Chapter 42

how come?When is it?
Without time to hesitate, the soul power was concentrated, and the second soul ring surrounding the boy's body burst into purple light.

The soul ring flickered, and the burning purple flames on his chest turned into flowing water with a "squeak", and then spread out, continuously flowing into the shattered wounds on his body.

And everything it touched, including the amethyst inserted into it and the blackened breaches, seemed to have been cleaned.The amethyst was gradually squeezed out, and the breach began to heal.

While the wound was healing, the boy pushed his right elbow down and slowly raised himself up.His eyes were filled with fear and confusion as he stared at the man two meters away.Although, the man just walked towards him quietly now, without any other movements.

While adjusting the state, the boy was full of doubts. Just now, he did feel the pain when he was leaping over the man, which means that the other party probably predicted his behavior in advance.

Including the fact that the man seemed to have set up a trap in advance when he jumped out without warning at the beginning, which is also enough to illustrate this point.

After understanding this point, the boy couldn't help but sweat dripping down his back. Seeing the red light in the other party's eyes, he felt more and more frightened.

This man appeared from nowhere, dressed in a mysterious red silk robe, speaking strange words, and possessing strange abilities.These all made him feel confused and scared.

If he hadn't seen the eye-catching yellow soul ring behind him, he would have already surrendered and surrendered.

But at this moment, he shrank his body abruptly, and the boy quickly backed away like a frightened wild animal.

Because, the man's voice echoed strangely again, and this thick, passionate voice that came from nowhere and surrounded him made him even more flustered.

"By nature, people tend to believe and be afraid of things they haven't seen, secret and strange things."

What he didn't expect was that the man only showed him a teasing smile, and then, as if showing him, he stretched out his hand, and the arm directly in front of him looked like a huge mouth, scary, and full of cards. straight through.

Nothing happened as expected, and the man's arms were not affected in the slightest after passing through them, as if they were just a pile of ordinary playing cards.

Seeing this scene, combined with the other party's words, the boy's face instantly turned livid. He knew what the man meant and was laughing at himself for being deceived by the other party.

But thinking about it, the man didn't even use any abilities, he just created an illusion, and the damage he suffered was completely caused by himself.

No, he also played a silver card.

Under the second soul skill, the purple water transformed by Ziyan can heal the wounds on the body, but it can't easily digest the silver cards.Moreover, it has deeply clamped the junction of the cartilage, keeping his body in an unstable state, and it is difficult to control this part of the tail.

Originally, even though his dragon tail was indeed a little weaker than his bony body, it was not so easy to be pierced.However, when he was rushing forward, he forcibly controlled the tail midway, changing the direction of its sweep, and turned it into a downward chop.

Even cartilaginous joints.His tail was turning, especially the moment it slapped on the ground, and it also suffered a lot of trauma, and it took a certain amount of time to relax before he could recover.

And it was before he recovered that the opponent's silver playing card could be cut in so easily.

But when?

I didn't see the silver cards flying out of him at all.Immediately, he only thought of one possibility, that is, the moment he formed a huge mouth-shaped card formation, the opponent had prepared silver cards in advance under the cover of the cards, waiting for him to take the bait.

Therefore, just using this layer of illusion, the other party has already caused all kinds of results after this.

Facing the man's pressing step by step, he retreated a little timidly.

It was obvious that the other party only showed one soul ring, showing the power of a soul warrior, but my own soul master with three rings did not dare to contend with it.

Staring at the seemingly weak yellow soul ring on the opponent's body, a strong sense of aggrieved came to the boy's heart.At the same time, he began to think about the origin and purpose of the man.

Although the man appeared suddenly without knowing the purpose, from his series of performances, he gradually realized that the other party might be targeting him.

From the Huiyue Empire?

It was too late to think about it, because he saw another card appeared between the man's fingers, and it seemed to be dyed with a touch of gold.

At the moment when the card was about to be thrown, the boy's third soul ability was activated again.

Curled into a ball, then opened, the purple flames in the chest spurted out again quickly, and the moment the cards flew in front of him, the purple flame ball was generated again.

In the previous contest, he had already determined that the opponent's cards could not affect his third soul skill, Long Yan. Under the protection of Long Yan, he was temporarily safe.

However, unlike the previous white-red cards, the light-gold card just shattered in front of the purple flame ball, and a white, concrete-like object appeared at the shattered place.

The white concrete opened rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into a nest shape, with half of its mouth open.

A black shadow enveloped the boy, and the lair rolled over, pushing his body out, and stuck him firmly in the white rock wall.

The lair didn't touch the flame ball around the boy, but just pierced into the ground under his body, like an excavator, relying on the push of the ground to push him towards the wall behind him.

When the white rock touched the purple flame ball, the purple flame ball gradually extinguished like a fire. Obviously, it contained some substances that restricted the spirit and soul power of the soul master.

The purple flame ball was extinguished, and the white nest was not spared. The sharp corners of the rocks were melted, and the coagulation stones gradually fell down.

And accompanied by the shattering of the stone.In the stone curtain, under the boy's shocked eyes, a white-red, slightly shiny card seemed to be stuck in time, and it slapped on Ziwen's face without giving him any time to react.


This white and red card slapped his face like a slap, leaving a deep red mark on it, and then fell down silently.

When the cards flew towards him, the boy only had time to defend with all his soul power in his body, but the scene before him was like being played with.

He was panting heavily, his face turned blue and red.

Frequently received insulting blows from the opponent.I thought that usually the person who imposed this should be me, but now I have become the passive party every time.

The boy stared at the man in front of him who was walking leisurely with a card in his hands, his expression became more sinister and ferocious.

There was a fierce light in the purple eyes, as if some determination had been made, the body and the soul ring surrounding the body trembled violently, as if preparing for something.

At this moment, he saw the unconscious girl curled up in a corner at the man's feet.His fierce eyes froze suddenly, they were dazed for a while, and then suddenly lit up again.

He seemed to have thought of the real purpose of the other party's coming here, and thought that the strange appearance of the other party was the time when he frantically whipped the girl, so all this might have something to do with this girl named Mu Ziyuan.

Suddenly, he found that the man suddenly shook his head for some reason.With a flash of light in his eyes, the boy made a decisive jump and quickly jumped to a meter in front of the iron bar.

Before the man came back to his senses and was about to let go of the cards in his hand, he quickly spit out two keys full of saliva from his mouth, and then threw them violently, throwing the keys out of the iron bar as far as possible.

Then, the third black soul ring on his body lit up again.

After several times of soul power consumption, his flame ball this time could only cover the surface, but it was enough.

Curled up in the flame ball, the boy heaved a sigh of relief, thankful that the man's aloofness gave him this chance.

His thinking is clear:
Although I don't know how the other party came in here, if his purpose is indeed to take away the girl, it can be considered that the other party can't go out easily. To be precise, he shouldn't be able to take someone out.

Otherwise, there was absolutely no need for him to deal with him all the time, and he could have left with the girl long ago.

And as long as she throws the two keys on her body out of this prison, the girl will be trapped here forever.Unless one's own people find here and bring the key.

And at that time, I can negotiate with it, and then take the initiative.

With the purple flame ball withdrawn, he understood that he didn't need to waste his soul power on defense.Previously, it was just an emergency defense that was worried that the other party would not be able to react.

The other party is a smart person. After realizing that he can't take the girl out, he will definitely not hurt himself.

For a moment, he was relieved from the depression caused by being teased by the man repeatedly, and a smug smile could not help but curl up at the corner of his mouth.

Finally, I finally got back a victory, and it was a decisive victory.

But soon, the scene in front of him completely froze his smile. Immediately, his head hurt and his pupils shrank sharply, as if waking up from a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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