therefore, the first is not to give opportunities, and the second is to surpass the opponent's operation and awareness.

Xiaopao can't die once, and the opponent will come back after one death. This is a lesson of blood. Any knife must not be missed. If it is missed, it may be almost a little money to make key equipment.

In this round, the small cannon was elusive, like a ghost, always appearing in the shadows, and the opponent was caught off guard with a set of damage. Those who didn't know thought it was a mantis.

"There's something about this little cannon."

"Suddenly felt that if the anchor plays s7, maybe stk really won't lose."

"Don't, what kind of opponent is this, what kind of opponent is your profession, you guys are starting to brag now, can you be MVP in your high school basketball, can you touch the ball in the NBA?"

"It's a good fight, but if you don't lose to the king in a game, let me just say this. From now on, I will eat whatever the old eight eats. If you fuck up brothers, Ollie will give it to you!"

In the round of Xiaopao, in just 10 minutes, he completed the superman, without any mistakes, and did not give the opponent any chance.

Mingshen was dumbfounded, the operation fluency of this small cannon is really amazing: "This game is gone, this ad, at least has the level of a king, and a wave of mistakes in the bottom lane will blow up. When you meet him, you must be careful."

Mingshen sighed in his live broadcast room, this evaluation made many viewers unbelievable, Mingshen, even Kuang Xiaowu thinks that he is a first-class support, and he would give such a high evaluation to a passerby.

(End of this chapter)

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