I really want a good help

Chapter 117 Triple Clipping

Chapter 117 Triple Clip

The policewoman Fengnv completed the suppression of the lane in the bottom lane, which surprised many people.

"It can actually crush Xiao Wu's knife, this is a lane ability!"

"It's embarrassing, it's strange that the female policewoman Fengnv can't be suppressed."

"It's not true. In the past, Kuang Xiaowu used his big mouth to beat other policewomen, all of which were retaliation."

"Indeed, for laning, in the hands of top players, it still depends on the id."

The audience saw the game world for 5 minutes, and the female policeman slapped her mouth for exactly ten knives.

They started discussing one after another. The audience of the game liked heads, but they also knew the game better.

They also know that in a duel of this level, kills are not so easy to explode.

So a lot of highlights are on the details other than the head.

For example, this make-up knife has attracted much attention.

Just like football, a goal is scored in half an hour, but the audience still enjoys watching it, because those steals, positioning, serving, chasing the ball and so on are also interesting.

A goal is a big orgasm!
Top competitions were like this for a while, especially in the years of s567, in the era of meat tanks, the frequency of heads appearing was several times lower than it is now, and they developed for four to 10 minutes, and ended in a wave.

Such high head collisions like s8 are all s34's business.

The key to this game is whether the policewoman can play the rhythm of pushing the tower.

If it can be played out, everything will be easy to handle, but if it can't be played out, there will naturally be problems in the team battles in the middle and late stages.

Then, this leads to the fact that the junglers of both sides will attack around the bottom lane.

Which side succeeds in gank in the bottom lane first will affect the situation of the whole game.

The Tide Fighting Swordsman on the road can be said to be handy.

Because what he brings is Immortality, and what Jian Ji brings is Stealing Money.

Stealing money is developing very fast, but in terms of laning, Qinggangying must have a much greater advantage.

And as long as you don't pay e, the troll can't catch him at all.

King's operation and understanding of Jian Ji is not particularly strong, the details are not enough, and the luck of the passive position is not particularly good. Qinggang Ying relies on distance to grasp, and the w consumption flies up.

And Morgana in the middle hit the crow, and the effect was pretty good.

Morgana's master w, as long as w is released, the pawn line will always advance to Morgana's tower.

Then Song Yang will stay in the middle all the time and follow him to fight.

However, the trolls were just as frantically looking for Zac's position, keeping Sanlu in line.

Lemon's idea is, don't call everyone a jungler, this round depends on who plays well in the lane.

In the case that neither side has a jungler, only the female policewoman who is in the bottom lane of the three lanes has an advantage.

Therefore, even if it is very annoying to be found by trolls, Zach must find a way to get down.

Because the female policeman keeps pressing the line all the time, not arresting the female policeman is simply an insult to the jungler.

What do you mean, don't take my jungler seriously, Jiang Zi presses the line?

You know, you control the blood volume of the pawn line is very powerful, but it also means ignoring the jungler.

Because you can only escort the minions, and the opponent can't use the hero's body to resist the line of soldiers, so that the minions cannot enter the defense tower.

This means that the policewoman has been staying near Dazui's tower.

Push the line, consume.

Jungle?come here!

Although the policewoman didn't say that, in Zach's eyes, it was indeed the feeling and smell.

A soldier can be killed, but not humiliated, so I must come down the road to catch you.

Go home and make a blue jungler knife, and then go straight down the road and come over.

In the version update of the spring game, the green jungle knife was removed.

In the current game, all junglers can only make red and blue punishment knives.

With less vision, there will be more ganks and kills, and the game will be more exciting.

Fist can also be regarded as trying its best to speed up the pace of the game.

This is also the trend of this era, everyone is so busy, playing games wants to kill more people and fight non-stop.

So, a mere troll trying to completely stop my gank?
Stupid dream!

Zac came directly from the lane and launched a gank from behind the tower.

After killing people, the stone beetle just happened to respawn, the rhythm was perfect, and everything was under control.

And the policewoman and the wind girl are also pressing the line as always.

Let Dazui try his best to mend the tower knife. No matter how good the tower knife is, Kuang Xiaowu is not a bully, and he has no experience of being under the tower all the time.

It's all because I suppress others to make up for me under the tower, so there's no reason to be suppressed.

Not to mention that the opponent also controlled the blood line of the soldiers and continued to harass them.

Chen Mo also knew that the opponent's jungler might come and grab him, but Chen Mo would not give up even if the defensive tower's health was consumed.

When Zac catches people, he usually starts with e, and the e skill has an early shadow.

"Zach's wave is coming, the female policewoman's pressure line is still very deep, they didn't realize that Zac has come, this wave feels very dangerous, Zach is going to jump!" Mi Le looked at the policewoman who didn't know , said excitedly, feeling that this wave is about to erupt.

When the shadow appeared under his feet, Chen Mo immediately put a clip on the soles of his feet.

Then use the eq second company. Although the e skill was interrupted by Zach's control, the q skill of the eq second company was released as usual.

Zac himself, on the other hand, stepped on the clip, unable to give control immediately.

EQ [-] connected headshots, but Chen Mo hit Zach with half blood.

Luo immediately raised an e to Zach, and then raised a w to the policewoman.

Chen Mo released the second clip from his feet, and then pressed the flash to open the distance. When Luo was lifted into the air, he hit the clip with his foot to trigger the headshot again.

The female policeman fired another shot, and she had Fengnv's e skill on her body, which did more damage. At the same time, this flash also allowed her to walk into the grass on the right in one step.

"Good clip, two consecutive clips have caught key heroes, can this be caught?" Wawa exclaimed, but something even more outrageous happened, after the female policeman finished double headshots like this.

Cooperating with Fengnv's wq, while dodging two controls in a row, he frantically raises his gun and fights back.

Because of the advantage of the pawn line, I have four or five small soldiers on my side to help output, while the opponent has no pawn line.

With two headshots, the damage is already very high. Grass A's passive is equal to two shots, and Zac and Luo's blood volume dropped very obviously with a passive headshot.

Although it was obvious, the policewoman hadn't returned home after all, it was just an extraction, no matter how good the combo was, it still wouldn't do enough damage to kill someone.

Zach was also angry, and he flashed up to q to the policewoman, and then pulled the soldiers, and forced another wave of control.

It's a pity that it's Zach at level five, and he doesn't have a big move to bring the policewoman back to the tower.

Dazui followed, eq plus w to start output.

"Because Dazui is weak, he can still fight." Chen Mo commanded, and continued to forcefully walk into the grass.

Then put a clip under Feng Nu's feet, this clip cannot be seen by the other party, but as long as they walk in, they will definitely step on it.

This was the last trap on Chen Mo's body. Weakness could at least prevent Big Mouth's damage from killing him. He could have released the trap by using the vision of the grass.

However, Luo had already put the ignite on his body, and the other party already had his own vision. The trick of blocking the vision was obviously useless. Chen Mo knew that the ignite would not burn him to death, so he treated him first.

After entering the grass, retreat and fight with the wind girl, Zach enters the grass, and steps on the trap again!
Saka felt a little speechless, why this person's traps are the kind that can't be avoided, it's so fascinating.

It's amazing, every clip is placed on the parallel path, there is no room for movement at all.

It was another flat A with a headshot followed by a wind girl. Zach was broken into four pieces, and he was beaten passively after arresting someone.

Dazui and Luo continued to pursue, but with Fengnv's passive presence, they couldn't catch up with the policewoman. Instead, the policewoman turned back and stole another shot as soon as she reached a distance of 650 yards.

Knowing the difference in the attack distance, this shot is a whore for nothing. As long as you use A to pull it well, you can have several times for a whore for nothing.

And Dazui also knew that the policewoman's treatment was still holding on, and it was obvious that he would turn back and fight back when the ignition disappeared.

Something is wrong, although the blood volume is only [-] blood, but it is really less than A, when the healing and wind female shield come, it will be reversed.

It's just that after fighting in the bottom lane for so long, the troll arrived no matter how late he was.

If I didn't kill the policewoman immediately, and let the policewoman delay for so long, then don't blame me for pushing too hard on the pillar.

"Troll's time is up!" The troll driving W rushed to the bottom lane screaming.

In his own field, the attack speed and movement speed are double-boosted. Not to mention the quick arrival, the opponent is still in the grass.

What good is being in the grass that you're against the wall.

The troll's favorite enemy position is against the wall.

Because once the pillar gets stuck, your path will be blocked.

Pillars and walls, you have only one way to go, and that way, the troll walks very close, you can stop it, add a troll's body, can you run?

Can't run!
The troll came to gnaw people first, waving a big stick, aggressive, and the pillar stuck.

Seeing this, Dazui knew that flashing to the past was useless, and he was sure to die, but the policewoman came over.

It's better to flash over and change the policewoman, flash a!

The female policeman healed and leveled A, and passively saved her headshot, touch!

A direct critical blow kills Dazui's soul bouncing around, this damage should be just enough to kill!

I saw the policewoman standing still, still watching Zach's passivity, and seemed to have given up.

However, Feng Nu has already set up a shield, but Kuang Xiao Wu smiled when he saw the thickness of the shield, and quickly calculated in his mind: "The policewoman only has 25 HP, and my passive is 125-25 multiplied by level, and the fourth-level big mouth can just 225 HP, Feng Nu's shield is not as thick as [-] points, so you are already dead!"

The commentary can also see it. Just now, he was full of details about the operation of the female policeman, and he was full of praise, but now, he was about to witness the death of the female policeman.

"With this blood volume and shield, it should still be able to blow up to death." Maitreya said.

"I can't go away, but maybe I can take another Zack's head." Wow added, watching the policewoman still exporting Zac's meat.

Three two one, explosion!
At the last moment of the explosion, the policewoman fired her q skill and was ready to kill all the remaining pieces of meat that Zac was just about to gather together.

At the same time as the head was taken, a golden light flashed, and the policewoman was upgraded!
Yes, Fengnv's shield is not thick enough, but with the upgraded HP of the policewoman, it is enough!

This sudden reversal made Kuang Xiaowu stare and almost fainted out of breath.

What the hell, it's lonely!
The real pain is not that you were wrong at the beginning, but that you were right at first, but there were strange variables that turned your calculations into clouds.

"The policewoman is not dead, my god, it has been upgraded!" Mi Le immediately shouted when she saw this reversal.

If this wave is also in his calculations, it will be too beautiful.

But how is this possible?
Probably, just to get the head.

I really wanted to say that, but I saw the corners of Chen Mo's mouth slightly upturned in the camera on the screen.

Don't make a fool of yourself with this smile.

However, it also seems to prove that everything is under his control?
All three clips hit headshots, the damage is full, and the pull is in place.

In this wave of anti-killing two people, the female policeman down the road can be said to have made a lot of money.

Luo, who was left with only a residual blood, fled, and it was useless for him to stay, because he had no ability to get close to the policewoman.

There is only one way home!

The barrage of 666 has already been screened, and this wave of blood-licking policewoman has survived to the end.

Some people even swiped 9999, because the six times are over!

After this wave, the policewoman can push another wave of troops and all enter the tower.

Dazui waited for his resurrection to come out again, and he would lose two waves of troops.

There was a gap of more than a dozen small soldiers, and with the pressure of the knife, it was already more than 25 knives behind.

Then, with the addition of two heads, one head counts as fifteen dollars, and the gap is an economy of $55.

This means that there is no way to line up in the bottom lane.

The female policewoman's tower pushing rhythm couldn't be stopped immediately.

The snowball is starting to roll!
The policewoman who came home made a storm sword and added shoes.

Make attack speed shoes first, and go down the road for 8 minutes, just to push them off.

Then take the first wind dragon, the movement speed is also very good, and then change lanes to go on the road, four people surround the policewoman and push down a tower.

The game time is exactly 45 minutes and [-] seconds, and then rushed to the position of the vanguard in the canyon, waiting for the generation of the vanguard.

Five more people gather in the middle, release the vanguard, and continue to cooperate with the female police to push the tower.

Under Chen Mo's command, the rhythm followed wave after wave, and the snowball rolled straight away.

Jian Ji's laning disadvantage was directly wiped out.

Because the economy of three defensive towers in a row is equivalent to killing Qing Gangying twice.

With money, naturally you won't be afraid of laning.

With this series of rhythms, the Dynasty team lost steadily.

The advantage of the big move of the lineup bp can't be used at all.

Although Morgana in the middle lane restricts the crow's roaming, Morgana herself is not a hero who is good at roaming gank. How can the q of the lottery be so good at hitting people?
Therefore, it is essentially restricting lucky in the middle.

But when the policewoman's advancing rhythm comes together, no big moves will work.

The Dynasty team was pushed numb.

"This command rhythm, I can't feel the shadow of Ultimate Team, reckless, let's do it."

"This rhythm is good. You can win without fighting. It feels like pushing and pushing like this will win."

The audience saw the advantages of the Xtreme team and thought of different opinions.

And under this suffocating rhythm, the Dynasty team is also trying their best to maintain Dazui's last attack development, waiting for the moment when Dazui will stand up.

When encountering difficulties, wait for Kuang Xiao Wu and the three-piece suit. This is the consistent tactic of the Dynasty team. Although it is old, it works. As long as Kuang Xiao Wu can develop, the result is still unknown!

As for how to make Kuang Xiaowu develop a three-piece suit, the Dynasty team has quite a lot of experience.

Qinggangying made Tiamat to lead the line, Morgana used w to clear the line, the high ground was temporarily safe, Dazui had plenty of safe soldiers to eat!
(End of this chapter)

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