Chapter 292
Mrs. Zhang couldn't figure out the priority of the matter. Isn't this just waiting to be pricked by others?

Especially Xu Dongqing, this ruthless bastard, didn't even come to comfort himself. Should he go over there and beg for mercy?

"Master, will you give me a bite of food?"

Qin Huairu threw away the messy thoughts in her mind, as expected, she still had to rely on herself, as for the pig teammates, since they couldn't take them with them, they could only stay away.

Mrs. Zhang snorted coldly, seeing Qin Huairu's changing face, just like the face changing in a Sichuan opera, so gloomy that he could pinch water out, and asked weakly in his heart.

"Didn't I see you talking about Zhenghuan with Liu Lan outside? Liu Lan is not a good person, you don't want to learn from her."

Mrs Zhang thinks she is smart, after all, Qin Huairu is her own daughter-in-law, how can she be like Liu Lan?If you also move things to Qinjiatun's house.

Then the Jia family is really left with her, a widowed old man.child!Judging from Qin Huairu's meaning, it is impossible to abandon it, so there is only one person left.

The only thing left is her, an old woman who is worthless and always against Qin Huairu, if it wasn't for the fact that this courtyard house belonged to the old Jia's family.

It is really possible for Qin Huairu to walk away!
At that time, what is left of her?
Qin Huairu glanced at Zhang Shi indifferently, her little thoughts, she is a clean family, so she just wants to control Qin Huairu all the time.

Let her continue to be a cash cow?
Mrs. Zhang doesn't think about the future consequences for Qin Huairu, but only considers the current situation. As for Qin Huairu, perhaps the only use value is to give her old age.

Between depression!

Qin Huairu inexplicably felt a burst of chill, not only the cold weather, but also the coldness of the heart, the other people, maybe brothers are united, and their strength cuts through gold!

When it came to Mrs. Zhang, Qin Huairu might just be a doll.

"Grandma, why do you say you are so tall?"

Qin Huairu sneered, smelling the fragrance in the air, it was a bit like the lobster he had eaten last time, these things are rare in Huangchenggen.

Especially in winter!
Even rarer.

That is to say, Xu Dongqing has the ability to get these things into his hands. Mrs. Zhang swallowed her saliva, and urged: "Qin Huairu, hurry up and get some back. Sticks like to eat."

When did Bang Geng become a knight-errant, Qin Huairu didn't bother to talk nonsense with Mrs. Zhang, a person who used people to go forward and didn't need people to go back.

It's embarrassing to say such a thing.

"Grandma, if you want to eat, you can go by yourself, why let me go?" Qin Huairu replied.

In the future, she will still eat cabbage and radish, which is more suitable for her taste, but she can't be fed too much at ordinary times. Zhang's acting as a demon is because the usual food is too good.

No worries at all!
Mrs. Zhang coughed twice, and her face was a little pale. She still knew how much she weighed. To be honest, if there was no Qin Huairu in the courtyard.

She may have been isolated by the people in the courtyard.


That is a waste snack. When something really happens, he can't help at all. At most, he can support some coarse grains. As for more ideas.

You got the wrong guy.

Why didn't she meet someone like Xu Dongqing back then?If not, Qin Huairu is also stupid if he is not a rich man in the courtyard.

What kind of relationship are you talking about!

Things that can be solved with money must be measured with feelings. Will Xu Dongqing talk to her about a romantic story?
"Qin Huairu, don't be angry, even if I want to eat it, it's fine, since Liu Lan made it, just bring it here, let's eat some together, okay?"

Mrs. Zhang is a two-faced person.

When it's beneficial, he's like a hunting dog, steadfastly holding on to it, but when it's not beneficial, he kicks the person with one kick.

Because it looks like an eyesore.

Looking at the shameless Mrs. Zhang, Qin Huairu could say anything, no wonder her popularity in the courtyard was so bad, except for her bad mouth.

The key is to be careless.

People owe you ah!

Chattering here!
If you refuse to do things that are not beneficial, why do other people want to do them?

"Deadly, when you sold Qin Jingru to Xu Damao, didn't you think of today?" Qin Huairu looked at Zhang Shi coldly.

This is a 'big god' who has neither long-term plans nor current plans.Blindly jumping repeatedly will only make people more annoying.

"Qin Huairu, what nonsense are you talking about? I really want to find a good husband for Qin Jingru, okay?" Mrs. Zhang looked at Qin Huairu indifferently.

The wings are getting harder and harder.

"Do you believe it yourself? Isn't it a matter of five yuan? Now Xu Damao doesn't let Qin Jingru have more contact with our family. After all, we are not as good as Xu Damao." Qin Huairu sighed a little!

This Qin Jingru little girl didn't even come back to take a look, and she didn't know what she was doing while hiding in the house?Working hand in hand with Xu Damao.

This is the most excessive thing.

Mrs. Zhang was taken aback, wanting to refute!But there is no other way, after all, she is the master with a clear mind, even if she quibbles, people will not believe her.

This is the most embarrassing thing.

"Isn't this money being asked back again? Then it's not a sale." Zhang said aggrievedly.

Originally, he just wanted to get some more money, but who knew that Xu Damao was so unworthy that he could still go back, inside and out, Mrs. Zhang is not a good person anyway.

"Don't you know that Qin Jingru still owes Xu Dongqing money? What should I do? Have you ever thought about it?" Qin Huairu continued to ask.

Mrs Zhang said anxiously.

"Have I thought so much about it?"

The voice was still a little choked up.

"Things that are not enough for success but more than failure, since you can't do things, then don't cause trouble for me. I can still serve you with delicious food and drink for the sake of you being a great grandma. If you don't have the ability, If you are still messing around with me here, just eat your cabbage vermicelli."

Qin Huairu gave Zhang a cold look.

Pulling Xiaodang and Xiaohuaihua, they walked towards the outside of the house.


Mrs. Zhang was a little confused and couldn't figure it out. Could it be that she was abandoned?Qin Huairu used to eat delicious food and spicy food, so she ate cabbage and porridge at home.

Where is such a daughter-in-law?

Still be a human being, even if I do something wrong, I can't treat myself like this.

"Qin Huairu."

Mrs. Zhang lifted the door curtain, quickly grabbed Qin Huairu's hands, and begged, "It's just this time, don't be an example, just let me go."

Qin Huairu turned around and glanced at her indifferently.

"Wait, if there are any leftovers, I'll bring them back for you, if not, you can only eat porridge."

 I've been busy recently. In my plan, five changes every day is right, but there are three days, and one chapter is missing. I will fill it up when I am free, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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