Daguo Technology starts with mobile phones

Chapter 127 Opening and Closing Back Cover

Chapter 127 Opening and Closing Back Cover
It is best to wait for the virtual screen technology of Nebula Technology to come out, and then release this game, to show off the technology and attract attention at the same time.

However, the distance is still a bit far away. The most urgent task now is to win the final battle and win more markets in the last month of this year.

Strictly speaking, the expansion momentum of Nebula Technology this year is not particularly strong, because they released much fewer products than their competitors.

In addition to the silent Xiaomi, Huawei, ov, Meizu, LeTV, Lenovo and other brands have not released new phones, and there are products in various price ranges.

Among them, Lenovo's operation is a bit confusing. They launched a new smartphone brand zuk in the second half of the year, but the response has always been mediocre.

There is also Le Meng before, who really played a good hand and played poorly. There was no unified goal at all, and the positioning of each product was not clear.

Logically speaking, relying on its huge user base and high reputation in China, it should be easy for Lenovo to enter the field of smartphones.

But the fact is just the opposite. They were first educated by Samsung and Apple on the ground, and then they were surpassed by rising domestic manufacturers.

It’s okay to not have a smart operating system, and even Android’s skin-changing UI can’t be done well. In less than a year, the market share has declined sharply.

As the light of domestic production, it is reasonable to say that this should be a happy thing to beat foreign computer brands in China.

But Lenovo has failed too many people's expectations, but if one domestic light falls, another one will stand up. This is Nebula's opportunity.

In the Double 11 event, Nebula did not perform well, and could only rank in the middle of the smartphone brand, and the result was as expected.

However, from the perspective of overall stability, Nebula's product shipments have always remained within a certain range, and will not fluctuate like other brands.

However, some good self-media will always publicize superficial things and compare the sales of Nebula with other brands.

For example: comparing the sales of Xingyu-Ning and XX, the former sold 11 units during the Double 8.6 event, while the latter sold more than 20 units.

From this, we can draw a conclusion: the products of Nebula Technology are just a temporary hype, and the popularity will soon drop, not as good as the XX brand.

No matter when such remarks are made, they are insulting the IQ of ordinary people, and the angry netizens immediately rushed to delete the post.

People are less likely to be fooled, which is a good thing in Liu Dalang's view. Only in this way can ordinary people raise reasonable doubts.

And distinguish clearly who is the company that really develops technology, and who is the commercial company that harvests leeks under the slogan of being good for users.

There are too many people of all kinds on the Internet. No matter who they are, as long as they are in it, they will soon lose themselves. It is best to strengthen your heart.

Only in this way can we have a clear understanding when encountering various things, and we must look at them with our hearts instead of looking at the surface with our eyes.

With the end of the Double 11 event, Liu Dalang once again held a high-level meeting of Nebula Technology to determine the next phase of Nebula product planning.

At the same time, the large amount of research and development funds they have invested has also achieved certain results, and some of the results have been used to make technical reserves.

As for the other part of the results, apart from the official ones, there are also some Liu Dalang ready to use for commercial use, including technologies for entering the PC field.

As we all know, Nebula Technology has long wanted to enter the PC field, but they didn't want to be a pure assembly plant, so they were stuck for a long time.

However, after the official increased investment, Nebula Technology and Loongson Huake Co., Ltd. launched a certain degree of cooperation, and the results achieved are very surprising.

For example, borrow the operating logic of Nebula OS to develop the Dragon Autonomous Command System architecture, and finally create a brand new and stronger PC system.

But it will take some time before the real finished product, the official can wait, but Liu Dalang can't wait, they still have a lot of things to do.

Ever since, he chose two other ways, one is to build an assembly plant, and the other is to build a dual system, and make a forced change to the Nebula OS.

Through streaming, Nebulas OS can run PC applications, which is not difficult to achieve in theory, but the difficulty is stability in the streaming process.

If it is unstable, the experience of using it will be very bad. Nebula Technology can also choose to build MACOS like Apple.

However, due to the lack of core components, it is not so smooth when entering the PC field. Coupled with the pressure of international giants, it will become more and more difficult.

In [Technology Collection], there is an upgraded version of Nebula OS, but the price to be paid for the upgraded version is 2000 million points, which is a bit too expensive.

Expensive is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the upgraded version of Nebula OS, the general CPU can't handle it, and the light process needs to be below 3 nanometers.

The further he develops, the more Liu Dalang can feel the difficulty of technological development. If there is no [Technology Collection], it will be even more difficult.

The most difficult thing is not the lack of money, but the lack of talents. Almost everyone knows that the benefits of Nebula Technology are among the best in China.

But at the same time, the requirements are also very high. They don't look up to ordinary talents, but they are already the core technical engineers of other companies...

You can't just blatantly poach the wall, right?However, overt and implicit hints must be indispensable, which made other companies very angry.

In particular, many Meizu technical engineers want to switch to Nebula Technology. It is not that Meizu pays too little, but that Nebula Technology pays too much.

The current development of Meizu is not bad, so these problems are covered up, once there are some problems in the development of Meizu...

Don't talk about Nebula technology poaching people, other friends, including Internet companies, can directly hollow out their technical department, is there a way?

Perhaps this is the helplessness of the small factory. In fact, Liu Dalang has another way, such as replacing core technical engineers with a large number of NPCs.

But wouldn't that be a stand-alone game?Why does he want so many NPCs?The level of ordinary people can't improve, can we rely on NPCs alone to drive development?

While Nebula technology is developing, he hopes to improve the overall level, otherwise he doesn't have to spend so much thought.

For ordinary people, they don't understand this, they only know that the overall level of Nebula technology is getting higher and higher, and its development is getting faster and faster.

But to what extent it has developed, none of them know, so this Xinghuo-Jin press conference has become another demonstration of product strength.

Nebula Technology officials are also unambiguous, and directly set the time for the Spark conference on December 12, leaving two weeks in between for warm-up.

Throughout December, only Nebula Technology had a new product launch conference. Logically speaking, the end of the year is not suitable for mobile phone manufacturers to hold new product launches.

Because it lasted for a whole year, everything that should be released has been released, plus Qualcomm's annual flagship chip was released at the end of the year.

Double 11 has drained the wallets of ordinary consumers, and all mobile phones that should be replaced have also been replaced.

So it's not a good time to launch new products, but Nebula Technology doesn't care about these at all, they have never been bound by these rules.

One is that they have strong enough confidence in Xinghuo-Jin, and the other is that the sales cycle of Nebula products is very long, so they don't worry about the few months.

Anyway, at the beginning of next year, the vitality of the mobile phone market will be rekindled, and the Xingyun press conference in March will be a new starting point for Xingyun technology.

In terms of product strength, it must be Xingyu. Liu Dalang said at the beginning of the year that he needed a very dominant product, and Xingyu-Ning really did it.

No, it should be Xingyu-Qingling, this name is Xingyu Tablet, which is actually Xingyu's flagship product, and it has been selling well since its release.

But its dominance is not strong enough, coupled with the failure of Nebula Technology's action against Apple, Nebula Technology's strength has not been fully utilized.

So Xinghuo-Jin's press conference is still a bit important. Liu Dalang wants to let Nebula Technology take the lead again through this press conference.

Through the operation of the Xingyun marketing department, they attracted as much attention as the Xingyu conference at the beginning of the year on the eve of the Xinghuo press conference.

Although it is incomparable with Nebula's annual press conference, it is enough!Among the eleven online live broadcast platforms, there can be at least millions of viewers.

Just this point, in this era, Nebula Technology has already belonged to the level of the first-class domestic manufacturers, and even Huawei does not have this kind of influence.

After arranging everything properly, the Nebulas Technology official made the last wave of preheating and released the double-form promotional poster of the Xinghuo-Jin back cover.

Nebula users who didn't pay much attention to the Spark conference, were a little dumbfounded for a while when they saw the dual-form promotional poster:

"Damn it, what design is this?"

"Xinghuo-Chi is crazy enough, but Xinghuo-Jin is even crazier than it?"

"Am I not mistaken? Nebula Technology and Transformers have joined forces? It shouldn't be!"

"Damn it! I just bought Xinghuo-chi! I've taken it! Is there still time to return it?"

"Is this really a mobile phone? How can a mobile phone look like this? Can it be sold?"

"I suspect that Nebula's products are all for myself, without considering the sales volume at all!"

"But, it's really handsome!"

"Da Lang is worthy of being Da Lang!"


In Xinghuo-Jin's promotional poster, Xinghuo's mecha style has become heavier, and the streamlined fuselage has the unique beauty of steel.

The overall style is very tough, and the most important thing is that Xinghuo-Jin does not have the exaggerated sense of mech modeling in some science fiction movies, but is very realistic.

It seems that the future mechs should be like this. The most important thing is that in the design of Xinghuo-Jin, the design director Qu Xiangqun's plan was adopted.

The Nvidia Tegra N1 with a large area is placed in the center of the fuselage, with built-in dual fans, and the two-color logo of Nebula Technology is in the middle.

The entire back cover can be opened from the middle to both sides, and the sense of technology and mechanics are directly full, and the cooling efficiency of the dual fans can also be increased.

The overall design style is even crazier than the later Savior game phone, a game phone... the elements of a game console should have all the elements.

However, this design also has a disadvantage, that is, the weight of Xinghuo-Jhin has exceeded 260 grams, and it is not yet possible to wear a mobile phone protective case.

Of course, the R&D department of Nebula Technology has already thought of these problems, and they have also increased the strength of the fuselage, so it is no problem to fall from a height of 2 meters.

Netizens don't know this yet, but they have to admit that the extreme design style of Nebula Technology has attracted them, and they really want to see it.

What kind of amazing products can a mobile phone manufacturer that dares to go all the way to the black and completely develop a game phone into a game console?

Not to mention ordinary consumers, even the major domestic manufacturers were shocked when they saw the Xinghuo-Jin promotional posters exposed by Nebula Technology:
"Is this too exaggerated?"

"Ningyun Technology is worthy of being Nebula Technology! It never takes an unusual path in designing products!"

"Hey, Lao Luo is ashamed of himself, it would be nice to have his own production factory..."

"It's Nebula Technology again..."

Mobile phone manufacturers that rely on the supply chain to survive, even if they have such a creative design, it is difficult to realize, because they have to consider various factors.

Liu Dalang remembers that realme later had a mobile phone design in the shape of a temperature measuring gun, which aroused heated discussions in the digital circle when it was first released.

But in the end, instead of adopting the shape of a temperature measuring gun, they used an old mold and added a Japanese signature as the new flagship.

In fact, it is really unnecessary. In Liu Dalang's view, if realme really uses the temperature measuring gun shape, the impact will definitely be greater.

This unique appearance design can make the realme brand really enter the public's field of vision at once, but unfortunately they didn't do that.

Consumers are not fools, and they have a strong ability to accept, use old molds to fool consumers, can't they think they can't see it?
The approach of Nebula Technology is also very straightforward. Since realme gave up the shape of the temperature measuring gun, they simply registered these appearance patents.

Now Nebula Technology has a lot of patents on product design, including products that they may design in the future.

Among other things, Xinghuo-Jin's extreme design style, consumers may not necessarily pay for it, but it has strengthened Nebula Technology's brand influence again.

Just a promotional poster has attracted the attention of more than 20 people for the Spark conference. I have to say that this trick works really well.

On the day of the Spark press conference, Li Meng once again boarded the conference stage, while in the eleven live broadcast rooms, the audience was still watching the promotional video.

In the promotional video of Xinghuo-Jin, the real theme of the Eternal Galaxy is interpreted, and the audience is brought to a brand new starry sky battlefield.

The entire promotional video is very short. When Xinghuo-Jin appeared on the screen, the audience, both at the scene and in the live broadcast room, became excited:

"I declare that Xinghuo-Jin is the love machine of my dreams! It's so fucking handsome!"

"666, only Nebula Technology dared to do such a design, it's amazing!"

"Just this openable back cover, I have to show off to the people around me for a long time when I get it!"

"I can already smell the flames of war, which phone is Xinghuo Jhin going to kill?"

"What's the point of the folding screen? The real flagship has to look at the spark! The spark will never go out!"

"A digital blogger said that the price of Xinghuo-Jhin will be a surprise!"

"Surprise? It looks like it might be cheaper than Xingyu, let alone, 1998!"

"In 1998, you are thinking about farting..."


The excitement of the netizens hadn't passed, and the screen in the live broadcast room switched to the scene of the Spark conference, and Limeng appeared again.

It's winter again, and it's summer again. Obviously, the last project to crowdfund long johns for Limeng failed, and the netizens are still not doing enough.

Of course, Liu Dalang also advised Li Meng to keep warm before the press conference, but Li Meng thinks that she has mastered the method to break through the otaku defense!
 Thank you book friends for your support!work hard together! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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